void NetworkInterfaceASIO::_runConnectionHook(AsyncOp* op) {
    if (!_hook) {
        return _beginCommunication(op);

    auto swOptionalRequest =
        callNoexcept(*_hook, &NetworkConnectionHook::makeRequest, op->request().target);

    if (!swOptionalRequest.isOK()) {
        return _completeOperation(op, swOptionalRequest.getStatus());

    auto optionalRequest = std::move(swOptionalRequest.getValue());

    if (optionalRequest == boost::none) {
        return _beginCommunication(op);

    auto beginStatus = op->beginCommand(*optionalRequest, _metadataHook.get());
    if (!beginStatus.isOK()) {
        return _completeOperation(op, beginStatus);

    auto finishHook = [this, op]() {
        auto response =
            op->command()->response(op->operationProtocol(), now(), _metadataHook.get());

        if (!response.isOK()) {
            return _completeOperation(op, response.getStatus());

        auto handleStatus = callNoexcept(*_hook,

        if (!handleStatus.isOK()) {
            return _completeOperation(op, handleStatus);

        return _beginCommunication(op);

    return _asyncRunCommand(op, [this, op, finishHook](std::error_code ec, std::size_t bytes) {
        _validateAndRun(op, ec, finishHook);
void NetworkInterfaceASIO::_runIsMaster(AsyncOp* op) {
    // We use a legacy builder to create our ismaster request because we may
    // have to communicate with servers that do not support OP_COMMAND
    rpc::LegacyRequestBuilder requestBuilder{};
    requestBuilder.setCommandArgs(BSON("isMaster" << 1));

    // Set current command to ismaster request and run
    auto beginStatus = op->beginCommand(std::move(*(requestBuilder.done())));
    if (!beginStatus.isOK()) {
        return _completeOperation(op, beginStatus);

    // Callback to parse protocol information out of received ismaster response
    auto parseIsMaster = [this, op]() {

        auto swCommandReply = op->command()->response(rpc::Protocol::kOpQuery, now());
        if (!swCommandReply.isOK()) {
            return _completeOperation(op, swCommandReply.getStatus());

        auto commandReply = std::move(swCommandReply.getValue());

        if (_hook) {
            // Run the validation hook.
            auto validHost = callNoexcept(
                *_hook, &NetworkConnectionHook::validateHost, op->request().target, commandReply);
            if (!validHost.isOK()) {
                return _completeOperation(op, validHost);

        auto protocolSet = rpc::parseProtocolSetFromIsMasterReply(commandReply.data);
        if (!protocolSet.isOK())
            return _completeOperation(op, protocolSet.getStatus());


        // Set the operation protocol
        auto negotiatedProtocol =
            rpc::negotiate(op->connection().serverProtocols(), op->connection().clientProtocols());

        if (!negotiatedProtocol.isOK()) {
            return _completeOperation(op, negotiatedProtocol.getStatus());


        return _authenticate(op);


                     [this, op, parseIsMaster](std::error_code ec, size_t bytes) {
                         _validateAndRun(op, ec, std::move(parseIsMaster));
void NetworkInterfaceASIO::_runIsMaster(AsyncOp* op) {
    // We use a legacy builder to create our ismaster request because we may
    // have to communicate with servers that do not support OP_COMMAND
    rpc::LegacyRequestBuilder requestBuilder{};

    BSONObjBuilder bob;
    bob.append("isMaster", 1);
    bob.append("hangUpOnStepDown", false);

    const auto versionString = VersionInfoInterface::instance().version();
    ClientMetadata::serialize(_options.instanceName, versionString, &bob);

    if (Command::testCommandsEnabled) {
        // Only include the host:port of this process in the isMaster command request if test
        // commands are enabled. mongobridge uses this field to identify the process opening a
        // connection to it.
        StringBuilder sb;
        sb << getHostName() << ':' << serverGlobalParams.port;
        bob.append("hostInfo", sb.str());


    if (WireSpec::instance().isInternalClient) {
        WireSpec::appendInternalClientWireVersion(WireSpec::instance().outgoing, &bob);


    // Set current command to ismaster request and run
    auto beginStatus = op->beginCommand(requestBuilder.done(), op->request().target);
    if (!beginStatus.isOK()) {
        return _completeOperation(op, beginStatus);

    // Callback to parse protocol information out of received ismaster response
    auto parseIsMaster = [this, op]() {

        auto swCommandReply = op->command()->response(op, rpc::Protocol::kOpQuery, now());
        if (!swCommandReply.isOK()) {
            return _completeOperation(op, swCommandReply);

        auto commandReply = std::move(swCommandReply);

        // Ensure that the isMaster response is "ok:1".
        auto commandStatus = getStatusFromCommandResult(commandReply.data);
        if (!commandStatus.isOK()) {
            return _completeOperation(op, commandStatus);

        auto protocolSet = rpc::parseProtocolSetFromIsMasterReply(commandReply.data);
        if (!protocolSet.isOK())
            return _completeOperation(op, protocolSet.getStatus());

        auto validateStatus =
            rpc::validateWireVersion(WireSpec::instance().outgoing, protocolSet.getValue().version);
        if (!validateStatus.isOK()) {
            warning() << "remote host has incompatible wire version: " << validateStatus;

            return _completeOperation(op, validateStatus);


        invariant(op->connection().clientProtocols() != rpc::supports::kNone);
        // Set the operation protocol
        auto negotiatedProtocol =
            rpc::negotiate(op->connection().serverProtocols(), op->connection().clientProtocols());

        if (!negotiatedProtocol.isOK()) {
            // Add relatively verbose logging here, since this should not happen unless we are
            // mongos and we try to connect to a node that doesn't support OP_COMMAND.
            warning() << "failed to negotiate protocol with remote host: " << op->request().target;
            warning() << "request was: " << redact(op->request().cmdObj);
            warning() << "response was: " << redact(commandReply.data);

            auto clientProtos = rpc::toString(op->connection().clientProtocols());
            if (clientProtos.isOK()) {
                warning() << "our (client) supported protocols: " << clientProtos.getValue();
            auto serverProtos = rpc::toString(op->connection().serverProtocols());
            if (serverProtos.isOK()) {
                warning() << "remote server's supported protocols:" << serverProtos.getValue();
            return _completeOperation(op, negotiatedProtocol.getStatus());



        if (_hook) {
            // Run the validation hook.
            auto validHost = callNoexcept(
                *_hook, &NetworkConnectionHook::validateHost, op->request().target, commandReply);
            if (!validHost.isOK()) {
                return _completeOperation(op, validHost);

        return _authenticate(op);


    _asyncRunCommand(op, [this, op, parseIsMaster](std::error_code ec, size_t bytes) {
        _validateAndRun(op, ec, std::move(parseIsMaster));