Beispiel #1
int _except_handler3(PEXCEPTION_RECORD rec, MSVCRT_EXCEPTION_FRAME* frame, PCONTEXT context, void *dispatcher) {
  long retval;
  int trylevel;
  PSCOPETABLE pScopeTable;

  //syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "msvcrt: exception %lx flags=%lx at %p handler=%p %p %p semi-stub",
  //       rec->ExceptionCode, rec->ExceptionFlags, rec->ExceptionAddress,
  //       frame->handler, context, dispatcher);

  __asm cld;

  if (rec->ExceptionFlags & (EH_UNWINDING | EH_EXIT_UNWIND)) {
    // Unwinding the current frame
     _local_unwind2(frame, TRYLEVEL_END);
    return ExceptionContinueSearch;
  } else {
    // Hunting for handler
    exceptPtrs.ExceptionRecord = rec;
    exceptPtrs.ContextRecord = context;
    *((DWORD *) frame - 1) = (DWORD) &exceptPtrs;
    trylevel = frame->trylevel;
    pScopeTable = frame->scopetable;

    while (trylevel != TRYLEVEL_END) {
      if (pScopeTable[trylevel].lpfnFilter) {
        //syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "filter = %p", pScopeTable[trylevel].lpfnFilter);

        retval = call_filter(pScopeTable[trylevel].lpfnFilter, &exceptPtrs, &frame->_ebp);

        //syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "filter returned %s", retval == EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION ?

        if (retval == EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION) return ExceptionContinueExecution;

        if (retval == EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
          // Unwind all higher frames, this one will handle the exception
          _global_unwind2((PEXCEPTION_FRAME) frame);
          _local_unwind2(frame, trylevel);

          // Set our trylevel to the enclosing block, and call the __finally code, which won't return
          frame->trylevel = pScopeTable->previousTryLevel;
          //syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "__finally block %p",pScopeTable[trylevel].lpfnHandler);
          call_finally_block(pScopeTable[trylevel].lpfnHandler, &frame->_ebp);
          panic("Returned from __finally block");
      trylevel = pScopeTable->previousTryLevel;

  return ExceptionContinueSearch;
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])


  double *input_values;          /* 1xN input matrix */
  double *output_values;         /* 1xN output matrix */

  size_t n;                   /* size of matrix */
  /* Check for proper number of arguments */

  if (nrhs != 1) {
            "mex_weighting_filter2 requires three input arguments.");
  } else if (nlhs > 1) {
            "mex_weighting_filter2 requires 1 output argument.");

    /* make sure the first input argument is type double */
    if( !mxIsDouble(prhs[0]) || 
         mxIsComplex(prhs[0])) {
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("MATLAB:mex_weighting_filter2:notDouble","mex_weighting_filter2 input vector must be type double.");

    /* create a pointer to the real data in the input matrix 1 */
    input_values = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);

    /* get dimensions of the input matrices */
    n = mxGetN(prhs[0]);

    /* create the output matrix */
    plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,(mwSize)n,mxREAL);

    /* get a pointer to the real data in the output matrix */
    output_values = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

    /* call the computational routine */
