Beispiel #1
void SnowModel::generateLaunchSites() {
    std::cout << "[Snow Model] generating launch sites" << std::endl << "\t*Progress: ";


    int percent_step = static_cast<int>(edge_groups.size() * 0.1f);
    int step = 10;

    if (percent_step < 1)
        step = static_cast<int>(100.0f / edge_groups.size());
        percent_step = 1;
    unsigned int percent_count = 0;
    int percent = 0;
    unsigned int eg_count = 0;

    ::Utilities::Timer t;


    // create new launch site information
    EdgeGroup::LaunchSiteInfo ls_info;
    ls_info.flake_flutter = flake_schema->getFlakeFlutter();
    ls_info.launchsite_multiplicator = launchsite_resolution;
    ls_info.max_launchsites_per_face = max_launchsites_per_face;

    unsigned int ls_count = 0;

    //#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,10)
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i=0; i < edge_groups.size(); ++i)
        if (eg_count > percent_count)
            #pragma omp critical(eg_count_ls_creation)
                // to make sure that an parallel thread does not
                // does the increment, too - we check again.
                if ( eg_count > percent_count ) {
                    std::cout << " " << percent;
                    percent_count += percent_step;
                    percent += step;

        #pragma omp atomic

        try {
            ls_count += edge_groups[i]->generateLaunchSites(ls_info);
        } catch (std::logic_error& ex) {
            std::cerr << std::endl << "\t[Error] An error occurred while launch site creation on edge group #" << eg_count << ":" << std::endl
                      << "\t" << ex.what() << std::endl << "\t->Ignoring edge group" << std::endl;

    // OpenMP does not work with iterators, so the above replaces the following:
    //for (eg_it it = edge_groups.begin(); it != edge_groups.end(); ++it) {
    //	ls_count += (*it)->generateLaunchSites(ls_info);

    // update bounding box


    std::cout << "...ready" << std::endl << "\t*Total launch sites: " << ls_count << std::endl
              << "\t*Time: " << t.diffTimeInMSec() << "msec" << std::endl;

int SimulationObject::initializeLbmSimulation(ntlRenderGlobals *glob)
	if(! isSimworldOk() ) return 1;
	// already inited?
	if(mpLbm) return 0;
	mpGlob = glob;
	if(!getVisible()) {
		return 0;

	mGeoInitId = mpAttrs->readInt("geoinitid", mGeoInitId,"LbmSolverInterface", "mGeoInitId", false);
	//mDimension, mSolverType are deprecated
	string mSolverType(""); 
	mSolverType = mpAttrs->readString("solver", mSolverType, "SimulationObject","mSolverType", false ); 

	mpLbm = createSolver(); 
  /* check lbm pointer */
	if(mpLbm == NULL) {
		errFatal("SimulationObject::initializeLbmSimulation","Unable to init LBM solver! ", SIMWORLD_INITERROR);
		return 2;
	debMsgStd("SimulationObject::initialized",DM_MSG,"IdStr:"<<mpLbm->getIdString() <<" LBM solver! ", 2);

	mpParts = new ParticleTracer();

	// for non-param simulations
	mpLbm->setParametrizer( mpParam );
	mpParam->setAttrList( getAttributeList() );
	// not needed.. done in solver_init: mpParam->setSize ... in solver_interface

	mpLbm->setAttrList( getAttributeList() );
	mpLbm->setSwsAttrList( getSwsAttributeList() );
	mpParts->parseAttrList( getAttributeList() );

	if(! isSimworldOk() ) return 3;
	mpParts->setName( getName() + "_part" );
	mpParts->initialize( glob );
	if(! isSimworldOk() ) return 4;
	// init material settings
	string matMc("default");
	matMc = mpAttrs->readString("material_surf", matMc, "SimulationObject","matMc", false );
	mShowSurface   = mpAttrs->readInt("showsurface", mShowSurface, "SimulationObject","mShowSurface", false ); 
	mShowParticles = mpAttrs->readInt("showparticles", mShowParticles, "SimulationObject","mShowParticles", false ); 

	checkBoundingBox( mGeoStart, mGeoEnd, "SimulationObject::initializeSimulation" );
	mpLbm->setLbmInitId( mGeoInitId );
	mpLbm->setGeoStart( mGeoStart );
	mpLbm->setGeoEnd( mGeoEnd );
	mpLbm->setRenderGlobals( mpGlob );
	mpLbm->setName( getName() + "_lbm" );
	mpLbm->setParticleTracer( mpParts );
	if(mpElbeemSettings) {
		// set further settings from API struct init
		if(mpElbeemSettings->outputPath) this->mOutFilename = string(mpElbeemSettings->outputPath);
		mpLbm->initDomainTrafo( mpElbeemSettings->surfaceTrafo );
		mpLbm->setSmoothing(1.0 * mpElbeemSettings->surfaceSmoothing, 1.0 * mpElbeemSettings->surfaceSmoothing);
		// set initial particles
		// surface generation flag

		string dinitType = string("no");
		if     (mpElbeemSettings->domainobsType==FLUIDSIM_OBSTACLE_PARTSLIP) dinitType = string("part"); 
		else if(mpElbeemSettings->domainobsType==FLUIDSIM_OBSTACLE_FREESLIP) dinitType = string("free"); 
		else /*if(mpElbeemSettings->domainobsType==FLUIDSIM_OBSTACLE_NOSLIP)*/ dinitType = string("no"); 
		debMsgStd("SimulationObject::initialize",DM_MSG,"Added domain bound: "<<dinitType<<" ps="<<mpElbeemSettings->domainobsPartslip<<" vv"<<mpElbeemSettings->generateVertexVectors<<","<<mpLbm->getDumpVelocities(), 9 );

		debMsgStd("SimulationObject::initialize",DM_MSG,"Set ElbeemSettings values "<<mpLbm->getGenerateParticles(),10);

	if(! mpLbm->initializeSolverMemory()   )         { errMsg("SimulationObject::initialize","initializeSolverMemory failed"); mPanic=true; return 10; }
	if(checkCallerStatus(FLUIDSIM_CBSTATUS_STEP, 0)) { errMsg("SimulationObject::initialize","initializeSolverMemory status"); mPanic=true; return 11; } 
	if(! mpLbm->initializeSolverGrids()    )         { errMsg("SimulationObject::initialize","initializeSolverGrids  failed"); mPanic=true; return 12; }
	if(checkCallerStatus(FLUIDSIM_CBSTATUS_STEP, 0)) { errMsg("SimulationObject::initialize","initializeSolverGrids  status"); mPanic=true; return 13; } 
	if(! mpLbm->initializeSolverPostinit() )         { errMsg("SimulationObject::initialize","initializeSolverPostin failed"); mPanic=true; return 14; }
	if(checkCallerStatus(FLUIDSIM_CBSTATUS_STEP, 0)) { errMsg("SimulationObject::initialize","initializeSolverPostin status"); mPanic=true; return 15; } 

	// print cell type stats
	bool printStats = true;
	if(glob_mpnum>0) printStats=false; // skip in this case
	if(printStats) {
		const int jmax = sizeof(CellFlagType)*8;
		int totalCells = 0;
		int flagCount[jmax];
		for(int j=0; j<jmax ; j++) flagCount[j] = 0;
		int diffInits = 0;
		LbmSolverInterface::CellIdentifier cid = mpLbm->getFirstCell();
		for(; mpLbm->noEndCell( cid );
					mpLbm->advanceCell( cid ) ) {
			int flag = mpLbm->getCellFlag(cid,0);
			int flag2 = mpLbm->getCellFlag(cid,1);
			if(flag != flag2) {
			for(int j=0; j<jmax ; j++) {
				if( flag&(1<<j) ) flagCount[j]++;
		mpLbm->deleteCellIterator( &cid );

		char charNl = '\n';
		debugOutNnl("SimulationObject::initializeLbmSimulation celltype stats: " <<charNl, 5);
		debugOutNnl("no. of cells = "<<totalCells<<", "<<charNl ,5);
		for(int j=0; j<jmax ; j++) {
			std::ostringstream out;
			if(flagCount[j]>0) {
				out<<"\t" << flagCount[j] <<" x "<< convertCellFlagType2String( (CellFlagType)(1<<j) ) <<", " << charNl;
				debugOutNnl(out.str(), 5);
		// compute dist. of empty/bnd - fluid - if
		// cfEmpty   = (1<<0), cfBnd  = (1<< 2), cfFluid   = (1<<10), cfInter   = (1<<11),
			std::ostringstream out;
			out.precision(2); out.width(4);
			int totNum = flagCount[1]+flagCount[2]+flagCount[7]+flagCount[8];
			double ebFrac = (double)(flagCount[1]+flagCount[2]) / totNum;
			double flFrac = (double)(flagCount[7]) / totNum;
			double ifFrac = (double)(flagCount[8]) / totNum;
			out<<"\tFractions: [empty/bnd - fluid - interface - ext. if]  =  [" << ebFrac<<" - " << flFrac<<" - " << ifFrac<<"] "<< charNl;

			if(diffInits > 0) {
				debMsgStd("SimulationObject::initializeLbmSimulation",DM_MSG,"celltype Warning: Diffinits="<<diffInits<<"!" , 5);
			debugOutNnl(out.str(), 5);
	} // cellstats

	// might be modified by mpLbm
	//mpParts->setStart( mGeoStart );?  mpParts->setEnd( mGeoEnd );?
	mpParts->setStart( mpLbm->getGeoStart() );
	mpParts->setEnd(   mpLbm->getGeoEnd()   );
	mpParts->setCastShadows( false );
	mpParts->setReceiveShadows( false );
	mpParts->searchMaterial( glob->getMaterials() );

	// this has to be inited here - before, the values might be unknown
	IsoSurface *surf = mpLbm->getSurfaceGeoObj();
	if(surf) {
		surf->setName( "final" ); // final surface mesh 
		// warning - this might cause overwriting effects for multiple sims and geom dump...
		surf->setCastShadows( true );
		surf->setReceiveShadows( false );
		surf->searchMaterial( glob->getMaterials() );
		if(mShowSurface) mObjects.push_back( surf );
	mShowParticles=1; // for e.g. dumping
	if((mpLbm->getGenerateParticles()>0.0)||(mpParts->getNumInitialParticles()>0)) {
		//debMsgStd("SimulationObject::init",DM_NOTIFY,"Using envvar ELBEEM_DUMPPARTICLE to set mShowParticles, DEBUG!",1);
	//}  // DEBUG ENABLE!!!!!!!!!!
	if(mShowParticles) {

	// add objects to display for debugging (e.g. levelset particles)
	vector<ntlGeometryObject *> debugObjs = mpLbm->getDebugObjects();
	for(size_t i=0;i<debugObjs.size(); i++) {
		debugObjs[i]->setCastShadows( false );
		debugObjs[i]->setReceiveShadows( false );
		debugObjs[i]->searchMaterial( glob->getMaterials() );
		mObjects.push_back( debugObjs[i] );
		debMsgStd("SimulationObject::init",DM_NOTIFY,"Added debug obj "<<debugObjs[i]->getName(), 10 );
	return 0;