Beispiel #1
 * U funkce join_urls musi byt prvni url absolutni (takove, co projde funkci
 * parse_url bez chyby --- pokud neni absolutni, tak to spatne na internal) a
 * druhe url je relativni cesta vuci nemu nebo taky absolutni url. Pokud je
 * druhe url absolutni, vrati se to; pokud je relativni, tak se spoji prvni a
 * druhe url.
unsigned char *join_urls(unsigned char *base, unsigned char *rel)
	unsigned char *p, *n, *pp, *ch;
	int l;
	int lo = !casecmp(base, cast_uchar "file://", 7);
	int data = !casecmp(base, cast_uchar "data:", 5);
	if (rel[0] == '#' || !rel[0]) {
		n = stracpy(base);
		for (p = n; *p && *p != POST_CHAR && *p != '#'; p++)
		*p = 0;
		add_to_strn(&n, rel);
		goto return_n;
	if (rel[0] == '?' || rel[0] == '&') {
		unsigned char rj[3];
		unsigned char *d = get_url_data(base);
		if (!d) goto bad_base;
		rj[0] = rel[0];
		rj[1] = POST_CHAR;
		rj[2] = 0;
		d += strcspn(cast_const_char d, cast_const_char rj);
		n = memacpy(base, d - base);
		add_to_strn(&n, rel);
		goto return_n;
	if (rel[0] == '/' && rel[1] == '/' && !data) {
		unsigned char *s;
		if (!(s = cast_uchar strstr(cast_const_char base, "//"))) {
			if (!(s = cast_uchar strchr(cast_const_char base, ':'))) {
				internal("bad base url: %s", base);
				return NULL;
		n = memacpy(base, s - base);
		add_to_strn(&n, rel);
		if (!parse_url(n, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto return_n;
		add_to_strn(&n, cast_uchar "/");
		if (!parse_url(n, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto return_n;
	if (!casecmp(cast_uchar "proxy://", rel, 8)) goto prx;
	if (!parse_url(rel, &l, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
		n = stracpy(rel);
		goto return_n;
	n = stracpy(rel);
	while (n[0] && n[strlen(cast_const_char n) - 1] <= ' ') n[strlen(cast_const_char n) - 1] = 0;
	extend_str(&n, 1);
	ch = cast_uchar strrchr(cast_const_char n, '#');
	if (!ch || strchr(cast_const_char ch, '/')) ch = n + strlen(cast_const_char n);
	memmove(ch + 1, ch, strlen(cast_const_char ch) + 1);
	*ch = '/';
	if (!parse_url(n, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto return_n;
	if (parse_url(base, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &p, NULL, NULL) || !p) {
		goto bad_base;
	if (!dsep(*p)) p--;
	if (!data) {
		if (end_of_dir(base, rel[0])) for (; *p; p++) {
			if (end_of_dir(base, *p)) break;
		} else if (!dsep(rel[0])) for (pp = p; *pp; pp++) {
			if (end_of_dir(base, *pp)) break;
			if (dsep(*pp)) p = pp + 1;
	n = memacpy(base, p - base);
	add_to_strn(&n, rel);
	goto return_n;

	extend_str(&n, 1);
	return n;
Beispiel #2
static u16_t
parse_headers(u16_t len)
  char *cptr;
  static unsigned char i;
  while(len > 0 && s.httpheaderlineptr < sizeof(s.httpheaderline)) {
    s.httpheaderline[s.httpheaderlineptr] = *(char *)uip_appdata;
    uip_appdata = (char *)uip_appdata + 1;
    if(s.httpheaderline[s.httpheaderlineptr] == ISO_nl) {
      /* We have an entire HTTP header line in s.httpheaderline, so
	 we parse it. */
      if(s.httpheaderline[0] == ISO_cr) {
	/* This was the last header line (i.e., and empty "\r\n"), so
	   we are done with the headers and proceed with the actual
	   data. */
	return len;

      s.httpheaderline[s.httpheaderlineptr - 1] = 0;
      /* Check for specific HTTP header fields. */
      if(casecmp(s.httpheaderline, http_content_type,
		     sizeof(http_content_type) - 1) == 0) {
	/* Found Content-type field. */
	cptr = strchr(s.httpheaderline, ';');
	if(cptr != NULL) {
	  *cptr = 0;
	strncpy(s.mimetype, s.httpheaderline +
		sizeof(http_content_type) - 1, sizeof(s.mimetype));
      } else if(casecmp(s.httpheaderline, http_location,
			    sizeof(http_location) - 1) == 0) {
	cptr = s.httpheaderline +
	  sizeof(http_location) - 1;
	if(strncmp(cptr, http_http, 7) == 0) {
	  cptr += 7;
	  for(i = 0; i < s.httpheaderlineptr - 7; ++i) {
	    if(*cptr == 0 ||
	       *cptr == '/' ||
	       *cptr == ' ' ||
	       *cptr == ':') {[i] = 0;
	    }[i] = *cptr;
	strncpy(s.file, cptr, sizeof(s.file));
	/*	s.file[s.httpheaderlineptr - i] = 0;*/

      /* We're done parsing, so we reset the pointer and start the
	 next line. */
      s.httpheaderlineptr = 0;
    } else {
  return len;
Beispiel #3
unsigned char *translate_url(unsigned char *url, unsigned char *cwd)
	unsigned char *ch;
	unsigned char *nu, *da;
	unsigned char *prefix;
	int sl;
	while (*url == ' ') url++;
	if (*url && url[strlen(cast_const_char url) - 1] == ' ') {
		nu = stracpy(url);
		while (*nu && nu[strlen(cast_const_char nu) - 1] == ' ') nu[strlen(cast_const_char nu) - 1] = 0;
		ch = translate_url(nu, cwd);
		return ch;
	if (!casecmp(cast_uchar "proxy://", url, 8)) return NULL;
	if (!parse_url(url, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &da, NULL, NULL)) {
		nu = stracpy(url);
		goto return_nu;
	if (strchr(cast_const_char url, POST_CHAR)) return NULL;
	if (strstr(cast_const_char url, "://")) {
		nu = stracpy(url);
		extend_str(&nu, 1);
		ch = cast_uchar strrchr(cast_const_char nu, '#');
		if (!ch || strchr(cast_const_char ch, '/')) ch = nu + strlen(cast_const_char nu);
		memmove(ch + 1, ch, strlen(cast_const_char ch) + 1);
		*ch = '/';
		if (!parse_url(nu, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto return_nu;
	prefix = cast_uchar "file://";
	if (url[0] == '[' && strchr(cast_const_char url, ']')) {
		ch = url;
		goto http;
	ch = url + strcspn(cast_const_char url, ".:/@");
	sl = 0;
#ifdef SPAD
	if (strchr(cast_const_char url, ':') && _is_local(cast_const_char url)) goto set_prefix;
	if (*ch != ':' || *(url + strcspn(cast_const_char url, "/@")) == '@') {
		if (*url != '.' && *ch == '.') {
			unsigned char *f, *e;
			int i;
			for (e = ch + 1; *(f = e + strcspn(cast_const_char e, ".:/")) == '.'; e = f + 1)
			for (i = 0; i < f - e; i++) if (e[i] < '0' || e[i] > '9') goto noip;
			goto http;
			if (f - e == 2 && casecmp(e, cast_uchar "gz", 2)) {
				prefix = cast_uchar "http://", sl = 1;
			} else {
				char *tld[] = {
					NULL };
				for (i = 0; tld[i]; i++) if ((size_t)(f - e) == strlen(cast_const_char tld[i]) && !casecmp(cast_uchar tld[i], e, f - e)) goto http;
		if (*ch == '@' || *ch == ':' || !cmpbeg(url, cast_uchar "ftp.")) prefix = cast_uchar "ftp://", sl = 1;
		goto set_prefix;
		nu = stracpy(prefix);
		add_to_strn(&nu, url);
		if (sl && !strchr(cast_const_char url, '/')) add_to_strn(&nu, cast_uchar "/");
			return NULL;
		goto return_nu;
#ifdef DOS_FS
	if (ch == url + 1) goto set_prefix;
	if (!(nu = memacpy(url, ch - url + 1))) return NULL;
	add_to_strn(&nu, cast_uchar "//");
	add_to_strn(&nu, ch + 1);
	if (!parse_url(nu, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto return_nu;
	add_to_strn(&nu, cast_uchar "/");
	if (!parse_url(nu, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto return_nu;
	return NULL;

	insert_wd(&nu, cwd);
	extend_str(&nu, 1);
	nu = translate_hashbang(nu);
	return nu;
Beispiel #4
void http_got_header(struct connection *c, struct read_buffer *rb)
    int cf;
    int state = c->state != S_PROC ? S_GETH : S_PROC;
    unsigned char *head;
    unsigned char *cookie, *ch;
    int a, h, version;
    unsigned char *d;
    struct cache_entry *e;
    struct http_connection_info *info;
    unsigned char *host = upcase(c->url[0]) != 'P' ? c->url : get_url_data(c->url);
    info = c->info;
    if (rb->close == 2) {
        unsigned char *h;
        if (!c->tries && (h = get_host_name(host))) {
            if (info->bl_flags & BL_NO_CHARSET) {
                del_blacklist_entry(h, BL_NO_CHARSET);
            } else {
                add_blacklist_entry(h, BL_NO_CHARSET);
                c->tries = -1;
        setcstate(c, S_CANT_READ);
    rb->close = 0;
    if ((a = get_header(rb)) == -1) {
        setcstate(c, S_HTTP_ERROR);
    if (!a) {
        read_from_socket(c, c->sock1, rb, http_got_header);
        setcstate(c, state);
    if (a != -2) {
        head = mem_alloc(a + 1);
        memcpy(head, rb->data, a);
        head[a] = 0;
        kill_buffer_data(rb, a);
    } else {
        head = stracpy("HTTP/0.9 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n");
    if (get_http_code(head, &h, &version) || h == 101) {
        setcstate(c, S_HTTP_ERROR);
    if (check_http_server_bugs(host, c->info, head) && is_connection_restartable(c)) {
        setcstate(c, S_RESTART);
    ch = head;
    while ((cookie = parse_http_header(ch, "Set-Cookie", &ch))) {
        unsigned char *host = upcase(c->url[0]) != 'P' ? c->url : get_url_data(c->url);
        set_cookie(NULL, host, cookie);
    if (h == 100) {
        state = S_PROC;
        goto again;
    if (h < 200) {
        setcstate(c, S_HTTP_ERROR);
    if (h == 204) {
        setcstate(c, S_HTTP_204);
        http_end_request(c, 0);
    if (h == 304) {
        setcstate(c, S_OK);
        http_end_request(c, 1);
    if ((h == 500 || h == 502 || h == 503 || h == 504) && http_bugs.retry_internal_errors && is_connection_restartable(c)) {
        /* !!! FIXME: wait some time ... */
        setcstate(c, S_RESTART);
    if (!c->cache && get_cache_entry(c->url, &c->cache)) {
        setcstate(c, S_OUT_OF_MEM);
    e = c->cache;
    e->http_code = h;
    if (e->head) mem_free(e->head);
    e->head = head;
    if ((d = parse_http_header(head, "Expires", NULL))) {
        time_t t = parse_http_date(d);
        if (t && e->expire_time != 1) e->expire_time = t;
    if ((d = parse_http_header(head, "Pragma", NULL))) {
        if (!casecmp(d, "no-cache", 8)) e->expire_time = 1;
    if ((d = parse_http_header(head, "Cache-Control", NULL))) {
        char *f = d;
        while (1) {
            while (*f && (*f == ' ' || *f == ',')) f++;
            if (!*f) break;
            if (!casecmp(f, "no-cache", 8) || !casecmp(f, "must-revalidate", 15)) {
                e->expire_time = 1;
            if (!casecmp(f, "max-age=", 8)) {
                if (e->expire_time != 1) e->expire_time = time(NULL) + atoi(f + 8);
            while (*f && *f != ',') f++;
#ifdef HAVE_SSL
    if (c->ssl) {
        int l = 0;
        if (e->ssl_info) mem_free(e->ssl_info);
        e->ssl_info = init_str();
        add_num_to_str(&e->ssl_info, &l, SSL_get_cipher_bits(c->ssl, NULL));
        add_to_str(&e->ssl_info, &l, "-bit ");
        add_to_str(&e->ssl_info, &l, SSL_get_cipher_version(c->ssl));
        add_to_str(&e->ssl_info, &l, " ");
        add_to_str(&e->ssl_info, &l, (unsigned  char *)SSL_get_cipher_name(c->ssl));
    if (e->redirect) mem_free(e->redirect), e->redirect = NULL;
    if (h == 301 || h == 302 || h == 303 || h == 307) {
        if ((h == 302 || h == 307) && !e->expire_time) e->expire_time = 1;
        if ((d = parse_http_header(e->head, "Location", NULL))) {
            unsigned char *user, *ins;
            unsigned char *newuser, *newpassword;
            if (!parse_url(d, NULL, &user, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ins, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) && !user && ins && (newuser = get_user_name(host))) {
                if (*newuser) {
                    int ins_off = ins - d;
                    newpassword = get_pass(host);
                    if (!newpassword) newpassword = stracpy("");
                    add_to_strn(&newuser, ":");
                    add_to_strn(&newuser, newpassword);
                    add_to_strn(&newuser, "@");
                    extend_str(&d, strlen(newuser));
                    ins = d + ins_off;
                    memmove(ins + strlen(newuser), ins, strlen(ins) + 1);
                    memcpy(ins, newuser, strlen(newuser));
            if (e->redirect) mem_free(e->redirect);
            e->redirect = d;
            e->redirect_get = h == 303;
    if (!e->expire_time && strchr(c->url, POST_CHAR)) e->expire_time = 1;
    info->close = 0;
    info->length = -1;
    info->version = version;
    if ((d = parse_http_header(e->head, "Connection", NULL)) || (d = parse_http_header(e->head, "Proxy-Connection", NULL))) {
        if (!strcasecmp(d, "close")) info->close = 1;
    } else if (version < 11) info->close = 1;
    cf = c->from;
    c->from = 0;
    if ((d = parse_http_header(e->head, "Content-Range", NULL))) {
        if (strlen(d) > 6) {
            d[5] = 0;
            if (!(strcasecmp(d, "bytes")) && d[6] >= '0' && d[6] <= '9') {
#if defined(HAVE_STRTOLL)
                long long f = strtoll(d + 6, NULL, 10);
#elif defined(HAVE_STRTOQ)
                longlong f = strtoq(d + 6, NULL, 10);
                long f = strtol(d + 6, NULL, 10);
                if (f == MAXLONG) f = -1;
                if (f >= 0 && (off_t)f >= 0 && (off_t)f == f) c->from = f;
    if (cf && !c->from && !c->unrestartable) c->unrestartable = 1;
    if (c->from > cf || c->from < 0) {
        setcstate(c, S_HTTP_ERROR);
    if ((d = parse_http_header(e->head, "Content-Length", NULL))) {
        unsigned char *ep;
#if defined(HAVE_STRTOLL)
        long long l = strtoll(d, (char **)(void *)&ep, 10);
#elif defined(HAVE_STRTOQ)
        longlong l = strtoq(d, (char **)(void *)&ep, 10);
        long l = strtol(d, (char **)(void *)&ep, 10);
        if (l == MAXLONG) l = -1;
        if (!*ep && l >= 0 && (off_t)l >= 0 && (off_t)l == l) {
            if (!info->close || version >= 11) info->length = l;
            if (c->from + l >= 0) c->est_length = c->from + l;
    if ((d = parse_http_header(e->head, "Accept-Ranges", NULL))) {
        if (!strcasecmp(d, "none") && !c->unrestartable) c->unrestartable = 1;
    } else {
        if (!c->unrestartable && !c->from) c->unrestartable = 1;
    if (info->bl_flags & BL_NO_RANGE && !c->unrestartable) c->unrestartable = 1;
    if ((d = parse_http_header(e->head, "Transfer-Encoding", NULL))) {
        if (!strcasecmp(d, "chunked")) {
            info->length = -2;
            info->chunk_remaining = -1;
    if (!info->close && info->length == -1) info->close = 1;
    if ((d = parse_http_header(e->head, "Last-Modified", NULL))) {
        if (e->last_modified && strcasecmp(e->last_modified, d)) {
            if (c->from) {
                c->from = 0;
                setcstate(c, S_MODIFIED);
        if (!e->last_modified) e->last_modified = d;
        else mem_free(d);
    if (!e->last_modified && (d = parse_http_header(e->head, "Date", NULL)))
        e->last_modified = d;
    if (info->length == -1 || (version < 11 && info->close)) rb->close = 1;
    read_http_data(c, rb);
Beispiel #5
struct table *parse_table(unsigned char *html, unsigned char *eof, unsigned char **end, struct rgb *bgcolor, int sh, struct s_e **bad_html, int *bhp)
	int qqq;
	struct table *t;
	struct table_cell *cell;
	unsigned char *t_name, *t_attr, *en;
	int t_namelen;
	int x = 0, y = -1;
	int p = 0;
	unsigned char *lbhp = NULL;
	int l_al = AL_LEFT;
	int l_val = VAL_MIDDLE;
	int csp, rsp;
	int group = 0;
	int i, j, k;
	struct rgb l_col;
	int c_al = AL_TR, c_val = VAL_TR, c_width = W_AUTO, c_span = 0;
	memcpy(&l_col, bgcolor, sizeof(struct rgb));
	*end = html;
	if (bad_html) {
		*bad_html = DUMMY;
		*bhp = 0;
	if (!(t = new_table())) return NULL;
	en = html;
	html = en;
	if (bad_html && !p && !lbhp) {
		if (!(*bhp & (ALLOC_GR-1))) {
			if ((unsigned)*bhp > MAXINT / sizeof(struct s_e) - ALLOC_GR) overalloc();
			*bad_html = mem_realloc(*bad_html, (*bhp + ALLOC_GR) * sizeof(struct s_e));
		lbhp = (*bad_html)[(*bhp)++].s = html;
	while (html < eof && *html != '<') html++;
	if (html >= eof) {
		if (p) CELL(t, x, y)->end = html;
		if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html;
		goto scan_done;
	if (html + 2 <= eof && (html[1] == '!' || html[1] == '?')) {
		html = skip_comment(html, eof);
		goto se;
	if (parse_element(html, eof, &t_name, &t_namelen, &t_attr, &en)) {
		goto se;
	if (t_namelen == 5 && !casecmp(t_name, "TABLE", 5)) {
		en = skip_table(en, eof);
		goto see;
	if (t_namelen == 6 && !casecmp(t_name, "/TABLE", 6)) {
		if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1);
		if (p) CELL(t, x, y)->end = html;
		if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html;
		goto scan_done;
	if (t_namelen == 8 && !casecmp(t_name, "COLGROUP", 8)) {
		if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1);
		if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL;
		c_al = AL_TR;
		c_val = VAL_TR;
		c_width = W_AUTO;
		get_align(t_attr, &c_al);
		get_valign(t_attr, &c_val);
		get_c_width(t_attr, &c_width, sh);
		if ((c_span = get_num(t_attr, "span")) == -1) c_span = 1;
		goto see;
	if (t_namelen == 9 && !casecmp(t_name, "/COLGROUP", 9)) {
		if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1);
		if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL;
		c_span = 0;
		c_al = AL_TR;
		c_val = VAL_TR;
		c_width = W_AUTO;
		goto see;
	if (t_namelen == 3 && !casecmp(t_name, "COL", 3)) {
		int sp, wi, al, val;
		if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL;
		if ((sp = get_num(t_attr, "span")) == -1) sp = 1;
		wi = c_width;
		al = c_al;
		val = c_val;
		get_align(t_attr, &al);
		get_valign(t_attr, &val);
		get_c_width(t_attr, &wi, sh);
		new_columns(t, sp, wi, al, val, !!c_span);
		c_span = 0;
		goto see;
	if (t_namelen == 3 && (!casecmp(t_name, "/TR", 3) || !casecmp(t_name, "/TD", 3) || !casecmp(t_name, "/TH", 3))) {
		if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1);
		if (p) CELL(t, x, y)->end = html, p = 0;
		if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL;
	if (t_namelen == 2 && !casecmp(t_name, "TR", 2)) {
		if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1);
		if (p) CELL(t, x, y)->end = html, p = 0;
		if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL;
		if (group) group--;
		l_al = AL_LEFT;
		l_val = VAL_MIDDLE;
		memcpy(&l_col, bgcolor, sizeof(struct rgb));
		get_align(t_attr, &l_al);
		get_valign(t_attr, &l_val);
		get_bgcolor(t_attr, &l_col);
		y++, x = 0;
		goto see;
	if (t_namelen == 5 && ((!casecmp(t_name, "THEAD", 5)) || (!casecmp(t_name, "TBODY", 5)) || (!casecmp(t_name, "TFOOT", 5)))) {
		if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1);
		if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL;
		group = 2;
	if (t_namelen != 2 || (casecmp(t_name, "TD", 2) && casecmp(t_name, "TH", 2))) goto see;
	if (c_span) new_columns(t, c_span, c_width, c_al, c_val, 1);
	if (lbhp) (*bad_html)[*bhp-1].e = html, lbhp = NULL;
	if (p) CELL(t, x, y)->end = html, p = 0;
	if (y == -1) y = 0, x = 0;
	cell = new_cell(t, x, y);
	if (cell->used) {
		if (cell->colspan == -1) goto see;
		goto nc;
	cell->mx = x;
	cell->my = y;
	cell->used = 1;
	cell->start = en;
	p = 1;
	cell->align = l_al;
	cell->valign = l_val;
	if ((cell->b = upcase(t_name[1]) == 'H')) cell->align = AL_CENTER;
	if (group == 1) cell->group = 1;
	if (x < t->c) {
		if (t->cols[x].align != AL_TR) cell->align = t->cols[x].align;
		if (t->cols[x].valign != VAL_TR) cell->valign = t->cols[x].valign;
	memcpy(&cell->bgcolor, &l_col, sizeof(struct rgb));
	get_align(t_attr, &cell->align);
	get_valign(t_attr, &cell->valign);
	get_bgcolor(t_attr, &cell->bgcolor);
	if ((csp = get_num(t_attr, "colspan")) == -1) csp = 1;
	if (!csp) csp = -1;
	if ((rsp = get_num(t_attr, "rowspan")) == -1) rsp = 1;
	if (!rsp) rsp = -1;
	if (csp >= 0 && rsp >= 0 && csp * rsp > 100000) {
		if (csp > 10) csp = -1;
		if (rsp > 10) rsp = -1;
	cell->colspan = csp;
	cell->rowspan = rsp;
	if (csp == 1) {
		int w = W_AUTO;
		get_c_width(t_attr, &w, sh);
		if (w != W_AUTO) set_td_width(t, x, w, 0);
	qqq = t->x;
	for (i = 1; csp != -1 ? i < csp : x + i < qqq; i++) {
		struct table_cell *sc = new_cell(t, x + i, y);
		if (sc->used) {
			csp = i;
			for (k = 0; k < i; k++) CELL(t, x + k, y)->colspan = csp;
		sc->used = sc->spanned = 1;
		sc->rowspan = rsp;
		sc->colspan = csp;
		sc->mx = x;
		sc->my = y;
	qqq = t->y;
	for (j = 1; rsp != -1 ? j < rsp : y + j < qqq; j++) {
		for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
			struct table_cell *sc = new_cell(t, x + k, y + j);
			if (sc->used) {
				int l, m;
				if (sc->mx == x && sc->my == y) continue;
				for (l = 0; l < k; l++) memset(CELL(t, x + l, y + j), 0, sizeof(struct table_cell));
				rsp = j;
				for (l = 0; l < i; l++) for (m = 0; m < j; m++) CELL(t, x + l, y + m)->rowspan = j;
				goto brk;
			sc->used = sc->spanned = 1;
			sc->rowspan = rsp;
			sc->colspan = csp;
			sc->mx = x;
			sc->my = y;
	goto see;

	*end = html;

	for (x = 0; x < t->x; x++) for (y = 0; y < t->y; y++) {
		struct table_cell *c = CELL(t, x, y);
		if (!c->spanned) {
			if (c->colspan == -1) c->colspan = t->x - x;
			if (c->rowspan == -1) c->rowspan = t->y - y;

	if ((unsigned)t->y > MAXINT / sizeof(int)) overalloc();
	t->r_heights = mem_alloc(t->y * sizeof(int));
	memset(t->r_heights, 0, t->y * sizeof(int));

	for (x = 0; x < t->c; x++) if (t->cols[x].width != W_AUTO) set_td_width(t, x, t->cols[x].width, 1);
	set_td_width(t, t->x, W_AUTO, 0);

	return t;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	if (argc < 4 || argc > 6) {
		std::cout << "Usage: embedfile [-wx] [-text] <inout> <output> <fieldname>" << std::endl;

		return error_invalidargs;

	bool wxWidgets_image = false;
	bool text_content = false;

	int argc_offset = 1;

	if (casecmp(argv[argc_offset], "-wx")) {
		wxWidgets_image = true;


	if (casecmp(argv[argc_offset], "-text")) {
		text_content = true;


	std::string input_file(argv[argc_offset]);
	std::string output_basename(argv[argc_offset + 1]);
	std::string field_name(argv[argc_offset + 2]);

	std::ios::openmode mode = std::ios::in;
	if (!text_content) {
		mode |= std::ios::binary;

	std::ifstream file_in(input_file.c_str(), mode);
	if (file_in.bad()) {
		std::cout << "ERROR: Error opening input file: " << input_file << std::endl;
		return error_cantopenfile;

	// Get the size of the input stream
	size_t input_size;
	file_in.seekg(0, std::ios::end);

	if ((int) file_in.tellg() != -1) {
		input_size = (size_t) file_in.tellg();
	else {
		std::cout << "ERROR: Failed to get size of input file: " << input_file << std::endl;
		return error_ioerror;

	file_in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);

	// Generates two files, one header and one source file
	std::string headerName = output_basename + ".h";
	std::string sourceName = output_basename + ".cpp";

	std::ofstream source_out(sourceName.c_str());
	if (source_out.bad()) {
		std::cout << "ERROR: Error opening output file: " << sourceName << std::endl;
		return error_cantoutputfile;

	std::ofstream header_out(headerName.c_str());
	if (header_out.bad()) {
		std::cout << "ERROR: Error opening output file: " << headerName << std::endl;
		return error_cantoutputfile;

	if (text_content) {
		do_text_content(file_in, source_out, field_name, input_size);
	else {
		do_binary_content(file_in, source_out, field_name, input_size, wxWidgets_image);

	write_header(header_out, field_name, text_content, wxWidgets_image);



	return error_none;