static void l2_restart_multi(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct layer2 *l2 = fi->userdata; struct sk_buff *skb = arg; int est = 0; send_uframe(l2, skb, UA | get_PollFlag(l2, skb), RSP); l2mgr(l2, MDL_ERROR_IND, (void *) 'F'); if (l2->vs != l2->va) { skb_queue_purge(&l2->i_queue); est = 1; } clear_exception(l2); l2->vs = 0; l2->va = 0; l2->vr = 0; l2->sow = 0; mISDN_FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_7); stop_t200(l2, 3); mISDN_FsmRestartTimer(&l2->t203, l2->T203, EV_L2_T203, NULL, 3); if (est) l2up_create(l2, DL_ESTABLISH_IND, 0, NULL); /* mISDN_queue_data(&l2->inst, l2-> | MSG_BROADCAST, * MGR_SHORTSTATUS | INDICATION, SSTATUS_L2_ESTABLISHED, * 0, NULL, 0); */ if (skb_queue_len(&l2->i_queue) && cansend(l2)) mISDN_FsmEvent(fi, EV_L2_ACK_PULL, NULL); }
static void l2_restart_multi(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; struct sk_buff *skb = arg; int est = 0, state; state = fi->state; send_uframe(st, UA | get_PollFlagFree(st, skb), RSP); st->ma.layer(st, MDL_ERROR | INDICATION, (void *) 'F'); if (st->l2.vs != st-> { skb_queue_purge(&st->l2.i_queue); est = 1; } clear_exception(&st->l2); st->l2.vs = 0; st-> = 0; st->l2.vr = 0; st->l2.sow = 0; FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_7); stop_t200(st, 3); FsmRestartTimer(&st->l2.t203, st->l2.T203, EV_L2_T203, NULL, 3); if (est) st->l2.l2l3(st, DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION, NULL); if ((ST_L2_7==state) || (ST_L2_8 == state)) if (!skb_queue_empty(&st->l2.i_queue) && cansend(st)) st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_PULL | REQUEST, NULL); }
// send a message // return true if the sending has succeeded, false otherwise. // For now, busy waiting bool urpc_transport_send(struct urpc_connection *c, void *msg, size_t msg_len) { uint64_t* msg_as_uint64_t = (uint64_t*) msg; while (!cansend(c)) { #ifdef URPC_TRANSPORT_DEBUG //printf("[urpc_transport_send][%u] Trying again\n", // (unsigned int) c->monitor_id); fflush(NULL); #endif // sleep //usleep(50); //__asm__ __volatile__("nop"); } #ifdef URPC_TRANSPORT_DEBUG printf("[%u] Sending a message with seq_id=%u, ack_id=%u and sent_id=%u\n", (unsigned int) c->monitor_id, (unsigned int) c->seq_id, (unsigned int) c->ack_id, (unsigned int) c->sent_id); #endif msg_as_uint64_t[msg_len-1] = ((uint64_t) c->seq_id << URPC_TYPE_SIZE) | c->sent_id; c->sent_id++; urpc_send_abstract(&c->out, msg_as_uint64_t, msg_len); return true; }
static void l2_connected(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { layer2_t *l2 = fi->userdata; msg_t *msg = arg; int pr=-1; if (!get_PollFlag(l2, msg)) { l2_mdl_error_ua(fi, event, arg); return; } free_msg(msg); if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_PEND_REL, &l2->flag)) l2_disconnect(fi, event, NULL); if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L3_INIT, &l2->flag)) { pr = DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM; } else if (l2->vs != l2->va) { msg_queue_purge(&l2->i_queue); pr = DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION; } stop_t200(l2, 5); l2->vr = 0; l2->vs = 0; l2->va = 0; l2->sow = 0; FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_7); FsmAddTimer(&l2->t203, l2->T203, EV_L2_T203, NULL, 4); if (pr != -1) l2up_create(l2, pr, CES(l2), 0, NULL); if (msg_queue_len(&l2->i_queue) && cansend(l2)) FsmEvent(fi, EV_L2_ACK_PULL, NULL); }
static void l2_restart_multi(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { layer2_t *l2 = fi->userdata; msg_t *msg = arg; int est = 0; send_uframe(l2, msg, UA | get_PollFlag(l2, msg), RSP); l2mgr(l2, MDL_ERROR | INDICATION, (void *) 'F'); if (l2->vs != l2->va) { msg_queue_purge(&l2->i_queue); est = 1; } clear_exception(l2); l2->vs = 0; l2->va = 0; l2->vr = 0; l2->sow = 0; FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_7); stop_t200(l2, 3); FsmRestartTimer(&l2->t203, l2->T203, EV_L2_T203, NULL, 3); if (est) l2up_create(l2, DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION, CES(l2), 0, NULL); if (msg_queue_len(&l2->i_queue) && cansend(l2)) FsmEvent(fi, EV_L2_ACK_PULL, NULL); }
static void l2_connected(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct PStack *st = fi->userdata; struct sk_buff *skb = arg; int pr=-1; if (!get_PollFlag(st, skb)) { l2_mdl_error_ua(fi, event, arg); return; } dev_kfree_skb(skb); if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_PEND_REL, &st->l2.flag)) l2_disconnect(fi, event, arg); if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L3_INIT, &st->l2.flag)) { pr = DL_ESTABLISH | CONFIRM; } else if (st->l2.vs != st-> { skb_queue_purge(&st->l2.i_queue); pr = DL_ESTABLISH | INDICATION; } stop_t200(st, 5); st->l2.vr = 0; st->l2.vs = 0; st-> = 0; st->l2.sow = 0; FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_7); FsmAddTimer(&st->l2.t203, st->l2.T203, EV_L2_T203, NULL, 4); if (pr != -1) st->l2.l2l3(st, pr, NULL); if (!skb_queue_empty(&st->l2.i_queue) && cansend(st)) st->l2.l2l1(st, PH_PULL | REQUEST, NULL); }
static void l2_connected(struct FsmInst *fi, int event, void *arg) { struct layer2 *l2 = fi->userdata; struct sk_buff *skb = arg; int pr = -1; if (!get_PollFlag(l2, skb)) { l2_mdl_error_ua(fi, event, arg); return; } dev_kfree_skb(skb); if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_PEND_REL, &l2->flag)) l2_disconnect(fi, event, NULL); if (test_and_clear_bit(FLG_L3_INIT, &l2->flag)) { pr = DL_ESTABLISH_CNF; } else if (l2->vs != l2->va) { skb_queue_purge(&l2->i_queue); pr = DL_ESTABLISH_IND; } stop_t200(l2, 5); l2->vr = 0; l2->vs = 0; l2->va = 0; l2->sow = 0; mISDN_FsmChangeState(fi, ST_L2_7); mISDN_FsmAddTimer(&l2->t203, l2->T203, EV_L2_T203, NULL, 4); if (pr != -1) l2up_create(l2, pr, 0, NULL); if (skb_queue_len(&l2->i_queue) && cansend(l2)) mISDN_FsmEvent(fi, EV_L2_ACK_PULL, NULL); if (l2->tm) l2_tei(l2, MDL_STATUS_UP_IND, 0); }