static Icon *cd_calculate_icons (CairoDock *pDock)
	//\_____________ On calcule le nombre de groupes et la place qu'ils occupent.
	int iNbGroups = 1;
	double fCurrentGroupWidth = - myIconsParam.iIconGap, fGroupsWidth = 0.;
	double fSeparatorsPonderation = 0;
	GList *ic;
	Icon *pIcon;
	for (ic = pDock->icons; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
		pIcon = ic->data;
			pIcon->fScale = 1.;
			if (pIcon->fInsertRemoveFactor != 0)
				if (pIcon->fInsertRemoveFactor > 0)
					pIcon->fScale *= pIcon->fInsertRemoveFactor;
					pIcon->fScale *= (1 + pIcon->fInsertRemoveFactor);
			if (fCurrentGroupWidth > 0)  // le groupe courant est non vide, sinon c'est juste 2 separateurs cote a cote ou un au debut.
				iNbGroups ++;
				fSeparatorsPonderation += pIcon->fScale;
				fGroupsWidth += MAX (0, fCurrentGroupWidth);
				fCurrentGroupWidth = - myIconsParam.iIconGap;
		pIcon->fScale = 1.;
		if (pIcon->fInsertRemoveFactor != 0)
			if (pIcon->fInsertRemoveFactor > 0)
				pIcon->fScale *= pIcon->fInsertRemoveFactor;
				pIcon->fScale *= (1 + pIcon->fInsertRemoveFactor);
		fCurrentGroupWidth += pIcon->fWidth * pIcon->fScale + myIconsParam.iIconGap;
	if (fCurrentGroupWidth > 0)  // le groupe courant est non vide, sinon c'est juste un separateur a la fin.
		fGroupsWidth += fCurrentGroupWidth;
		iNbGroups --;
	if (fGroupsWidth < 0)
		fGroupsWidth = 0;
	//\_____________ On en deduit l'ecart entre les groupes d'icones.
	double W = cairo_dock_get_max_authorized_dock_width (pDock);
	double fScreenBorderGap = myDocksParam.iDockRadius + myDocksParam.iDockLineWidth;  // on laisse un ecart avec le bord de l'ecran.
	double fGroupGap;
	if (iNbGroups > 1)
		fGroupGap = (W - 2*fScreenBorderGap - fGroupsWidth) / (iNbGroups - 1);
		if (fSeparatorsPonderation != 0 && iNbGroups > 2)
			fGroupGap /= fSeparatorsPonderation / (iNbGroups - 1);
		fGroupGap = W - fScreenBorderGap - fGroupsWidth;
	//\_____________ On determine la position de chaque icone.
	Icon *pPointedIcon = NULL;
	double xm = pDock->container.iMouseX;
	double xg = fScreenBorderGap;  // abscisse de l'icone courante, et abscisse du debut du groupe courant.
	if (iNbGroups <= 1)  // if only 1 group, there is no separator that will expand icons => we use the alignment to place them.
		xg = pDock->fAlign * (W - fGroupsWidth) + 2 * fScreenBorderGap * (.5 - pDock->fAlign);
	double x = xg;
	fCurrentGroupWidth = - myIconsParam.iIconGap;                                                                                                                            
	for (ic = pDock->icons; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
		pIcon = ic->data;
			pIcon->fX = x;
			pIcon->fDrawX = pIcon->fX;
			if (pDock->container.bDirectionUp)
				pIcon->fY = pDock->iMaxDockHeight - pDock->iMinDockHeight;
				pIcon->fY = pDock->iMinDockHeight;
			pIcon->fDrawY = pIcon->fY;
			pIcon->fWidthFactor = 0;
			if (fCurrentGroupWidth > 0)  // le groupe courant est non vide, sinon c'est juste 2 separateurs cote a cote.
				xg += fCurrentGroupWidth + fGroupGap * pIcon->fScale;
				if (pPointedIcon == NULL && xm > x && xm < xg)
					pIcon->bPointed = TRUE;
					pPointedIcon = pIcon;
					pIcon->bPointed = FALSE;
				x = xg;
				fCurrentGroupWidth = - myIconsParam.iIconGap;
		fCurrentGroupWidth += pIcon->fWidth * pIcon->fScale + myIconsParam.iIconGap;
		pIcon->fX = x;
		if (pPointedIcon == NULL && xm > pIcon->fX - .5*myIconsParam.iIconGap && xm <= pIcon->fX + pIcon->fWidth * pIcon->fScale + .5*myIconsParam.iIconGap)
			pIcon->bPointed = TRUE;
			pPointedIcon = pIcon;
			pIcon->bPointed = FALSE;
		pIcon->fDrawX = pIcon->fX;
		if (pDock->container.bDirectionUp)
			pIcon->fY = pDock->iMaxDockHeight - (myDocksParam.iDockLineWidth + myDocksParam.iFrameMargin + pIcon->fHeight);
			pIcon->fY = myDocksParam.iDockLineWidth + myDocksParam.iFrameMargin;
		pIcon->fDrawY = pIcon->fY;
		pIcon->fWidthFactor = 1.;
		pIcon->fHeightFactor = 1.;
		pIcon->fOrientation = 0.;
		pIcon->fAlpha = 1.;
		x += pIcon->fWidth * pIcon->fScale + myIconsParam.iIconGap;
	cairo_dock_check_if_mouse_inside_linear (pDock);
	cairo_dock_check_can_drop_linear (pDock);
	return pPointedIcon;
void cd_rendering_calculate_max_dock_size_3D_plane (CairoDock *pDock)
	pDock->pFirstDrawnElement = cairo_dock_calculate_icons_positions_at_rest_linear (pDock->icons, pDock->fFlatDockWidth, pDock->iScrollOffset);
	//pDock->iMaxDockHeight = (int) ((1 + g_fAmplitude) * pDock->iMaxIconHeight + myIcons.fReflectSize * pDock->fRatio) + myLabels.iLabelSize + myBackground.iDockLineWidth + myBackground.iFrameMargin;
	_define_parameters (hi, h0, H, l, r, gamma, h, w, dw);
	pDock->iMaxDockHeight = (int) (hi + h0max + l);
	// 1ere estimation.
	// w
	w = ceil (cairo_dock_calculate_max_dock_width (pDock, pDock->pFirstDrawnElement, pDock->fFlatDockWidth, 1., 2 * dw));  // pDock->iMaxDockWidth
	// -> gamma
	gamma = w / 2 / H;
	// -> h
	h = hi + h0 / (1 + gamma);  // en fait, sqrt (1 + gamma * gamma), mais on simplifie pour diminuer l'ordre de 2. pDock->iDecorationsHeight
	// -> dw
	dw = h * gamma + r + (l+(r==0)*2)*sqrt(1+gamma*gamma);  // en fait, h*gamma + r*(1-sin)/cos, or (1-sin)/cos <= 1, on majore pour simplifier. on aurait r + gamma * (h - 2 * r) si on utilisait des cercles au lieu de courbes de Bezier.
	double Ws = w+2*dw;
	double W = Ws - 2 * (r + (l+(r==0)*2)*sqrt(1+gamma*gamma));
	double a = H + hi;
	double b = H + hi + h0 - W / 2;
	double c = - W / 2;
	double g = (-b + sqrt (b * b - 4 * a * c)) / 2  / a;
	g_print ("gamma : %f (=) %f\n", gamma, g);
	if (cairo_dock_is_extended_dock (pDock))  // mode panel etendu.
		double Ws = cairo_dock_get_max_authorized_dock_width (pDock);
		if (w + 2 * dw < Ws)  // alors on etend.
			double extra = Ws - w;
			pDock->iMaxDockWidth = ceil (cairo_dock_calculate_max_dock_width (pDock, pDock->pFirstDrawnElement, pDock->fFlatDockWidth, 1., extra));  // on pourra optimiser, ce qui nous interesse ici c'est les fXMin/fXMax.
			double W = Ws - 2 * (r + (l+(r==0)*2)*sqrt(1+gamma*gamma));
			double a = H + hi;
			double b = H + hi + h0 - W / 2;
			double c = - W / 2;
			gamma = (-b + sqrt (b * b - 4 * a * c)) / 2  / a;
			g_print ("mode etendu : pDock->iMaxDockWidth : %d, gamma = %f\n", pDock->iMaxDockWidth, gamma);
			h = hi + h0 / (1 + gamma);
	else  // rien d'autre a faire
		pDock->iMaxDockWidth = ceil (cairo_dock_calculate_max_dock_width (pDock, pDock->pFirstDrawnElement, pDock->fFlatDockWidth, 1., 2 * dw));  // on pourra optimiser, ce qui nous interesse ici c'est les fXMin/fXMax.
	pDock->iDecorationsHeight = h;
	g_print ("h : %.2f -> %d\n", h, pDock->iDecorationsHeight);
	pDock->iDecorationsWidth = pDock->iMaxDockWidth;
	// taille min.
	pDock->iMinDockHeight = myBackground.iDockLineWidth + myBackground.iFrameMargin + myIcons.fReflectSize * pDock->fRatio + pDock->iMaxIconHeight;
	double gamma_min = pDock->fFlatDockWidth / 2 / H;
	double dw_min = h * gamma_min + r + (l+(r==0)*2)*sqrt(1+gamma_min*gamma_min);
	//cairo_dock_calculate_extra_width_for_trapeze (pDock->iDecorationsHeight, fInclination, myBackground.iDockRadius, myBackground.iDockLineWidth);
	if (cairo_dock_is_extended_dock (pDock))  // mode panel etendu.
		pDock->iMinDockWidth = cairo_dock_get_max_authorized_dock_width (pDock);
		pDock->iMinDockWidth = pDock->fFlatDockWidth + 2 * dw_min;
	// on reboucle (sauf que on reboucle pas).
	//fInclination = 0.5 * pDock->iMinDockWidth / iVanishingPointY;
	//fExtraWidthMin = cairo_dock_calculate_extra_width_for_trapeze (pDock->iDecorationsHeight, fInclination, myBackground.iDockRadius, myBackground.iDockLineWidth);
	//pDock->iMinDockWidth = pDock->fFlatDockWidth + fExtraWidthMin;  // en commentaire depuis des lustres.
	pDock->iMinLeftMargin = dw;
	pDock->iMinRightMargin = dw;
	Icon *pFirstIcon = cairo_dock_get_first_icon (pDock->icons);
	if (pFirstIcon != NULL)
		pDock->iMaxRightMargin = dw + pFirstIcon->fWidth;
	Icon *pLastIcon = cairo_dock_get_last_icon (pDock->icons);
	if (pLastIcon != NULL)
		pDock->iMaxRightMargin = dw + pLastIcon->fWidth;
	pDock->inputArea.x = (pDock->iMinDockWidth - pDock->fFlatDockWidth) / 2;
	pDock->inputArea.y = 0;
	pDock->inputArea.width = pDock->fFlatDockWidth;
	pDock->inputArea.height = pDock->iMinDockHeight;
	g_print ("input area : %d + %d\n", pDock->inputArea.x, pDock->inputArea.width);
	// on charge les separateurs plat.
	if (my_pFlatSeparatorSurface[0] == NULL && my_iFlatSeparatorTexture == 0 && my_iDrawSeparator3D == CD_FLAT_SEPARATOR)
		cd_rendering_load_flat_separator (CAIRO_CONTAINER (g_pMainDock));
static void cd_compute_size (CairoDock *pDock)
	//\_____________ On calcule le nombre de groupes et la place qu'ils occupent.
	int iNbGroups = 1;
	double fCurrentGroupWidth = - myIconsParam.iIconGap, fGroupsWidth = 0.;
	GList *ic;
	Icon *pIcon;
	for (ic = pDock->icons; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
		pIcon = ic->data;
			if (fCurrentGroupWidth > 0)  // le groupe courant est non vide, sinon c'est juste 2 separateurs cote a cote ou un au debut.
				iNbGroups ++;
				fGroupsWidth += fCurrentGroupWidth;
				//g_print ("fGroupsWidth += %.2f\n", fCurrentGroupWidth);
				fCurrentGroupWidth = - myIconsParam.iIconGap;
		fCurrentGroupWidth += pIcon->fWidth + myIconsParam.iIconGap;
		//g_print ("fCurrentGroupWidth <- %.2f\n", fCurrentGroupWidth);
	if (fCurrentGroupWidth > 0)  // le groupe courant est non vide, sinon c'est juste un separateur a la fin.
		fGroupsWidth += MAX (0, fCurrentGroupWidth);
		//g_print ("fGroupsWidth += %.2f\n", fCurrentGroupWidth);
		iNbGroups --;
	if (fGroupsWidth < 0)
		fGroupsWidth = 0;
	//\_____________ On en deduit l'ecart entre les groupes d'icones.
	double W = cairo_dock_get_max_authorized_dock_width (pDock);
	double fScreenBorderGap = myDocksParam.iDockRadius + myDocksParam.iDockLineWidth;  // on laisse un ecart avec le bord de l'ecran.
	double fGroupGap = (iNbGroups > 1 ? (W - 2*fScreenBorderGap - fGroupsWidth) / (iNbGroups - 1) : W - fScreenBorderGap - fGroupsWidth);
	if (fGroupGap < myIconsParam.iIconGap)  // les icones depassent en largeur.
		fGroupGap = myIconsParam.iIconGap;
	//g_print (" -> %d groups, %d/%d\nfGroupGap = %.2f\n", iNbGroups, (int)fGroupsWidth, (int)W, fGroupGap);
	//\_____________ On calcule la position au repos des icones et la taille du dock.
	double xg = fScreenBorderGap;  // abscisse de l'icone courante, et abscisse du debut du groupe courant.
	double x = xg;
	fCurrentGroupWidth = - myIconsParam.iIconGap;
	for (ic = pDock->icons; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
		pIcon = ic->data;
			pIcon->fXAtRest = x;
			//g_print ("*** separator at %d\n", (int)x);
			if (fCurrentGroupWidth > 0)  // le groupe courant est non vide, sinon c'est juste 2 separateurs cote a cote.
				xg += fCurrentGroupWidth + fGroupGap;
				x = xg;
				//g_print ("jump to %.2f\n", x);
				fCurrentGroupWidth = - myIconsParam.iIconGap;
		fCurrentGroupWidth += pIcon->fWidth + myIconsParam.iIconGap;
		pIcon->fXAtRest = x;
		x += pIcon->fWidth + myIconsParam.iIconGap;
	pDock->fMagnitudeMax = 0.;  // pas de vague.
	double hicon = pDock->iMaxIconHeight;
	pDock->iDecorationsHeight = hicon * pDock->container.fRatio + 2 * myDocksParam.iFrameMargin;
	pDock->iMaxDockWidth = pDock->fFlatDockWidth = pDock->iMinDockWidth = MAX (W, x);  // if > W, we'll come back here with a smaller ratio.
	//g_print ("iMaxDockWidth : %d (%.2f)\n", pDock->iMaxDockWidth, pDock->container.fRatio);
	pDock->iMaxDockHeight = myDocksParam.iDockLineWidth + myDocksParam.iFrameMargin + hicon * pDock->container.fRatio + myDocksParam.iFrameMargin + myDocksParam.iDockLineWidth + (pDock->container.bIsHorizontal ? myIconsParam.iLabelSize : 0);
	pDock->iMaxDockHeight = MAX (pDock->iMaxDockHeight, pDock->iMaxIconHeight * (1 + myIconsParam.fAmplitude));  // au moins la taille du FBO.
	//g_print ("panel view: pDock->iMaxIconHeight = %d\n", pDock->iMaxIconHeight);
	pDock->iDecorationsWidth = pDock->iMaxDockWidth;
	pDock->iMinDockHeight = 2 * (myDocksParam.iDockLineWidth + myDocksParam.iFrameMargin) + hicon * pDock->container.fRatio;  /// TODO: make the height constant, to avoid moving all windows when space is reserved and ratio changes.
	pDock->iActiveWidth = pDock->iMaxDockWidth;
	pDock->iActiveHeight = pDock->iMinDockHeight;
	if (! pDock->container.bIsHorizontal)
		pDock->iMaxDockHeight += 8*myIconsParam.iLabelSize;  // vertical dock, add some padding to draw the labels
	CDPanelData *pData = pDock->pRendererData;
	if (pData == NULL)
		pData = g_new0 (CDPanelData, 1);
		pDock->pRendererData = pData;
	pData->fGroupGap = fGroupGap;