void __stdcall background_poll( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT idEvent, DWORD dwTime ) { // To be used with the system timer for periodic Channel Acccess polling ca_poll(); }
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { int i,j, k, status,buflen,Cnt, Hndl, L,M,N, NumHandles, commandswitch; int *HndlArray; mxArray *mymxArray; double *myDblPr; chtype RequestType; char PVName[PV_NAME_LENGTH_MAX+1]; // char MCAMessageString[MCA_MESSAGE_STRING_LENGTH_MAX+1]; dbr_string_t StrBuffer; const char *MCAInfoFields[]={"PVName","ElementCount","NativeType","State","MCAMessage","Host"}; char *NativeTypeStrings[] = {"STRING","INT","FLOAT","ENUM","CHAR","LONG","DOUBLE"}; if(!CA_INITIALIZED) // Initialize CA if not initialized (first call) { mexPrintf("Initializing MATLAB Channel Access ... \n"); status = ca_task_initialize(); if(status!=ECA_NORMAL) mexErrMsgTxt("Unable to initialise Challel Access\n"); CA_INITIALIZED = true; // Register a function to be called when a this mex-file is cleared from memory // with 'clear' or when exitting MATLAB mexAtExit(mca_cleanup); // Lock the mex-file so that it can not be cleared without explicitly // mexUnclock mexLock(); //start periodic polling: /* PollTimerHandle = SetTimer(NULL,NULL,MCA_POLL_PERIOD,background_poll); if(PollTimerHandle) mexPrintf("Periodic CA polling started! System Timer ID: %u\n",PollTimerHandle); else mexWarnMsgTxt("Failed to start periodic CA polling\n"); */ } commandswitch = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[0]); switch(commandswitch) { case 0: mexUnlock(); break; case 1: // MCAOPEN - add channel(s) by PV names, all arguments following prhs[0] // must be strings - names of PV's for(i=1;i<nrhs;i++) { mxGetString(prhs[i],PVName,PV_NAME_LENGTH_MAX+1); status = ca_search(PVName,&(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CHID)); if(status == ECA_NORMAL) // if not - go on to the next PV name { status = ca_pend_io(MCA_SEARCH_TIMEOUT); if (status == ECA_NORMAL) { // Allocate persistent memory for the DataBuffer on this channel // to hold all elements of the DBR_XXX type // nearest to the native type // RequestType = dbf_type_to_DBR(ca_field_type(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CHID)); // Cnt=ca_element_count(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CHID); CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements = ca_element_count(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CHID); CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NativeType2DBR = dbf_type_to_DBR(ca_field_type(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CHID)); CHNLS[HandlesUsed].MonitorEventCount = 0; switch(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NativeType2DBR) { case DBR_STRING: CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_string_t)); break; case DBR_INT: // As defined in db_access.h DBR_INT = DBR_SHORT = 1 CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_short_t)); break; case DBR_FLOAT: CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_float_t)); break; case DBR_ENUM: CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_enum_t)); break; case DBR_CHAR: CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_char_t)); break; case DBR_LONG: CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_short_t)); break; case DBR_DOUBLE: CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_double_t)); break; } mexMakeMemoryPersistent(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer); if(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NativeType2DBR==DBR_STRING) // CACHE { if(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements==1) // Create MATLAB string - originally empty CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CACHE = mxCreateString(""); else // Create MATLAB cell array of strings { CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CACHE = mxCreateCellMatrix(1,CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements); for(k=0;k<CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements;k++) { mymxArray = mxCreateString(""); mexMakeArrayPersistent(mymxArray); mxSetCell(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CACHE, k, mymxArray); } } } else // Make CACHE a numeric mxArray { CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CACHE = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,mxREAL); } mexMakeArrayPersistent(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CACHE); plhs[i-1]=mxCreateScalarDouble(++HandlesUsed); } else plhs[i-1]=mxCreateScalarDouble(0); } else plhs[i-1]=mxCreateScalarDouble(0); } break; case 2:// MCAOPEN - add channel(s) by PV names. The arguments following prhs[0] // argument must be a cell array of strings - PV names L = mxGetM(prhs[1])*mxGetN(prhs[1]); plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,L,mxREAL); myDblPr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); for(i=0;i<L;i++) { mymxArray = mxGetCell(prhs[1],i); mxGetString(mymxArray,PVName,PV_NAME_LENGTH_MAX+1); status = ca_search(PVName,&(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CHID)); if(status == ECA_NORMAL) // if not - go on to the next PV name { status = ca_pend_io(MCA_IO_TIMEOUT); if (status == ECA_NORMAL) { // Allcate persistent memory for the DataBuffer on this channel //RequestType = dbf_type_to_DBR(ca_field_type(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CHID)); CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NativeType2DBR = dbf_type_to_DBR(ca_field_type(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CHID)); CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements = ca_element_count(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CHID); CHNLS[HandlesUsed].MonitorEventCount = 0; //Cnt=ca_element_count(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CHID); switch(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NativeType2DBR) { case DBR_STRING: CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_string_t)); break; case DBR_INT: // As defined in db_access.h DBR_INT = DBR_SHORT = 1 CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_short_t)); break; case DBR_FLOAT: CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_float_t)); break; case DBR_ENUM: CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_enum_t)); break; case DBR_CHAR: CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_char_t)); break; case DBR_LONG: CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_short_t)); break; case DBR_DOUBLE: CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer = mxCalloc(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,sizeof(dbr_double_t)); break; } mexMakeMemoryPersistent(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].DataBuffer); if(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NativeType2DBR == DBR_STRING) // CACHE { CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CACHE = mxCreateCellMatrix(1,CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements); for(k=0;k<CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements;k++) { mymxArray = mxCreateString(StrBuffer); mexMakeArrayPersistent(mymxArray); mxSetCell(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CACHE, k, mymxArray); } } else { CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CACHE = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,CHNLS[HandlesUsed].NumElements,mxREAL); } mexMakeArrayPersistent(CHNLS[HandlesUsed].CACHE); myDblPr[i] = ++HandlesUsed; } else myDblPr[i] = 0; } else myDblPr[i] = 0; } break; case 3: // MCAOPEN Return names of connected channels as cell array of strings plhs[0] = mxCreateCellArray(1, &HandlesUsed); for(i=0;i<HandlesUsed;i++) { if(CHNLS[i].CHID!=NULL) { mymxArray = mxCreateString(ca_name(CHNLS[i].CHID)); mxSetCell(plhs[0], i, mymxArray); } else { mymxArray = mxCreateString(""); //mexPrintf("Handle: %d PV: %s\n",i+1, "Cleared Channel"); mxSetCell(plhs[0], i, mymxArray); } } break; case 5: // MCACLOSE permanently clear channel Hndl = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); if(Hndl<1 || Hndl>HandlesUsed) mexErrMsgTxt("Handle out of range"); // If a monitor is installed, set the EVID pointer to NULL // ca_clear_event dos not do it by itself if(CHNLS[Hndl-1].EVID) CHNLS[Hndl-1].EVID = NULL; // If there is Callback String - destroy it if(CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString) { mxFree(CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString); CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString =NULL; } if(ca_state(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID)==3) mexWarnMsgTxt("Channel previously cleared"); else if(ca_clear_channel(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID)!=ECA_NORMAL) mexErrMsgTxt("ca_clear_channel failed"); break; case 10: // MCAINFO return channels info as MATLAB structure array if(HandlesUsed>0) { plhs[0] = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,HandlesUsed,6,MCAInfoFields); for(i=0;i<HandlesUsed;i++) { mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],i,0,mxCreateString(ca_name(CHNLS[i].CHID))); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],i,1,mxCreateScalarDouble(ca_element_count(CHNLS[i].CHID))); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],i,5,mxCreateString(ca_host_name(CHNLS[i].CHID))); switch(ca_state(CHNLS[i].CHID)) { case 1: // Disconnected due to Server or Network - may reconnect mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],i,2,mxCreateString("unknown")); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],i,3,mxCreateString("disconnected")); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],i,4,mxCreateString("Disconnected due to server or network problem")); break; case 2: // Normal connection mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],i,2,mxCreateString(NativeTypeStrings[ca_field_type(CHNLS[i].CHID)])); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],i,3,mxCreateString("connected")); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],i,4,mxCreateString("Normal connection")); break; case 3: // Disconnected by user mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],i,2,mxCreateString("unknown")); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],i,3,mxCreateString("disconnected")); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],i,4,mxCreateString("Permanently disconnected (cleared) by the user")); break; } } } else { mexWarnMsgTxt("No connected PV's found"); plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL); } break; case 11: // MCAINFO return info for 1 channel by handle number Hndl = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); if(Hndl<1 || Hndl>HandlesUsed) mexErrMsgTxt("Handle out of range"); plhs[0] = mxCreateStructMatrix(1,1,6,MCAInfoFields); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],0,0,mxCreateString(ca_name(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID))); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],0,1,mxCreateScalarDouble(ca_element_count(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID))); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],0,5,mxCreateString(ca_host_name(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID))); switch(ca_state(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID)) { case 1: // Disconnected due to Server or Network - may reconnect mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],0,2,mxCreateString("unknown")); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],0,3,mxCreateString("disconnected")); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],0,4,mxCreateString("Disconnected due to server or network problem")); break; case 2: // Normal connection mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],0,2,mxCreateString(NativeTypeStrings[ca_field_type(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID)])); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],0,3,mxCreateString("connected")); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],0,4,mxCreateString("Normal connection")); break; case 3: // Disconnected by user mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],0,2,mxCreateString("unknown")); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],0,3,mxCreateString("disconnected")); mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0],0,4,mxCreateString("Permanently disconnected (cleared) by the user")); break; }; break; case 12: // MCASTATE return an array of status (1 - OK, 0 - disconnected or cleared) if(HandlesUsed>0) { plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,HandlesUsed,mxREAL); myDblPr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); for(i=0;i<HandlesUsed;i++) myDblPr[i] = (double)(ca_state(CHNLS[i].CHID)==2); } else { mexWarnMsgTxt("No connected PV's found"); plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL); } break; case 30: // poll ca_poll(); break; case 50: // MCAGET Get PV values by their MCA handles for(i=0;i<nrhs-1;i++) // First loop: place all ca_get requests in the buffer { Hndl = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1+i]); //start from[1]: [0] argument is the commnads switch if(Hndl<1 || Hndl>HandlesUsed) mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid Handle"); RequestType = dbf_type_to_DBR(ca_field_type(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID)); Cnt = ca_element_count(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID); status = ca_array_get(RequestType,Cnt,CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID,CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer); if(status!=ECA_NORMAL) mexPrintf("Error in call to ca_array_get\n"); } status = ca_pend_io(MCA_GET_TIMEOUT); if(status!=ECA_NORMAL) mexErrMsgTxt("... ca_pend_io call timed out \n"); for(i=0;i<nrhs-1;i++) // Another loop to copy data from temp structures to MATLAB { Hndl = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1+i]); RequestType = RequestType = dbf_type_to_DBR(ca_field_type(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID)); Cnt = ca_element_count(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID); if(RequestType==DBR_STRING) { if(Cnt==1) plhs[i] = mxCreateString((char*)(*((dbr_string_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)))); else { plhs[i] = mxCreateCellMatrix(1,Cnt); for(j=0;j<Cnt;j++) mxSetCell(plhs[i], j, mxCreateString((char*)(*((dbr_string_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+j)))); } } else { plhs[i] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,Cnt,mxREAL); myDblPr = mxGetPr(plhs[i]); switch(dbf_type_to_DBR(ca_field_type(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID))) { case DBR_INT: // As defined in db_access.h DBR_INT = DBR_SHORT = 1 for(j=0;j<Cnt;j++) myDblPr[j]= (double)(*((dbr_short_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+j)); break; case DBR_FLOAT: for(j=0;j<Cnt;j++) myDblPr[j]= (double)(*((dbr_float_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+j)); break; case DBR_ENUM: for(j=0;j<Cnt;j++) myDblPr[j]= (double)(*((dbr_enum_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+j)); break; case DBR_CHAR: for(j=0;j<Cnt;j++) myDblPr[j]= (double)(*((dbr_char_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+j)); break; case DBR_LONG: for(j=0;j<Cnt;j++) myDblPr[j]= (double)(*((dbr_long_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+j)); break; case DBR_DOUBLE: for(j=0;j<Cnt;j++) myDblPr[j]= (double)(*((dbr_double_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+j)); break; } } } break; case 51: // MCAGET Get scalar PV of the same type // second argument is an array of handles // returns an array of values myDblPr = mxGetPr(prhs[1]); M = mxGetM(prhs[1]); N = mxGetN(prhs[1]); NumHandles = M*N; plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(M,N,mxREAL); for(i=0;i<NumHandles;i++) // First loop: place all ca_get requests in the buffer { Hndl = (int)myDblPr[i]; if(Hndl<1 || Hndl>HandlesUsed) mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid Handle"); RequestType = dbf_type_to_DBR(ca_field_type(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID)); status = ca_array_get(DBR_DOUBLE,1,CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID,mxGetPr(plhs[0])+i); if(status!=ECA_NORMAL) mexPrintf("Error in call to ca_array_get\n"); } status = ca_pend_io(MCA_GET_TIMEOUT); if(status!=ECA_NORMAL) mexErrMsgTxt("... ca_pend_io call timed out \n"); break; case 70: // MCAPUT NumHandles = (nrhs-1)/2; for(i=0;i<NumHandles;i++) { j = 2+i*2; Hndl = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1+i*2]); if(Hndl<1 || Hndl>HandlesUsed) mexErrMsgTxt("Handle out of range - no values written"); // Set the status to 0 - mcaput_callback will write 1, if successful CHNLS[Hndl-1].LastPutStatus = 0; RequestType = dbf_type_to_DBR(ca_field_type(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID)); Cnt = ca_element_count(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID); // If a value to write is passed as a string - the number of elements to write // is 1 , NOT the length of the string returned by mxGetNumberOfElements if(mxIsChar(prhs[j])) L=1; else L = min(mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[j]),Cnt); // Copy double or string data from MATLAB prhs[] to DataBuffer // on each channel if(RequestType==DBR_STRING) { // STRING type is is passed as a cell array of strings // A a 1-row MATLAB character array (1 string) may also be passed as a value if(mxIsChar(prhs[j])) { mxGetString(prhs[j], StrBuffer, sizeof(dbr_string_t)); strcpy((char*)(*((dbr_string_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer))),StrBuffer); } else if(mxIsCell(prhs[j])) { for(k=0;k<L;k++) { mxGetString(mxGetCell(prhs[j],k), StrBuffer, sizeof(dbr_string_t)); strcpy((char*)(*((dbr_string_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+k)),StrBuffer); } } } else { myDblPr = mxGetPr(prhs[j]); switch(RequestType) { case DBR_INT: // As defined in db_access.h DBR_INT = DBR_SHORT = 1 for(k=0;k<L;k++) *((dbr_short_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+k) = (dbr_short_t)(myDblPr[k]); break; case DBR_FLOAT: for(k=0;k<L;k++) *((dbr_float_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+k) = (dbr_float_t)(myDblPr[k]); break; case DBR_ENUM: for(k=0;k<L;k++) *((dbr_enum_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+k) = (dbr_enum_t)(myDblPr[k]); break; case DBR_CHAR: for(k=0;k<L;k++) *((dbr_char_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+k) = (dbr_char_t)(myDblPr[k]); break; case DBR_LONG: for(k=0;k<L;k++) *((dbr_long_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+k) = (dbr_long_t)(myDblPr[k]); break; case DBR_DOUBLE: for(k=0;k<L;k++) *((dbr_double_t*)(CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer)+k) = (dbr_double_t)(myDblPr[k]); break; } } // place request in the que status = ca_array_put_callback(RequestType,L,CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID,CHNLS[Hndl-1].DataBuffer, mcaput_callback,&(CHNLS[Hndl-1].LastPutStatus)); if(status!=ECA_NORMAL) mexPrintf("ca_array_put_callback failed\n"); } status = ca_pend_event(MCA_PUT_TIMEOUT); plhs[0]=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,NumHandles,mxREAL); myDblPr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); for(i=0;i<NumHandles;i++) { Hndl = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1+i*2]); myDblPr[i] = (double)CHNLS[Hndl-1].LastPutStatus; } break; case 80: // MCAPUT - fast unconfirmed put for scalar numeric PV's myDblPr = mxGetPr(prhs[1]); M = mxGetM(prhs[1]); N = mxGetN(prhs[1]); NumHandles = M*N; plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(M,N,mxREAL); myDblPr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); for(i=0;i<NumHandles;i++) { myDblPr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); Hndl = (int)(*(mxGetPr(prhs[1])+i)); if(Hndl<1 || Hndl>HandlesUsed) mexErrMsgTxt("Handle out of range - no values written"); status = ca_array_put(DBR_DOUBLE,1,CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID,mxGetPr(prhs[2])+i); if(status!=ECA_NORMAL) { myDblPr[i] = 0; //mexPrintf("ca_array_put_callback failed\n"); } else { myDblPr[i] = 1; } } status = ca_pend_io(MCA_PUT_TIMEOUT); break; case 100: // MCAMON install Monitor or replace MonitorCBString Hndl = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); // Check if the handle is within range if(Hndl<1 || Hndl>HandlesUsed) { plhs[0]=mxCreateScalarDouble(0); mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid Handle"); } if(CHNLS[Hndl-1].EVID) // if VID is not NULL - another monitor is already installed - replace MonitorCBString { if(CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString) // Free memory for occupied by the old MonitorCBString { mxFree(CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString); CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString = NULL; } if(nrhs>2) // Check if the new string is specified { if(mxIsChar(prhs[2])) { buflen = mxGetM(prhs[2])*mxGetN(prhs[2])+1; CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString = (char *)mxMalloc(buflen); mexMakeMemoryPersistent(CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString); mxGetString(prhs[2],CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString,buflen); } else mexErrMsgTxt("Third argument must be a string\n"); } plhs[0]=mxCreateScalarDouble(1); } else // No monitor is presently installed; { RequestType = dbf_type_to_DBR(ca_field_type(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID)); // Closest to the native if(nrhs>2) { if(mxIsChar(prhs[2])) { buflen = mxGetM(prhs[2])*mxGetN(prhs[2])+1; CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString = (char *)mxMalloc(buflen); mexMakeMemoryPersistent(CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString); mxGetString(prhs[2],CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString,buflen); } else mexErrMsgTxt("Third argument must be a string\n"); } else CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString = NULL; // Set MonitorCBString to NULL so that mcaMonitorEventHandler only copies data to CACHE // Count argument set to 0 - native count status = ca_add_array_event(RequestType,0,CHNLS[Hndl-1].CHID, mcaMonitorEventHandler, &CHNLS[Hndl-1], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &(CHNLS[Hndl-1].EVID)); if(status!=ECA_NORMAL) { mexPrintf("ca_add_array_event failed\n"); plhs[0]=mxCreateScalarDouble(0); } else { ca_poll(); plhs[0]=mxCreateScalarDouble(1); } } break; case 200: // Clear Monitor MCACLEARMON Hndl = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); if(Hndl<1 || Hndl>HandlesUsed) mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid Handle"); if(!CHNLS[Hndl-1].EVID) mexErrMsgTxt("No monitor installed - can not clear"); status = ca_clear_event(CHNLS[Hndl-1].EVID); if(status!=ECA_NORMAL) mexPrintf("ca_clear_event failed\n"); // Set the EVID pointer to NULL (ca_clear_event dos not do it by itself) // to use as a FLAG that no monitors are installed CHNLS[Hndl-1].EVID = NULL; // Reset CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorEventCount = 0; // If there is Callback String - destroy it if(CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString) { mxFree(CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString); CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorCBString =NULL; } break; case 300: // MCACACHE Get Cached values of a monitored PV for(i=0;i<nrhs-1;i++) { Hndl = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1+i]); // if(Hndl<1 || Hndl>HandlesUsed || !CHNLS[Hndl-1].CACHE) if(Hndl<1 || Hndl>HandlesUsed) plhs[i] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL); else { plhs[i] = mxDuplicateArray(CHNLS[Hndl-1].CACHE); CHNLS[Hndl-1].MonitorEventCount = 0; } } break; case 500: // MCAMON Info on installed monitors L = 0; HndlArray = (int*)mxCalloc(HandlesUsed,sizeof(int)); for(i=0;i<HandlesUsed;i++) // Count installed monitors { if(CHNLS[i].EVID) HndlArray[L++]=i+1; } if(L>0) { plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,L,mxREAL); myDblPr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); plhs[1] = mxCreateCellMatrix(1,L); for(i=0;i<L;i++) { myDblPr[i] = (double)HndlArray[i]; mxSetCell(plhs[1],i,mxCreateString(CHNLS[HndlArray[i]-1].MonitorCBString)); } } else { plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL); plhs[1] = mxCreateCellMatrix(0,0); } break; case 510: // MCAMONEVENTS Event count fot monitors plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,HandlesUsed,mxREAL); myDblPr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); for(i=0;i<HandlesUsed;i++) myDblPr[i]=(double)(CHNLS[i].MonitorEventCount); break; case 1000: // print timeout settings plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(3,1,mxREAL); mexPrintf("MCA timeout settings\n:"); mexPrintf("mcaopen\t%f [s]\n", MCA_SEARCH_TIMEOUT ); mexPrintf("mcaget\t%f [s]\n", MCA_GET_TIMEOUT ); mexPrintf("mcaput\t%f [s]\n", MCA_PUT_TIMEOUT ); myDblPr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); myDblPr[0] = MCA_SEARCH_TIMEOUT; myDblPr[1] = MCA_GET_TIMEOUT; myDblPr[2] = MCA_PUT_TIMEOUT; break; case 1001: // set MCA_SEARCH_TIMEOUT // return delay value MCA_SEARCH_TIMEOUT = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); plhs[0] = mxCreateScalarDouble(MCA_SEARCH_TIMEOUT); break; case 1002: // set MCA_GET_TIMEOUT // return delay value MCA_GET_TIMEOUT = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); plhs[0] = mxCreateScalarDouble(MCA_GET_TIMEOUT); break; case 1003: // set MCA_PUT_TIMEOUT // return delay value MCA_PUT_TIMEOUT = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); plhs[0] = mxCreateScalarDouble(MCA_PUT_TIMEOUT); break; } }
void popupPvInfo(DisplayInfo *displayInfo) { DlElement *pE; Record **records; chid chId; int i, status; Record *pR; Channel *pCh; char descName[MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH]; char *pDot; double connTimeout; #if DEBUG_PVINFO XUngrabPointer(display,CurrentTime); #endif /* Check if another call is in progress */ if(pvInfo) { medmPostMsg(1,"popupPvInfo: " "Another PV Info request is already in progress\n" " It is probably having problems\n" " Wait for it to finish\n"); return; } /* Create the dialog box if it has not been created */ if(!pvInfoS) createPvInfoDlg(); /* Get the records */ records = getPvInfoFromDisplay(displayInfo, &nPvInfoPvs, &pE); if(!records) return; pvInfoElement = pE; /* Allocate space */ pvInfo = (PvInfo *)calloc(nPvInfoPvs, sizeof(PvInfo)); if(!pvInfo) { medmPostMsg(1,"popupPvInfo: Memory allocation error\n"); if(records) free(records); if(pvInfoS && XtIsManaged(pvInfoS)) return; } /* Loop over the records, initialize, and initiate search for DESC */ for(i=0; i < nPvInfoPvs; i++) { /* Initialize */ pvInfo[i].pvChid = NULL; pvInfo[i].pvOk = False; pvInfo[i].timeOk = False; pvInfo[i].descChid = NULL; pvInfo[i].descOk = False; strcpy(pvInfo[i].descVal, NOT_AVAILABLE); #if defined(DBR_CLASS_NAME) && DO_RTYP pvInfo[i].rtypOk = False; strcpy(pvInfo[i].rtypVal, NOT_AVAILABLE); #endif /* Check for a valid record */ if(records[i]) { pR = pvInfo[i].record = records[i]; pCh = getChannelFromRecord(pR); if(!pCh) continue; if(!pCh->chid) continue; chId = pvInfo[i].pvChid = pCh->chid; } else continue; pvInfo[i].pvOk = True; /* Don't try the others unless the PV is connected */ if(ca_state(chId) != cs_conn || !ca_read_access(chId)) continue; /* Construct the DESC name */ strcpy(descName,ca_name(chId)); pDot = strchr(descName,'.'); if(pDot) { /* Assume it is a name with a field and replace the field * with DESC */ strcpy(pDot,".DESC"); } else { /* Append .DESC */ strcat(descName,".DESC"); } /* Search for the DESC */ status = ca_search(descName, &pvInfo[i].descChid); if(status == ECA_NORMAL) { pvInfo[i].descOk = True; } else { medmPostMsg(1,"popupPvInfo: DESC: ca_search for %s: %s\n", descName, ca_message(status)); } } /* Free the records, they are now stored in pvInfo */ if(records) free(records); /* Wait for the searches (Timeouts should be uncommon) */ status=ca_pend_io(CA_PEND_IO_TIME); if(status != ECA_NORMAL) { medmPostMsg(1,"popupPvInfo: Waited %g seconds. " "Did not find the DESC information (%s).\n", CA_PEND_IO_TIME, descName); } /* Loop over the records and do the gets */ nPvInfoCbs = 0; for(i=0; i < nPvInfoPvs; i++) { if(!pvInfo[i].pvOk) continue; /* Don't try the others unless the PV is connected */ chId = pvInfo[i].pvChid; if(ca_state(chId) != cs_conn || !ca_read_access(chId)) continue; /* Get the DESC */ if(ca_state(pvInfo[i].descChid) == cs_conn && ca_read_access(pvInfo[i].descChid)) { /* Do the get */ status = ca_get_callback(DBR_STRING, pvInfo[i].descChid, pvInfoDescGetCb, &pvInfo[i]); if(status == ECA_NORMAL) { nPvInfoCbs++; } else { pvInfo[i].descOk = False; medmPostMsg(1,"pvInfoConnectCb: DESC: ca_array_get_callback" " for %s: %s\n", ca_name(pvInfo[i].descChid), ca_message(status)); } } else { pvInfo[i].descOk = False; } /* Get the time value as a string */ status = ca_get_callback(DBR_TIME_STRING, chId, pvInfoTimeGetCb, &pvInfo[i]); if(status == ECA_NORMAL) { nPvInfoCbs++; } else { medmPostMsg(1,"popupPvInfo: STAMP: ca_get_callback for %s: %s\n", ca_name(chId), ca_message(status)); } #if defined(DBR_CLASS_NAME) && DO_RTYP /* Get the RTYP */ status = ca_get_callback(DBR_CLASS_NAME, chId, pvInfoRtypGetCb, &pvInfo[i]); if(status == ECA_NORMAL) { nPvInfoCbs++; } else { medmPostMsg(1,"popupPvInfo: RTYP: ca_get_callback for %s: %s\n", ca_name(chId), ca_message(status)); } #endif } /* Add a timeout and poll if there are callbacks * The timeout is a safety net and should never be called * All callbacks should come back inside the EPICS_CA_CONN_TMO * Wait for 2 times this */ if(nPvInfoCbs) { ca_poll(); /* May not be really necessary here */ status = envGetDoubleConfigParam(&EPICS_CA_CONN_TMO, &connTimeout); if (status == 0) pvInfoTime = (unsigned long)(2000.*connTimeout+.5); else pvInfoTime = PVINFO_TIMEOUT; pvInfoTimeoutId = XtAppAddTimeOut(appContext, pvInfoTime, pvInfoTimeout, NULL); pvInfoTimerOn = True; } else { pvInfoWriteInfo(); } #if DEBUG_PVINFO print("popupPvInfo: nPvInfoCbs=%d timeout=%ld\n", nPvInfoCbs, nPvInfoCbs?pvInfoTime:0L); #endif }