Beispiel #1
BitSet *bitset_create(size_t bits)
    size_t words = calc_words(bits);
    BitSet *rv = (BitSet *)calloc(words + 2, sizeof(*rv));
    rv[0].word = 1;
    rv[1].word = bits;
    return rv + 2;
Beispiel #2
static size_t bitset_words(BitSet *b)
    return calc_words(bitset_bits(b));
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char** argv){
	//select loggin level 

	std::string adc_id;
	std::string filename;
	size_t offset = 0x08000000; // 128M * 4 -> second memory bank
	size_t block_size = 2048;
	size_t data_size = 4096;
	bool simple_mode = false;
	bool halbe_mode = false;
	bool statistic_mode = false;

		namespace po = boost::program_options;
		po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
			("help", "produce help message")
			("adc", po::value<std::string>(&adc_id)->required(), "specify ADC board")
			("data_size", po::value<size_t>(&data_size), "Amount of data to read (kB), default 4096kB")
			("block_size", po::value<size_t>(&block_size), "Read data in blocks of this size(kB), default 2048kB")
			("simple_mode", po::bool_switch(&simple_mode), "Run forever and collect statistics.")
			("halbe_mode ", po::bool_switch(&halbe_mode), "Run forever and collect statistics.")
			("statistic_mode", po::bool_switch(&statistic_mode), "Run forever and collect statistics.")

		po::variables_map vm;
		po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
				, vm);

		if (vm.count("help")) {
			std::cout << std::endl << desc << std::endl;
			return 0;

	if (simple_mode)
		//create the top of the tree
		Vmoduleusb io(usbcomm::note);

		if(, usb_deviceid, adc_id)){
			std::cout << "Open failed" << std::endl;
			return -1;
		else {
			std::cout << "Board " << adc_id << " opened" << std::endl;

		//create sp6 class tree
		Vusbmaster usb(&io);
		//usbmaster knows three clients, must be in this order!!!
		Vusbstatus status(&usb);
		Vmemory mem(&usb);
		Vocpfifo ocp(&usb);
		//ocpfifo clients
		Vspiconfrom confrom(&ocp);
		Vspigyro gyro(&ocp);
		Vspiwireless wireless(&ocp);
		std::cout << "Transfering " << data_size << "kB in "
			      << calc_blocks(data_size * 1024, block_size * 1024)
				  << " block(s) of "
				  << calc_words(block_size) << " words." << std::endl;
		size_t errorcnt = memtest(mem, calc_words(data_size), offset, calc_words(block_size));
		std::cout << "Transmission errors: " << errorcnt << std::endl;
		if (errorcnt > 0)
			return -1;
    if (halbe_mode)
		Vmoduleusb io(usbcomm::note, usb_vendorid, usb_deviceid, adc_id);
		std::cout << "Board " << adc_id << " opened" << std::endl;
		Vusbmaster usb(&io);
		Vusbstatus status(&usb);
		Vmemory mem(&usb);
		Vocpfifo ocp(&usb);
		Vmux_board mux_board(&ocp, mux_board_mode(adc_id));
		Vflyspi_adc adc(&ocp);

		// write configuration to adc
		adc.setup_controller(0, calc_words(data_size),
				0 /* single mode */, 0 /* trigger enable */, 0 /* trigger */);

		const uint32_t startaddr = adc.get_startaddr();
		const uint32_t endaddr   = adc.get_endaddr();
		const uint32_t num_words = endaddr - startaddr;
		if (startaddr != 0 or endaddr != calc_words(data_size))
			std::cout << "Invalid start or end addresses: startaddr="
				      << startaddr << " endaddr=" << endaddr;
		std::cout << "Transfering " << num_words << " words in "
			      << calc_blocks(data_size * 1024, block_size * 1024)
				  << " block(s) of "
				  << num_words << " words." << std::endl;
		size_t errorcnt = memtest(mem, num_words, offset, calc_words(block_size));
		std::cout << "Transmission errors: " << errorcnt << std::endl;
		if (errorcnt > 0)
			return -1;