void SoulLoaderSpirit::Render()
    int innerAlpha = 255;
    int outerAlpha = 150;
    float spiritInnerSize = 1.0;
    float spiritOuterSize = 3.0;

    if( m_life < 10.0f )
        innerAlpha *= ( m_life / 10.0f );
        outerAlpha *= ( m_life / 10.0f );

    Vector3 camUp(0,1,0);
    Vector3 camRight(1,0,0);

    float size = spiritInnerSize;
    glColor4ub(m_colour.r, m_colour.g, m_colour.b, innerAlpha );
    glBegin( GL_QUADS );
        glVertex3fv( (m_pos - camUp*size).GetData() );
        glVertex3fv( (m_pos + camRight*size).GetData() );
        glVertex3fv( (m_pos + camUp*size).GetData() );
        glVertex3fv( (m_pos - camRight*size).GetData() );

    size = spiritOuterSize;
    glColor4ub(m_colour.r, m_colour.g, m_colour.b, outerAlpha );
    glBegin( GL_QUADS );
        glVertex3fv( (m_pos - camUp*size).GetData() );
        glVertex3fv( (m_pos + camRight*size).GetData() );
        glVertex3fv( (m_pos + camUp*size).GetData() );
        glVertex3fv( (m_pos - camRight*size).GetData() );
void AppMain()
	Vector3 camFr(0.476459, -0.334238, 0.813186);
	Vector3 camUp(00.168968, 0.942489, 0.288382);
	Vector3 camRi = camUp ^ camFr;
	Vector3 camPos(-6, 10, -13);

	glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				   (float)SCREEN_W / (float)SCREEN_H, // Aspect ratio
				   0.1, 1000); // Far plane

	while (!g_keys[KEY_ESC])

		float camPosMag = camPos.Mag();
		float moveSpeed = 0.01f * camPosMag;
		int velx, vely;
		get_mouse_mickeys(&velx, &vely);
		if (mouse_b & 2)
			camFr.RotateAroundY((float)-velx / 100.0f);
			camUp.RotateAroundY((float)-velx / 100.0f);
			camRi = camUp ^ camFr;
			camFr.RotateAround(camRi, (float)vely / 100.0f);
			camUp.RotateAround(camRi, (float)vely / 100.0f);
			moveSpeed *= 3.0f;

		if (key[KEY_W])	camPos += camFr * moveSpeed;
		if (key[KEY_S])	camPos -= camFr * moveSpeed;
		if (key[KEY_A])	camPos += camRi * moveSpeed;
		if (key[KEY_D])	camPos -= camRi * moveSpeed;
		if (key[KEY_Q]) camPos.y -= moveSpeed;
		if (key[KEY_E]) camPos.y += moveSpeed;

		Vector3 lookAtPos = camPos + camFr;
		gluLookAt(camPos.x, camPos.y, camPos.z,
				  lookAtPos.x, lookAtPos.y, lookAtPos.z,
				  camUp.x, camUp.y, camUp.z);

		// *** Do the maths we actually want to test


	return 0;
Beispiel #3
void OmniMapD3D::LoadAndPush_ProjectiveTexturing_Matricies()
  D3DXMATRIX matView;
  D3DXVECTOR3 camPos( ProjectorPosition.pos.x, ProjectorPosition.pos.y, ProjectorPosition.pos.z ); // Camera position
  D3DXVECTOR3 camLookat( ProjectorPosition.lookAtpos.x, ProjectorPosition.lookAtpos.y, ProjectorPosition.lookAtpos.z );   // Look-at point
  D3DXVECTOR3 camUp( ProjectorPosition.headsUp.x, ProjectorPosition.headsUp.y, ProjectorPosition.headsUp.z ); // Up vector

  D3DXMatrixOrthoRH(&worldViewProjection, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0f);
  D3DXMatrixLookAtRH( &worldView, &camPos, &camLookat, &camUp);
// initilize scene
// load obj files, set lights, camera
void initScene(const std::string& textureName)
	// for loading triangle mesh
	Matrix4x4 matrix;
	loadObj(objName.c_str(), vertices, normals, texcoord, mesh);
	matrix.m[2][3] = -9.f;
	matrix.m[1][3] = 0.f;

	Transform* tr = new Transform(matrix);
	Mesh* newmesh = new Mesh(tr, &vertices, &normals, &mesh);

	// object initialize, for sphere
	/*Matrix4x4 mat;
	mat.m[2][3] = -16.f;
	Transform* tr2 = new Transform(mat);
	Sphere *sphere1 = new Sphere(tr2, 6.f);

	// initialize image plane
	intensity = new float[WINX * WINY * 3];
	memset(intensity, 0, WINX*WINY * 3 * sizeof(float));

	// set up the camera
	Point camCenter, camLookAt(0.f, 0.f, -1.f);
	Vector camUp(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
	float fovy = 60.f;
	camera = new PerspectiveCamera(camCenter, camLookAt, camUp, fovy);

	// set up the projectionLight
	Point e(-1.5f, 3.f, 15.f), gaze(-1.2f, 1.3f, 0.f);
	Vector up(0.f, 0.9f, 0.43589f);
	/* For sphere ray tracing test */
	/*Point e(0.f, 0.f, 7.f), gaze(.0f, 0.f, -1.f);
	Vector up(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);*/
	Transform light2world = LookAt(e, gaze, up);
	//string texname("grid.jpg");
	float projFovy = 20.0;
	ProjectionLight *projector = new ProjectionLight(Inverse(light2world), textureName, projFovy);

	// set up the sampler
	sampler = new SimpleSampler(WINX, WINY);

	scene = new Scene(sampler, camera, &objList, projector, WINX, WINY);
Beispiel #5
inline void flua_setCamera(float x, float y, float z, float camAngleX, float camAngleY) {
    glm::vec3 lookat(0, 0, 0);

    lookat.x = sinf(camAngleX) * cosf(camAngleY);
    lookat.y = sinf(camAngleY);
    lookat.z = -cosf(camAngleX) * cosf(camAngleY);

    glm::vec3 camPos(x, y, z);
    glm::vec3 camUp(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

#ifdef _WIN32
    int nWidth = glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH);
    int nHeight = glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT);

    if(flua_width != nWidth || flua_height != nHeight) {
        flua_onReshape(nWidth, nHeight);

    flua_viewMatrix = glm::lookAt(camPos, camPos + lookat, camUp);
    flua_viewAndProjectionMatrix = flua_projectionMatrix * flua_viewMatrix;
Beispiel #6
void SeleneDev::CGame::Tick(float deltaTime)
	Selene::CVirtualFileSystem* pVfs = GetSupervisor()->GetVFS();
	Selene::CGraphics* pGraphics = GetSupervisor()->GetGraphics();

	// test
	m_ElapsedTime += deltaTime;
	float period = 8.0f;
	float phaseTime = fmodf(m_ElapsedTime, period);
	float phase = phaseTime / period;
	float radius = 10.0f;
	float pi = 3.141592f;
	Selene::Vector3 camPos(13.0f, 10.0, 4.0f);
	Selene::Vector3 lookAt(-1.5f, 1.0f, -5.0f);
	Selene::Vector3 camUp(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	camPos.m_X = cosf(pi * 2.0f * phase) * radius + lookAt.m_X;
	camPos.m_Z = sinf(pi * 2.0f * phase) * radius + lookAt.m_Z;
	//pGraphics->GetActiveCamera()->Look(camPos, lookAt, camUp);

	static void _write(liqRibParticleData* pData, const structJob &currentJob__)

		LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> writing particles\n");

#ifdef DEBUG
		RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Number of Valid Particles: %d", pData->m_numValidParticles );
		RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Number of Discarded Particles: %d", pData->m_numParticles - pData->m_numValidParticles );
		MString notes("Make sure the particle is generated(e.g. sometimes particle is not generated, drag the time slider from frame0 to generate particles.)");
		if(pData->m_numValidParticles <= 0 ){
			RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Number of Valid Particles: %d. %s", pData->m_numValidParticles, notes.asChar() );
			liquidMessage2(messageError, "%s. [%s]", notes.asChar(), pData->getFullPathName().asChar());

		unsigned numTokens( pData->tokenPointerArray.size() );
		boost::scoped_array< RtToken > tokenArray( new RtToken[ numTokens ] );
		boost::scoped_array< RtPointer > pointerArray( new RtPointer[ numTokens ] );
		assignTokenArraysV( pData->tokenPointerArray, tokenArray.get(), pointerArray.get() );

		switch( pData->particleType ) 
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTBlobbies: 
				// Build an array that can be given to RiBlobby
				std::vector< RtString > stringArray;
				for( int i(0); i < pData->m_stringArray.size(); i++ ) 
					stringArray.push_back( const_cast<char *>( pData->m_stringArray[i].c_str()) );
				RiBlobbyV( pData->m_numValidParticles,
					pData->m_codeArray.size(), const_cast< RtInt* >( &pData->m_codeArray[0] ),
					pData->m_floatArray.size(), const_cast< RtFloat* >( &pData->m_floatArray[0] ),
					stringArray.size(), const_cast< RtString* >( &stringArray[0] ),
					const_cast< RtPointer* >( pointerArray.get() ) );
				pData->grain = 0;

		case liqRibParticleData::MPTMultiPoint:
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTPoints:
			RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "normal has to be reversed to show the MultiPoint/Points particles. //  [10/9/2012 yaoyansi]" );
#ifdef DELIGHT
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTSpheres:
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTSprites:
				RiPointsV( pData->m_numValidParticles * pData->m_multiCount, numTokens, tokenArray.get(), pointerArray.get() );

		case liqRibParticleData::MPTMultiStreak:
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTStreak: 
				unsigned nStreaks( pData->m_numValidParticles * pData->m_multiCount / 2 );
				std::vector< RtInt > verts( nStreaks, 2 );
				// Alternatively:
				//   scoped_array< RtInt >verts( new RtInt[ nStreaks ] );
				//   fill( verts.get(), verts.get() + nStreaks, ( RtInt )2 );
				// Both ways are way faster than the frickin for() lop that was here before -- Moritz

				RiCurvesV( "linear", nStreaks, &verts[ 0 ], "nonperiodic", numTokens, tokenArray.get(), pointerArray.get() );
#ifndef DELIGHT
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTSpheres: 
				int posAttr  = -1,
					radAttr  = -1,
					colAttr  = -1,
					opacAttr = -1;

				for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pData->tokenPointerArray.size(); i++ )
					const std::string tokenName( pData->tokenPointerArray[i].getTokenName() );
					if ( "P" == tokenName )
						posAttr = i;
					else if ( "radius" == tokenName )
						radAttr = i;
					else if ( "Cs" == tokenName )
						colAttr = i;
					else if ( "Os" == tokenName )
						opacAttr = i;

				for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pData->m_numValidParticles; i++)
					if ( colAttr != -1 )
						RiColor( &((RtFloat*)pointerArray[colAttr])[i*3] );
					if ( opacAttr != -1 )
						RiOpacity( &((RtFloat*)pointerArray[opacAttr])[i*3] );

					RtFloat radius = ((RtFloat*)pointerArray[radAttr])[i];
					RiSphere(radius, -radius, radius, 360, RI_NULL);

		case liqRibParticleData::MPTSprites: 
				int posAttr   = -1,
					numAttr    = -1,
					twistAttr  = -1,
					scaleXAttr = -1,
					scaleYAttr = -1,
					colAttr    = -1,
					opacAttr   = -1;

				for ( unsigned i( 0 ); i < pData->tokenPointerArray.size(); i++ )
					const std::string tokenName( pData->tokenPointerArray[i].getTokenName() );
					if ( "P" == tokenName )
						posAttr = i;
					else if ( "spriteNum" == tokenName )
						numAttr = i;
					else if ( "spriteTwist" == tokenName )
						twistAttr = i;
					else if ( "spriteScaleX" == tokenName )
						scaleXAttr = i;
					else if ( "spriteScaleY" == tokenName )
						scaleYAttr = i;
					else if ( "Cs" == tokenName )
						colAttr = i;
					else if ( "Os" == tokenName )
						opacAttr = i;

				MVector camUp( 0, 1, 0 );
				MVector camRight( 1, 0, 0 );
				MVector camEye( 0, 0, 1 );

				camUp    *= currentJob__.camera[0].mat.inverse();
				camRight *= currentJob__.camera[0].mat.inverse();
				camEye   *= currentJob__.camera[0].mat.inverse();

				for( unsigned ui( 0 ); ui < pData->m_numValidParticles; ui++ ) 
					MVector up( camUp );
					MVector right( camRight );

					float spriteRadiusX( 0.5 );
					float spriteRadiusY( 0.5 );

					RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "normal has to be reversed to show the Sprite particles. //  [10/9/2012 yaoyansi]" );

					if ( -1 != colAttr ) 
						RiColor( &( ( RtFloat* )pointerArray[ colAttr ] )[ ui * 3 ] );

					if ( -1 != opacAttr ) 
						RiOpacity( &( ( RtFloat* )pointerArray[ opacAttr ] )[ ui * 3 ] );

					if ( -1 != twistAttr ) 
						float twist( -( ( RtFloat* )pointerArray[ twistAttr ] )[ ui ] * M_PI / 180 );
						MQuaternion twistQ( twist, camEye );
						right = camRight.rotateBy( twistQ );
						up    = camUp.rotateBy( twistQ );

					if ( scaleXAttr != -1 ) 
						spriteRadiusX *= ( ( RtFloat* )pointerArray[ scaleXAttr ] )[ ui ];

					if ( scaleYAttr != -1 ) 
						spriteRadiusY *= ( ( RtFloat* )pointerArray[ scaleYAttr ] )[ ui ];

					if ( posAttr != -1 ) 
						float *P( &( ( RtFloat* ) pointerArray[ posAttr ] )[ ui * 3 ] );
						float spriteNumPP = 0;
						if ( numAttr != -1 ) 
							spriteNumPP = ( ( RtFloat* )pointerArray[ numAttr ] )[ ui ];

						float x0 = P[ 0 ] - spriteRadiusX * right[ 0 ] + spriteRadiusY * up[ 0 ];
						float y0 = P[ 1 ] - spriteRadiusX * right[ 1 ] + spriteRadiusY * up[ 1 ];
						float z0 = P[ 2 ] - spriteRadiusX * right[ 2 ] + spriteRadiusY * up[ 2 ];
						float x1 = P[ 0 ] + spriteRadiusX * right[ 0 ] + spriteRadiusY * up[ 0 ];
						float y1 = P[ 1 ] + spriteRadiusX * right[ 1 ] + spriteRadiusY * up[ 1 ];
						float z1 = P[ 2 ] + spriteRadiusX * right[ 2 ] + spriteRadiusY * up[ 2 ];
						float x2 = P[ 0 ] - spriteRadiusX * right[ 0 ] - spriteRadiusY * up[ 0 ];
						float y2 = P[ 1 ] - spriteRadiusX * right[ 1 ] - spriteRadiusY * up[ 1 ];
						float z2 = P[ 2 ] - spriteRadiusX * right[ 2 ] - spriteRadiusY * up[ 2 ];
						float x3 = P[ 0 ] + spriteRadiusX * right[ 0 ] - spriteRadiusY * up[ 0 ];
						float y3 = P[ 1 ] + spriteRadiusX * right[ 1 ] - spriteRadiusY * up[ 1 ];
						float z3 = P[ 2 ] + spriteRadiusX * right[ 2 ] - spriteRadiusY * up[ 2 ];

						float patch[ 12 ] = { x0, y0, z0,
							x1, y1, z1,
							x2, y2, z2,
							x3, y3, z3 };
						// !!! if not GENERIC_RIBLIB use RiPatch( "bilinear", "P", &patch, "float spriteNum", &spriteNum, RI_NULL );                                  
						// RiPatch( "bilinear", "P", &patch, "float spriteNum", (RtFloat*)&spriteNumPP, RI_NULL );
						// Patch "bilinear"  "P" [0.446265 0.316269 -0.647637 1.27725 0.316269 -1.20393 0.615752 -0.636188 -0.39446 1.44674 -0.636188 -0.950756 ]  "float spriteNum" [2 0 0 0 ]
						RiArchiveRecord( RI_VERBATIM, "Patch \"bilinear\" \"P\" [%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f] \"float spriteNum\" [%f]", 
							x0, y0, z0,x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2,x3, y3, z3,
							spriteNumPP ); 
					else {

#endif // #ifndef DELIGHT

		case liqRibParticleData::MPTCloudy:
				int posAttr  = -1,
					radAttr  = -1,
					colAttr  = -1,
					opacAttr = -1,
					rotAttr  = -1;

				for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pData->tokenPointerArray.size(); i++ )
					const std::string tokenName( pData->tokenPointerArray[i].getTokenName() );
					if ( "P" == tokenName )
						posAttr = i;
					else if ( "radius" == tokenName )
						radAttr = i;
					else if ( "Cs" == tokenName )
						colAttr = i;
					else if ( "Os" == tokenName )
						opacAttr = i;
					else if ( "rotation" == tokenName )
						rotAttr = i;
				// Build an array that can be given to RiBlobby
				std::vector< RtString > stringArray;
				for( unsigned int i(0); i < pData->m_stringArray.size(); i++ ) {
					stringArray.push_back( const_cast<char *>( pData->m_stringArray[i].c_str()) );
				if(stringArray.size()==0)//added by yaoyansi, or it leads a crash on windows
					stringArray.push_back( "" );

				boost::scoped_array< RtToken > ithTokenArray( new RtToken[ numTokens ] );
				boost::scoped_array< RtPointer > ithPointerArray( new RtPointer[ numTokens ] );

				for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pData->m_numValidParticles; i++)
					assignIthTokenArraysV( pData->tokenPointerArray, ithTokenArray.get(), ithPointerArray.get(), i );
					if ( colAttr != -1 )
						RiColor( &((RtFloat*)pointerArray[colAttr])[i*3] );
					if ( opacAttr != -1 )
						RiOpacity( &((RtFloat*)pointerArray[opacAttr])[i*3] );

					if ( rotAttr != -1 )
						RiRotate( (( RtFloat *) pointerArray[rotAttr])[i*3] * 360.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
						RiRotate( (( RtFloat *) pointerArray[rotAttr])[i*3+1] * 360.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
						RiRotate( (( RtFloat *) pointerArray[rotAttr])[i*3+2] * 360.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );

					RtFloat radius = ((RtFloat*)pointerArray[radAttr])[i];
					RiScale( radius, radius, radius );
					//RiSphere(radius, -radius, radius, 360, RI_NULL);
					float dummy[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; // Worst case : three floats are needed
					RiBlobbyV( 1,
						pData->m_codeArray.size(), const_cast< RtInt* >( &pData->m_codeArray[0] ),
						pData->m_floatArray.size(), const_cast< RtFloat* >( &pData->m_floatArray[0] ),
						stringArray.size(), const_cast< RtString* >( &stringArray[0] ),
						numTokens, ithTokenArray.get(), ithPointerArray.get() );
//						"vertex color incandescence", (RtPointer *)( dummy ),
//						"vertex color Cs", (RtPointer *)( dummy ),
//						"vertex float selfshadow", (RtPointer *)( dummy ),
//						RI_NULL );

		case liqRibParticleData::MPTNumeric:
			RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Numeric Particles are not supported" );
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTTube:
			RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Tube Particles are not supported" );
