Beispiel #1
void onMouseMove(float x,float y)
	float offsetX = x - positiveX;
	float offsetY = y - positiveY;
	dragXs[switchPositive] = 0;
	dragYs[switchPositive] = 0;
	dragXs[switchPassive] = 0;
	dragYs[switchPassive] = 0;
	if(abs(offsetX) > abs(offsetY) && abs(offsetX)/abs(offsetY) > tan(3.14/6.0))
		if(offsetX >= 0)
			switchPassive = switchPositive + 1;
			switchPassive = switchPositive - 1;
		if(!canSwitch(switchPositive,switchPassive)) return;
		if(switchPassive / NUM_COLS == switchPositive / NUM_COLS)
			dragXs[switchPositive] = (abs(offsetX) > GRID_SIZE) ? GRID_SIZE*(offsetX/abs(offsetX)) : offsetX;
			dragXs[switchPassive] = -dragXs[switchPositive];
	else if(abs(offsetX) < abs(offsetY) && abs(offsetY)/abs(offsetX) > tan(3.14/6.0))
		if(offsetY >= 0)
			switchPassive = switchPositive + NUM_COLS;
			switchPassive = switchPositive - NUM_COLS;
		if(!canSwitch(switchPositive,switchPassive)) return;
		if(switchPassive % NUM_COLS == switchPositive % NUM_COLS)
			dragYs[switchPositive] = (abs(offsetY) > GRID_SIZE) ? GRID_SIZE *(offsetY/abs(offsetY)): offsetY;
			dragYs[switchPassive] = -dragYs[switchPositive];
Beispiel #2
void onMouseUp(float x,float y)
	if( switchPositive == switchPassive) return;
	if(!canSwitch(switchPositive,switchPassive)) return;
	int temp = jewels[switchPositive];
	jewels[switchPositive] = jewels[switchPassive];
	jewels[switchPassive] = temp;
		jewels[switchPassive] = jewels[switchPositive];
		jewels[switchPositive] = temp;
	memset(dragXs,0,num_jewels * sizeof(float));
	memset(dragYs,0,num_jewels * sizeof(float));
    bool prepareSwitch(const std::list<hardware_interface::ControllerInfo>& start_list,
                       const std::list<hardware_interface::ControllerInfo>& stop_list)

#if (hardware_interface_VERSION_MAJOR == 0) && (hardware_interface_VERSION_MINOR <= 9)
  printf("indigo hardware_interface_VERSION was found\n");

        std::cout << "Start list" << std::endl;
        std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> >newControl_map;
        std::map<std::string, int>::iterator it_modeMap;

        // for all controllers
        for (std::list<hardware_interface::ControllerInfo>::const_iterator it=start_list.begin(); it != start_list.end(); ++it)
            // for each resource (joint) required by the controller
            std::cout << "\t"<< it->name << "; type "<< it->type << "; interface "<< it->hardware_interface << std::endl;
            for (std::set<std::string>::iterator it_set=it->resources.begin(); it_set != it->resources.end(); ++it_set)
                if( (it_modeMap = controlModeMap.find(it->type)) != controlModeMap.end())
                    std::cout << ' ' << *it_set << "; type code is "<<>type) << std::endl;
                    ROS_ERROR_NAMED(APPLICATION_NAME, "Desired controler type %s is not supported yet by this hardware interface", it->type.c_str());
                    return false;

                newControl_map.push_back(std::make_pair<std::string, int>(*it_set,>type)));

        controlledJoints.insert(controlledJoints.end(), newControl_map.begin(), newControl_map.end());

        // for all controllers
        std::cout << "Stop list" << std::endl;
        for (std::list<hardware_interface::ControllerInfo>::const_iterator it=stop_list.begin(); it != stop_list.end(); ++it)
            // for each resource (joint) required by the controller
            std::cout << "\t"<< it->name << "; type "<< it->type << "; interface "<< it->hardware_interface << std::endl;
            for (std::set<std::string>::iterator it_set=it->resources.begin(); it_set != it->resources.end(); ++it_set)
                // search for it into the current controlled joints list and remove it.
                for(int i = 0; i != controlledJoints.size(); i++)
                    std::cout << "i " << i << "; controlledJoint " << controlledJoints[i].first << "; *it_set " << *it_set << std::endl;
                    if(controlledJoints[i].first == *it_set)
                        std::cout << "Removing joint " << controlledJoints[i].first << std::endl;
                        controlledJoints.erase(controlledJoints.begin() + i);

        return canSwitch(start_list, stop_list);
    printf("jade onward hardware_interface_VERSION was found\n");
    std::cout << "Start list" << std::endl;
    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> >newControl_map;
    std::map<std::string, int>::iterator it_modeMap;

    // for all controllers
    for (std::list<hardware_interface::ControllerInfo>::const_iterator it_control=start_list.begin(); it_control != start_list.end(); ++it_control)
        for (std::vector<hardware_interface::InterfaceResources>::const_iterator it=it_control->claimed_resources.begin(); it != it_control->claimed_resources.end(); ++it)
            // for each resource (joint) required by the controller
            std::cout << "\t"<< it_control->name << "; type "<< it_control->type << "; interface "<< it->hardware_interface << std::endl;
            for (std::set<std::string>::iterator it_set=it->resources.begin(); it_set != it->resources.end(); ++it_set)
                if( (it_modeMap = controlModeMap.find(it_control->type)) != controlModeMap.end())
                    std::cout << ' ' << *it_set << "; type code is "<<>type) << std::endl;
                    ROS_ERROR_NAMED(APPLICATION_NAME, "Desired controler type %s is not supported yet by this hardware interface", it_control->type.c_str());
                    return false;

                newControl_map.push_back(std::make_pair<std::string, int>(*it_set,>type)));

    controlledJoints.insert(controlledJoints.end(), newControl_map.begin(), newControl_map.end());

    // for all controllers
    std::cout << "Stop list" << std::endl;
    for (std::list<hardware_interface::ControllerInfo>::const_iterator it_control=start_list.begin(); it_control != start_list.end(); ++it_control)
        for (std::vector<hardware_interface::InterfaceResources>::const_iterator it=it_control->claimed_resources.begin(); it != it_control->claimed_resources.end(); ++it)
            // for each resource (joint) required by the controller
            std::cout << "\t"<< it_control->name << "; type "<< it_control->type << "; interface "<< it->hardware_interface << std::endl;
            for (std::set<std::string>::iterator it_set=it->resources.begin(); it_set != it->resources.end(); ++it_set)
                // search for it into the current controlled joints list and remove it.
                for(int i = 0; i != controlledJoints.size(); i++)
                    std::cout << "i " << i << "; controlledJoint " << controlledJoints[i].first << "; *it_set " << *it_set << std::endl;
                    if(controlledJoints[i].first == *it_set)
                        std::cout << "Removing joint " << controlledJoints[i].first << std::endl;
                        controlledJoints.erase(controlledJoints.begin() + i);
    return true;