Beispiel #1
static int command_patternexlist(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct patterns_data* pdata = (struct patterns_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	sqlite3_stmt *res;
	int error = 0;
	const char *tail;
	char *query = "SELECT * FROM pattern_exceptions;";

	cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s:\n", cmd->prefix);

	error = sqlite3_prepare_v2(pdata->db, query, strlen(query), &res, &tail);

	while (sqlite3_step(res) == SQLITE_ROW)
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "ID: %d    Pattern ID: %d    Exception pattern: \"%s\"    Exempt credentials: %s-%s\n", sqlite3_column_int(res, 0), sqlite3_column_int(res, 2), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 1), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 3), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 4));


	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));

	return 0;
Beispiel #2
static int command_patternadd(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct patterns_data* pdata = (struct patterns_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg1 = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_first(cmd->args);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg2 = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_next(cmd->args);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg3 = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_next(cmd->args);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg4 = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_next(cmd->args);
	char* t = arg1->data.string;
	enum pattern_types type;
	if (!pattern_string_to_type(t, &type))
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Wrong pattern type \"%s\". Available types are: MC, PM, NI, UA.", cmd->prefix, t);
		enum auth_credentials mincred = arg2->data.credentials;
		enum auth_credentials maxcred = arg3->data.credentials;
		char* str = arg4->data.string;
		int rc = sql_execute(pdata, null_callback, NULL, "INSERT INTO patterns VALUES(NULL, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s');", sql_escape_string(str), type, auth_cred_to_string(mincred), auth_cred_to_string(maxcred));
		if (rc > 0)
			cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Added pattern \"%s\" to %s group.", cmd->prefix, str, pattern_type_to_string(type));
			cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Unable to add pattern \"%s\".", cmd->prefix, str);
	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));

	return 0;
Beispiel #3
static int command_hublist(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct extras_data* extrasdata = (struct extras_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	sqlite3_stmt *res;
	int error = 0;
	int rec_count = 0;
	const char *tail;
	char *query = "SELECT * FROM hubs;";

	cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s:", cmd->prefix);
	error = sqlite3_prepare_v2(extrasdata->db, query, strlen(query), &res, &tail);
	while (sqlite3_step(res) == SQLITE_ROW)
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "\nID: %d, Address: %s , Name: \"%s\"\n", sqlite3_column_int(res, 0), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 1), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 2));

	if (error != SQLITE_OK || rec_count < 1)
		cbuf_append(buf, " No hubs found in hublist.");

	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));
	return 0;
Beispiel #4
static int command_releases(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct extras_data* extrasdata = (struct extras_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	sqlite3_stmt *res;
	int error = 0;
	int rec_count = 0;
	const char *tail;
	char *query = "SELECT * FROM releases;";

	cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s:", cmd->prefix);
	error = sqlite3_prepare_v2(extrasdata->db, query, strlen(query), &res, &tail);
	while (sqlite3_step(res) == SQLITE_ROW)
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "\nID: %d\nTitle: %s\nMagnet link: magnet:?xt=urn:tree:tiger:%s\nPublished: %s", sqlite3_column_int(res, 0), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 1), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 2), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 3));

	if (error != SQLITE_OK || rec_count < 1)
		cbuf_append(buf, " No releases found.");

	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));
	return 0;
Beispiel #5
static int command_patternexadd(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct patterns_data* pdata = (struct patterns_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg1 = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_first(cmd->args);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg2 = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_next(cmd->args);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg3 = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_next(cmd->args);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg4 = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_next(cmd->args);
	int pattern_id = arg1->data.integer;
	enum auth_credentials mincred = arg2->data.credentials;
	enum auth_credentials maxcred = arg3->data.credentials;
	char* str = arg4->data.string;
	int rc = sql_execute(pdata, null_callback, NULL, "PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON; INSERT INTO pattern_exceptions VALUES(NULL, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s');", sql_escape_string(str), pattern_id, auth_cred_to_string(mincred), auth_cred_to_string(maxcred));
	if (rc > 0)
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Added pattern exception \"%s\" to pattern ID %d.", cmd->prefix, str, pattern_id);
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Unable to add pattern exception \"%s\" to pattern ID %d.", cmd->prefix, str, pattern_id);
	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));

	return 0;
void user_login(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user)
	struct chat_history_data* data = (struct chat_history_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = NULL;
	struct linked_list* found = (struct linked_list*) list_create();
	sql_execute(data, get_messages_callback, found, "SELECT from_nick,message, datetime(time, 'localtime') as time FROM chat_history ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,%d;", (int) data->history_connect);

	if (data->history_connect > 0 && list_size(found) > 0)
		buf = cbuf_create(MAX_HISTORY_SIZE);
		cbuf_append(buf, "Chat history:\n\n");
		struct chat_history_line* history_line;
		history_line = (struct chat_history_line*) list_get_last(found);
		while (history_line)
			cbuf_append_format(buf, "[%s] <%s> %s\n", history_line->time, history_line->from, history_line->message);
			list_remove(found, history_line);
			history_line = (struct chat_history_line*) list_get_last(found);
		plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));
	list_clear(found, &hub_free);
Beispiel #7
static int command_resettopic_handler(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	plugin->hub.set_description(plugin, NULL);
	cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Topic reset.", cmd->prefix);
	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));
	return 0;
Beispiel #8
 * Send a status message back to the user who issued the !history command.
static int command_status(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd, struct cbuffer* buf)
	struct cbuffer* msg = cbuf_create(cbuf_size(buf) + strlen(cmd->prefix) + 8);
	cbuf_append_format(msg, "*** %s: %s", cmd->prefix, cbuf_get(buf));
	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(msg));
	return 0;
Beispiel #9
static int command_showtopic_handler(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	char* topic = plugin->hub.get_description(plugin);
	cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Current topic is: \"%s\"", cmd->prefix, topic);
	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));
	return 0;
Beispiel #10
 * The callback function for handling the !history command.
static int command_history(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct chat_history_data* data = (struct chat_history_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(MAX_HISTORY_SIZE);
	struct linked_list* found = (struct linked_list*) list_create();
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg = plugin->hub.command_arg_next(plugin, cmd, plugin_cmd_arg_type_integer);
	int maxlines;

	if (arg)
		maxlines = arg->data.integer;
		maxlines = data->history_default;

	sql_execute(data, get_messages_callback, found, "SELECT from_nick,message, datetime(time, 'localtime') as time FROM chat_history ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,%d;", maxlines);

	size_t linecount = list_size(found);

	if (linecount > 0)
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Chat History:\n\n", cmd->prefix);
		struct chat_history_line* history_line;
		history_line = (struct chat_history_line*) list_get_last(found);
		while (history_line)
			cbuf_append_format(buf, "[%s] <%s> %s\n", history_line->time, history_line->from, history_line->message);
			list_remove(found, history_line);
			history_line = (struct chat_history_line*) list_get_last(found);
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: No messages found.", cmd->prefix);

	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));
	list_clear(found, &hub_free);

	return 0;
Beispiel #11
static int command_patternexdel(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct patterns_data* pdata = (struct patterns_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* args = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_first(cmd->args);
	int id = args->data.integer;

	int rc = sql_execute(pdata, null_callback, NULL, "DELETE FROM pattern_exceptions WHERE id=%d;", id);
	if (rc > 0)
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Deleted pattern exception with ID %d.", cmd->prefix, id);
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Unable to delete pattern exception with id %d.", cmd->prefix, id);
	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));

	return 0;
Beispiel #12
static int command_historycleanup(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct chat_history_data* data = (struct chat_history_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	int rc = 0;

	rc = sql_execute(data, null_callback, NULL, "DELETE FROM chat_history;");
	if (!rc)
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Unable to clean chat history table.", cmd->prefix);
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Cleaned chat history table.", cmd->prefix);

	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));

	sql_execute(data, null_callback, NULL, "VACUUM;");

	return 0;
Beispiel #13
static int command_newsadd(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct extras_data* extrasdata = (struct extras_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg1 = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_first(cmd->args);
	const char* news_text = sql_escape_string(arg1->data.string);
	int rc = sql_execute(extrasdata, null_callback, NULL, "INSERT INTO news (id, text) VALUES(NULL, '%s');", news_text);
	if (rc > 0)
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: News updated.", cmd->prefix);
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Unable to update news.", cmd->prefix);
	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));

	return 0;
Beispiel #14
static int command_topic_handler(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg = plugin->hub.command_arg_next(plugin, cmd, plugin_cmd_arg_type_string);
	char* topic = arg ? arg->data.string : "";

	plugin->hub.set_description(plugin, topic);
	cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Topic set to \"%s\"", cmd->prefix, topic);
	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));
	return 0;
Beispiel #15
static int command_patterntest(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct patterns_data* pdata = (struct patterns_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg1 = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_first(cmd->args);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg2 = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_next(cmd->args);
	int id = arg1->data.integer;
	char* str = arg2->data.string;
	sqlite3_stmt *res;
	int error = 0;
	const char *tail;
	char query[80];

	cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: ", cmd->prefix);

	int n = sprintf(query, "SELECT regexp FROM patterns WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1;", id);

	error = sqlite3_prepare_v2(pdata->db, query, n, &res, &tail);

	if (sqlite3_step(res) == SQLITE_ROW)
		if(pattern_match(str, (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 0)))
			cbuf_append_format(buf, "Tested string \"%s\" matches pattern \"%s\".", str, sqlite3_column_text(res, 0));
			cbuf_append_format(buf, "Tested string \"%s\" does not match pattern \"%s\".", str, sqlite3_column_text(res, 0));
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "Pattern ID \"%d\" not found.", id);


	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));

	return 0;
Beispiel #16
static int command_userlogcleanup(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct log_data* ldata = (struct log_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_first(cmd->args);
	int days = arg->data.integer;

	int rc = sql_execute(ldata, null_callback, NULL, "DELETE FROM userlog WHERE time < DATETIME('NOW', 'localtime', '-%d days');", days);
	if (rc > 0)
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Cleaned log entries older than %d days.", cmd->prefix, days);
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Unable to clean log table.", cmd->prefix);
	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));

	sql_execute(ldata, null_callback, NULL, "VACUUM;");

	return 0;
Beispiel #17
static int command_releaseadd(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct extras_data* extrasdata = (struct extras_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg1 = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_first(cmd->args);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg2 = (struct plugin_command_arg_data*) list_get_next(cmd->args);

	char* tth = strdup(sql_escape_string(arg1->data.string));
	char* title = strdup(sql_escape_string(arg2->data.string));
	int rc = sql_execute(extrasdata, null_callback, NULL, "INSERT INTO releases (id, title, tth) VALUES(NULL, '%s', '%s');", title, tth);
	if (rc > 0)
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Added \"%s\" to releases.", cmd->prefix, title);
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Unable to add \"%s\" to releases.", cmd->prefix, title);
	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));

	return 0;
Beispiel #18
 * The callback function for handling the !history command.
static int command_history(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct cbuffer* buf;
	struct chat_history_data* data = (struct chat_history_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg = plugin->hub.command_arg_next(plugin, cmd, plugin_cmd_arg_type_integer);
	int maxlines;

	if (!list_size(data->chat_history))
		return command_status(plugin, user, cmd, cbuf_create_const("No messages."));

	if (arg)
		maxlines = arg->data.integer;
		maxlines = data->history_default;
	buf = cbuf_create(MAX_HISTORY_SIZE);
	cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Chat History:\n", cmd->prefix);
	get_messages(data, maxlines, buf);

	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));
	return 0;
Beispiel #19
static int command_userlog(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, struct plugin_command* cmd)
	struct log_data* ldata = (struct log_data*) plugin->ptr;
	struct cbuffer* buf = cbuf_create(128);
	size_t argnum = list_size(cmd->args);
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg1 = NULL;
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg2 = NULL;
	struct plugin_command_arg_data* arg3 = NULL;
	if (argnum == 3)
		arg1 = plugin->hub.command_arg_next(plugin, cmd, plugin_cmd_arg_type_integer);
		arg2 = plugin->hub.command_arg_next(plugin, cmd, plugin_cmd_arg_type_string);
		arg3 = plugin->hub.command_arg_next(plugin, cmd, plugin_cmd_arg_type_string);
		if (argnum == 2)
			cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Missing search pattern.", cmd->prefix);
			plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));
			return 0;
		if (argnum == 1)
			arg1 = plugin->hub.command_arg_next(plugin, cmd, plugin_cmd_arg_type_integer);

	int lines = arg1 ? arg1->data.integer : 20;
	char* column = arg2 ? arg2->data.string : "";
	char* search = arg3 ? arg3->data.string : "";
	size_t column_len = strlen(column);
	size_t search_len = strlen(search);
	char query[1024];
	sqlite3_stmt *res;
	int error = 0;
	const char *tail;
	size_t count = 0;

	if (lines > 200)
		lines = 200;

	if (search_len && column_len)
			cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Invalid column. Valid columns are: nick, cid, addr, credentials, useragent, message, all.", cmd->prefix);
			plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));
			return 0;

		if (strcmp(column, "all") == 0)
			sprintf(query, "SELECT * FROM userlog WHERE nick LIKE '%%%s%%' OR cid LIKE '%%%s%%' OR credentials LIKE '%%%s%%' OR useragent LIKE '%%%s%%' OR addr LIKE '%%%s%%' OR message LIKE '%%%s%%' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT %d;", search, search, search, search, search, search, lines);
			cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Search_ing for \"%s\" in all columns.", cmd->prefix, search);
			sprintf(query, "SELECT * FROM userlog WHERE %s LIKE '%%%s%%' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT %d;", column, search, lines);
			cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: Searching for \"%s\" in column \"%s\".", cmd->prefix, search, column);
		sprintf(query, "SELECT * FROM userlog ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT %d;", lines);
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "*** %s: ", cmd->prefix);

	error = sqlite3_prepare_v2(ldata->db, query, strlen(query), &res, &tail);
	while (sqlite3_step(res) == SQLITE_ROW)
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "\n[%s] %s, %s [%s] [%s] \"%s\" - %s", (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 6), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 1), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 0), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 3), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 2), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 4), (char*) sqlite3_column_text(res, 5));

	if (error || count == 0)
		if (search_len && column_len)
			cbuf_append(buf, "\n");
		cbuf_append(buf, "No log entries found.");
		cbuf_append_format(buf, "\n\n%zd entr%s shown", count, count != 1 ? "ies" : "y");

	plugin->hub.send_message(plugin, user, cbuf_get(buf));
	return 0;