// compute optimal pose and scale using a procedure described by Umeyame,
// Least-squares estimation of transformation parameters between two point patterns (IEEE Pami 1991)
double computeScalingFactor(MeshType* mesh1, MeshType* mesh2)
    if (mesh1->GetNumberOfPoints() != mesh2->GetNumberOfPoints()) {
        throw std::runtime_error("meshes should be in correspondence when computing specificity");

    PointListType points1;
    PointListType points2;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < mesh1->GetNumberOfPoints(); i++) {

        MeshType::PointType pt1;
        mesh1->GetPoint(i, &pt1);

        MeshType::PointType pt2;
        mesh2->GetPoint(i, &pt2);

    vnlMatrixType X  = createMatrixFromPoints(points1);
    vnlMatrixType Y =  createMatrixFromPoints(points2);

    vnlVectorType mu_x = calcMean(X);
    vnlVectorType mu_y = calcMean(Y);

    ElementType sigma2_x = calcVar(X, mu_x);
    ElementType sigma2_y = calcVar(Y, mu_y);

    vnlMatrixType Sigma_xy = calcCov(X, Y, mu_x, mu_y);

    vnl_svd<ElementType> SVD(Sigma_xy);

    unsigned m = X.rows();

    vnlMatrixType S(m,m);
    ElementType detU = vnl_qr<ElementType>(SVD.U()).determinant();
    ElementType detV = vnl_qr<ElementType>(SVD.V()).determinant();
    if ( detU * detV == -1) {
        S[m-1][m-1] = -1;

    // the procedure actually computes the optimal rotation, translation and scale. We only
    // use the scaling factor
    vnlMatrixType R = SVD.U() * S * SVD.V().transpose();

    ElementType c = 1/sigma2_x * vnl_trace(SVD.W()*S);
    vnlVectorType t = mu_y - c * R * mu_x;
    ElementType epsilon2 = sigma2_y -  pow(vnl_trace(SVD.W()*S), 2) / sigma2_x;

    return c;
int main(){
	//printf("hello world!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO!! \n");

	// Calculate overhead of reading TIME
	int numTrials = 100000;
	int i=0;
	double mean;
	double stDev;
	unsigned long long results[numTrials];
  	unsigned long long beg, end;
  	for(i=0; i<numTrials; i++){
		beg = rdtsc();
		end = rdtsc();
		results[i] = end-beg;

  	mean = calcMean(results, numTrials);
  	stDev = calcStDev(results, numTrials);
	//printf("%lld \n", end-beg);
 	printf("Time Mean:  %0.2f,   Time Standard Deviation:  %0.2f \n", mean, stDev);

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
void doWorker()
  printf("[%s.%d] worker started\n", processor_name, my_rank);
  // begin parallel code; fill in the missing code here
  MPI_Status status;
  int master_id = 0;
  int i = 0;
  int n = 0;
  int start = 0;
  MPI_Recv(&n, 1, MPI_INT, master_id, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
  int *array = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
  MPI_Recv(array, n, MPI_INT, master_id, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
  int size = 6;
  int *newArray = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
  newArray[0] = calcSum(array, n);
  newArray[1] = calcMean(array, n);
  newArray[2] = findMax(array, n);
  newArray[3] = findMin(array, n);
  MPI_Send(&n, 1, MPI_INT, worker_id, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  MPI_Send(&array[start], n, MPI_INT, worker_id, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  // end parallel code; no more code change required
  printf("[%s.%d] worker completed\n", processor_name, my_rank);
static void processAccelBias(BiasObj* bias)
  Axis3f mean;
  calcMean(bias, &mean);

  varianceSampleTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
  bias->value.x = (int16_t)(mean.x + 0.5f);
  bias->value.y = (int16_t)(mean.y + 0.5f);
  bias->value.z = (int16_t)(mean.z + 0.5f);
  bias->found = 1;
Beispiel #5
double calcStd(int *array, int N)
  int i = 0;
  double ss = 0.0, mean = calcMean(array, N);

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    ss += (mean - array[i]) * (mean - array[i]);

  return sqrt(ss/N);
Beispiel #6
 * Compute the RMS value of a REAL4Vector
 * \param [out] rms    Pointer to the output RMS value
 * \param [in]  vector Pointer to a REAL4Vector of values
 * \return Status value
INT4 calcRms(REAL4 *rms, REAL4Vector *vector)

   REAL4Vector *sqvector = NULL;
   XLAL_CHECK( (sqvector = XLALCreateREAL4Vector(vector->length)) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
   sqvector = XLALSSVectorMultiply(sqvector, vector, vector);
   XLAL_CHECK( xlalErrno == 0, XLAL_EFUNC );
   *rms = sqrtf(calcMean(sqvector));


   return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} /* calcRms() */
Beispiel #7
float IntegralImage::calcVariance(Rect r)
        int width=_integral.cols;
        int height=_integral.rows;
           int a=r.x+(r.y*width);
           int b=(r.x+r.width)+(r.y*width);
           int c=r.x+((r.y+r.height)*width);
           int d=(r.x+r.width)+(r.y+r.height)*width;
           float mx=calcMean(r);
           double *ii2 = (double *)_sq_integral.data;
           float mx2=ii2[a]+ii2[d]-ii2[b]-ii2[c];
           return mx2;
Beispiel #8
int main()
int EV_seed;
int EV_num;
int EV_mean;
struct EV_linkedNums * EV_nums;
scanf("%d", &EV_seed);
scanf("%d", &EV_num);
EV_nums = getRands(EV_seed, EV_num);
EV_mean = calcMean(EV_nums);
return 0;
Beispiel #9
float calcKurtosis(float * array, int size)
	float mean, variance, diff_sum = 0.0;
	int i;
	mean     = calcMean(array, size);
	variance = calcVariance(array, size);
	variance = pow( variance, 0.5 );
	for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
		diff_sum += pow( (array[i] - mean) / variance, 4);
	return (diff_sum / size) - 3;
Beispiel #10
/* runs the program */
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
	char i_name[MAXNAME + 1] ; /* name of current entry in file */
	int i_grade ;	/* grade of current entry in file */
	int i; /* counter */
	/* file i/o to read in file for grades */
	FILE *inputF ;
	char *mode = "r" ;
	/* store the file handle */
	inputF = fopen(argv[1], mode) ;

	/* if cannot read file */
	if(inputF == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid input file.") ;
		exit(1) ;

	/* pass in the address of "grade" */
	while(fscanf(inputF, "%s %d", i_name, &i_grade) != EOF) {
		i_name[0] = toupper(i_name[0]) ;
		struct grade_entry entry ;
		entry.name = calloc( strlen( i_name ) + 1, sizeof( char ) ) ;
		strncpy(entry.name, i_name, strlen( i_name ) ) ;
		entry.grade = i_grade ;
		grade_list[numgrades] = entry ;
		numgrades++ ;

	printf("\nUnsorted data: \n");
	printf("\nSort by name: \n");
	printf("\nSort by grade: \n");
	printf("\nMean: %d\n", calcMean(grade_list, numgrades));
	printf("Median: %d\n", calcMedian(grade_list, numgrades));
	return 0;
 * Calculates the variance and mean for the bias buffer.
static void calcVarianceAndMean(BiasObj* bias, Axis3f* variance, Axis3f* mean)
  Axis3i16* elem;
  int64_t sumSquared[GYRO_NBR_OF_AXES] = {0};

  for (elem = bias->bufStart;
      elem != (bias->bufStart+SENSORS_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES); elem++)
      sumSquared[0] += elem->x * elem->x;
      sumSquared[1] += elem->y * elem->y;
      sumSquared[2] += elem->z * elem->z;
  calcMean(bias, mean);

  variance->x = fabs(sumSquared[0] / SENSORS_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES
                     - mean->x * mean->x);
  variance->y = fabs(sumSquared[1] / SENSORS_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES
                     - mean->y * mean->y);
  variance->z = fabs(sumSquared[2] / SENSORS_NBR_OF_BIAS_SAMPLES
                     - mean->z * mean->z);
Beispiel #12
 * \brief Compute the harmonic mean value of a REAL4Vector of SFT values
 * The harmonic mean is computed from the mean values of the SFTs
 * \param [out] harmonicMean Pointer to the output REAL4 harmonic mean value
 * \param [in]  vector       Pointer to a REAL4Value from which to compute the harmonic mean
 * \param [in]  numfbins     Number of frequency bins in the SFTs
 * \param [in]  numffts      Number of SFTs during the observation time
 * \return Status value
INT4 calcHarmonicMean(REAL4 *harmonicMean, REAL4Vector *vector, INT4 numfbins, INT4 numffts)

   INT4 values = 0;
   REAL4Vector *tempvect = NULL;
   XLAL_CHECK( (tempvect = XLALCreateREAL4Vector(numfbins)) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

   for (INT4 ii=0; ii<numffts; ii++) {
      if (vector->data[ii*numfbins]!=0.0) {
         memcpy(tempvect->data, &(vector->data[ii*numfbins]), sizeof(REAL4)*numfbins);
         *harmonicMean += 1.0/calcMean(tempvect);
   if (values>0) *harmonicMean = (REAL4)values/(*harmonicMean);
   else *harmonicMean = 0.0;


   return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} /* calcHarmonicMean() */
Beispiel #13
void doManager(int n, int z, int seed)
  int N = n * n;
  int *matrix = createArray(N, z);

  printf("[%s.%d] manager started\n", processor_name, my_rank);
  // begin parallel code; fill in the missing code here  
  // double mean = 0.0, sum = 0.0, std = 0.0, max = 0.0, min = 0.0;
  MPI_Status status;
  int start, worker_id, worker_count = world_size - 1;
  if (N % worker_count == 0) {
   int start = 0;
   MPI_Send(&N, 1, MPI_INT, worker_id, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   MPI_Send(&matrix[start], N, MPI_INT, worker_id, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   int start = 0;
   MPI_Send(&N, 1, MPI_INT, worker_id, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   MPI_Send(&matrix[start], N, MPI_INT, worker_id, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  int count = world_size;
  // end parallel code; no more code change required
  printf("[%s.%d] manager completed\n", processor_name, my_rank);

  printArray(matrix, n);
  printf("N    = %d\n", N);
  printf("sum  = %g %g\n", sum, calcSum(matrix, N));
  printf("mean = %g %g\n", mean, calcMean(matrix, N));
  printf("std  = %g %g\n", std, calcStd(matrix, N));
  printf("max  = %g %g\n", max, findMax(matrix, N));
  printf("min  = %g %g\n", min, findMin(matrix, N));
void makePlot(TH1 *h, const char *title, int pad, float Ymin, float Ymax, float YlimitB, float YlimitC) {

  int rescale = 0;
  double mean, rms, y(0.76);

  for (int i = startChip; i < startChip+nChips; i++) {
    if ( h->GetBinContent(i+1) > Ymax ) {
      Ymax = h->GetBinContent(i+1)+0.2* h->GetBinContent(i+1);
    if ( h->GetBinContent(i+1) > YlimitC ) {
      rescale = 1;
    if ( h->GetBinContent(i+1) < Ymin ) {

      Ymin = h->GetBinContent(i+1)-0.2* h->GetBinContent(i+1);
  h->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(Ymin, Ymax);
  if ( rescale ) {
  mean = calcMean(h);
  rms = calcRMS(h, mean);
  tl->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.93, Form("%s", title));
  char title2[200];
  if (pad != 3) { sprintf(title2, "%s [e]", title); }
  else          { sprintf(title2, "%s [\%]", title); mean = 100*mean; rms = 100*rms; }
  y -= 0.11*(pad-1); 
  tl->DrawLatex(0.25, y, Form("%s",title2));
  //  tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, Form("%.1f +- %.1f", mean, rms));
  tl->DrawLatex(0.72, y, Form("%.1f", mean));

int grading(int *rocs, double i150, double ratio, TH1D *h1[], TH1D *h2[],
	    float *criteriaB, float *criteriaC, const char *testNr) {

  double value(0.),  nValue(0.);
  int gr(1); 
  int jbin(0);
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    for (int j = startChip; j < startChip+nChips; j++) {
      jbin = j - startChip;
      value  = h1[i]->GetBinContent(jbin+1); 
      nValue = h2[i]->GetBinContent(jbin+1); 

      // Grading 
      if ( (gr == 1) && (value > criteriaB[i]) ) { gr = 2; }
      if ( (value > criteriaC[i]) )              { gr = 3; }
      if ( (gr == 1) && (nValue < (4160 - defectsB)) )    { gr = 2; }
      if ( (nValue < (4160 - defectsC)) )                 { gr = 3; }
      // Failures reasons...
      if ( (value > criteriaB[i]) && (value < criteriaC[i]) ) { fitsProblemB[i]++; }
      if ( (value > criteriaC[i]) )                           { fitsProblemC[i]++; }


  if ( !strcmp(testNr,"T+17a") ) { 

    // Grading
    if( (gr == 1) && (rocs[1] > 0       ) )  { gr = 2; }
    if( (gr == 1) && (i150    > currentB) )  { gr = 2; }
    if( (gr == 1) && (ratio   > slopeivB) )  { gr = 2; }
    if( (rocs[2] > 0       ) )  { gr = 3; }
    if( (i150    > currentC) )  { gr = 3; }
    // Failures reasons...
    if( (i150  > currentB) && (i150 < currentC) )  { currentProblemB++; }
    if( (i150  > currentC) )  { currentProblemC++;}
    if( (ratio > slopeivB) )  { slopeProblemB++;}
  if ( !strcmp(testNr,"T-10b") ||  !strcmp(testNr,"T-10a") ) {
    // Grading
    if( (gr == 1) && (rocs[1] > 0           ) )  { gr = 2; }
    if( (gr == 1) && (i150    > 1.5*currentB) )  { gr = 2; }
    if( (gr == 1) && (ratio   > slopeivB    ) )  { gr = 2; }
    if( (rocs[2] > 0           ) )  { gr = 3; }
    if( (i150    > 1.5*currentC) )  { gr = 3; }
    // Failures reasons...
    if( (i150  > 1.5*currentB) && (i150 < 1.5*currentC) )  { currentProblemB++; }
    if( (i150  > 1.5*currentC) )    { currentProblemC++;}
    if( (ratio > slopeivB    ) )    { slopeProblemB++;}
  return gr;
Beispiel #15
RGBDSensor::guess_eye_d_to_world_static(const ChessboardSampling& cbs, const Checkerboard& cb){

  if(cbs.getIRs().empty() || cbs.getPoses().empty()){
    std::cerr << "ERROR in RGBDSensor::guess_eye_d_to_world_static: no Chessboard found" << std::endl;

  glm::mat4 chessboard_pose = cb.pose_offset * cbs.getPoses()[0].mat;
  ChessboardViewIR cbvir(cbs.getIRs()[0]);

  std::vector<glm::vec3> exs;
  std::vector<glm::vec3> eys;

  const float u = cbvir.corners[0].x;
  const float v = cbvir.corners[0].y;
  const float d = cbvir.corners[0].z;
  std::cerr << "calc origin at " << u << ", " << v << ", " << d << std::endl;
  glm::vec3 origin = calc_pos_d(u,v,d);

  for(unsigned i = 1; i < (CB_WIDTH * CB_HEIGHT); ++i){

    const float u = cbvir.corners[i].x;
    const float v = cbvir.corners[i].y;
    const float d = cbvir.corners[i].z;

    glm::vec3 corner = calc_pos_d(u,v,d);
    if(i < CB_WIDTH){
      eys.push_back(glm::normalize(corner - origin));
    else if(i % CB_WIDTH == 0){
      exs.push_back(glm::normalize(corner - origin));

  glm::vec3 ex(calcMean(exs));
  glm::vec3 ey(calcMean(eys));
  ex = glm::normalize(ex);
  ey = glm::normalize(ey);
  glm::vec3 ez = glm::cross(ex,ey);
  ey           = glm::cross(ez,ex);

  std::cerr << "origin: " << origin << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "ex: " << ex << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "ey: " << ey << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "ez: " << ez << std::endl;

  glm::mat4 eye_d_to_world;
  eye_d_to_world[0][0] = ex[0];
  eye_d_to_world[0][1] = ex[1];
  eye_d_to_world[0][2] = ex[2];

  eye_d_to_world[1][0] = ey[0];
  eye_d_to_world[1][1] = ey[1];
  eye_d_to_world[1][2] = ey[2];

  eye_d_to_world[2][0] = ez[0];
  eye_d_to_world[2][1] = ez[1];
  eye_d_to_world[2][2] = ez[2];

  eye_d_to_world[3][0] = origin[0];
  eye_d_to_world[3][1] = origin[1];
  eye_d_to_world[3][2] = origin[2];

  eye_d_to_world = glm::inverse(eye_d_to_world);
  return chessboard_pose * eye_d_to_world;

Beispiel #16
RGBDSensor::guess_eye_d_to_world(const ChessboardSampling& cbs, const Checkerboard& cb){

  // find slowest ChessboardPose
  const double time         = cbs.searchSlowestTime(cbs.searchStartIR());
  bool valid_pose;
  glm::mat4 chessboard_pose = cb.pose_offset * cbs.interpolatePose(time,valid_pose);
    std::cerr << "ERROR: could not interpolate valid pose" << std::endl;

  // find pose of that board in kinect camera space
  bool valid_ir;
  ChessboardViewIR cbvir(cbs.interpolateIR(time, valid_ir));
    std::cerr << "ERROR: could not interpolate valid ChessboardIR" << std::endl;

  std::vector<glm::vec3> exs;
  std::vector<glm::vec3> eys;

  const float u = cbvir.corners[0].x;
  const float v = cbvir.corners[0].y;
  const float d = cbvir.corners[0].z;
  std::cerr << "calc origin at " << u << ", " << v << ", " << d << std::endl;
  glm::vec3 origin = calc_pos_d(u,v,d);

  for(unsigned i = 1; i < (CB_WIDTH * CB_HEIGHT); ++i){

    const float u = cbvir.corners[i].x;
    const float v = cbvir.corners[i].y;
    const float d = cbvir.corners[i].z;

    glm::vec3 corner = calc_pos_d(u,v,d);
    if(i < CB_WIDTH){
      eys.push_back(glm::normalize(corner - origin));
    else if(i % CB_WIDTH == 0){
      exs.push_back(glm::normalize(corner - origin));

  glm::vec3 ex(calcMean(exs));
  glm::vec3 ey(calcMean(eys));
  ex = glm::normalize(ex);
  ey = glm::normalize(ey);
  glm::vec3 ez = glm::cross(ex,ey);
  ey           = glm::cross(ez,ex);

  std::cerr << "origin: " << origin << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "ex: " << ex << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "ey: " << ey << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "ez: " << ez << std::endl;

  glm::mat4 eye_d_to_world;
  eye_d_to_world[0][0] = ex[0];
  eye_d_to_world[0][1] = ex[1];
  eye_d_to_world[0][2] = ex[2];

  eye_d_to_world[1][0] = ey[0];
  eye_d_to_world[1][1] = ey[1];
  eye_d_to_world[1][2] = ey[2];

  eye_d_to_world[2][0] = ez[0];
  eye_d_to_world[2][1] = ez[1];
  eye_d_to_world[2][2] = ez[2];

  eye_d_to_world[3][0] = origin[0];
  eye_d_to_world[3][1] = origin[1];
  eye_d_to_world[3][2] = origin[2];

  eye_d_to_world = glm::inverse(eye_d_to_world);
  return chessboard_pose * eye_d_to_world;
