Beispiel #1
// cone sliced with vertical plane results in a hyperbola as the intersection curve
// find point where hyperbola and line slopes match
CC_CLZ_Pair ConeCutter::singleEdgeDropCanonical( const Point& u1, const Point& u2) const {
    double d = u1.y;
    double m = (u2.z-u1.z) / (u2.x-u1.x); // slope of edge
    // the outermost point on the cutter is at   xu = sqrt( R^2 - d^2 )
    double xu = sqrt( square(radius) - square(u1.y) );                  assert( xu <= radius );
    // max slope at xu is mu = (L/(R-R2)) * xu /(sqrt( xu^2 + d^2 ))
    double mu = (center_height/radius ) * xu / sqrt( square(xu) + square(d) ) ;
    bool hyperbola_case = (fabs(m) <= fabs(mu));
    // find contact point where slopes match, there are two cases:
    // 1) if abs(m) <= abs(mu)  we contact the curve at xp = sign(m) * sqrt( R^2 m^2 d^2 / (h^2 - R^2 m^2) )
    // 2) if abs(m) > abs(mu) there is contact with the circular edge at +/- xu
    double ccu;
    if ( hyperbola_case ) { 
        ccu = sign(m) * sqrt( square(radius)*square(m)*square(d) / (square(length) -square(radius)*square(m) ) );
    } else { 
        ccu = sign(m)*xu;
    Point cc_tmp( ccu, d, 0.0); // cc-point in the XY plane
    double cl_z;
    if ( hyperbola_case ) {  // 1) zc = zp - Lc + (R - sqrt(xp^2 + d^2)) / tan(beta2)
        cl_z = cc_tmp.z - center_height + (radius-sqrt(square(ccu) + square(d)))/ tan(angle);
    } else {  // 2) zc = zp - Lc
        cl_z = cc_tmp.z - center_height; // case where we hit the edge of the cone
    return CC_CLZ_Pair( ccu , cl_z);
Beispiel #2
void Tell::tellCmd(const QString& from, const QStringList& list) {
    octAssert(list.count() == 2);

    QStringList tmp = list[0].split(",",QString::SkipEmptyParts);
    QStringList dest, ok, ko;
    for(QStringList::Iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it)
        dest << manager()->databasePlugin()->canonicalName(*it);

    QString cc = dest.join(",") + ",";

    for(QStringList::Iterator it = dest.begin(); it != dest.end(); ++it) {
        QString cc_tmp(cc);
        cc_tmp.replace(*it + ",","");
        cc_tmp = cc_tmp.left(cc_tmp.length() - 1);
        QString txt1(from + " tells you" + (dest.count() > 1 ? ("(CC: " + cc_tmp + ")") : "") + ": " + list[1]);

            ok << *it;
            ko << *it;

        QString txt2("You tell " + (ok.join(",")) + ": " + list[1]);
    if(ko.count()) {
        QString txt2((ko.join(",")) + (ko.count() > 1 ? " are" : " is") + " not connected!");
Beispiel #3
// general purpose facet-drop which calls xy_normal_length(), normal_length(), 
// and center_height() on the subclass
bool MillingCutter::facetDrop(CLPoint &cl, const Triangle &t) const { // Drop cutter at (cl.x, cl.y) against facet of Triangle t
    Point normal = t.upNormal(); // facet surface normal
    if ( isZero_tol( normal.z ) )  // vertical surface
        return false;  //can't drop against vertical surface
    assert( isPositive( normal.z ) );
    if ( ( isZero_tol(normal.x) ) && ( isZero_tol(normal.y) ) ) { // horizontal plane special case
        CCPoint cc_tmp( cl.x, cl.y, t.p[0].z, FACET);
        return cl.liftZ_if_inFacet(cc_tmp.z, cc_tmp, t);
    } else { // general case
        // plane containing facet:  a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0, so
        // d = -a*x - b*y - c*z, where  (a,b,c) = surface normal
        double d = -[0]);
        normal.normalize(); // make length of normal == 1.0
        Point xyNormal( normal.x, normal.y, 0.0);
        // define the radiusvector which points from the cc-point to the cutter-center 
        Point radiusvector = this->xy_normal_length*xyNormal + this->normal_length*normal;
        CCPoint cc_tmp = cl - radiusvector; // NOTE xy-coords right, z-coord is not.
        cc_tmp.z = (1.0/normal.z)*(-d-normal.x*cc_tmp.x-normal.y*cc_tmp.y); // cc-point lies in the plane.
        cc_tmp.type = FACET;
        double tip_z = cc_tmp.z + radiusvector.z - this->center_height;
        return cl.liftZ_if_inFacet(tip_z, cc_tmp, t);
Beispiel #4
// general purpose vertex-drop which delegates to this->height(r) of subclass 
bool MillingCutter::vertexDrop(CLPoint &cl, const Triangle &t) const {
    bool result = false;
    BOOST_FOREACH( const Point& p, t.p) {           // test each vertex of triangle
        double q = cl.xyDistance(p);                // distance in XY-plane from cl to p
        if ( q <= radius ) {                        // p is inside the cutter
            CCPoint cc_tmp(p, VERTEX);
            if ( cl.liftZ( p.z - this->height(q), cc_tmp ) )
                result = true;
    return result;
Beispiel #5
// "dual" edge-drop problems
// cylinder: zero diam edge/ellipse, r-radius cylinder, find r-offset == cl  (ITO surface XY-slice is a circle)
// sphere: zero diam cylinder. ellipse around edge, find offset == cl (ITO surface slice is ellipse) (?)
// toroid: radius2 diam edge, radius1 cylinder, find radius1-offset-ellipse=cl (ITO surf slice is offset ellipse) (this is the offset-ellipse problem)
// cone: ??? (how is this an ellipse??)
bool MillingCutter::singleEdgeDrop(CLPoint& cl, const Point& p1, const Point& p2, double d) const {    
    Point v = p2 - p1; // vector along edge, from p1 -> p2
    Point vxy( v.x, v.y, 0.0);
    vxy.xyNormalize(); // normalized XY edge vector
    // figure out u-coordinates of p1 and p2 (i.e. x-coord in the rotated system)
    Point sc = cl.xyClosestPoint( p1, p2 );   
    assert( ( (cl-sc).xyNorm() - d ) < 1E-6 );
    // edge endpoints in the new coordinate system, in these coordinates, CL is at origo
    Point up1( (p1-sc).dot(vxy) , d, p1.z); // d, distance to line, is the y-coord in the rotated system
    Point up2( (p2-sc).dot(vxy) , d, p2.z);
    CC_CLZ_Pair contact = this->singleEdgeDropCanonical( up1, up2 ); // the subclass handles this
    CCPoint cc_tmp( sc + contact.first * vxy, EDGE); // translate back into original coord-system
    return cl.liftZ_if_InsidePoints( contact.second , cc_tmp , p1, p2);
Beispiel #6
bool MillingCutter::singleVertexPush(const Fiber& f, Interval& i, const Point& p, CCType cctyp) const {
    bool result = false;
    if ( ( p.z >= f.p1.z ) && ( p.z <= (f.p1.z+ this->getLength()) ) ) { // p.z is within cutter
        Point pq = p.xyClosestPoint(f.p1, f.p2); // closest point on fiber
        double q = (p-pq).xyNorm(); // distance in XY-plane from fiber to p
        double h = p.z - f.p1.z;
        assert( h>= 0.0);
        double cwidth = this->width( h );
        if ( q <= cwidth ) { // we are going to hit the vertex p
            double ofs = sqrt( square( cwidth ) - square(q) ); // distance along fiber 
            Point start = pq - ofs*f.dir;
            Point stop  = pq + ofs*f.dir;
            CCPoint cc_tmp( p, cctyp );
            i.updateUpper( f.tval(stop) , cc_tmp );
            i.updateLower( f.tval(start) , cc_tmp );
            result = true;                
    return result;
Beispiel #7
// because this checks for contact with both the tip and the circular edge it is hard to move to the base-class
// we either hit the tip, when the slope of the plane is smaller than angle
// or when the slope is steep, the circular edge between the cone and the cylindrical shaft
bool ConeCutter::facetDrop(CLPoint &cl, const Triangle &t) const {
    bool result = false;
    Point normal = t.upNormal(); // facet surface normal    
    if ( isZero_tol( normal.z ) )  // vertical surface
        return false;  //can't drop against vertical surface
    if ( (isZero_tol(normal.x)) && (isZero_tol(normal.y)) ) {  // horizontal plane special case
        CCPoint cc_tmp( cl.x, cl.y, t.p[0].z, FACET_TIP );  // so any vertex is at the correct height
        return cl.liftZ_if_inFacet(cc_tmp.z, cc_tmp, t);
    } else {
        // define plane containing facet
        // a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0, so
        // d = -a*x - b*y - c*z, where  (a,b,c) = surface normal
        double a = normal.x;
        double b = normal.y;
        double c = normal.z;
        double d = -[0]); 
        normal.xyNormalize(); // make xy length of normal == 1.0
        // cylindrical contact point case
        // find the xy-coordinates of the cc-point
        CCPoint cyl_cc_tmp =  cl - radius*normal;
        cyl_cc_tmp.z = (1.0/c)*(-d-a*cyl_cc_tmp.x-b*cyl_cc_tmp.y);
        double cyl_cl_z = cyl_cc_tmp.z - length; // tip positioned here
        cyl_cc_tmp.type = FACET_CYL;
        // tip contact with facet
        CCPoint tip_cc_tmp(cl.x,cl.y,0.0);
        tip_cc_tmp.z = (1.0/c)*(-d-a*tip_cc_tmp.x-b*tip_cc_tmp.y);
        double tip_cl_z = tip_cc_tmp.z;
        tip_cc_tmp.type = FACET_TIP;
        result = result || cl.liftZ_if_inFacet( tip_cl_z, tip_cc_tmp, t);
        result = result || cl.liftZ_if_inFacet( cyl_cl_z, cyl_cc_tmp, t);
        return result; 