void AubioOnsetDetector :: postProcessing(){
	 //anrMedia processed has conditions below
	 anrMedianProcessedOnsetFound = checkForMedianOnset(rawDetectionValue);
	 //the slope idea is we need both a high rise and a high / steep slope and we
	 //look for both of these
	 bestSlopeValue = getBestSlopeValue(rawDetectionValue); 
	 anrBestSlopeOnset = checkForSlopeOnset(bestSlopeValue);
bool AubioOnsetDetector :: processframe(float frame[], int n){
	bool newFrameResult = false;
	//Paul Brossier's aubioonsetclass~ code ported from Pd
		int j,isonset;
	for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
		// write input to datanew 
		fvec_write_sample(vec, frame[j], 0, pos);//vec->data[0][pos] = frame[j]
		//time for fft
			if (pos == hopsize-1) {  //hopsize is 512       
			newFrameResult = true;
			aubioOnsetFound = false;
			// block loop 
			aubio_pvoc_do (pv,vec, fftgrain);
			fftgrain->norm[0][0] = fabs(fftgrain->norm[0][0]);
			//added hack to solve bug that norm[0][0] is negative sometimes.
			aubio_onsetdetection(o, fftgrain, onset);
			rawDetectionValue = onset->data[0][0];
		//Paul Brossier's method to return value of peak picking process
			anrMedianProcessedOnsetFound = checkForMedianOnset(rawDetectionValue);
			bestSlopeValue = getBestSlopeValue(rawDetectionValue); 
			anrBestSlopeOnset =	checkForSlopeOnset(bestSlopeValue);
	//	smpl_t my_sample_value;
		peakPickedDetectionValue = aubio_peakpick_pimrt_getval(parms); 
	//peakPickedDetectionValue = my_sample_value;

	//this was what got sent from max object::			
	//	outlet_float(x->detectionFunctionOutlet, my_sample_value);
	//	outlet_float(x->rawDetectionFunctionOutlet, x->onset->data[0][0]);
			isonset = aubio_peakpick_pimrt(onset,parms);
			if (isonset) {
				// test for silence 
				if (aubio_silence_detection(vec, -ofGetMouseX())==1)
                        printf("silence \n");
	//				outlet_bang(x->bangoutlet);
					aubioOnsetFound = true;
			}//end if (isonset)
			// end of block loop 
			pos = -1; // so it will be zero next j loop 
//	outL[j] = frame[j];//have added this so signal is "see through": outputting the input signal
//end of Paul's code

return newFrameResult;