void s_energy_matrix::compute_energy_restricted (int i, int j, str_features *fres)
// compute the V(i,j) value, if the structure must be restricted
    PARAMTYPE min, min_en[4];
    int k, min_rank;    
    char type;
    min_rank = -1;
    min = INF/2;
    min_en[0] = INF;
    min_en[1] = INF;
    min_en[2] = INF;
    min_en[3] = INF;

    if (can_pair (sequence[i], sequence[j]))
        if (fres[i].pair == i+1)
            min_en[0] = 0;
            if (!exists_restricted (i, j, fres))            
                min_en[0] = H->compute_energy_restricted (i, j, fres);
            // there was a stupid bug here, I was calling H->compute_energy instead of the restricted version. Fixed on June 30, 2007.
            min_en[1] = S->compute_energy (i, j);
            min_en[2] = VBI->compute_energy_restricted (i, j, fres);
            min_en[3] = VM->compute_energy_restricted (i, j, fres);
    for (k=0; k<4; k++)
        if (min_en[k] < min)
            min = min_en[k];
            min_rank = k;

    switch (min_rank)
        case  0: type = HAIRP; break;
        case  1: type = STACK; break;
        case  2: type = INTER; break;
        case  3: type = MULTI; break;
        default: type = NONE;

    if (min_rank > -1)
        if (debug)
            printf ("V(%d,%d) type %c energy %d\n", i, j, type, min);

    if (min < INF/2)
        int ij = index[i]+j-i;
        nodes[ij].energy = min;
        nodes[ij].type = type;
void s_energy_matrix::compute_energy_sub (int i, int j)
// suboptimals computation for V(i,j)
    PARAMTYPE min, min_en[4];
    int k, min_rank;
    char type;
    int ij;

    min = INF;
    min_rank = -1;

    min_en[0] = INF;
    min_en[1] = INF;
    min_en[2] = INF;
    min_en[3] = INF;

    if (can_pair (sequence[i], sequence[j]))
        min_en[0] = H->compute_energy (i, j);
        if (i<=j-TURN-1)
            min_en[1] = S->compute_energy (i, j);
            // TODO: uncomment
            if (!ignore_internal)
                min_en[2] = VBI->compute_energy (i, j);
            if (!ignore_multi)
                min_en[3] = VM_sub->compute_energy (i, j);

    for (k=0; k<4; k++)
        if (min_en[k] < min)
            min = min_en[k];
            min_rank = k;

    switch (min_rank)
      case  0: type = HAIRP; break;
      case  1: type = STACK; break;
      case  2: type = INTER; break;
      case  3: type = MULTI; break;
      default: type = NONE;

    if (min < INF/2)
        ij = index[i]+j-i;
        nodes[ij].energy = min;
        nodes[ij].type = type;
        //    printf ("V(%d,%d) = %d, type=%c\n", i,j, nodes[ij].energy, nodes[ij].type);
void s_energy_matrix::compute_energy_sub_restricted (int i, int j, str_features *fres)
// compute the V(i,j) value - suboptimals and restricted
    PARAMTYPE min, min_en[4];
    int k, min_rank;    
    char type;
    min_rank = -1;
    min = INF/2;
    min_en[0] = INF;
    min_en[1] = INF;
    min_en[2] = INF;
    min_en[3] = INF;

    if (can_pair (sequence[i], sequence[j]))
        min_en[0] = H->compute_energy_restricted (i, j, fres);
        min_en[1] = S->compute_energy (i, j);
        min_en[2] = VBI->compute_energy_restricted (i, j, fres);
        // I don't need restricted for VM_sub because I include dangling ends all the time
        min_en[3] = VM_sub->compute_energy (i, j);
    for (k=0; k<4; k++)
        if (min_en[k] < min)
            min = min_en[k];
            min_rank = k;

    switch (min_rank)
        case  0: type = HAIRP; break;
        case  1: type = STACK; break;
        case  2: type = INTER; break;
        case  3: type = MULTI; break;
        default: type = NONE;

    if (min_rank > -1)
        if (debug)
            printf ("V(%d,%d) type %c energy %d\n", i, j, type, min);

    if (min < INF/2)
        int ij = index[i]+j-i;
        nodes[ij].energy = min;
        nodes[ij].type = type;
void s_energy_matrix::compute_energy (int i, int j)
// compute the V(i,j) value
    PARAMTYPE min, min_en[4];
    int k, min_rank;    
    char type;
    min_rank = -1;
    min = INF/2;
    min_en[0] = INF;
    min_en[1] = INF;
    min_en[2] = INF;
    min_en[3] = INF;

    if (can_pair (sequence[i], sequence[j]))    // if i and j can pair
        // compute free energy of hairpin loop, stack pair, internal loop and multi-loop
        min_en[0] = H->compute_energy (i, j);
        if (i<=j-TURN-1)
            min_en[1] = S->compute_energy (i, j);

            // TODO: uncomment
            if (!ignore_internal)           
                min_en[2] = VBI->compute_energy (i, j);
            if (!ignore_multi)
                min_en[3] = VM->compute_energy (i, j);
    // see which of them is the minimum
    for (k=0; k<4; k++)
        if (min_en[k] < min)
            min = min_en[k];
            min_rank = k;

    switch (min_rank)
        case  0: type = HAIRP; break;
        case  1: type = STACK; break;
        case  2: type = INTER; break;
        case  3: type = MULTI; break;
        default: type = NONE;

    if (min_rank > -1)
        if (debug)
            printf ("V(%d,%d) type %c energy %d\n", i, j, type, min);

    if (min < INF/2)
        int ij = index[i]+j-i;
        nodes[ij].energy = min;
        nodes[ij].type = type;
Beispiel #5
  void match_pair(vector<Indiv> &population, bool (can_pair)(const Indiv*),
                  unsigned (select_age_group) 
                  (const vector< unsigned >, const Indiv*), 
                  unsigned (generate_weight)(const Indiv*))
    // Initialize cumulative probability arrays 
    // Shuffle indices into population of individuals array
    vector< size_t > indices;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < population.size(); ++i) indices.push_back(i);
    random_shuffle(indices.begin(), indices.end(), rand_int_to_open);

    // Set the CPA sizes and initialize the CPAs
    unsigned cpa_sizes[NUM_CPA] = {0};
          i = population.begin(); i !=population.end(); ++i) {
      if( can_pair(&*i) ) {
        ++cpa_sizes[ index(i->sex, i->risk_group, i->age_group) ];
        i->eligible = true;
      } else {
        i->eligible = false;
    Cpa *cpa[NUM_CPA];
    Cpa_iterator cpa_iterator[NUM_CPA];
    for(size_t j = 0; j < NUM_CPA; ++j)  {
      cpa[j] = cpa_new(cpa_sizes[j], NULL, NULL);
      cpa_iterator[j].stack_size = 0; cpa_iterator[j].started = 0;

    // Assign each eligible individual to one of the CPAs. 
    for(size_t i = 0; i != indices.size(); ++i) {
      Indiv *ind = &population[indices[i]];
      if (ind->eligible) {
        cpa_append(cpa[index(ind->sex, ind->risk_group, ind->age_group)], 
                   (Indiv *) ind, generate_weight(ind));

    // Make vectors of 4 non empty CPAs from which potential mates can be drawn
    // Each element of these vectors is an index to a CPA age group
    // Index of MALE, LOW = 0
    //          MALE, HIGH = 1
    //          FEMALE, LOW = 2
    //          FEMALE, HIGH = 3
    vector < unsigned > age_groups[4];
    age_groups[MALE * 2 + HIGH] = non_empty_cpa(cpa, MALE, HIGH);
    age_groups[FEMALE * 2 + HIGH] = non_empty_cpa(cpa, FEMALE, HIGH);
    age_groups[MALE * 2 + LOW] = non_empty_cpa(cpa, MALE, LOW);
    age_groups[FEMALE * 2 + LOW] = non_empty_cpa(cpa, FEMALE, LOW);

    unsigned iterations = 0;
    while( age_groups[ MALE * 2 + HIGH ].size() + 
           age_groups[ FEMALE * 2 + HIGH ].size() ) {
      // Choose a high risk cpa
      // randomly select sex
      unsigned from_sex;
      if (age_groups[ MALE * 2 + HIGH ].size() && 
          age_groups[ FEMALE * 2 + HIGH ].size()) {
        from_sex = rand_int_to(1);
      } else {
        from_sex = age_groups[ MALE * 2 + HIGH ].size() ? MALE : FEMALE;

      // randomly select age group
      unsigned from_age_group_index = 
        rand_int_to(age_groups[from_sex * 2 + HIGH].size() - 1);
      unsigned from_age_group = 
        age_groups[from_sex * 2 + HIGH][from_age_group_index];
      unsigned cpa_from = index(from_sex, HIGH, from_age_group);
      Indiv *ind_from = 
        (Indiv *) cpa_iterate(cpa[cpa_from], &cpa_iterator[cpa_from]);
      // Before finding partner, check if we have to update the non-empty CPAs
      if (cpa_all_found(cpa[cpa_from])) { // No people left in this CPA
        age_groups[from_sex * 2 + HIGH].
          erase(age_groups[from_sex * 2 + HIGH].begin() 
                + from_age_group_index);
      // Now find partner
      unsigned to_sex = ~from_sex & 1;
      unsigned to_risk_group = 
        age_groups[to_sex * 2 + HIGH].size() ? HIGH : LOW;
      unsigned to_age_group_index = 
        select_age_group(age_groups[to_sex * 2 + to_risk_group], ind_from);
      unsigned to_age_group = 
        age_groups[to_sex * 2 + to_risk_group][to_age_group_index];
      unsigned cpa_to = index(to_sex, to_risk_group, to_age_group);
      double weight = rand_int_to_open(cpa[cpa_to]->cumulative_weight);
      Indiv* ind_to = (Indiv *) cpa_binary_search(cpa[cpa_to], weight);
      // Check if we have to update the non-empty CPAs
      if (cpa_all_found(cpa[cpa_to])) { // No people left in this CPA
        age_groups[to_sex * 2 + to_risk_group].
          erase(age_groups[to_sex * 2 + to_risk_group].begin() + 
      if(ind_from->partner) ind_from->partner->partner = NULL;
      ind_from->partner = ind_to;
      if(ind_to->partner) ind_to->partner->partner = NULL;
      ind_to->partner = ind_from;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_CPA; ++i) cpa_free(cpa[i]);