void cToolGripper::computeInteractionForces()
    // convert the angle of the gripper into a position in device coordinates. 
    // this value is device dependent.
    double gripperPositionFinger = 0.0;
    double gripperPositionThumb  = 0.0;

    if (m_hapticDevice->m_specifications.m_model == C_HAPTIC_DEVICE_OMEGA_7)
        gripperPositionFinger = 0.040 * cSinRad( m_deviceGripperAngle + cDegToRad( 1.0));
        gripperPositionThumb  = 0.040 * cSinRad(-m_deviceGripperAngle + cDegToRad(-1.0));
    else if (m_hapticDevice->m_specifications.m_model == C_HAPTIC_DEVICE_SIGMA_7)
        gripperPositionFinger = 0.040 * cSinRad( m_deviceGripperAngle + cDegToRad( 1.0));
        gripperPositionThumb  = 0.040 * cSinRad(-m_deviceGripperAngle + cDegToRad(-1.0));
        gripperPositionFinger = 0.040 * cSinRad( m_deviceGripperAngle + cDegToRad( 1.0));
        gripperPositionThumb  = 0.040 * cSinRad(-m_deviceGripperAngle + cDegToRad(-1.0));

    // compute new position of thumb and finger 
    cVector3d lineFingerThumb = getGlobalRot().getCol1();    
    cVector3d pFinger = m_gripperWorkspaceScale * m_workspaceScaleFactor * gripperPositionFinger * lineFingerThumb;
    cVector3d pThumb  = m_gripperWorkspaceScale * m_workspaceScaleFactor * gripperPositionThumb  * lineFingerThumb;

    cVector3d posFinger, posThumb;
    if (m_hapticDevice->m_specifications.m_rightHand)
        posFinger = m_deviceGlobalPos + cMul(m_deviceGlobalRot, (1.0 * pFinger));
        posThumb = m_deviceGlobalPos + cMul(m_deviceGlobalRot, (1.0 * pThumb));
        posFinger = m_deviceGlobalPos + cMul(m_deviceGlobalRot, (-1.0 * pFinger));
        posThumb  = m_deviceGlobalPos + cMul(m_deviceGlobalRot, (-1.0 * pThumb));

    // compute forces
    cVector3d forceThumb = m_hapticPointThumb->computeInteractionForces(posThumb, 

    cVector3d forceFinger = m_hapticPointFinger->computeInteractionForces(posFinger, 

    // compute torques
    double scl = 0.0;
    double factor = m_gripperWorkspaceScale * m_workspaceScaleFactor;
    if (factor > 0.0)
        scl = 1.0 / factor;
    cVector3d torque = scl * cAdd(cCross(cSub(posThumb, m_deviceGlobalPos), forceThumb), cCross(cSub(posFinger, m_deviceGlobalPos), forceFinger));

    // compute gripper force
    double gripperForce = 0.0;

    if ((m_hapticDevice->m_specifications.m_model == C_HAPTIC_DEVICE_OMEGA_7) ||
        (m_hapticDevice->m_specifications.m_model == C_HAPTIC_DEVICE_SIGMA_7))
        cVector3d dir = posFinger - posThumb;
        if (dir.length() > 0.00001) 
            dir.normalize ();
            cVector3d force = cProject (forceFinger, dir);
            gripperForce = force.length();
            if (force.length() > 0.001) 
                double angle = cAngle(dir, force);
                if ((angle > C_PI/2.0) || (angle < -C_PI/2.0)) gripperForce = -gripperForce;

    // gripper damping
    double gripperAngularVelocity = 0.0;
    double gripperDamping = -0.1 * m_hapticDevice->m_specifications.m_maxGripperAngularDamping * gripperAngularVelocity;

    // finalize forces, torques and gripper force
    m_lastComputedGlobalForce = forceThumb + forceFinger;
    m_lastComputedGlobalTorque = torque;
    m_lastComputedGripperForce = gripperForce + gripperDamping;
Beispiel #2
void updateHaptics(void)
    double timeV = 0.0;

    cLabel* label = new cLabel();
    cLabel* label2 = new cLabel();
    label->setPos(0, 0, 0);
    label2->setPos(0, -20, 0);
    label->m_fontColor.set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    label2->m_fontColor.set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    // main haptic simulation loop
        float deltaTime = pClock.getCurrentTimeSeconds() - lastTime;
        lastTime = pClock.getCurrentTimeSeconds();

        cVector3d equilibrium (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        cVector3d pos0 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), pos1 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

        // for each device
        int i=0;
        while (i < numHapticDevices)
            // read position of haptic device
            cVector3d newPosition;
            newPosition = deviceToWorld(newPosition, i);

            ((i == 0)? pos0 : pos1) = newPosition;

            // read orientation of haptic device
            cMatrix3d newRotation;

            // update position and orientation of cursor

            // read linear velocity from device
            cVector3d linearVelocity;

            // update arrow
//            velocityVectors[i]->m_pointA = newPosition;
//            velocityVectors[i]->m_pointB = cAdd(newPosition, linearVelocity);

            // read user button status
            bool buttonStatus;
            hapticDevices[i]->getUserSwitch(0, buttonStatus);

            // adjustthe  color of the cursor according to the status of
            // the user switch (ON = TRUE / OFF = FALSE)
            if (i == 0)
                cursors[i]->m_material = matCursor2;
                cursors[i]->m_material = matCursor1;

            // increment counter

        double f0, f1;
        f0 = pos0.length();
        f1 = pos1.length();

        f0 = f0/(f0 + f1);
        f1 = 1.0 - f0;

        equilibrium = pos1 + (pos0 - pos1)*f0;

        // Update the position of the sun
        cVector3d dir = pos1 - pos0;
        double dist = dir.length();

        double vibrationSpeed = 20.0;
        double vibrationAmount = 0.02;

        //sun->setPos(sun->getPos()*(1.0 - deltaTime*speed) + equilibrium*(deltaTime*speed));
        //timeV += deltaTime*vibrationSpeed*(0.7 - cAbs(f0 - 0.5)*2.0);
        sun->setPos(equilibrium /*+ vibrationAmount*dir*cSinRad(timeV)*/);

        // Update logic
        if (!calibrationFinished) {
            label->m_string = "Calibrating, please move the haptic devices around in order to determine their limitations in movement.";
            label2->m_string = "Press 'c' to finish calibration.";

            if (sun->getPos().x < min.x)
                min.x = sun->getPos().x;
            if (sun->getPos().y < min.y)
                min.y = sun->getPos().y;
            if (sun->getPos().z < min.z)
                min.z = sun->getPos().z;

            if (sun->getPos().x > max.x)
                max.x = sun->getPos().x;
            if (sun->getPos().y > max.y)
                max.y = sun->getPos().y;
            if (sun->getPos().z > max.z)
                max.z = sun->getPos().z;
        } else if (logic->isReady()) {
            if (logic->gameIsOver() && !scoreDisplayed) {
                std::stringstream strs;
                strs << logic->playTime();
                std::string playString = strs.str();

                // define its position, color and string message
                label->m_string = "Congratulation! Your Time: " + playString;
                label2->m_string = "Press 'r' to restart!";

                for (i = 0; i < numHapticDevices; i++) {
                    cVector3d zero(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

                scoreDisplayed = true;
            } else if (!scoreDisplayed) {
                label->m_string = "";
                label2->m_string = "";



            for (i = 0; i < numHapticDevices; i++) {
                // compute a reaction force
                cVector3d newForce (0,0,0);

                cVector3d devicePosition;
                devicePosition = deviceToWorld(devicePosition, i);

                double k = 0.4;
                if (test == 1) k = 0.3;
                double dist = (devicePosition - sun->getPos()).length();

                newForce = k*(devicePosition - sun->getPos())/(dist*dist*dist);
                //double intensity = (newForce.length())*1.0;
                //newForce *= intensity;

    //            newForce = k*(devicePosition - sun->getPos())/(dist*dist*dist);

                if (i == 0) {  // Device on positive X (RIGHT)
                    newForce.x *= -1.0;
                    newForce.y *= -1.0;

                // send computed force to haptic device
    //            bool status = true;
    //            if (hapticDevices[i]->getUserSwitch(0))
    //                printf("button pressed\n");

                // Check if the sphere is in the target area. If so, vibrate
                cVector3d vibrationForce(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                if (logic->sphereInTarget() && !logic->gameIsOver()) {
                    Cube* target = logic->getTarget();
                    double dist = target->getPos().distance(sun->getPos());
                    double factor = 1.0 - dist/(target->size/2.0);
                    timeV += deltaTime * (0.5 + factor/2.0);

                    double f = 2*cSinRad(40*timeV);
                    vibrationForce = cVector3d(f, f, f);

                newForce += vibrationForce;
                if (test <= 2 || i == 0)
                else {
                    cVector3d zero;
    // exit haptics thread
    simulationFinished = true;