Matrix<double> BspCurvBasisFuncSet::CreateMatrixIntegral(int lev) const { KnotSet kset = KnotSet(*kts,ord,num).CreateKnotSetDeriv(lev); Matrix<double> mat(kset.GetNum()-(ord-lev),kset.GetNum()-(ord-lev)); BspCurvBasisFuncSet basis(kset.GetKnots(),ord-lev,kset.GetNum()); Matrix<double> mat1(kset.GetNum()-ord+lev,kset.GetNum()-ord+lev,0.0); for (int i=0; i<kset.GetNum()-ord+lev; i++) for (int j=0; j<=i; j++) { // create the two std::sets representing the two knot std::sets Vector<double> temp1((*(basis.b))[i].GetKnots()); Vector<double> temp2((*(basis.b))[j].GetKnots()); std::set<double> s1(temp1.begin(),temp1.end()); std::set<double> s2(temp2.begin(),temp2.end()); // if there is an intersection if (*(--s2.end()) > *(s1.begin())) { // form the intersection std::set<double> s3; std::set_intersection(s1.begin(),s1.end(),s2.begin(),s2.end(),std::inserter(s3,s3.begin())); // if there is an intersection if (s3.size() > 1) { Vector<double> v(s3.size()); std::set<double>::iterator s = s3.begin(); // copy the elements into a vector for (unsigned int k=0; k<s3.size(); k++) v[k] = *s++; // create the compbezcurvs Vector<BezCurv<double> > vec1(s3.size()-1); Vector<BezCurv<double> > vec2(s3.size()-1); BspCurv<double> b1((*(basis.b))[i].GetBspCurv()), b2((*(basis.b))[j].GetBspCurv()); // find the segments of intersection for (unsigned int k=0; k<s3.size()-1; k++) { int segb1 = b1.GetKnotSet().Find_segment(v[k]); int segb2 = b2.GetKnotSet().Find_segment(v[k]); vec1[k] = b1.GetSegment(segb1); vec2[k] = b2.GetSegment(segb2); } CompBezCurv<double> cb1(vec1,s3.size()-1,v); CompBezCurv<double> cb2(vec2,s3.size()-1,v); CompBezCurv<double> prod = cb1.Product(cb2); mat1[i][j] = prod.ConvertBspCurv().Integrate((*kts)[ord-1],(*kts)[num-ord]); } } } for (int i=0; i<kset.GetNum()-ord+lev-1; i++) for (int j=i+1; j<kset.GetNum()-ord+lev; j++) mat1[i][j] = mat1[j][i]; return mat1; }
void iterator_invalidation_test() { #if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(BOOST_CB_DISABLE_DEBUG) cb_space_optimized cb1(10, 1); cb1.push_back(2); cb1.push_back(3); cb1.push_back(4); cb_space_optimized::iterator it1 = cb1.end(); cb_space_optimized::const_iterator it2 = cb1.begin(); cb_space_optimized::iterator it3 = cb1.begin() + 6; cb1.set_capacity(10); BOOST_CHECK(it1.is_valid(&cb1)); BOOST_CHECK(!it2.is_valid(&cb1)); BOOST_CHECK(!it3.is_valid(&cb1)); it1 = cb1.end(); it2 = cb1.begin(); it3 = cb1.begin() + 6; cb1.rset_capacity(10); BOOST_CHECK(it1.is_valid(&cb1)); BOOST_CHECK(!it2.is_valid(&cb1)); BOOST_CHECK(!it3.is_valid(&cb1)); it1 = cb1.end(); it2 = cb1.begin(); it3 = cb1.begin() + 6; cb1.resize(10); BOOST_CHECK(it1.is_valid(&cb1)); BOOST_CHECK(!it2.is_valid(&cb1)); BOOST_CHECK(!it3.is_valid(&cb1)); it1 = cb1.end(); it2 = cb1.begin(); it3 = cb1.begin() + 6; cb1.rresize(10); BOOST_CHECK(it1.is_valid(&cb1)); BOOST_CHECK(!it2.is_valid(&cb1)); BOOST_CHECK(!it3.is_valid(&cb1)); { cb_space_optimized cb2(10, 1); cb2.push_back(2); cb2.push_back(3); cb2.push_back(4); it1 = cb2.end(); it2 = cb2.begin(); it3 = cb2.begin() + 6; } BOOST_CHECK(!it1.is_valid(&cb1)); BOOST_CHECK(!it2.is_valid(&cb1)); BOOST_CHECK(!it3.is_valid(&cb1)); #endif // #if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(BOOST_CB_DISABLE_DEBUG) }
void Test_M2MInterfaceImpl::test_set_queue_sleep_handler() { callback_handler cb(this,&Test_M2MInterfaceImpl::test_callback_handler); impl->set_queue_sleep_handler(cb); CHECK(impl->_callback_handler != NULL); callback_handler cb1(NULL); impl->set_queue_sleep_handler(cb1); CHECK(impl->_callback_handler == NULL); }
/** * Test per verificare il funzionamento dei const_iterator con procedure d'appoggio */ void testConstIterator() { cbuffer<float> cb(5); cb.insert(2.1); cb.insert(1.5); cb.insert(3.0); stampaIterator(cb); cbuffer<float> cb1(4,3); confrontoIterator(cb,cb1); //da testare con assert(bg!=bg1) in confrontoIterator //confrontoIterator(cb,cb); //da testare con assert(bg==bg1) in confrontoIterator }
int main() { cb1(f1); cb2(f2); return 0; }
/** * Test per verificare il funzionamento degli iterator */ void testIterator(){ cbuffer<int> cb(10,1); cb.insert(3); cb.insert(1); cb.insert(2); cbuffer<int>::iterator bg=cb.begin(); cbuffer<int>::iterator fn=cb.end(); std::cout << cb << std::endl; int i=1; assert(bg!=fn); cb.del(); bg=cb.begin(); fn=cb.end(); while(bg!=fn){ *bg=i++; std::cout << *bg << " "; bg++; } std::cout << std::endl << "size: " << cb.get_size() << " items: " << cb.get_items() << std::endl << std::endl; cbuffer<std::string> cb1(5); cb1.insert("ciao"); cb1.insert("come"); cb1.insert("stai"); cb1.insert("?"); cb1.insert("bene"); cbuffer<std::string>::iterator bg1=cb1.begin(); cbuffer<std::string>::iterator fn1=cb1.end(); assert(bg1!=fn1); while(bg1!=fn1){ std::cout << *bg1 << " "; bg1++; } std::cout << std::endl << "size: " << cb1.get_size() << " items: " << cb1.get_items() << std::endl << std::endl; cbuffer<double> cb2(10); cbuffer<double>::iterator bg2=cb2.begin(); cbuffer<double>::iterator fn2=cb2.end(); assert(bg2==fn2); cb2.insert(3.8); cb2.insert(1.9); cb2.insert(2.5); bg2=cb2.begin(); fn2=cb2.end(); while(bg2!=fn2){ std::cout << *bg2 << " "; bg2++; } std::cout << std::endl << "size: " << cb2.get_size() << " items: " << cb2.get_items() << std::endl; }
/** * Test sull'uso dei costruttori della classe cbuffer. In totale creo 5 cbuffer. */ void testCostructor(){ cbuffer<double> cb(10, 1.2); cbuffer<int> cb2(11,3); std::cout << "size: "<<cb.get_size()<<" items: "<<cb.get_items()<<" //" << cb << std::endl; std::cout << "size: "<<cb2.get_size()<<" items: "<<cb2.get_items()<<" //" << cb2 << std::endl; cb=cb2; cbuffer<double> cb3(cb2); std::cout << "size: "<<cb.get_size()<<" items: "<<cb.get_items()<<" //" << cb << std::endl; std::cout << "size: "<<cb3.get_size()<<" items: "<<cb3.get_items()<<" //" << cb3 << std::endl; cbuffer<char> cb1(5,'a'); cbuffer<char> cb4(cb1); std::cout << "size: "<<cb4.get_size()<<" items: "<<cb4.get_items()<<" //" << cb4 << std::endl; }
/** * Test per verificare il corretto funzionamento della funzione globale check */ void testCheck(){ predicato pred; cbuffer<int> cb(10,2); cb[0]=1; check(cb, pred); cbuffer<double> cb1(10,2.5); cb1[2]=6; check(cb1, pred); cbuffer<std::string> cb2(10,"bomber"); check(cb2, pred); cbuffer<char> cb3(10,'x'); cb3.insert('a'); cb3[0]='e'; cb3[6]='u'; check(cb3,pred); }
void TestSymDiv_E2(tmv::DivType dt, PosDefCode pdc) { const int N = 10; std::vector<tmv::SymMatrixView<T> > s; std::vector<tmv::SymMatrixView<std::complex<T> > > cs; MakeSymList(s,cs,pdc); tmv::Matrix<T> a1(N,N); for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) for (int j=0; j<N; ++j) a1(i,j) = T(1-3*i+j); a1.diag().addToAll(T(10)*N); a1 /= T(10); tmv::Matrix<std::complex<T> > ca1 = a1 * std::complex<T>(3,-4); tmv::BandMatrix<T> b1(a1,1,3); tmv::BandMatrix<std::complex<T> > cb1(ca1,1,3); tmv::BandMatrix<T> b1v = b1.view(); tmv::BandMatrix<std::complex<T> > cb1v = cb1.view(); #if (XTEST & 2) tmv::BandMatrix<T> b3(a1.colRange(0,N-2),1,3); tmv::BandMatrix<std::complex<T> > cb3(ca1.colRange(0,N-2),1,3); tmv::BandMatrix<T> b4(a1.rowRange(0,N-2),1,3); tmv::BandMatrix<std::complex<T> > cb4(ca1.rowRange(0,N-2),1,3); tmv::BandMatrix<T> b3v = b3.view(); tmv::BandMatrix<std::complex<T> > cb3v = cb3.view(); tmv::BandMatrix<T> b4v = b4.view(); tmv::BandMatrix<std::complex<T> > cb4v = cb4.view(); #endif for(size_t i=START;i<s.size();i++) { if (showstartdone) std::cout<<"Start loop: i = "<<i<<", si = "<<tmv::TMV_Text(s[i])<< " "<<s[i]<<std::endl; tmv::SymMatrixView<T> si = s[i]; tmv::SymMatrixView<std::complex<T> > csi = cs[i]; TestMatrixDivArith1(dt,b1v,si,cb1v,csi,"Sym/SquareBandMatrix"); if (dt == tmv::LU) continue; #if (XTEST & 2) TestMatrixDivArith1(dt,b3v,si,cb3v,csi,"Sym/NonSquareBandMatrix"); TestMatrixDivArith1(dt,b4v,si,cb4v,csi,"Sym/NonSquareBandMatrix"); #endif } }
/* 55 */ int sio2_func1(s32 *arg) { int i, ret = 1; if (cb1) return cb1(arg); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, arg++) { if ((*arg + 1) < 2) arg[4] = 1; else { arg[4] = 0; ret = 0; } } return ret; }
int main() { A a; B b; C c; std::shared_ptr<A> ca1(a.clone()); std::shared_ptr<A> cb1(b.clone()); std::shared_ptr<A> cc1(c.clone()); ca1->tell(); cb1->tell(); cc1->tell(); std::shared_ptr<A> ca2(ca1->clone()); std::shared_ptr<A> cb2(cb1->clone()); std::shared_ptr<A> cc2(cc1->clone()); ca2->tell(); cb2->tell(); cc2->tell(); return 0; }
// min_capacity test (it is useful to use a debug tool) void min_capacity_test() { vector<int> v; v.push_back(1); v.push_back(2); v.push_back(3); v.push_back(4); v.push_back(5); cb_space_optimized cb1(capacity_ctrl(10, 10)); cb_space_optimized cb2(capacity_ctrl(10, 5), 1); cb_space_optimized cb3(capacity_ctrl(20, 10), v.begin(), v.end()); BOOST_CHECK(cb1.size() == 0); BOOST_CHECK(cb1.capacity().capacity() == 10); BOOST_CHECK(cb1.capacity().min_capacity() == 10); BOOST_CHECK(cb2[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb2.size() == 10); BOOST_CHECK(cb2.capacity() == 10); BOOST_CHECK(cb2.capacity().min_capacity() == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb3[0] == 1); BOOST_CHECK(cb3.size() == 5); BOOST_CHECK(cb3.capacity() == 20); BOOST_CHECK(cb3.capacity().min_capacity() == 10); BOOST_CHECK(cb1.capacity().min_capacity() <= cb1.internal_capacity()); BOOST_CHECK(cb2.capacity().min_capacity() <= cb2.internal_capacity()); BOOST_CHECK(cb3.capacity().min_capacity() <= cb3.internal_capacity()); cb2.erase(cb2.begin() + 2, cb2.end()); BOOST_CHECK(cb2.size() == 2); BOOST_CHECK(cb2.capacity().min_capacity() <= cb2.internal_capacity()); cb2.clear(); cb3.clear(); BOOST_CHECK(cb2.empty()); BOOST_CHECK(cb3.empty()); BOOST_CHECK(cb2.capacity().min_capacity() <= cb2.internal_capacity()); BOOST_CHECK(cb3.capacity().min_capacity() <= cb3.internal_capacity()); }
/** * Test per verificare la corretta esecuzione di vari metodi fondamentali. (utilizzo * di stampa come procedura d'appoggio). */ void testValueGetSetOperator(){ cbuffer<int> cb1(5); cbuffer<float> cb2(4,2.2); cbuffer<std::string> cb3(3,"stringa"); std::cout << "test get_size() e get_items(): " << std::endl; std::cout << "cb1 size: " << cb1.get_size() << std::endl; std::cout << "cb2 size: " << cb2.get_size() << std::endl; std::cout << "cb3 size: " << cb3.get_size() << std::endl; std::cout << "cb1 items: " << cb1.get_items() << std::endl; std::cout << "cb2 items: " << cb2.get_items() << std::endl; std::cout << "cb3 items: " << cb3.get_items() << std::endl; std::cout << "test get_cbuffer(size_type) e set_cbuffer(size_type, const &T):" << std::endl; cb2.set_cbuffer(3, 4); std::cout << "cb2[3] set 4 " << std::endl; std::cout << "cb2[3] get: " << cb2.get_cbuffer(3) << std::endl; std::cout << "test T& value(size_type index):" << std::endl; cb3.value(0)="fiorellino"; std::cout << "scrittura cb3.value(0)"<< std::endl; std::cout << "lettura cb3.value(0)= " << cb3.value(0) << std::endl; std::cout << "test operator[]" << std::endl; cb3[2]="alberello"; std::cout << "scrittura cb3[2] " << std::endl; std::cout << "lettra cb3[2] " << cb3[2] << std::endl; std::cout << "stampa(const cbuffer<int>)" << std::endl; cbuffer<int> cb4(6); cb4.insert(1); cb4.insert(2); cb4.insert(3); cb4.insert(4); std::cout << cb4 << std::endl; stampa(cb4); }
void BDT_cuts_norm(){ gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ~/cern/project/lhcbStyle.C"); lhcbStyle(); const std::string filename("/afs/"); const std::string treename = "withbdt"; const std::string filenameMC("/afs/"); TFile* file = TFile::Open( filename.c_str() ); if( !file ) std::cout << "file " << filename << " does not exist" << std::endl; TTree* tree = (TTree*)file->Get( treename.c_str() ); if( !tree ) std::cout << "tree " << treename << " does not exist" << std::endl; TFile* fileMC = TFile::Open( filenameMC.c_str() ); if( !fileMC ) std::cout << "file " << filenameMC << " does not exist" << std::endl; TTree* treeMC = (TTree*)fileMC->Get( treename.c_str() ); if( !treeMC ) std::cout << "tree " << treename << " does not exist" << std::endl; // -- signal, mass shape RooRealVar Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1("Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1","m(J/#psi pK^{-})", 5550., 5700., "MeV/c^{2}"); RooRealVar Jpsi_M("Jpsi_M","m(#mu#mu)", 3000., 3200., "MeV/c^{2}"); RooRealVar chi_c_M("chi_c_M","m(J/#psi#gamma)", 3400., 3700., "MeV/c^{2}"); RooRealVar mean("mean","mean", 5630., 5610., 5650.); RooRealVar sigma1("sigma1","sigma1", 10., 1., 100.); RooRealVar sigma2("sigma2","sigma2", 30.0, 5.0, 300.0); RooRealVar alpha1("alpha1","alpha1", 1.0, 0.5, 5.0); RooRealVar n1("n1","n1", 1.8, 0.2, 15.0); RooRealVar alpha2("alpha2","alpha2", -0.5, -5.5, 0.0); RooRealVar n2("n2","n2", 0.7, 0.2, 10.0); //RooRealVar bkgcat_chic("bkgcat_chic","bkgcat_chic", 0, 100); RooRealVar bdtg3("bdtg3", "bdtg3", -1.0, 1.0); RooRealVar frac2("frac2","frac2", 0.3, 0., 1.); RooGaussian gauss1("gauss1","gauss1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1); RooGaussian gauss2("gauss2","gauss2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2); RooCBShape cb1("cb1","cb1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1, alpha1, n1); RooCBShape cb2("cb2","cb2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2, alpha2, n2); RooAddPdf sig("sig", "sig", RooArgList(cb1, cb2), RooArgList( frac2 )); RooRealVar cbRatio("cbRatio","cb Ratio", 0.8, 0.1, 1.0); RooRealVar sigYield("sigYield","sig Yield", 4e2, 1e0, 1e6); RooRealVar bgYield("bgYield","bg Yield", 1e4, 1e0, 1e6); //put in values from fit_MC here <<--- DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE THESE IF THE FIT CHANGES!!! /* EXT PARAMETER INTERNAL INTERNAL NO. NAME VALUE ERROR STEP SIZE VALUE 1 alpha1 2.18020e+00 2.85078e-02 1.38432e-04 -2.56034e-01 2 alpha2 -2.79102e+00 6.74385e-02 1.51818e-04 -1.49177e-02 3 cbRatio 3.07172e-01 1.49204e-02 1.72642e-04 -5.69984e-01 4 mean 5.61985e+03 9.58397e-03 5.56682e-05 -9.66293e-02 5 n1 1.49358e+00 8.14447e-02 2.09300e-04 -9.70542e-01 6 n2 1.45276e+00 1.09864e-01 2.59028e-04 -8.39538e-01 7 sigma1 8.46303e+00 1.32851e-01 2.86985e-05 -1.01453e+00 8 sigma2 4.93976e+00 3.42842e-02 5.03572e-06 -1.44512e+00 */ alpha1.setVal( 2.18020e+00 ); alpha2.setVal( -2.79102e+00 ); n1.setVal( 1.49358e+00 ); n2.setVal( 1.45276e+00 ); frac2.setVal( 3.07172e-01 ); sigma1.setVal( 8.46303e+00 ); sigma2.setVal( 4.93976e+00 ); alpha1.setConstant( true ); alpha2.setConstant( true ); frac2.setConstant( true ); n1.setConstant( true ); n2.setConstant( true ); sigma1.setConstant( true ); sigma2.setConstant( true ); // -- bg, mass shape RooRealVar a1("a1","a1", -0.1, -0.5, 0.5); RooChebychev comb("comb","comb", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, a1); RooRealVar mean3("mean3","mean3", 5560., 5500., 5600.); RooRealVar sigma3("sigma3","sigma3", 5., 1., 10.); RooRealVar frac3("frac3","frac", 0.2, 0.0, 0.3); RooGaussian gauss3("gauss3","gauss3", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean3, sigma3); //RooAddPdf bg("bg","bg", RooArgList(comb), RooArgList(frac3)); // -- add signal & bg RooAddPdf pdf("pdf", "pdf", RooArgList(sig, comb), RooArgList( sigYield, bgYield)); double efficiencies1[40]; double efficiencies1_error[40]; double bdt_cuts[40]; double efficiencies2[40]; double efficiencies2_error[40]; double sideband_bg_val[40]; double MC_pre = treeMC->GetEntries(); double effvals[40]; //loop starting here for(int i=0; i < 40; i=i+1) { double cut_val = -1.0 + i*0.05; //double cut_val = -1.0; // testing bdt_cuts[i] = cut_val; std::stringstream c; c << "bdtg3" << " >= " << cut_val; const std::string cut = c.str(); //std::cout << cut; RooArgSet obs; obs.add(Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1); //obs.add(chi_c_Mp); //obs.add(mass_pK); obs.add(Jpsi_M); obs.add(chi_c_M); obs.add(bdtg3); RooDataSet ds("ds","ds", obs, RooFit::Import(*tree), RooFit::Cut(cut.c_str())); RooPlot* plot = Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.frame(); RooFitResult * result = pdf.fitTo( ds, RooFit::Extended() ); double sig_val = sigYield.getVal(); double bg_val = bgYield.getVal(); double sig_error = sigYield.getError(); double bg_error = bgYield.getError(); double efficiency1 = (sig_val)/(sqrt(sig_val + bg_val)); efficiencies1[i] = efficiency1; double efficiency1_error_sq = (pow(sig_error,2)/(sig_val+bg_val) + (pow(sig_val,2)*(pow(sig_error,2)+pow(bg_error,2))/(4*pow((sig_val+bg_val),3)))); double efficiency1_error = sqrt(efficiency1_error_sq); efficiencies1_error[i] = efficiency1_error; /* double MC_post = treeMC->GetEntries(cut.c_str()); double eff_val = MC_post/MC_pre; //something here to get the sideband background count Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.setRange("R", 5650., 5700.); RooFitResult * sideband = bg.fitTo( ds, RooFit::Range("R") ); sideband->Print(); Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.setRange("R", 5650., 5700.); RooAbsReal* integral = pdf.createIntegral(Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, RooFit::Range("R")); //std::cout << integral->getVal() << std::endl; //std::cout << integral->getError() << std::endl; //Double_t sideband_bg_val = integral->getVal(); //double sideband_bg_error = integral->getError(); std::stringstream r; r << "bdtg3" << " >= " << cut_val << " && Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1 >= 5650 && Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1 <= 5700"; const std::string cut2 = r.str(); double integ = tree->GetEntries(cut2.c_str()); //double integ = integral->getVal(); double efficiency2 = eff_val/(5./2. + sqrt(integ)); efficiencies2[i] = efficiency2; effvals[i]=eff_val; std::cout << "\n" << integ << std::endl; std::cout << "\n" << eff_val << std::endl; std::cout << "\n" << efficiency2 << std::endl; */ //double efficiency2_error = efficiency2*sqrt(pow(eff_error/eff_val,2)+(1/(4*sideband_bg_val))*pow(sideband_bg_error/(5/2+sideband_bg_val),2)); //std::cout << "\n\n" << "BDT cut value = " << cut_val << "\n" ; //std::cout << "S = " << sig_val << " +/- " << sig_error << "\n" ; //std::cout << "B = " << bg_val << " +/- " << bg_error << "\n" ; //std::cout << "S/sqrt(S+B) = " << efficiency << " +/- " << efficiency_error << "\n\n" ; //ds.plotOn( plot ); //pdf.plotOn( plot ); //RooPlot* plotPullMass = mass.frame(); //plotPullMass->addPlotable( plot->pullHist() ); //plotPullMass->SetMinimum(); //plotPullMass->SetMaximum(); //std::cout << cut_val; } TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(); //double zeros[20]; //for (i=0, i<20, i++) zeros[i]=0.0; TGraphErrors* graph = new TGraphErrors(40, bdt_cuts, efficiencies1, 0, efficiencies1_error); graph->SetTitle("S/sqrt(S+B) vs BDTG3 cut"); //graph->SetMarkerColor(4); //graph->SetMarkerStyle(20); //graph->SetMarkerSize(1.0); graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("BDTG3 cut (>)"); graph->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1.0,1.0); graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("S/sqrt(S+B)"); //graph->Fit("pol5"); graph->Draw("AP"); c1->SaveAs("~/cern/plots/bdt_cuts_norm/Lb2JpsipK_2011_2012_BDTG3_cuts_S_sqrtS+B.pdf"); //return c1; //std::cout << efficiencies1_error[5] << std::endl; //gStyle->SetOptFit(1011); /*TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas(); TGraph* graph2 = new TGraph(40, bdt_cuts, efficiencies2); graph2->SetTitle("eff/[5/2+sqrt(B)] vs BDTG3 cut"); graph2->SetMarkerColor(4); graph2->SetMarkerStyle(20); graph2->SetMarkerSize(1.0); graph2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("BDTG3 cut (>)"); graph2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1.0,1.0); graph2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eff/[5/2+sqrt(B)]"); //graph2->Fit("pol7"); graph2->Draw("AP"); c2->SaveAs("~/cern/plots/bdt_cuts_norm/Lb2JpsipK_2011_2012_BDTG3_cuts_Punzi.png"); //return c2; */ /* TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(); TPad* pad1 = new TPad("pad1","pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0); pad1->SetBottomMargin(0.1); pad1->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad1->Draw(); c->cd(); TPad* pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2", 0, 0, 1, 0.3); pad2->SetBottomMargin(0.1); pad2->SetTopMargin(0.0); pad2->Draw(); //pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( DfbPdf ), RooFit::LineColor( kRed ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed) ); //pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( promptPdf ), RooFit::LineColor( kBlue ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDotted) ); //pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( bgPdf ), RooFit::LineColor( kOrange ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashDotted) ); pad1->cd(); plot->Draw(); pad2->cd(); plotPullMass->Draw("AP"); c->SaveAs(out_file_mass); RooStats::SPlot* sData = new RooStats::SPlot("sData","An SPlot", ds, &pdf, RooArgList(sigYield, bgYield) ); RooDataSet * dataw_z = new RooDataSet(ds.GetName(),ds.GetTitle(),&ds,*(ds.get()),0,"sigYield_sw") ; */ /* TCanvas* d = new TCanvas(); RooPlot* w_mass_chicp = mass_chicp.frame(); dataw_z->plotOn(w_mass_chicp, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ; w_mass_chicp->Draw(); d->SaveAs("m_chicp_sweighted.png"); TCanvas* e = new TCanvas(); RooPlot* w_mass_pK = mass_pK.frame(); dataw_z->plotOn(w_mass_pK, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ; w_mass_pK->Draw(); e->SaveAs("m_pK_sweighted.png"); */ /* TCanvas* f = new TCanvas(); RooPlot* w_mass_Jpsi = mass_Jpsi.frame(); dataw_z->plotOn(w_mass_Jpsi, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ; w_mass_Jpsi->Draw(); f->SaveAs("m_Jpsi_sweighted.png"); TCanvas* g = new TCanvas(); RooPlot* w_mass_Chic = mass_Chic.frame(); dataw_z->plotOn(w_mass_Chic, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ; w_mass_Chic->Draw(); g->SaveAs("m_Chic_sweighted.png"); */ }
void fit_MC_norm(std::string input_file = "/afs/", std::string out_file_mass = "~/cern/plots/fitting/Lb2JpsipK_MC_2011_2012_cut_mass_fit.png"){ // gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ~/cern/scripts/lhcbStyle.C"); //lhcbStyle(); const std::string filename(input_file.c_str()); const std::string treename = "DecayTree"; TFile* file = TFile::Open( filename.c_str() ); if( !file ) std::cout << "file " << filename << " does not exist" << std::endl; TTree* tree = (TTree*)file->Get( treename.c_str() ); if( !tree ) std::cout << "tree " << treename << " does not exist" << std::endl; // -- signal, mass shape RooRealVar Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1("Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1","m(J/#psi pK^{-})", 5450., 5850., "MeV/c^{2}"); RooRealVar Jpsi_M("Jpsi_M","m(#mu#mu)", 3000., 3200., "MeV/c^{2}"); //RooRealVar chi_c_M("chi_c_M","m(J/#psi#gamma)", 3350., 3750., "MeV/c^{2}"); RooRealVar mean("mean","mean", 5620., 5595., 5650.); RooRealVar sigma1("sigma1","sigma1", 10., 1., 100.); RooRealVar sigma2("sigma2","sigma2", 100., 1., 1000.); RooRealVar alpha1("alpha1","alpha1", 1.0, 0.5, 5.0); RooRealVar n1("n1","n1", 1.8, 0.2, 15.0); RooRealVar alpha2("alpha2","alpha2", -0.5, -5.5, 0.0); RooRealVar n2("n2","n2", 0.7, 0.2, 10.0); //RooRealVar bkgcat_chic("bkgcat_chic","bkgcat_chic", 0, 100); RooGaussian gauss1("gauss1","gauss1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1); RooGaussian gauss2("gauss2","gauss2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2); RooCBShape cb1("cb1","cb1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1, alpha1, n1); RooCBShape cb2("cb2","cb2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2, alpha2, n2); /* // the chi_c2 component RooRealVar mean3("mean3","mean3", 5570., 5520., 5580.); RooRealVar sigma3("sigma3","sigma3", 10., 1., 20.); RooGaussian gauss3("gauss3","gauss3", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean3, sigma3); */ RooRealVar cbRatio("cbRatio","cbRatio", 0.8, 0.1, 1.0); RooRealVar frac2("frac2","frac2", 0.3, 0., 1.); /* alpha1.setVal( 2.1 ); alpha2.setVal( -4.9 ); n1.setVal( 3.2 ); n2.setVal( 7.9 ); cbRatio.setVal( 0.6808 ); alpha1.setConstant( true ); alpha2.setConstant( true ); cbRatio.setConstant( true ); n1.setConstant( true ); n2.setConstant( true ); */ // -- add signal & bg //RooAddPdf pdf("pdf", "pdf", RooArgList(gauss1, gauss2), RooArgList( frac2 )); RooAddPdf pdf("pdf", "pdf", RooArgList(cb1, cb2), RooArgList( cbRatio )); RooArgSet obs; obs.add(Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1); obs.add(Jpsi_M); //obs.add(chi_c_M); //obs.add(bkgcat_chic); RooDataSet ds("ds","ds", obs, RooFit::Import(*tree)); //RooFit::Cut("Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1 > 5580") RooPlot* plot = Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.frame(); plot->SetAxisRange(5500., 5750.); pdf.fitTo( ds ); ds.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Binning(200) ); pdf.plotOn( plot ); //gauss3.plotOn( plot ); RooPlot* plotPullMass = Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.frame(); plotPullMass->addPlotable( plot->pullHist() ); //plotPullMass->SetMinimum(); //plotPullMass->SetMaximum(); plotPullMass->SetAxisRange(5500., 5750.); TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(); c->cd(); TPad* pad1 = new TPad("pad1","pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0); pad1->SetBottomMargin(0.1); pad1->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad1->Draw(); //TPad* pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2", 0, 0.05, 1, 0.4); TPad* pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2", 0, 0, 1, 0.3); pad2->SetBottomMargin(0.1); pad2->SetTopMargin(0.0); pad2->Draw(); pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( cb1 ), RooFit::LineColor( kRed ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed) ); pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( cb2 ), RooFit::LineColor( kOrange ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDotted) ); //pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( bgPdf ), RooFit::LineColor( kBlue ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashDotted) ); pad1->cd(); //pad1->SetLogy(); plot->Draw(); pad2->cd(); plotPullMass->Draw("AP"); c->SaveAs(out_file_mass.c_str()); }
Matrix<double> BspCurvBasisFuncSet::CreateMatrixIntegral(int lev1, int lev2, double x1, double x2) const { KnotSet kset1 = KnotSet(*kts,ord,num).CreateKnotSetDeriv(lev1); KnotSet kset2 = KnotSet(*kts,ord,num).CreateKnotSetDeriv(lev2); Matrix<double> mat(kset1.GetNum()-(ord-lev1),kset2.GetNum()-(ord-lev2)); BspCurvBasisFuncSet basis1(kset1.GetKnots(),ord-lev1,kset1.GetNum()); BspCurvBasisFuncSet basis2(kset2.GetKnots(),ord-lev2,kset2.GetNum()); // find the first basis function for which the last distinct // knot is greater than x1 int ind1=-1; do { ind1++; } while ((*(basis1.b))[ind1].GetKnots()[ord-lev1] <= x1); // find the last basis function for which the first distinct // knot is less than x2 int ind2=-1; do { ind2++; } while (ind2 < kset1.GetNum()-ord+lev1 && (*(basis1.b))[ind2].GetKnots()[0] < x2); int ind3=-1; do { ind3++; } while ((*(basis2.b))[ind3].GetKnots()[ord-lev2] <= x1); // find the last basis function for which the first distinct // knot is less than x2 int ind4=-1; do { ind4++; } while (ind4 < kset2.GetNum()-ord+lev2 && (*(basis2.b))[ind2].GetKnots()[0] < x2); Matrix<double> mat1(kset1.GetNum()-ord+lev1,kset2.GetNum()-ord+lev2,0.0); int i1, i2; if (ind1 < ind3) i1 = ind1; else i1 = ind3; if (ind2 > ind4) i2 = ind2; else i2 = ind4; for (int i=i1; i<=i2-1; i++) for (int j=i1; j<=i2-1; j++) { // create the two std::sets representing the two knot std::sets Vector<double> temp1((*(basis1.b))[i].GetKnots()); Vector<double> temp2((*(basis2.b))[j].GetKnots()); std::set<double> s1(temp1.begin(),temp1.end()); std::set<double> s2(temp2.begin(),temp2.end()); if (*(--s2.end()) > *(s1.begin())) { // form the intersection std::set<double> s3; std::set_intersection(s1.begin(),s1.end(),s2.begin(),s2.end(),std::inserter(s3,s3.begin())); // if there is an intersection if (s3.size() > 1) { Vector<double> v(s3.size()); std::set<double>::iterator s = s3.begin(); // copy the elements into a vector for (unsigned int k=0; k<s3.size(); k++) v[k] = *s++; // create the compbezcurvs Vector<BezCurv<double> > vec1(s3.size()-1); Vector<BezCurv<double> > vec2(s3.size()-1); BspCurv<double> b1((*(basis1.b))[i].GetBspCurv()), b2((*(basis2.b))[j].GetBspCurv()); // find the segments of intersection for (unsigned int k=0; k<s3.size()-1; k++) { int segb1 = b1.GetKnotSet().Find_segment(v[k]); int segb2 = b2.GetKnotSet().Find_segment(v[k]); vec1[k] = b1.GetSegment(segb1); vec2[k] = b2.GetSegment(segb2); } CompBezCurv<double> cb1(vec1,s3.size()-1,v); CompBezCurv<double> cb2(vec2,s3.size()-1,v); CompBezCurv<double> prod = cb1.Product(cb2); mat1[i][j] = prod.ConvertBspCurv().Integrate(x1,x2); } } } return mat1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Pooma::initialize(argc, argv); Pooma::Tester tester(argc, argv); // To declare a field, you first need to set up a layout. This requires // knowing the physical vertex-domain and the number of external guard // cell layers. Vertex domains contain enough points to hold all of the // rectilinear centerings that POOMA is likely to support for quite // awhile. Also, it means that the same layout can be used for all // fields, regardless of centering. Interval<2> physicalVertexDomain(14, 14); Loc<2> blocks(3, 3); GridLayout<2> layout1(physicalVertexDomain, blocks, GuardLayers<2>(1), LayoutTag_t()); GridLayout<2> layout0(physicalVertexDomain, blocks, GuardLayers<2>(0), LayoutTag_t()); Centering<2> cell = canonicalCentering<2>(CellType, Continuous, AllDim); Centering<2> vert = canonicalCentering<2>(VertexType, Continuous, AllDim); Centering<2> yedge = canonicalCentering<2>(EdgeType, Continuous, YDim); Vector<2> origin(0.0); Vector<2> spacings(1.0, 2.0); // First basic test verifies that we're assigning to the correct areas // on a brick. typedef Field<UniformRectilinearMesh<2>, double, MultiPatch<GridTag, BrickTag_t> > Field_t; Field_t b0(cell, layout1, origin, spacings); Field_t b1(vert, layout1, origin, spacings); Field_t b2(yedge, layout1, origin, spacings); Field_t b3(yedge, layout1, origin, spacings); Field_t bb0(cell, layout0, origin, spacings); Field_t bb1(vert, layout0, origin, spacings); Field_t bb2(yedge, layout0, origin, spacings); b0.all() = 0.0; b1.all() = 0.0; b2.all() = 0.0; b0 = 1.0; b1 = 1.0; b2 = 1.0; bb0.all() = 0.0; bb1.all() = 0.0; bb2.all() = 0.0; bb0 = 1.0; bb1 = 1.0; bb2 = 1.0; // SPMD code follows. // Note, SPMD code will work with the evaluator if you are careful // to perform assignment on all the relevant contexts. The patchLocal // function creates a brick on the local context, so you can just perform // the assignment on that context. int i; for (i = 0; i < b0.numPatchesLocal(); ++i) { Patch<Field_t>::Type_t patch = b0.patchLocal(i); // tester.out() << "context " << Pooma::context() << ": assigning to patch " << i // << " with domain " << patch.domain() << std::endl; patch += 1.5; } // This is safe to do since b1 and b2 are built with the same layout. for (i = 0; i < b1.numPatchesLocal(); ++i) { b1.patchLocal(i) += 1.5; b2.patchLocal(i) += 1.5; } for (i = 0; i < bb0.numPatchesLocal(); ++i) { Patch<Field_t>::Type_t patch = bb0.patchLocal(i); // tester.out() << "context " << Pooma::context() << ": assigning to patch on bb0 " << i // << " with domain " << patch.domain() << std::endl; patch += 1.5; } // This is safe to do since bb1 and bb2 are built with the same layout. for (i = 0; i < bb1.numPatchesLocal(); ++i) { bb1.patchLocal(i) += 1.5; bb2.patchLocal(i) += 1.5; } tester.check("cell centered field is 2.5", all(b0 == 2.5)); tester.check("vert centered field is 2.5", all(b1 == 2.5)); tester.check("edge centered field is 2.5", all(b2 == 2.5)); tester.out() << "b0.all():" << std::endl << b0.all() << std::endl; tester.out() << "b1.all():" << std::endl << b1.all() << std::endl; tester.out() << "b2.all():" << std::endl << b2.all() << std::endl; tester.check("didn't write into b0 boundary", sum(b0.all()) == 2.5 * b0.physicalDomain().size()); tester.check("didn't write into b1 boundary", sum(b1.all()) == 2.5 * b1.physicalDomain().size()); tester.check("didn't write into b2 boundary", sum(b2.all()) == 2.5 * b2.physicalDomain().size()); tester.check("cell centered field is 2.5", all(bb0 == 2.5)); tester.check("vert centered field is 2.5", all(bb1 == 2.5)); tester.check("edge centered field is 2.5", all(bb2 == 2.5)); tester.out() << "bb0:" << std::endl << bb0 << std::endl; tester.out() << "bb1:" << std::endl << bb1 << std::endl; tester.out() << "bb2:" << std::endl << bb2 << std::endl; typedef Field<UniformRectilinearMesh<2>, double, MultiPatch<GridTag, CompressibleBrickTag_t> > CField_t; CField_t c0(cell, layout1, origin, spacings); CField_t c1(vert, layout1, origin, spacings); CField_t c2(yedge, layout1, origin, spacings); CField_t cb0(cell, layout0, origin, spacings); CField_t cb1(vert, layout0, origin, spacings); CField_t cb2(yedge, layout0, origin, spacings); c0.all() = 0.0; c1.all() = 0.0; c2.all() = 0.0; c0 = 1.0; c1 = 1.0; c2 = 1.0; cb0.all() = 0.0; cb1.all() = 0.0; cb2.all() = 0.0; cb0 = 1.0; cb1 = 1.0; cb2 = 1.0; // SPMD code follows. // Note, SPMD code will work with the evaluator if you are careful // to perform assignment on all the relevant contexts. The patchLocal // function creates a brick on the local context, so you can just perform // the assignment on that context. for (i = 0; i < c0.numPatchesLocal(); ++i) { Patch<CField_t>::Type_t patch = c0.patchLocal(i); tester.out() << "context " << Pooma::context() << ": assigning to patch " << i << " with domain " << patch.domain() << std::endl; patch += 1.5; } // This is safe to do since c1 and c2 are built with the same layout. for (i = 0; i < c1.numPatchesLocal(); ++i) { c1.patchLocal(i) += 1.5; c2.patchLocal(i) += 1.5; } for (i = 0; i < cb0.numPatchesLocal(); ++i) { Patch<CField_t>::Type_t patch = cb0.patchLocal(i); tester.out() << "context " << Pooma::context() << ": assigning to patch on cb0 " << i << " with domain " << patch.domain() << std::endl; patch += 1.5; } // This is safe to do since cb1 and cb2 are cuilt with the same layout. for (i = 0; i < cb1.numPatchesLocal(); ++i) { cb1.patchLocal(i) += 1.5; cb2.patchLocal(i) += 1.5; } tester.check("cell centered field is 2.5", all(c0 == 2.5)); tester.check("vert centered field is 2.5", all(c1 == 2.5)); tester.check("edge centered field is 2.5", all(c2 == 2.5)); tester.out() << "c0.all():" << std::endl << c0.all() << std::endl; tester.out() << "c1.all():" << std::endl << c1.all() << std::endl; tester.out() << "c2.all():" << std::endl << c2.all() << std::endl; tester.check("didn't write into c0 boundary", sum(c0.all()) == 2.5 * c0.physicalDomain().size()); tester.check("didn't write into c1 boundary", sum(c1.all()) == 2.5 * c1.physicalDomain().size()); tester.check("didn't write into c2 boundary", sum(c2.all()) == 2.5 * c2.physicalDomain().size()); tester.check("cell centered field is 2.5", all(cb0 == 2.5)); tester.check("vert centered field is 2.5", all(cb1 == 2.5)); tester.check("edge centered field is 2.5", all(cb2 == 2.5)); tester.out() << "cb0:" << std::endl << cb0 << std::endl; tester.out() << "cb1:" << std::endl << cb1 << std::endl; tester.out() << "cb2:" << std::endl << cb2 << std::endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Scalar code example: // c0 = iota(c0.domain()).comp(0); c1 = iota(c1.domain()).comp(1); // Make sure all the data-parallel are done: Pooma::blockAndEvaluate(); for (i = 0; i < c0.numPatchesLocal(); ++i) { Patch<CField_t>::Type_t local0 = c0.patchLocal(i); Patch<CField_t>::Type_t local1 = c1.patchLocal(i); Patch<CField_t>::Type_t local2 = c2.patchLocal(i); Interval<2> domain = local2.domain(); // physical domain of local y-edges // -------------------------------------------------------------- // I believe the following is probably the most efficient approach // for sparse computations. For data-parallel computations, the // evaluator will uncompress the patches and take brick views, which // provide the most efficient access. If you are only performing // the computation on a small portion of cells, then the gains would // be outweighed by the act of copying the compressed value to all the // cells. // // The read function is used on the right hand side, because // operator() is forced to uncompress the patch just in case you want // to write to it. for(Interval<2>::iterator pos = domain.begin(); pos != domain.end(); ++pos) { Loc<2> edge = *pos; Loc<2> rightCell = edge; // cell to right is same cell Loc<2> leftCell = edge - Loc<2>(1,0); Loc<2> topVert = edge + Loc<2>(0, 1); Loc<2> bottomVert = edge; local2(edge) = + + +; } // This statement is optional, it tries to compress the patch after // we're done computing on it. Since I used .read() for the local0 and 1 // they remained in their original state. compress() can be expensive, so // it may not be worth trying unless space is really important. compress(local2); } tester.out() << "c0" << std::endl << c0 << std::endl; tester.out() << "c1" << std::endl << c1 << std::endl; tester.out() << "c2" << std::endl << c2 << std::endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Interfacing with a c-function: // // This example handles the corner cases, where the patches from a // cell centered field with no guard layers actually contain some // extra data. Pooma::blockAndEvaluate(); for (i = 0; i < cb0.numPatchesLocal(); ++i) { Patch<CField_t>::Type_t local0 = cb0.patchLocal(i); Interval<2> physicalDomain = local0.physicalDomain(); double *data; int size = physicalDomain.size(); if (physicalDomain == local0.totalDomain()) { uncompress(local0); data = &local0(physicalDomain.firsts()); nonsense(data, size); } else { // In this case, the engine has extra storage even though the // field has the right domain. We copy it to a brick engine, // call the function and copy it back. No uncompress is required, // since the assignment will copy the compressed value into the // brick. // arrayView is a work-around. Array = Field doesn't work at // the moment. Array<2, double, Brick> brick(physicalDomain); Array<2, double, CompressibleBrick> arrayView(local0.engine()); brick = arrayView(physicalDomain); Pooma::blockAndEvaluate(); data = &brick(Loc<2>(0)); nonsense(data, size); arrayView(physicalDomain) = brick; // Note that we don't need a blockAndEvaluate here, since an iterate has // been spawned to perform the copy. } // If you want to try compress(local0) here, you should do blockAndEvaluate // first in case the local0 = brick hasn't been executed yet. } tester.out() << "cb0.all()" << std::endl << cb0 << std::endl; b2 = positions(b2).comp(0); RefCountedBlockPtr<double> block = pack(b2); // The following functions give you access to the raw data from pack. // Note that the lifetime of the data is managed by the RefCountedBlockPtr, // so when "block" goes out of scope, the data goes away. (i.e. Don't write // a function where you return block.beginPointer().) double *start = block.beginPointer(); // start of the data double *end = block.endPointer(); // one past the end int size = block.size(); // size of the data tester.out() << Pooma::context() << ":" << block.size() << std::endl; unpack(b3, block); tester.out() << "b2" << std::endl << b2 << std::endl; tester.out() << "b3" << std::endl << b3 << std::endl; tester.check("pack, unpack", all(b2 == b3)); int ret = tester.results("LocalPatch"); Pooma::finalize(); return ret; }
extern "C" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Callback cb("notify", &cbFunc, NULL); checkpointNext("Objects:"); testNotify(" Normal", cb, 0x1337); testNotify(" NULL", 0, 0x1337); testNotify(" Invalid", 0xDEADBEEF, 0x1337); cb.Delete(); testNotify(" Deleted", cb, 0x1337); cb.Create("notify", &cbFunc, NULL); checkpointNext("Values:"); testNotify(" Zero", cb, 0); testNotify(" DEADBEEF", cb, 0xDEADBEEF); checkpointNext("Notifies:"); int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { result = sceKernelNotifyCallback(cb, 1); if (result != 0) { checkpoint(" Failed at %d: %08x", i, result); break; } } if (result == 0) { checkpoint(" 10000 notifies: OK"); } checkpoint("sceKernelDelayThreadCB: %08x", sceKernelDelayThreadCB(1000)); checkpointNext("Different thread:"); { CallbackSleeper waiter1("better priority sleeping thread", 0x10); CallbackSleeper waiter2("worse priority sleeping thread", 0x30); sceKernelDelayThread(1000); sceKernelNotifyCallback(waiter1.callbackID(), 0x1337); sceKernelNotifyCallback(waiter2.callbackID(), 0x1337); sceKernelDelayThread(1000); } checkpointNext("Return value:"); { CallbackSleeper waiter("sleeping thread"); waiter.setReturn(0x1337); sceKernelDelayThread(1000); testNotify(" Notify #1", waiter.callbackID(), 0x1337); sceKernelDelayThread(1000); testNotify(" Notify #2", waiter.callbackID(), 0x1337); sceKernelDelayThread(1000); } checkpointNext("Recursion:"); { SelfNotifier waiter("sleeping thread"); sceKernelDelayThread(1000); testNotify(" Notify #1", waiter.callbackID(), 0x1337); sceKernelDelayThread(1000); } checkpointNext("Mixing types:"); checkpoint(" scePowerRegisterCallback (causes notify): %08x", scePowerRegisterCallback(0, cb)); testNotify(" Manual notify", cb, 0x1337); checkpoint(" sceKernelDelayThreadCB: %08x", sceKernelDelayThreadCB(1000)); checkpointNext("Order:"); Callback cb1("notify1", &cbFunc, (void *)0xABC00001); Callback cb2("notify2", &cbFunc, (void *)0xABC00002); Callback cb3("notify3", &cbFunc, (void *)0xABC00003); testNotify(" Notify cb #2", cb2, 0xDEF00001); testNotify(" Notify cb #1", cb1, 0xDEF00002); testNotify(" Notify cb #3", cb3, 0xDEF00003); checkpoint(" sceKernelCheckCallback: %08x", sceKernelCheckCallback()); return 0; }
extern "C" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ExitCallbackArg arg; ExitCallbackArgParams params; arg.unknown1 = 0; arg.params = ¶ms; params.size = 12; params.unk1 = 0x1337; params.unk2 = 0x1337; Callback cb1("count1", &cbFunc, NULL); Callback cb2("count2", &cbFunc, &arg.common); checkpointNext("Objects:"); checkpoint(" Normal: %08x", sceKernelRegisterExitCallback(cb1)); checkpoint(" NULL: %08x", sceKernelRegisterExitCallback(0)); checkpoint(" Invalid: %08x", sceKernelRegisterExitCallback(0xDEADBEEF)); cb1.Delete(); checkpoint(" Deleted: %08x", sceKernelRegisterExitCallback(cb1)); sceKernelSetCompiledSdkVersion(0x3090500); cb1.Create("count1", &cbFunc, NULL); checkpointNext("Objects (SDK 3.95+):"); checkpoint(" Normal: %08x", sceKernelRegisterExitCallback(cb1)); checkpoint(" NULL: %08x", sceKernelRegisterExitCallback(0)); checkpoint(" Invalid: %08x", sceKernelRegisterExitCallback(0xDEADBEEF)); cb1.Delete(); checkpoint(" Deleted: %08x", sceKernelRegisterExitCallback(cb1)); cb1.Create("count1", &cbFunc, NULL); checkpointNext("LoadExecForUser_362A956B:"); testLoadExec362A956B(" With invalid CB", arg); checkpoint(" Register without arg: %08x", sceKernelRegisterExitCallback(cb1)); testLoadExec362A956B(" Without arg", arg); checkpoint(" Register invalid: %08x", sceKernelRegisterExitCallback(0)); testLoadExec362A956B(" With invalid again", arg); checkpoint(" Register valid: %08x", sceKernelRegisterExitCallback(cb2)); int unknown1s[] = {-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(unknown1s); ++i) { char temp[32]; snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), " arg.unknown1 = %d", unknown1s[i]); arg.unknown1 = unknown1s[i]; params.unk1 = 0x1337; params.unk2 = 0x1337; testLoadExec362A956B(temp, arg); } arg.unknown1 = 0; int sizes[] = {-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 16}; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sizes); ++i) { char temp[32]; snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), " arg.param->size = %d", sizes[i]); params.size = sizes[i]; params.unk1 = 0x1337; params.unk2 = 0x1337; testLoadExec362A956B(temp, arg); } params.size = 12; cb1.Delete(); cb2.Delete(); return 0; }
void fit_and_weights_norm(){ gROOT->ProcessLine(".x ~/cern/scripts/lhcbStyle.C"); //lhcbStyle(); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05,"x"); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05,"y"); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.05,"x"); gStyle->SetPaperSize(20,26); gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.0); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.05); // increase for colz plots gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.0); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.14); gStyle->SetTitleH(0.01); // const std::string filename("/afs/"); const std::string treename = "withbdt"; const std::string out_file_mass("~/cern/plots/fitting/Lb2JpsipK_2011_2012_mass_fit_after_bdtg3_05.png"); // TFile* file = TFile::Open( filename.c_str() ); if( !file ) std::cout << "file " << filename << " does not exist" << std::endl; TTree* tree = (TTree*)file->Get( treename.c_str() ); if( !tree ) std::cout << "tree " << treename << " does not exist" << std::endl; // -- signal, mass shape RooRealVar Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1("Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1","m(#chi_{c}pK^{-})", 5550., 5700., "MeV/c^{2}"); RooRealVar Jpsi_M("Jpsi_M","m(#mu#mu)", 3000., 3200., "MeV/c^{2}"); //RooRealVar chi_c_M("chi_c_M","m(J/#psi#gamma)", 3400., 3700., "MeV/c^{2}"); RooRealVar mean("mean","mean", 5630., 5610., 5650.); RooRealVar sigma1("sigma1","sigma1", 10., 1., 100.); RooRealVar sigma2("sigma2","sigma2", 30.0, 5.0, 300.0); RooRealVar alpha1("alpha1","alpha1", 1.0, 0.5, 5.0); RooRealVar n1("n1","n1", 1.8, 0.2, 15.0); RooRealVar alpha2("alpha2","alpha2", -0.5, -5.5, 0.0); RooRealVar n2("n2","n2", 0.7, 0.2, 10.0); //RooRealVar bkgcat_chic("bkgcat_chic","bkgcat_chic", 0, 100); RooRealVar bdtg3("bdtg3", "bdtg3", -1.0, 1.0); // RooRealVar frac2("frac2","frac2", 0.3, 0., 1.); Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.setBins(75); RooGaussian gauss1("gauss1","gauss1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1); RooGaussian gauss2("gauss2","gauss2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2); RooCBShape cb1("cb1","cb1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1, alpha1, n1); RooCBShape cb2("cb2","cb2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2, alpha2, n2); RooAddPdf sig("sig", "sig", RooArgList(cb1, cb2), RooArgList( frac2 )); RooRealVar cbRatio("cbRatio","cb Ratio", 0.8, 0.1, 1.0); RooRealVar sigYield("sigYield","sig Yield", 4e2, 1e1, 1e4); RooRealVar bgYield("bgYield","bg Yield", 1e2, 1e0, 5e5); //put in values from fit_MC here <<--- DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE THESE IF THE FIT CHANGES!!! /* EXT PARAMETER INTERNAL INTERNAL NO. NAME VALUE ERROR STEP SIZE VALUE 1 alpha1 1.74154e+00 3.36750e-02 1.24897e-04 -4.64754e-01 2 alpha2 -2.02379e+00 6.38694e-02 1.18078e-04 2.87434e+00 3 cbRatio 3.81630e-01 2.53217e-02 1.04396e-03 -3.83487e-01 4 mean 5.61983e+03 1.06900e-02 5.57074e-05 -9.73350e-02 5 n1 3.61886e+00 1.29299e-01 2.50836e-04 -5.68053e-01 6 n2 3.28978e+00 1.59452e-01 3.00100e-04 -3.78398e-01 7 sigma1 7.37006e+00 1.49989e-01 2.60360e-05 -1.05787e+00 8 sigma2 4.90330e+00 4.88847e-02 5.78092e-06 -1.44570e+00 */ alpha1.setVal( 1.74154e+00 ); alpha2.setVal( -2.02379e+00 ); n1.setVal( 3.61886e+00 ); n2.setVal( 3.28978e+00 ); frac2.setVal( 3.81630e-01 ); sigma1.setVal( 7.37006e+00 ); sigma2.setVal( 4.90330e+00 ); alpha1.setConstant( true ); alpha2.setConstant( true ); frac2.setConstant( true ); n1.setConstant( true ); n2.setConstant( true ); sigma1.setConstant( true ); sigma2.setConstant( true ); // -- bg, mass shape RooRealVar a1("a1","a1", -0.1, -0.5, 0.5); RooChebychev comb("comb","comb", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, a1); RooRealVar mean3("mean3","mean3", 5560., 5500., 5600.); RooRealVar sigma3("sigma3","sigma3", 5., 1., 10.); RooRealVar frac3("frac3","frac", 0.2, 0.0, 0.3); RooGaussian gauss3("gauss3","gauss3", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean3, sigma3); RooAddPdf bg("bg","bg", RooArgList(gauss3, comb), RooArgList(frac3)); // -- add signal & bg RooAddPdf pdf("pdf", "pdf", RooArgList(sig, comb), RooArgList( sigYield, bgYield)); RooArgSet obs; obs.add(Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1); obs.add(Jpsi_M); //obs.add(chi_c_M); //obs.add(proton_ProbNNp); //obs.add(proton_ProbNNk); //obs.add(kaon_ProbNNp); //obs.add(kaon_ProbNNk); RooDataSet ds("ds","ds", obs, RooFit::Import(*tree)); RooPlot* plot = Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.frame(); RooFitResult * result = pdf.fitTo( ds, RooFit::Extended() ); ds.plotOn( plot ); pdf.plotOn( plot ); RooPlot* plotPullMass = Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.frame(); plotPullMass->addPlotable( plot->pullHist() ); //plotPullMass->SetMinimum(); //plotPullMass->SetMaximum(); TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(); TPad* pad1 = new TPad("pad1","pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0); pad1->SetBottomMargin(0.0); pad1->SetTopMargin(0.01); pad1->Draw(); c->cd(); TPad* pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2", 0, 0., 1, 0.3); pad2->SetBottomMargin(0.0); pad2->SetTopMargin(0.0); pad2->Draw(); pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( sig ), RooFit::LineColor( kTeal ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed) ); pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( comb ), RooFit::LineColor( kOrange ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed) ); pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( gauss3 ), RooFit::LineColor( kViolet ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed) ); pad1->cd(); plot->Draw(); pad2->cd(); plotPullMass->Draw("AP"); c->SaveAs(out_file_mass.c_str()); /* RooStats::SPlot* sData = new RooStats::SPlot("sData","An SPlot", ds, &pdf, RooArgList(sigYield, bgYield) ); RooDataSet * dataw_z = new RooDataSet(ds.GetName(),ds.GetTitle(),&ds,*(ds.get()),0,"sigYield_sw") ; TTree *tree_data = (TTree*)dataw_z->tree(); TFile * newfile = TFile::Open("/afs/","RECREATE"); tree_data->Write(); newfile->Close(); */ /* TCanvas* d = new TCanvas(); RooPlot* w_chi_c_Mp = chi_c_Mp.frame(); dataw_z->plotOn(w_chi_c_Mp, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ; w_chi_c_Mp->Draw(); d->SaveAs("m_chicp_sweighted.png"); TCanvas* e = new TCanvas(); RooPlot* w_mass_pK = mass_pK.frame(); dataw_z->plotOn(w_mass_pK, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ; w_mass_pK->Draw(); e->SaveAs("m_pK_sweighted.png"); */ /* TCanvas* f = new TCanvas(); RooPlot* w_Jpsi_M = Jpsi_M.frame(); dataw_z->plotOn(w_Jpsi_M, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ; w_Jpsi_M->Draw(); f->SaveAs("~/cern/plots/m_Jpsi_sweighted.png"); TCanvas* g = new TCanvas(); RooPlot* w_chi_c_M = chi_c_M.frame(); dataw_z->plotOn(w_chi_c_M, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ; w_chi_c_M->Draw(); g->SaveAs("~/cern/plots/m_Chic_sweighted.png"); */ }
void fit_and_weights_norm(){ gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ~/cern/project/lhcbStyle.C"); lhcbStyle(); /*gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05,"x"); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05,"y"); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.05,"x"); gStyle->SetPaperSize(20,26); gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.0); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.05); // increase for colz plots gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.0); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.14); gStyle->SetTitleH(0.01);*/ // const std::string filename("/afs/"); const std::string treename = "withbdt"; const std::string out_file_mass("~/cern/plots/fitting/Lb2JpsipK_2011_2012_mass_fit_after_bdtg3_cut_-055.pdf"); // const std::string cuts("bdtg3>=-0.55"); TFile* file = TFile::Open( filename.c_str() ); if( !file ) std::cout << "file " << filename << " does not exist" << std::endl; TTree* tree = (TTree*)file->Get( treename.c_str() ); if( !tree ) std::cout << "tree " << treename << " does not exist" << std::endl; TTree* rTree1 = tree->CopyTree( cuts.c_str() ); // -- signal, mass shape RooRealVar Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1("Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1","m(J/#psi p K^{-})", 5550., 5700., "MeV/c^{2}"); RooRealVar Jpsi_M("Jpsi_M","m(#mu#mu)", 3000., 3200., "MeV/c^{2}"); //RooRealVar chi_c_M("chi_c_M","m(J/#psi#gamma)", 3400., 3700., "MeV/c^{2}"); RooRealVar mean("mean","mean", 5620., 5600., 5650.); RooRealVar sigma1("sigma1","sigma1", 10., 1., 100.); RooRealVar sigma2("sigma2","sigma2", 5.0, 1.0, 300.0); RooRealVar sigmaT("sigmaT", "sigmaT", 1.9, 1., 100.); RooRealVar alpha1("alpha1","alpha1", 1.0, 0.5, 5.0); RooRealVar n1("n1","n1", 1.5, 0.2, 15.0); RooRealVar alpha2("alpha2","alpha2", -0.5, -5.5, 0.0); RooRealVar n2("n2","n2", 1.5, 0.2, 10.0); RooRealVar nu("nu", "nu", 2., 0.7, 100.); //RooRealVar bkgcat_chic("bkgcat_chic","bkgcat_chic", 0, 100); RooRealVar bdtg3("bdtg3", "bdtg3", -1.0, 1.0); // RooRealVar frac2("frac2","frac2", 0.3, 0., 1.); Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.setBins(75); RooGaussian gauss1("gauss1","gauss1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1); RooGaussian gauss2("gauss2","gauss2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2); RooCBShape cb1("cb1","cb1", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma1, alpha1, n1); RooCBShape cb2("cb2","cb2", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigma2, alpha2, n2); //RooStudentT * student = new RooStudentT("student", "student", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean, sigmaT, nu); RooAddPdf sig("sig", "sig", RooArgList(cb1, cb2), RooArgList( frac2 )); RooRealVar cbRatio("cbRatio","cb Ratio", 0.3, 0.1, 1.0); RooRealVar sigYield("sigYield","sig Yield", 4e2, 1e1, 1e5); RooRealVar bgYield("bgYield","bg Yield", 1e2, 1e0, 5e5); //put in values from fit_MC here <<--- DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE THESE IF THE FIT CHANGES!!! /* EXT PARAMETER INTERNAL INTERNAL NO. NAME VALUE ERROR STEP SIZE VALUE 1 alpha1 2.18020e+00 2.85078e-02 1.38432e-04 -2.56034e-01 2 alpha2 -2.79102e+00 6.74385e-02 1.51818e-04 -1.49177e-02 3 cbRatio 3.07172e-01 1.49204e-02 1.72642e-04 -5.69984e-01 4 mean 5.61985e+03 9.58397e-03 5.56682e-05 -9.66293e-02 5 n1 1.49358e+00 8.14447e-02 2.09300e-04 -9.70542e-01 6 n2 1.45276e+00 1.09864e-01 2.59028e-04 -8.39538e-01 7 sigma1 8.46303e+00 1.32851e-01 2.86985e-05 -1.01453e+00 8 sigma2 4.93976e+00 3.42842e-02 5.03572e-06 -1.44512e+00 4 mean 5.62097e+03 4.02152e-02 6.00497e-04 3.08772e-01 5 sigYield 3.52933e+04 2.55400e+02 1.54032e-03 -1.69958e-02 6 sigma1 1.22322e+01 1.10970e+00 2.87462e-03 1.63838e-01 7 sigma2 5.54047e+00 1.41829e-01 1.08300e-03 -1.28653e-01 */ mean.setVal(5.62097e+03); sigma1.setVal(1.22322e+01); sigma2.setVal(5.54047e+00); mean.setConstant(true); sigma1.setConstant(true); sigma2.setConstant(true); //alpha1.setVal( 2.18020e+00 ); //alpha2.setVal( -2.79102e+00 ); //n1.setVal( 1.49358e+00 ); //n2.setVal( 1.45276e+00 ); //frac2.setVal( 3.81630e-01 ); //sigma1.setVal( 7.37006e+00 ); //sigma2.setVal( 4.90330e+00 ); //double gauss //alpha1.setVal( 2.18020e+00 ); //alpha2.setVal( -2.79102e+00 ); //n1.setVal( 1.49358e+00 ); //n2.setVal( 1.45276e+00 ); //alpha1.setConstant( true ); //alpha2.setConstant( true ); //frac2.setConstant( true ); //n1.setConstant( true ); //n2.setConstant( true ); //sigma1.setConstant( true ); //sigma2.setConstant( true ); // -- bg, mass shape RooRealVar a1("a1","a1", -0.1, -0.5, 0.5); RooExponential exp("exp", "exp", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, a1); RooChebychev comb("comb","comb", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, a1); RooRealVar mean3("mean3","mean3", 5560., 5500., 5600.); RooRealVar sigma3("sigma3","sigma3", 5., 1., 100.); RooRealVar frac3("frac3","frac", 0.2, 0.0, 0.3); RooGaussian gauss3("gauss3","gauss3", Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1, mean3, sigma3); //RooAddPdf bg("bg","bg", RooArgList(gauss3, comb), RooArgList(frac3)); // -- add signal & bg RooAddPdf pdf("pdf", "pdf", RooArgList(sig, comb), RooArgList( sigYield, bgYield)); RooArgSet obs; obs.add(Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1); obs.add(Jpsi_M); //obs.add(chi_c_M); //obs.add(proton_ProbNNp); //obs.add(proton_ProbNNk); //obs.add(kaon_ProbNNp); //obs.add(kaon_ProbNNk); RooDataSet ds("ds","ds", obs, RooFit::Import(*rTree1)); RooPlot* plot = Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.frame(); RooFitResult * result = pdf.fitTo( ds, RooFit::Extended() ); ds.plotOn( plot ); pdf.plotOn( plot ); RooPlot* plotPullMass = Lambda_b0_DTF_MASS_constr1.frame(); plotPullMass->addPlotable( plot->pullHist() ); //plotPullMass->SetMinimum(); //plotPullMass->SetMaximum(); TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(); TPad* pad1 = new TPad("pad1","pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 0.95); //pad1->SetBottomMargin(0.1); //pad1->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad1->Draw(); //TPad* pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2", 0, 0.05, 1, 0.4); TPad* pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2", 0, 0.05, 1, 0.3); pad2->Draw(); plotPullMass->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.1); plotPullMass->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.1); plotPullMass->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.1); plotPullMass->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.1); //pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( sig ), RooFit::LineColor( kTeal ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed) ); pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( comb ), RooFit::LineColor( kOrange ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed) ); //pdf.plotOn( plot, RooFit::Components( gauss3 ), RooFit::LineColor( kViolet ), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed) ); pad1->cd(); plot->Draw(); pad2->cd(); plotPullMass->Draw("AP"); c->SaveAs(out_file_mass.c_str()); std::cout << rTree1->GetEntries() << " events with the following cut applied: " << cuts.c_str() << std::endl; /* RooStats::SPlot* sData = new RooStats::SPlot("sData","An SPlot", ds, &pdf, RooArgList(sigYield, bgYield) ); RooDataSet * dataw_z = new RooDataSet(ds.GetName(),ds.GetTitle(),&ds,*(ds.get()),0,"sigYield_sw") ; TTree *tree_data = (TTree*)dataw_z->tree(); TFile * newfile = TFile::Open("/afs/","RECREATE"); tree_data->Write(); newfile->Close(); */ /* TCanvas* d = new TCanvas(); RooPlot* w_chi_c_Mp = chi_c_Mp.frame(); dataw_z->plotOn(w_chi_c_Mp, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ; w_chi_c_Mp->Draw(); d->SaveAs("m_chicp_sweighted.png"); TCanvas* e = new TCanvas(); RooPlot* w_mass_pK = mass_pK.frame(); dataw_z->plotOn(w_mass_pK, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ; w_mass_pK->Draw(); e->SaveAs("m_pK_sweighted.png"); */ /* TCanvas* f = new TCanvas(); RooPlot* w_Jpsi_M = Jpsi_M.frame(); dataw_z->plotOn(w_Jpsi_M, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ; w_Jpsi_M->Draw(); f->SaveAs("~/cern/plots/m_Jpsi_sweighted.png"); TCanvas* g = new TCanvas(); RooPlot* w_chi_c_M = chi_c_M.frame(); dataw_z->plotOn(w_chi_c_M, RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2), RooFit::Binning(20)) ; w_chi_c_M->Draw(); g->SaveAs("~/cern/plots/m_Chic_sweighted.png"); */ }