Beispiel #1
static PyObject *
complex_divmod(PyComplexObject *v, PyComplexObject *w)
	Py_complex div, mod;
	PyObject *d, *m, *z;

	if (PyErr_Warn(PyExc_DeprecationWarning,
		       "complex divmod(), // and % are deprecated") < 0)
		return NULL;

	errno = 0;
	div = c_quot(v->cval,w->cval); /* The raw divisor value. */
	if (errno == EDOM) {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ZeroDivisionError, "complex divmod()");
		return NULL;
	div.real = floor(div.real); /* Use the floor of the real part. */
	div.imag = 0.0;
	mod = c_diff(v->cval, c_prod(w->cval, div));
	d = PyComplex_FromCComplex(div);
	m = PyComplex_FromCComplex(mod);
	z = PyTuple_Pack(2, d, m);
	return z;
static PyObject *
complex_div(PyComplexObject *v, PyComplexObject *w)
	Py_complex quot;
	PyFPE_START_PROTECT("complex_div", return 0)
	errno = 0;
	quot = c_quot(v->cval,w->cval);
	if (errno == EDOM) {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ZeroDivisionError, "complex division");
		return NULL;
	return PyComplex_FromCComplex(quot);
static Py_complex c_powi(Py_complex x, long n)
	Py_complex cn;

	if (n > 100 || n < -100) {
		cn.real = (double) n;
		cn.imag = 0.;
		return c_pow(x,cn);
	else if (n > 0)
		return c_powu(x,n);
		return c_quot(c_1,c_powu(x,-n));

static PyObject *
complex_remainder(PyComplexObject *v, PyComplexObject *w)
        Py_complex div, mod;
	errno = 0;
	div = c_quot(v->cval,w->cval); /* The raw divisor value. */
	if (errno == EDOM) {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ZeroDivisionError, "complex remainder");
		return NULL;
	div.real = floor(div.real); /* Use the floor of the real part. */
	div.imag = 0.0;
	mod = c_diff(v->cval, c_prod(w->cval, div));

	return PyComplex_FromCComplex(mod);
Beispiel #5
static PyObject *
complex_div(PyObject *v, PyObject *w)
    Py_complex quot;
    Py_complex a, b;
    TO_COMPLEX(v, a);
    TO_COMPLEX(w, b);
    PyFPE_START_PROTECT("complex_div", return 0)
    errno = 0;
    quot = c_quot(a, b);
    if (errno == EDOM) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ZeroDivisionError, "complex division by zero");
        return NULL;
    return PyComplex_FromCComplex(quot);
Beispiel #6
static PyObject *
complex_classic_div(PyComplexObject *v, PyComplexObject *w)
	Py_complex quot;

	if (Py_DivisionWarningFlag >= 2 &&
		       "classic complex division") < 0)
		return NULL;

	PyFPE_START_PROTECT("complex_classic_div", return 0)
	errno = 0;
	quot = c_quot(v->cval,w->cval);
	if (errno == EDOM) {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ZeroDivisionError, "complex division");
		return NULL;
	return PyComplex_FromCComplex(quot);
Beispiel #7
static PyObject *
cmath_log(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
	Py_complex x;
	Py_complex y;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "D|D", &x, &y))
		return NULL;

	errno = 0;
	PyFPE_START_PROTECT("complex function", return 0)
	x = c_log(x);
	if (PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args) == 2)
		x = c_quot(x, c_log(y));
	if (errno != 0)
		return math_error();
	Py_ADJUST_ERANGE2(x.real, x.imag);
	return PyComplex_FromCComplex(x);
static PyObject *
complex_divmod(PyComplexObject *v, PyComplexObject *w)
        Py_complex div, mod;
	PyObject *d, *m, *z;
	errno = 0;
	div = c_quot(v->cval,w->cval); /* The raw divisor value. */
	if (errno == EDOM) {
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ZeroDivisionError, "complex divmod()");
		return NULL;
	div.real = floor(div.real); /* Use the floor of the real part. */
	div.imag = 0.0;
	mod = c_diff(v->cval, c_prod(w->cval, div));
	d = PyComplex_FromCComplex(div);
	m = PyComplex_FromCComplex(mod);
	z = Py_BuildValue("(OO)", d, m);
	return z;
Beispiel #9
static PyObject *
complex_remainder(PyObject *v, PyObject *w)
    Py_complex div, mod;
    Py_complex a, b;
    TO_COMPLEX(v, a);
    TO_COMPLEX(w, b);
    if (PyErr_Warn(PyExc_DeprecationWarning,
                   "complex divmod(), // and % are deprecated") < 0)
        return NULL;

    errno = 0;
    div = c_quot(a, b); /* The raw divisor value. */
    if (errno == EDOM) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ZeroDivisionError, "complex remainder");
        return NULL;
    div.real = floor(div.real); /* Use the floor of the real part. */
    div.imag = 0.0;
    mod = c_diff(a, c_prod(b, div));

    return PyComplex_FromCComplex(mod);
Beispiel #10
static Py_complex
c_atanh(Py_complex x)
	return c_prod(c_half,c_log(c_quot(c_sum(c_one,x),c_diff(c_one,x))));