Beispiel #1
 * Estimate selectivity of "column <@ const" based on most common element
 * statistics.
 * mcelem (of length nmcelem) and numbers (of length nnumbers) are from
 * the array column's MCELEM statistics slot, or are NULL/0 if stats are
 * not available.  array_data (of length nitems) is the constant's elements.
 * hist (of length nhist) is from the array column's DECHIST statistics slot,
 * or is NULL/0 if those stats are not available.
 * Both the mcelem and array_data arrays are assumed presorted according
 * to the element type's cmpfunc.  Null elements are not present.
 * Independent element occurrence would imply a particular distribution of
 * distinct element counts among matching rows.  Real data usually falsifies
 * that assumption.  For example, in a set of 11-element integer arrays having
 * elements in the range [0..10], element occurrences are typically not
 * independent.  If they were, a sufficiently-large set would include all
 * distinct element counts 0 through 11.  We correct for this using the
 * histogram of distinct element counts.
 * In the "column @> const" and "column && const" cases, we usually have a
 * "const" with low number of elements (otherwise we have selectivity close
 * to 0 or 1 respectively).  That's why the effect of dependence related
 * to distinct element count distribution is negligible there.  In the
 * "column <@ const" case, number of elements is usually high (otherwise we
 * have selectivity close to 0).  That's why we should do a correction with
 * the array distinct element count distribution here.
 * Using the histogram of distinct element counts produces a different
 * distribution law than independent occurrences of elements.  This
 * distribution law can be described as follows:
 * P(o1, o2, ..., on) = f1^o1 * (1 - f1)^(1 - o1) * f2^o2 *
 *	  (1 - f2)^(1 - o2) * ... * fn^on * (1 - fn)^(1 - on) * hist[m] / ind[m]
 * where:
 * o1, o2, ..., on - occurrences of elements 1, 2, ..., n
 *		(1 - occurrence, 0 - no occurrence) in row
 * f1, f2, ..., fn - frequencies of elements 1, 2, ..., n
 *		(scalar values in [0..1]) according to collected statistics
 * m = o1 + o2 + ... + on = total number of distinct elements in row
 * hist[m] - histogram data for occurrence of m elements.
 * ind[m] - probability of m occurrences from n events assuming their
 *	  probabilities to be equal to frequencies of array elements.
 * ind[m] = sum(f1^o1 * (1 - f1)^(1 - o1) * f2^o2 * (1 - f2)^(1 - o2) *
 * ... * fn^on * (1 - fn)^(1 - on), o1, o2, ..., on) | o1 + o2 + .. on = m
static Selectivity
mcelem_array_contained_selec(Datum *mcelem, int nmcelem,
							 float4 *numbers, int nnumbers,
							 Datum *array_data, int nitems,
							 float4 *hist, int nhist,
							 Oid operator, FmgrInfo *cmpfunc)
	int			mcelem_index,
				unique_nitems = 0;
	float		selec,
	float	   *dist,
	float		avg_count,
	float	   *elem_selec;

	 * There should be three more Numbers than Values in the MCELEM slot,
	 * because the last three cells should hold minimal and maximal frequency
	 * among the non-null elements, and then the frequency of null elements.
	 * Punt if not right, because we can't do much without the element freqs.
	if (numbers == NULL || nnumbers != nmcelem + 3)

	/* Can't do much without a count histogram, either */
	if (hist == NULL || nhist < 3)

	 * Grab some of the summary statistics that compute_array_stats() stores:
	 * lowest frequency, frequency of null elements, and average distinct
	 * element count.
	minfreq = numbers[nmcelem];
	nullelem_freq = numbers[nmcelem + 2];
	avg_count = hist[nhist - 1];

	 * "rest" will be the sum of the frequencies of all elements not
	 * represented in MCELEM.  The average distinct element count is the sum
	 * of the frequencies of *all* elements.  Begin with that; we will proceed
	 * to subtract the MCELEM frequencies.
	rest = avg_count;

	 * mult is a multiplier representing estimate of probability that each
	 * mcelem that is not present in constant doesn't occur.
	mult = 1.0f;

	 * elem_selec is array of estimated frequencies for elements in the
	 * constant.
	elem_selec = (float *) palloc(sizeof(float) * nitems);

	/* Scan mcelem and array in parallel. */
	mcelem_index = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
		bool		match = false;

		/* Ignore any duplicates in the array data. */
		if (i > 0 &&
			element_compare(&array_data[i - 1], &array_data[i], cmpfunc) == 0)

		 * Iterate over MCELEM until we find an entry greater than or equal to
		 * this element of the constant.  Update "rest" and "mult" for mcelem
		 * entries skipped over.
		while (mcelem_index < nmcelem)
			int			cmp = element_compare(&mcelem[mcelem_index],

			if (cmp < 0)
				mult *= (1.0f - numbers[mcelem_index]);
				rest -= numbers[mcelem_index];
				if (cmp == 0)
					match = true;	/* mcelem is found */

		if (match)
			/* MCELEM matches the array item. */
			elem_selec[unique_nitems] = numbers[mcelem_index];
			/* "rest" is decremented for all mcelems, matched or not */
			rest -= numbers[mcelem_index];
			 * The element is not in MCELEM.  Punt, but assume that the
			 * selectivity cannot be more than minfreq / 2.
			elem_selec[unique_nitems] = Min(DEFAULT_CONTAIN_SEL,
											minfreq / 2);


	 * If we handled all constant elements without exhausting the MCELEM
	 * array, finish walking it to complete calculation of "rest" and "mult".
	while (mcelem_index < nmcelem)
		mult *= (1.0f - numbers[mcelem_index]);
		rest -= numbers[mcelem_index];

	 * The presence of many distinct rare elements materially decreases
	 * selectivity.  Use the Poisson distribution to estimate the probability
	 * of a column value having zero occurrences of such elements.  See above
	 * for the definition of "rest".
	mult *= exp(-rest);

	 * Using the distinct element count histogram requires
	 *		O(unique_nitems * (nmcelem + unique_nitems))
	 * operations.  Beyond a certain computational cost threshold, it's
	 * reasonable to sacrifice accuracy for decreased planning time.  We limit
	 * the number of operations to EFFORT * nmcelem; since nmcelem is limited
	 * by the column's statistics target, the work done is user-controllable.
	 * If the number of operations would be too large, we can reduce it
	 * without losing all accuracy by reducing unique_nitems and considering
	 * only the most-common elements of the constant array.  To make the
	 * results exactly match what we would have gotten with only those
	 * elements to start with, we'd have to remove any discarded elements'
	 * frequencies from "mult", but since this is only an approximation
	 * anyway, we don't bother with that.  Therefore it's sufficient to qsort
	 * elem_selec[] and take the largest elements.  (They will no longer match
	 * up with the elements of array_data[], but we don't care.)
#define EFFORT 100

	if ((nmcelem + unique_nitems) > 0 &&
		unique_nitems > EFFORT * nmcelem / (nmcelem + unique_nitems))
		 * Use the quadratic formula to solve for largest allowable N.  We
		 * have A = 1, B = nmcelem, C = - EFFORT * nmcelem.
		double		b = (double) nmcelem;
		int			n;

		n = (int) ((sqrt(b * b + 4 * EFFORT * b) - b) / 2);

		/* Sort, then take just the first n elements */
		qsort(elem_selec, unique_nitems, sizeof(float),
		unique_nitems = n;

	 * Calculate probabilities of each distinct element count for both mcelems
	 * and constant elements.  At this point, assume independent element
	 * occurrence.
	dist = calc_distr(elem_selec, unique_nitems, unique_nitems, 0.0f);
	mcelem_dist = calc_distr(numbers, nmcelem, unique_nitems, rest);

	/* ignore hist[nhist-1], which is the average not a histogram member */
	hist_part = calc_hist(hist, nhist - 1, unique_nitems);

	selec = 0.0f;
	for (i = 0; i <= unique_nitems; i++)
		 * mult * dist[i] / mcelem_dist[i] gives us probability of qual
		 * matching from assumption of independent element occurrence with the
		 * condition that distinct element count = i.
		if (mcelem_dist[i] > 0)
			selec += hist_part[i] * mult * dist[i] / mcelem_dist[i];


	/* Take into account occurrence of NULL element. */
	selec *= (1.0f - nullelem_freq);


	return selec;
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  double min, max;             /* Minimum & maximum sample values       */
  double sum_of_samples=0.0;   /* Sum of all samples accounted for      */
  double sum_of_squared_samples=0.0; /* Sum of all squared samples accounted for*/
  double trim_fraction;        /* Fraction used to trim the histogram   */
  int ii;                      /* Loop index                            */
  long samples_counted=0;      /* Number of all samples accounted for   */
  float *data_line;           /* Buffer for a line of samples          */
  long line, sample;            /* Line and sample indices               */
  long num_lines, num_samples;  /* Number of lines and samples           */
  int percent_complete=0;      /* Percent of data sweep completed       */
  int overmeta_flag=FALSE;     /* If TRUE write over current .meta file */
  int overstat_flag=FALSE;     /* If TRUE write over current .stat file */
  int nometa_flag=FALSE;       /* If TRUE do not write .meta file       */
  int nostat_flag=FALSE;       /* If TRUE do not write .stat file       */
  int mask_flag=FALSE;         /* TRUE if user specifies a mask value   */
  int trim_flag=FALSE;         /* If TRUE trim histogram                */
  double mask=NAN;             /* Value to ignore while caculating stats*/
  char meta_name[261];         /* Meta file name                        */
  meta_parameters *meta;       /* SAR meta data structure               */
  char sar_name[256];          /* SAR file name WITH extention          */
  FILE *sar_file;              /* SAR data file pointer to take stats on*/
  stat_parameters *stats;      /* Statistics structure                  */
  char stat_name[261];         /* Stats file name                       */
  extern int currArg;          /* Pre-initialized to 1                  */

  /* We initialize these to a magic number for checking. */
  long start_line = -1;         /* Window starting line.                 */
  long start_sample = -1;       /* Window starting sample.               */
  long window_height = -1;      /* Window height in lines.               */
  long window_width = -1;       /* Window width in samples.              */

/* parse command line */
  handle_license_and_version_args(argc, argv, "stats");
  while (currArg < (argc-1)) {
    char *key = argv[currArg++];
    if (strmatch(key,"-quiet")) {
    else if (strmatch(key,"-log")) {
      fLog = FOPEN(logFile, "a");
    else if (strmatch(key,"-mask")) {
      mask = atof(GET_ARG(1));
    else if (strmatch(key,"-overmeta")) {
    else if (strmatch(key,"-overstat")) {
    else if (strmatch(key,"-nometa")) {
    else if (strmatch(key,"-nostat")) {
    else if (strmatch(key,"-startline")) {
      nometa_flag=TRUE; /* Implied.  */
      start_line = atol(GET_ARG(1));
      if ( start_line < 0 ) {
        printf("error: -startline argument must be greater than or equal to zero\n");
    else if (strmatch(key,"-startsample")) {
      nometa_flag=TRUE; /* Implied.  */
      start_sample = atol(GET_ARG(1));
      if ( start_sample < 0 ) {
        printf("error: -startsample argument must be greater than or equal to zero\n");
    else if (strmatch(key,"-width")) {
      nometa_flag=TRUE; /* Implied.  */
      window_width = atol(GET_ARG(1));
      if ( window_width < 0 ) {
        printf("error: -width argument must be greater than or equal to zero\n");
    else if (strmatch(key,"-height")) {
      nometa_flag=TRUE; /* Implied.  */
      window_height = atol(GET_ARG(1));
      if ( window_height < 0 ) {
        printf("error: -height argument must be greater than or equal to zero\n");
    else if (strmatch(key,"-trim")) {
      trim_flag=TRUE; /* Implied.  */
      trim_fraction = atof(GET_ARG(1));
    else {printf( "\n**Invalid option:  %s\n",argv[currArg-1]); usage(argv[0]);}

  if ((argc-currArg)<1) {printf("Insufficient arguments.\n"); usage(argv[0]);}
  strcpy (sar_name, argv[currArg]);
  char *ext = findExt(sar_name);
  if (ext == NULL || strcmp("IMG", uc(ext)) != 0) {
    strcpy(sar_name, appendExt(sar_name, ".img"));
  create_name(meta_name, sar_name, ".meta");
  create_name(stat_name, sar_name, ".stat");

  printf("\nProgram: stats\n\n");
  if (logflag) {
    fprintf(fLog, "\nProgram: stats\n\n");
  printf("\nCalculating statistics for %s\n\n", sar_name);
  if (logflag) {
    fprintf(fLog,"\nCalculating statistics for %s\n\n", sar_name);
  meta = meta_read(meta_name);
  num_lines = meta->general->line_count;
  num_samples = meta->general->sample_count;

  if ( start_line == -1 ) start_line = 0;
  if ( start_line > num_lines ) {
    printf("error: -startline argument is larger than index of last line in image\n");
  if ( start_sample == -1 ) start_sample = 0;
  if ( start_sample > num_samples ) {
    printf("error: -startsample argument is larger than index of last sample in image\n");
  if ( window_height == -1 ) window_height = num_lines;
  if ( start_line + window_height > num_lines ) {
    printf("warning: window specified with -startline, -height options doesn't fit in image\n");
  if ( window_width == -1 ) window_width = num_samples;
  if ( start_sample + window_width > num_samples ) {
    printf("warning: window specified with -startsample, -width options doesn't fit in image\n");

/* Make sure we don't over write any files that we don't want to */
  if (meta->stats && !overmeta_flag && !nometa_flag) {
    printf(" ** The meta file already has a populated statistics structure.\n"
           " ** If you want to run this program and replace that structure,\n"
           " ** then use the -overmeta option to do so. If you want to run\n"
           " ** this program, but don't want to replace the structure, use\n"
           " ** the -nometa option.\n");
    if (logflag) {
      " ** The meta file already has a populated statistics structure.\n"
      " ** If you want to run this program and replace that structure,\n"
      " ** then use the -overmeta option to do so. If you want to run\n"
      " ** this program, but don't want to replace the structure, use\n"
      " ** the -nometa option.\n");
  if (fileExists(stat_name) && !overstat_flag && !nostat_flag) {
    printf(" ** The file, %s, already exists. If you want to\n"
           " ** overwrite it, then use the -overstat option to do so.\n"
           " ** If you want to run the progam but don't want to write\n"
           " ** over the current file, then use the -nostat option.\n",
    if (logflag) {
      " ** The file, %s, already exists. If you want to\n"
      " ** overwrite it, then use the -overstat option to do so.\n"
      " ** If you want to run the progam but don't want to write\n"
      " ** over the current file, then use the -nostat option.\n",

/* Let user know the window in which the stats will be taken */
  if ((start_line!=0) || (start_sample!=0)
      || (window_height!=num_lines) || (window_width!=num_samples)) {
        if (!quietflag) {
      printf("Taking statistics on a window with upper left corner (%ld,%ld)\n"
      "  and lower right corner (%ld,%ld)\n",
      start_sample, start_line,
      window_width+start_sample, window_height+start_line);
    if (logflag && !quietflag) {
        "Taking statistics on a window with upper left corner (%ld,%ld)\n"
      "  and lower right corner (%ld,%ld)\n",
      start_sample, start_line,
      window_width+start_sample, window_height+start_line);


/* Allocate line buffer */
  data_line = (float *)MALLOC(sizeof(float)*num_samples);
  if (meta->stats) FREE(meta->stats);
  if (meta->general->band_count <= 0) {
    printf(" ** Band count in the existing data is missing or less than zero.\nDefaulting to one band.\n");
    if (logflag) {
      fprintf(fLog, " ** Band count in the existing data is missing or less than zero.\nDefaulting to one band.\n");
    meta->general->band_count = 1;
  meta->stats = meta_statistics_init(meta->general->band_count);
  if (!meta->stats) {
    printf(" ** Cannot allocate memory for statistics data structures.\n");
    if (logflag) {
      fprintf(fLog, " ** Cannot allocate memory for statistics data structures.\n");
  stats = (stat_parameters *)MALLOC(sizeof(stat_parameters) * meta->stats->band_count);
  if (!stats) {
    printf(" ** Cannot allocate memory for statistics data structures.\n");
    if (logflag) {
      fprintf(fLog, " ** Cannot allocate memory for statistics data structures.\n");

  int  band;
  long band_offset;
  for (band = 0; band < meta->stats->band_count; band++) {
    /* Find min, max, and mean values */
    if (!quietflag) printf("\n");
    if (logflag && !quietflag) fprintf(fLog,"\n");
    min = 100000000;
    max = -100000000;
    band_offset = band * meta->general->line_count;
    sar_file = FOPEN(sar_name, "r");
    for (line=start_line+band_offset; line<start_line+window_height+band_offset; line++) {
      if (!quietflag) asfPercentMeter((float)(line-start_line-band_offset)/(float)(window_height-start_line));
      get_float_line(sar_file, meta, line, data_line);
      for (sample=start_sample; sample<start_sample+window_width; sample++) {
        if ( mask_flag && FLOAT_EQUIVALENT(data_line[sample],mask) )
        if (data_line[sample] < min) min=data_line[sample];
        if (data_line[sample] > max) max=data_line[sample];
        sum_of_samples += data_line[sample];
        sum_of_squared_samples += SQR(data_line[sample]);
    if (!quietflag) asfPercentMeter(1.0);
//    if (!quietflag) printf("\rFirst data sweep: 100%% complete.\n");

    stats[band].min = min;
    stats[band].max = max;
    stats[band].upper_left_line = start_line;
    stats[band].upper_left_samp = start_sample;
    stats[band].lower_right_line = start_line + window_height;
    stats[band].lower_right_samp = start_sample + window_width;
    stats[band].mask = mask;

    stats[band] = calc_hist(stats[band], sar_name, band, meta, sum_of_samples,
                      samples_counted, mask_flag);

  /* Remove outliers and trim the histogram by resetting the minimum and
    and maximum */
    if (trim_flag) {
      register int sum=0, num_pixels, minDex=0, maxDex=255;
      double overshoot, width;

      num_pixels = (int)(samples_counted*trim_fraction);
      minDex = 0;
      while (sum < num_pixels)
        sum += stats[band].histogram[minDex++];
      if (minDex-1>=0)
        overshoot = (double)(num_pixels-sum)/stats[band].histogram[minDex-1];
        overshoot = 0;
      stats[band].min = (minDex-overshoot-stats[band].offset)/stats[band].slope;

      while (sum < num_pixels)
        sum += stats[band].histogram[maxDex--];
      if (maxDex+1<256)
        overshoot = (double)(num_pixels-sum)/stats[band].histogram[maxDex+1];
        overshoot = 0;
      stats[band].max = (maxDex+1+overshoot-stats[band].offset)/stats[band].slope;

      /* Widening the range for better visual effect */
      width = (stats[band].max-stats[band].min)*(1/(1.0-2*trim_fraction)-1);
      stats[band].min -= width/2;
      stats[band].max += width/2;

      /* Couple useful corrections borrowed from SARview */
      if ((stats[band].max-stats[band].min) < 0.01*(max-min)) {
        stats[band].max = max;
        stats[band].min = min;
      if (min == 0.0)
      if (stats[band].min == stats[band].max)
        stats[band].max = stats[band].min + MICRON;

      stats[band].slope = 255.0/(stats[band].max-stats[band].min);
      stats[band].offset = -stats[band].slope*stats[band].min;

      stats[band] = calc_hist(stats[band], sar_name, band, meta, sum_of_samples,
                        samples_counted, mask_flag);

  /* Populate meta->stats structure */
  char **band_names = NULL;
  if (meta_is_valid_string(meta->general->bands) &&
      strlen(meta->general->bands)               &&
      meta->general->band_count > 0)
    band_names = extract_band_names(meta->general->bands, meta->general->band_count);
  else {
    if (meta->general->band_count <= 0) meta->general->band_count = 1;
    band_names = (char **) MALLOC (meta->general->band_count * sizeof(char *));
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<meta->general->band_count; i++) {
      band_names[i] = (char *) MALLOC (64 * sizeof(char));
      sprintf(band_names[i], "%02d", i);
  int band_no;
  for (band_no = 0; band_no < meta->stats->band_count; band_no++) {
    strcpy(meta->stats->band_stats[band_no].band_id, band_names[band_no]);
    meta->stats->band_stats[band_no].min = stats[band_no].min;
    meta->stats->band_stats[band_no].max = stats[band_no].max;
    meta->stats->band_stats[band_no].mean = stats[band_no].mean;
    meta->stats->band_stats[band_no].rmse = stats[band_no].rmse;
    meta->stats->band_stats[band_no].std_deviation = stats[band_no].std_deviation;
    meta->stats->band_stats[band_no].mask = stats[band_no].mask;
  if (band_names) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<meta->general->band_count; i++) {
      if (band_names[i]) FREE (band_names[i]);

/* Print findings to the screen (and log file if applicable)*/
  if (!quietflag) {
    printf("Statistics found:\n");
    if (mask_flag)
      { printf("Used mask %-16.11g\n",mask); }
    printf("Number of bands: %d\n", meta->stats->band_count);
    for (band=0; band<meta->stats->band_count; band++) {
      printf("\n\nBand name = \"%s\"\n", meta->stats->band_stats[band].band_id);
      printf("Minimum = %-16.11g\n",stats[band].min);
      printf("Maximum = %-16.11g\n",stats[band].max);
      printf("Mean = %-16.11g\n",stats[band].mean);
      printf("Root mean squared error = %-16.11g\n",
      printf("Standard deviation = %-16.11g\n",
      printf("Data fit to [0..255] using equation:  byte = %g * sample + %g\n",
            stats[band].slope, stats[band].offset);
                  if (trim_flag)
                    printf("Trimming fraction = %.3g\n", trim_fraction);
      for (ii=0; ii<256; ii++) {
        if (ii%8 == 0) {
            (ii==0) ? "" : "\n",
            ii, ii+7);
        printf(" %8i", stats[band].histogram[ii]);
  if (logflag && !quietflag) {
    fprintf(fLog,"Statistics found:\n");
    if (mask_flag)
      { fprintf(fLog,"Used mask %-16.11g\n",mask); }
    fprintf(fLog,"Number of bands: %d\n", meta->stats->band_count);
    for (band=0; band<meta->stats->band_count; band++) {
      fprintf(fLog,"\n\nBand name = \"%s\"\n", meta->stats->band_stats[band].band_id);
      fprintf(fLog,"Minimum = %-16.11g\n",stats[band].min);
      fprintf(fLog,"Maximum = %-16.11g\n",stats[band].max);
      fprintf(fLog,"Mean = %-16.11g\n",stats[band].mean);
      fprintf(fLog,"Root mean squared error = %-16.11g\n",
      fprintf(fLog,"Standard deviation = %-16.11g\n",
      fprintf(fLog,"Data fit to [0..255] using equation:  byte = %g * sample + %g\n",
             stats[band].slope, stats[band].offset);
      if (trim_flag)
        fprintf(fLog,"Trimming fraction = %.3g\n", trim_fraction);
      for (ii=0; ii<256; ii++) {
        if (ii%8 == 0) {
                 (ii==0) ? "" : "\n",
                 ii, ii+7);
        fprintf(fLog," %8i", stats[band].histogram[ii]);

/* Write out .meta and .stat files */
  if (!nometa_flag) meta_write(meta, meta_name);
  if (!nostat_flag) stat_write(stats, stat_name, meta->stats->band_count);

/* Free the metadata structure */

/* Report */
  if (!quietflag) {
    printf("Statistics taken on image file %s.\n",sar_name);
    if (!nometa_flag)
      printf("Statistics written to the stats block in %s.\n",
    if (!nostat_flag)
      printf("Statistics plus histogram written to %s.\n",
  if (logflag && !quietflag) {
    fprintf(fLog,"Statistics taken on image file '%s'\n",sar_name);
    if (!nometa_flag)
      fprintf(fLog,"Statistics written to the stats block in %s\n",
    if (!nostat_flag)
      fprintf(fLog,"Statistics plus histogram written to %s\n",

  if (fLog) FCLOSE(fLog);
  return 0;