int runFilter(int argc, char *argv[])
 char * filenameInput=argv[1];
 char * filenameOutput=argv[2];
 unsigned int inputType = guessFilenameTypeStupid(filenameInput);
 struct Image * inputImage = readImage(filenameInput,inputType,0);
 struct Image * outputImage = 0; //This will get allocated when and if needed

 if (inputImage!=0)
    unsigned int outputType = guessFilenameTypeStupid(filenameOutput);
    unsigned int i=0;
      for (i=0; i<argc; i++)

        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--learn")==0 )
        } else
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--rgbcube")==0 )
          unsigned int dim=32;
          unsigned char R = (char) atoi(argv[i]+1);
          unsigned char G = (char) atoi(argv[i]+2);
          unsigned char B = (char) atoi(argv[i]+3);

          outputImage = createImage( dim , dim , 3 , 8 );

           bitbltColorRGB(outputImage->pixels ,   0  ,  0 , dim , dim ,  R ,  G ,  B , dim-1 , dim-1);

           writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mX.pnm");
           writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pX.pnm");
           writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mY.pnm");
           writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pY.pnm");
           writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mZ.pnm");
           writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pZ.pnm");

        } else
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--envcube")==0 )
          fprintf(stdout,"Converting Environment Cube \n");
          unsigned int outputType = guessFilenameTypeStupid(filenameOutput);
          //outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage);

          unsigned int outputWidth = inputImage->width;
          unsigned int outputHeight = (unsigned int ) (3*inputImage->width)/4;
          outputImage = createImage( outputWidth , outputHeight , 3 , 8 );

         createCubeMapFace(  outputImage->pixels ,  outputImage->width , outputImage->height , outputImage->channels , outputImage->bitsperpixel ,
                             inputImage->pixels ,  inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels , inputImage->bitsperpixel

         struct Image * partImg=0;
         unsigned int outX=0 , outY=0 , outWidth=0 , outHeight=0;
         getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/ -1 , /*y*/  0  , /*z*/  0 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight );
         partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight );
         writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mX.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg);

         getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/  1 , /*y*/  0  , /*z*/  0 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight );
         partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight );
         writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pX.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg);

         getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/  0 , /*y*/ -1  , /*z*/  0 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight );
         partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight );
         writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mY.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg);

         getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/  0 , /*y*/  1  , /*z*/  0 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight );
         partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight );
         writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pY.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg);

         getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/  0 , /*y*/  0  , /*z*/ -1 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight );
         partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight );
         writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mZ.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg);

         getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/  0 , /*y*/  0  , /*z*/  1 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight );
         partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight );
         writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pZ.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg);
        } else
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--compare")==0 )
          unsigned int outputType = guessFilenameTypeStupid(filenameOutput);
          outputImage = readImage(filenameOutput,outputType ,0);

          float noise = calculatePSNR( outputImage->pixels ,  outputImage->width , outputImage->height , outputImage->channels ,
                                       inputImage->pixels ,  inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels );

           fprintf(stdout,"Compared Detected Noise is %0.4f dB \n",noise);
        } else
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--gaussian")==0 )
          outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage);

         unsigned int normalizeGaussianKernel=1;
         unsigned int kernelWidth=5;
         unsigned int kernelHeight=5;
         float * convolutionMatrix=allocateGaussianKernel(kernelWidth,kernelHeight,normalizeGaussianKernel);
         float divisor=1.0;

         float * inF = copyUCharImage2Float(inputImage->pixels ,  inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels );
         float * outF = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) *  outputImage->width * outputImage->height *  outputImage->channels );

                                 outF ,  outputImage->width , outputImage->height ,
                                 inF,  inputImage->width , inputImage->height ,
                                 convolutionMatrix , kernelWidth , kernelHeight , &divisor


         castFloatImage2UChar(outputImage->pixels, outF, outputImage->width , outputImage->height ,  outputImage->channels );
        } else
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--ctbilateral")==0 )
          outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage);

          float sigma = atof(argv[i+1]);
                                       inputImage->pixels  ,  inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels ,
                                       outputImage->pixels ,  outputImage->width , outputImage->height
                                      ,&sigma //sigma
                                      ,atoi(argv[i+2]) //bins
                                      ,atoi(argv[i+3]) //useDeriche

        } else
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--deriche")==0 )
          outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage);
          float sigma = atof(argv[i+1]);
          dericheRecursiveGaussianGray( outputImage->pixels ,  outputImage->width , outputImage->height , inputImage->channels ,
                                        inputImage->pixels ,  inputImage->width , inputImage->height ,
                                        &sigma , atoi(argv[i+2])
        } else
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--dericheF")==0 )
          fprintf(stderr,"This is a test call for casting code , this shouldnt be normally used..\n");
          outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage);
          float sigma = atof(argv[i+1]);

          //outputImage = copyImage(inputImage);
         float * inF = copyUCharImage2Float(inputImage->pixels ,  inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels );
         float * outF = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) *  outputImage->width * outputImage->height *  outputImage->channels );

         dericheRecursiveGaussianGrayF(  outF  ,  outputImage->width , outputImage->height ,  inputImage->channels ,
                                         inF ,  inputImage->width , inputImage->height  ,
                                         &sigma , atoi(argv[i+2])

         castFloatImage2UChar(outputImage->pixels, outF, outputImage->width , outputImage->height ,  outputImage->channels );
        } else
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--median")==0 )
           outputImage = copyImage(inputImage);
                         outputImage->pixels ,  outputImage->width , outputImage->height ,
                         inputImage->pixels ,  inputImage->width , inputImage->height  ,
                         atoi(argv[i+1]) , atoi(argv[i+2])
        } else
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--meansat")==0 )
           outputImage = copyImage(inputImage);
                         outputImage->pixels ,  outputImage->width , outputImage->height , outputImage->channels ,
                         inputImage->pixels ,  inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels ,
                         atoi(argv[i+1]) , atoi(argv[i+2])
        } else
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--monochrome")==0 )
          outputImage = copyImage(inputImage);
        } else
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--bilateral")==0 )
          outputImage = copyImage(inputImage);
          bilateralFilter( outputImage->pixels ,  outputImage->width , outputImage->height ,
                           inputImage->pixels ,  inputImage->width , inputImage->height ,
                            atof(argv[i+1]) , atof(argv[i+2]) , atoi(argv[i+3])
        } else
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--contrast")==0 )
          outputImage = copyImage(inputImage);
        } else
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--sattest")==0 )
            float * tmp = allocateGaussianKernel(3,5.0,1);
            if (tmp!=0) { free(tmp); }

            tmp = allocateGaussianKernel(9,5.0,1);
            if (tmp!=0) { free(tmp); }

            tmp = allocateGaussianKernel(15,5.0,1);
            if (tmp!=0) { free(tmp); }

            unsigned int * integralImageOutput = 0;
            integralImageOutput = generateSummedAreaTableRGB(inputImage->pixels ,  inputImage->width , inputImage->height);
            if (integralImageOutput!=0)
              fprintf(stderr,"integralImage test was successful\n");

    writeImageFile(outputImage,outputType ,filenameOutput);
    return 1;
 return 0;
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	double time_spent;
	clock_t begin, end;
	begin = clock();

	struct gengetopt_args_info args_info;
	cod_t cod_struct;
	dict_t dict_struct;

	int parser_ret;
	parser_ret = cmdline_parser(argc, argv, &args_info);

	/** parse the user given parameters with gengetopt */
	if (parser_ret != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR]  while calling cmdline_parser\n");


	/**Missing Arguments or incorrect arguments  ate least one argument must be provided*/
	if (argc < 2) {
	    printf("===================== HELP: Some Arguments Avaiable: =====================\n\n");
		printf("--encode --> use this to encode an image file, don't forget to supply the file to encode\n");
		printf("--parallel-encode --> use this to encode an image file with threads, don't forget to supply the file to encode and the number of threads\n");
		printf("--decode --> use this to decode an image file, don't forget to supply the file to decode\n");
		printf("--decode-dir --> use this to decode images in a given directory, suply the directory path\n");
		printf("--PSNR --> use this to calculate .... between the original and decoded file, must supply both files as arguments\n");
		printf("--dict --> use this to suply the dictionary file while encoding or decoding images\n");
		printf("--about --> use this to know about the this app programmers\n");
		printf("--help --> to know all the arguments avaiable\n\n");

	/** About the authors */
	 if (args_info.about_given){

	 /** Decode the given file*/
	 if (args_info.decode_given){
	 	cod_struct = read_cod_file(args_info.decode_arg);
	 	dict_struct = read_dictionary (args_info.dict_arg);
	 	decode_pgm(cod_struct, dict_struct, args_info.decode_arg);

	 /** Calculate PSNR */

	 	    char *token;
	 		char delim[2] = ",";
	 		char *original_filename;
	 		char *decoded_filename;

	 		token = strtok (args_info.PSNR_arg,delim); //point to 1 filename (before delimiter)
	 		original_filename = token;
	 		token = strtok (NULL, delim); //point to 2 filename (after delimiter)
	 		decoded_filename = token;

	 		DEBUG("%s", original_filename);
	 		DEBUG("%s", decoded_filename);

	 		calculatePSNR (original_filename, decoded_filename);

	 /** -------------------  Project  Delivery II  ------------------------- */
	 /** --encode argument given*/

	 	printf("\n[TO BE DONE] option not implemented yet!!!\n");

	 /** --parallel-encode argument given*/
	 	/** --threads argument not given*/
	 	if(!args_info.threads_given) {
	 		fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR]  --threads <nthreads> parameter is mandatory with --parallel-enconde\n");
	 	}else {
	 		if(args_info.threads_arg > 1) {
	 			printf("\n[TO BE DONE] option not implemented yet!!!\n");
	 		}else {
	 			fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR]  The threads number must be more than 1\n");

	 if (args_info.decode_dir_given)
	 	printf("\nOption not full implemented yet!!!\n");

	 if (args_info.dict_given == 1)
	 	validate_extension(args_info.dict_arg, ".dic");

	/** free the memory allocated by gengetop */
	cmdline_parser_free (&args_info);
	end = clock();
	time_spent = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	printf ("Excution Time: %.3f s\n", time_spent);

	return 0;