static cairo_surface_t *_cairo_dock_create_dialog_icon_surface (const gchar *cImageFilePath, Icon *pIcon, int iDesiredSize, int *iIconSize)
	if (cImageFilePath == NULL)
		return NULL;
	if (iDesiredSize == 0)
		iDesiredSize = myDialogsParam.iDialogIconSize;
	cairo_surface_t *pIconBuffer = NULL;
	if (strcmp (cImageFilePath, "same icon") == 0)
		if (pIcon && pIcon->image.pSurface)
			int iWidth, iHeight;
			cairo_dock_get_icon_extent (pIcon, &iWidth, &iHeight);
			pIconBuffer = cairo_dock_duplicate_surface (pIcon->image.pSurface,
				iWidth, iHeight,
				iDesiredSize, iDesiredSize);
		else if (pIcon && pIcon->cFileName)
			pIconBuffer = cairo_dock_create_surface_from_image_simple (pIcon->cFileName,
		pIconBuffer = cairo_dock_create_surface_from_image_simple (cImageFilePath,
	if (pIconBuffer != NULL)
		*iIconSize = iDesiredSize;
	return pIconBuffer;
static cairo_surface_t *cairo_dock_duplicate_inhibator_surface_for_appli (cairo_t *pSourceContext, Icon *pInhibatorIcon, double fMaxScale, double *fWidth, double *fHeight)
	double fIconWidthSaturationFactor, fIconHeightSaturationFactor;
	cairo_dock_calculate_size_fill (fWidth,
	CairoContainer *pInhibhatorContainer= cairo_dock_search_container_from_icon (pInhibatorIcon);
	double fInhibatorMaxScale = (CAIRO_DOCK_IS_DOCK (pInhibhatorContainer) ? (1 + g_fAmplitude) / CAIRO_DOCK (pInhibhatorContainer)->fRatio : 1);
	cairo_surface_t *pSurface = cairo_dock_duplicate_surface (pInhibatorIcon->pIconBuffer,
		pInhibatorIcon->fWidth * fInhibatorMaxScale,
		pInhibatorIcon->fHeight * fInhibatorMaxScale,
		*fWidth * fMaxScale,
		*fHeight * fMaxScale);
	return pSurface;
static gchar *_make_screenshot (gboolean bActiveWindow, const gchar *cFolder, const gchar *cFileName)
    // create a surface that points on the root window.
    Display *display = gdk_x11_get_default_xdisplay ();
    Screen *screen = XDefaultScreenOfDisplay (display);
    Visual *visual = DefaultVisualOfScreen (screen);
    int w, h;
    Window Xid;
    if (bActiveWindow)
        GldiWindowActor *pActiveWindow = gldi_windows_get_active ();
        Xid = gldi_window_get_id (pActiveWindow);  // cairo_dock_get_active_xwindow ()
        Window root_return;
        int x_return=1, y_return=1;
        unsigned int width_return, height_return, border_width_return, depth_return;
        XGetGeometry (display, Xid,
                      &x_return, &y_return,
                      &width_return, &height_return,
                      &border_width_return, &depth_return);  // we can't use the data from the WindowActor, because it takes into account the window border.
        w = width_return;
        h = height_return;
        Xid = DefaultRootWindow (display);
        w = g_desktopGeometry.Xscreen.width;
        h = g_desktopGeometry.Xscreen.height;
    cairo_surface_t *s = cairo_xlib_surface_create (display,
                         w, h);

    gchar *cName = NULL;
    if (s)
        // save the surface on the disk
        cName = _make_image_name (cFolder, cFileName);
        cairo_surface_write_to_png (s, cName);

        // apply the surface on the icon, with a transition.
        int iWidth, iHeight;
        CD_APPLET_GET_MY_ICON_EXTENT (&iWidth, &iHeight);

        cairo_dock_free_image_buffer (myData.pCurrentImage);
        myData.pCurrentImage = g_new0 (CairoDockImageBuffer, 1);
        double ratio = MIN ((double)iWidth / w, (double)iHeight / h);  // keep ratio.
        int w0 = w * ratio;
        int h0 = h * ratio;
        cairo_surface_t *pSurface = cairo_dock_duplicate_surface (s,
                                    w, h,
                                    w0, h0);  // we must duplicate the surface, because it's an Xlib surface, not a data surface (plus it's way too large anyway).
        cairo_dock_load_image_buffer_from_surface (myData.pCurrentImage, pSurface, w0, h0);

        cairo_dock_free_image_buffer (myData.pOldImage);
        myData.pOldImage = cairo_dock_create_image_buffer (myIcon->cFileName, iWidth, iHeight, 0);  // maybe we could use the current icon image ...

        CD_APPLET_SET_TRANSITION_ON_MY_ICON (_render_step_cairo,
                                             g_bUseOpenGL,  // bFastPace : vite si opengl, lent si cairo.
                                             2000,  // 2s transition
                                             TRUE);  // bRemoveWhenFinished

        cairo_surface_destroy (s);
    return cName;
void gldi_dialog_set_icon_surface (CairoDialog *pDialog, cairo_surface_t *pNewIconSurface, int iNewIconSize)
	int iIconSize = (pDialog->iIconSize != 0 ? pDialog->iIconSize : myDialogsParam.iDialogIconSize);
	cairo_surface_t *pIconBuffer = cairo_dock_duplicate_surface (pNewIconSurface, iNewIconSize, iNewIconSize, iIconSize, iIconSize);
	_set_icon_surface (pDialog, pIconBuffer, iIconSize);