/// Set the weight function
void CustomPolynomial::setWeightFunction(IFunction_const_sptr wgtFun, const double& tol)
  m_weightFunction = wgtFun;
  auto cheb = dynamic_cast<const ChebFunction*>( wgtFun.get() );
  if ( cheb && cheb->nfuns() == 1 && !cheb->cfun(0).hasScaling() )
      m_fun = cheb->cfun(0).getUnscaled();
    m_fun.bestFit( *wgtFun, tol );
 void MultiThreadedSplitter<Heuristic,PrimRefBlockList>::task_split_parallel_reduce(size_t threadIndex, size_t threadCount, TaskScheduler::Event* event)
   Heuristic lheuristic; Heuristic::reduce(lheuristics,numTasks,lheuristic); linfo = split.linfo; lheuristic.best(lsplit); 
   Heuristic rheuristic; Heuristic::reduce(rheuristics,numTasks,rheuristic); rinfo = split.rinfo; rheuristic.best(rsplit); 
Beispiel #3
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * cpDlsDenseProjDQJac 
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------
 * This routine generates a dense difference quotient approximation 
 * to the transpose of the Jacobian of c(t,y). It loads it into a 
 * dense matrix of type DlsMat stored column-wise with elements 
 * within each column contiguous. The address of the jth column of 
 * J is obtained via the macro DENSE_COL and this pointer is 
 * associated with an N_Vector using the N_VGetArrayPointer and 
 * N_VSetArrayPointer functions. 
 * Finally, the actual computation of the jth column of the Jacobian
 * transposed is done with a call to N_VLinearSum.
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------
int cpDlsDenseProjDQJac(int Nc, int Ny, realtype t,
                        N_Vector y, N_Vector cy, 
                        DlsMat Jac, void *jac_data,
                        N_Vector c_tmp1, N_Vector c_tmp2)
  realtype inc, inc_inv, yj, srur;
  realtype *y_data, *ewt_data, *jthCol_data;
  N_Vector ctemp, jthCol;
  int i, j;
  int retval = 0;

  CPodeMem cp_mem;
  CPDlsProjMem cpdlsP_mem;

  /* jac_data points to cpode_mem */
  cp_mem = (CPodeMem) jac_data;
  cpdlsP_mem = (CPDlsProjMem) lmemP;

  /* Rename work vectors for readibility */
  ctemp  = c_tmp1; 
  jthCol = c_tmp2;

  /* Obtain pointers to the data for ewt and y */
  ewt_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(ewt);
  y_data   = N_VGetArrayPointer(y);

  /* Obtain pointer to the data for jthCol */
  jthCol_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(jthCol);

  /* Set minimum increment based on uround and norm of f */
  srur = RSqrt(uround);

  /* Generate each column of the Jacobian G = dc/dy as delta(c)/delta(y_j). */
  for (j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {

    /* Save the y_j values. */
    yj = y_data[j];

    /* Set increment inc to y_j based on sqrt(uround)*abs(y_j), 
       with an adjustment using ewt_j if this is small */
    inc = MAX( srur * ABS(yj) , ONE/ewt_data[j] );
    inc = (yj + inc) - yj;

    /* Increment y_j, call cfun, and break on error return. */
    y_data[j]  += inc;
    retval = cfun(t, y, ctemp, c_data);
    if (retval != 0) break;

    /* Generate the jth col of G(tn,y) */
    inc_inv = ONE/inc;
    N_VLinearSum(inc_inv, ctemp, -inc_inv, cy, jthCol);

    /* Copy the j-th column of G into the j-th row of Jac */
    for (i = 0; i < Nc ; i++) {
      DENSE_ELEM(Jac,j,i) = jthCol_data[i];

    /* Reset y_j */     
    y_data[j] = yj;


Beispiel #4
static float_quad Corrboot( int n , float *x   , float *y   ,
                                    float xsig , float ysig ,
                            float (*cfun)(int,float *,float *) )
   float *xar , *yar , *cbb , corst ;
   float_quad res = {0.0f,-1.0f,0.0f,1.0f} ;
   float_triple bci ;
   int ii,jj,kk , nn=n ;

ENTRY("Corrboot") ;

   if( nn < 3 || x == NULL || y == NULL || cfun == NULL ) RETURN(res) ;

   if( xsig < 0.0f ) xsig = 0.0f ;
   if( ysig < 0.0f ) ysig = 0.0f ;

   /* workspaces */

   xar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nn) ;     /* resampled x vector */
   yar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nn) ;     /* resampled y vector */
   cbb = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nboot) ;  /* saved correlations */

   /* compute the un-resampled result */

   for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ){ xar[ii] = x[ii] ; yar[ii] = y[ii] ; }

   corst = cfun(nn,xar,yar) ;  /* standard result */

   /* compute bootstrap results */

   for( kk=0 ; kk < nboot ; kk++ ){
     if( !doblk ){                    /* simple resampling */
       for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ){
         jj = lrand48() % nn ; xar[ii] = x[jj] ; yar[ii] = y[jj] ;
     } else {                         /* block resampling */
       int jold = lrand48() % nn ;
       xar[0] = x[jold] ; yar[0] = y[jold] ;
       for( ii=1 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ){
         if( lrand48()%8 == 0 ){     /* 12.5% chance of random jump */
           jj = lrand48() % nn ;
         } else {
           jj = jold+1 ; if( jj == nn ) jj = 0 ;
         xar[ii] = x[jj] ; yar[ii] = y[jj] ; jold = jj ;
     if( xsig > 0.0f || ysig > 0.0f ){
       for( ii=0; ii < nn; ii++ ){
         xar[ii] += zgaussian()*xsig; yar[ii] += zgaussian()*ysig;
     cbb[kk] = cfun(nn,xar,yar) ;  /* bootstrap result */

   /* get the actual bias-corrected results [cf. thd_correlate.c] */

   bci = THD_bootstrap_confinv( corst , alpha , nboot , cbb ) ;

   /* empty the dustbin */

   free(cbb) ; free(yar) ; free(xar) ;

   /* this is bad */

   if( bci.a == 0.0f && bci.b == 0.0f && bci.c == 0.0f ) RETURN(res) ;

   /* this is good */

   res.a = corst ; res.b = bci.a ; res.c = bci.b ; res.d = bci.c ;

   RETURN(res) ;
Beispiel #5
static int cpProjNonlinearIteration(CPodeMem cp_mem)
  int m, retval;
  realtype del, delp, dcon;
  N_Vector corP;

  /* Initialize counter */
  m = 0;

  /* Initialize delp to avoid compiler warning message */
  del = delp = ZERO;

  /* Rename ftemp as corP */
  corP = ftemp;

  /* Set acorP to zero */
  N_VConst(ZERO, acorP);
  /* Set errP to acor */
  if (project_err) N_VScale(ONE, acor, errP);
  /* Looping point for iterations */
  loop {

    printf("            Iteration # %d\n",m);

    /* Call lsolveP (rhs is ctemp; solution in corP) */
    retval = lsolveP(cp_mem, ctemp, corP, y, ctemp, tempvP1, tempv);

    printf("            Linear solver solve return value = %d\n",retval);

    if (retval < 0) return(CP_PLSOLVE_FAIL);
    if (retval > 0) return(CONV_FAIL);

    /* Add correction to acorP and y and get its WRMS norm */
    N_VLinearSum(ONE, acorP, -ONE, corP, acorP);
    N_VLinearSum(ONE, y, -ONE, corP, y);
    del = N_VWrmsNorm(corP, ewt);

    printf("            Norm of correction:  del = %lg\n", del);

    /* If activated, find correction to the error estimate */
    if (project_err) {
      /* Compute rhs as G*errP and load it in tempvP2 */
      lmultP(cp_mem, errP, tempvP2);

      /* Call lsolveP (rhs is tempvP2; solution in corP) */
      retval = lsolveP(cp_mem, tempvP2, corP, y, ctemp, tempvP1, tempv);
      if (retval < 0) return(CP_PLSOLVE_FAIL);
      if (retval > 0) return(CONV_FAIL);

      /* Add correction to errP */
      N_VLinearSum(ONE, errP, -ONE, corP, errP);

    /* Test for convergence.  If m > 0, an estimate of the convergence
       rate constant is stored in crateP, and used in the test.        */
    if (m > 0) crateP = MAX(PRJ_CRDOWN * crateP, del/delp);
    dcon = del * MIN(ONE, crateP) / prjcoef;

    printf("            Convergence test  dcon = %lg\n", dcon);

    if (dcon <= ONE) {

      if (project_err) acnrm = N_VWrmsNorm(errP, ewt);

    /* Stop at maxcorP iterations or if iter. seems to be diverging. */
    if ((m == maxcorP) || ((m >= 2) && (del > PRJ_RDIV*delp)))  return(CONV_FAIL);
    /* Save norm of correction, evaluate cfun, and loop again */
    delp = del;
    retval = cfun(tn, y, ctemp, c_data);
    if (retval < 0) return(CP_CNSTRFUNC_FAIL);
    if (retval > 0) return(CNSTRFUNC_RECVR);


Beispiel #6
static int cpProjNonlinear(CPodeMem cp_mem)
  booleantype callSetup;
  int retval;
  printf("      Internal nonlinear projection\n");

  /* If the linear solver provides a setup function, call it if:
   *   - it was never called before (first_proj = TRUE), or
   *   - enough steps passed from last evaluation */
  if (lsetupP_exists) {
    callSetup =  (first_proj) || (nst >= nstlsetP + lsetupP_freq);
  } else {
    callSetup = FALSE;
    crateP = ONE;

  /* Save the corrected y, in case we need a second pass through the loop */
  N_VScale(ONE, y, yC);

  /* Begin the main loop. This loop is traversed at most twice. 
   * The second pass only occurs when the first pass had a recoverable
   * failure with old Jacobian data. */
  loop {

    /* If needed, call setup function */
    if (callSetup) {
      retval = lsetupP(cp_mem, y, ctemp, tempvP1, tempvP2, tempv);

      printf("         Linear solver setup return value = %d\n",retval);

      nstlsetP = nst;
      crateP = ONE;
      if (retval < 0) return(CP_PLSETUP_FAIL);
      if (retval > 0) return(CONV_FAIL);

    /* Do the iteration */

    printf("         NonlinearIteration\n");

    retval = cpProjNonlinearIteration(cp_mem);

    printf("         NonlinearIteration return value = %d\n",retval);        

    /* On a recoverable failure, if setup was not called,
     * reload the corrected y, recompute constraints, and reattempt loop */
    if ( (retval > 0) && lsetupP_exists && !callSetup ) {
      N_VScale(ONE, yC, y);
      retval = cfun(tn, y, ctemp, c_data);
      if (retval < 0) return(CP_CNSTRFUNC_FAIL);
      if (retval > 0) return(CNSTRFUNC_RECVR);
      callSetup = TRUE;

    /* Break from loop */


Beispiel #7
int cpDoProjection(CPodeMem cp_mem, realtype saved_t, int *npfPtr)
  int flag, retval;
  realtype cnorm;

  switch (proj_type) {


    /* Evaluate constraints at current time and with the corrected y */
    retval = cfun(tn, y, ctemp, c_data);
    if (retval < 0) {flag = CP_CNSTRFUNC_FAIL; break;}
    if (retval > 0) {flag = CNSTRFUNC_RECVR; break;}

     * If activated, evaluate WL2 norm of constraint violation.
     * If the constraint violation is small enough, return. 
    if (test_cnstr) {
      cnorm = N_VWL2Norm(ctemp, ctol);
      cnorm /= prjcoef;

      printf("      Constraint violation norm = %lg\n",cnorm);

      if (cnorm <= ONE) {
        applyProj = FALSE;

    else {
      printf("      No constraint testing\n");

    /* Perform projection step 
     * On a successful return, the projection correction is available in acorP.
     * Also, if projection of the error estimate was enabled, the new error
     * estimate is available in errP and acnrm contains ||errP||_WRMS.
    if (cnstr_type == CP_CNSTR_NONLIN) flag = cpProjNonlinear(cp_mem);
    else                               flag = cpProjLinear(cp_mem);


  case CP_PROJ_USER:

    printf("      User-defined projection\n");

    /* Use ftemp to store errP and tempv to store acorP 
     * (recall that in this case we did not allocate memory
     * errP and acorP).
    errP = ftemp;
    acorP = tempv;
    /* Copy acor into errP */
    N_VScale(ONE, acor, errP);

    /* Call the user projection function */
    retval = pfun(tn, y, acorP, prjcoef, errP, p_data);
    if (retval < 0) {flag = CP_PROJFUNC_FAIL; break;}
    if (retval > 0) {flag = PROJFUNC_RECVR; break;}

    /* Recompute acnrm to be used in error test */
    acnrm = N_VWrmsNorm(errP, ewt);

    flag = CP_SUCCESS;



  printf("      acnrm = %lg\n",acnrm);

  /* This is not the first projection anymore */
  first_proj = FALSE;

  /* If the projection was successful, return now. */
  if (flag == CP_SUCCESS) {
    applyProj = TRUE;

  /* The projection failed. Increment nprf and restore zn */
  cpRestore(cp_mem, saved_t);

  /* Return if lsetupP, lsolveP, cfun, or pfun failed unrecoverably */
  if (flag == CP_PLSETUP_FAIL)   return(CP_PLSETUP_FAIL);
  if (flag == CP_PLSOLVE_FAIL)   return(CP_PLSOLVE_FAIL);
  if (flag == CP_PROJFUNC_FAIL)  return(CP_PROJFUNC_FAIL);

  /*  At this point, flag = CONV_FAIL or CNSTRFUNC_RECVR or PRJFUNC_RECVR; increment npf */
  etamax = ONE;
  /* If we had maxnpf failures or |h| = hmin, 
  if ((ABS(h) <= hmin*ONEPSM) || (*npfPtr == maxnpf)) {
    if (flag == CONV_FAIL)       return(CP_PROJ_FAILURE);
    if (flag == CNSTRFUNC_RECVR) return(CP_REPTD_CNSTRFUNC_ERR);    
    if (flag == PROJFUNC_RECVR)  return(CP_REPTD_PROJFUNC_ERR);    

  /* Reduce step size; return to reattempt the step */
  eta = MAX(ETAPR, hmin / ABS(h));

