Foam::treeBoundBox Foam::treeDataCell::calcCellBb(const label cellI) const
    const cellList& cells = mesh_.cells();
    const faceList& faces = mesh_.faces();
    const pointField& points = mesh_.points();

    treeBoundBox cellBb
        vector(GREAT, GREAT, GREAT),
        vector(-GREAT, -GREAT, -GREAT)

    const cell& cFaces = cells[cellI];

    forAll(cFaces, cFaceI)
        const face& f = faces[cFaces[cFaceI]];

        forAll(f, fp)
            const point& p = points[f[fp]];

            cellBb.min() = min(cellBb.min(), p);
            cellBb.max() = max(cellBb.max(), p);
    return cellBb;
Foam::labelList Foam::meshToMesh::maskCells
    const polyMesh& src,
    const polyMesh& tgt
) const
    boundBox intersectBb
        max(src.bounds().min(), tgt.bounds().min()),
        min(src.bounds().max(), tgt.bounds().max())


    const cellList& srcCells = src.cells();
    const faceList& srcFaces = src.faces();
    const pointField& srcPts = src.points();

    DynamicList<label> cells(src.size());
    forAll(srcCells, srcI)
        boundBox cellBb(srcCells[srcI].points(srcFaces, srcPts), false);
        if (intersectBb.overlaps(cellBb))
Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapDistribute> Foam::meshToMeshNew::calcProcMap
    const polyMesh& src,
    const polyMesh& tgt
) const
    // get decomposition of cells on src mesh
    List<boundBox> procBb(Pstream::nProcs());

    if (src.nCells() > 0)
        // bounding box for my mesh - do not parallel reduce
        procBb[Pstream::myProcNo()] = boundBox(src.points(), false);

        // slightly increase size of bounding boxes to allow for cases where
        // bounding boxes are perfectly alligned
        procBb[Pstream::myProcNo()] = boundBox();


    if (debug)
        Info<< "Determining extent of src mesh per processor:" << nl
            << "\tproc\tbb" << endl;
        forAll(procBb, procI)
            Info<< '\t' << procI << '\t' << procBb[procI] << endl;

    // determine which cells of tgt mesh overlaps src mesh per proc
    const cellList& cells = tgt.cells();
    const faceList& faces = tgt.faces();
    const pointField& points = tgt.points();

    labelListList sendMap;

        // per processor indices into all segments to send
        List<DynamicList<label> > dynSendMap(Pstream::nProcs());
        label iniSize = floor(tgt.nCells()/Pstream::nProcs());

        forAll(dynSendMap, procI)

        // work array - whether src processor bb overlaps the tgt cell bounds
        boolList procBbOverlaps(Pstream::nProcs());
        forAll(cells, cellI)
            const cell& c = cells[cellI];

            // determine bounding box of tgt cell
            boundBox cellBb(point::max, point::min);
            forAll(c, faceI)
                const face& f = faces[c[faceI]];
                forAll(f, fp)
                    cellBb.min() = min(cellBb.min(), points[f[fp]]);
                    cellBb.max() = max(cellBb.max(), points[f[fp]]);

            // find the overlapping tgt cells on each src processor
            (void)calcOverlappingProcs(procBb, cellBb, procBbOverlaps);

            forAll(procBbOverlaps, procI)
                if (procBbOverlaps[procI])