Beispiel #1
static cairo_time_t
do_glyphs (double font_size,
	   cairo_antialias_t antialias,
	   cairo_t *cr, int width, int height, int loops)
    const char text[] = "the jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack";
    cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font;
    cairo_glyph_t *glyphs = NULL, *glyphs_copy;
    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    cairo_font_options_t *options;
    cairo_status_t status;
    double x, y;
    int num_glyphs, n;

    options = cairo_font_options_create ();
    cairo_font_options_set_antialias (options, antialias);
    cairo_set_font_options (cr, options);
    cairo_font_options_destroy (options);

    cairo_select_font_face (cr,
    cairo_set_font_size (cr, font_size);
    scaled_font = cairo_get_scaled_font (cr);
    status = cairo_scaled_font_text_to_glyphs (scaled_font, 0., 0.,
					       text, -1,
					       &glyphs, &num_glyphs,
					       NULL, NULL,
    if (status)
	return 0;

    glyphs_copy = cairo_glyph_allocate (num_glyphs);
    if (glyphs_copy == NULL) {
	cairo_glyph_free (glyphs);
	return 0;

    cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents (scaled_font,
				     glyphs, num_glyphs,

    cairo_perf_timer_start ();

    while (loops--) {
	y = 0;
	do {
	    x = 0;
	    do {
		for (n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++) {
		    glyphs_copy[n] = glyphs[n];
		    glyphs_copy[n].x += x;
		    glyphs_copy[n].y += y;
		cairo_show_glyphs (cr, glyphs_copy, num_glyphs);

		x += extents.width;
	    } while (x < width);
	    y += extents.height;
	} while (y < height);

    cairo_perf_timer_stop ();

    cairo_glyph_free (glyphs);
    cairo_glyph_free (glyphs_copy);

    return cairo_perf_timer_elapsed ();
Beispiel #2
static cairo_perf_ticks_t
do_glyphs (cairo_t *cr, int width, int height, int loops)
    const char text[] = "the jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack";
    cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font;
    cairo_glyph_t *glyphs = NULL, *glyphs_copy;
    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    cairo_status_t status;
    double x, y;
    int num_glyphs, n;

    cairo_set_font_size (cr, 9);
    scaled_font = cairo_get_scaled_font (cr);
    status = cairo_scaled_font_text_to_glyphs (scaled_font, 0., 0.,
					       text, -1,
					       &glyphs, &num_glyphs,
					       NULL, NULL,
    if (status)
	return 0;

    glyphs_copy = cairo_glyph_allocate (num_glyphs);
    if (glyphs_copy == NULL) {
	cairo_glyph_free (glyphs);
	return 0;

    cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents (scaled_font,
				     glyphs, num_glyphs,
    y = 0;

    cairo_perf_timer_start ();

    while (loops--) {
	do {
	    x = 0;
	    do {
		for (n = 0; n < num_glyphs; n++) {
		    glyphs_copy[n] = glyphs[n];
		    glyphs_copy[n].x += x;
		    glyphs_copy[n].y += y;
		cairo_show_glyphs (cr, glyphs_copy, num_glyphs);
		if (cairo_status (cr) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS)
		    goto out;

		x += extents.width;
	    } while (x < width);
	    y += extents.height;
	} while (y < height);

    cairo_perf_timer_stop ();

    cairo_glyph_free (glyphs);
    cairo_glyph_free (glyphs_copy);

    return cairo_perf_timer_elapsed ();