std::map<K, V> checkGet(id<std::map<K, V>>, lua_State* state, int idx = -1) { if(!lua_istable(state, idx)) { std::string msg = "Value at " + std::to_string(idx) + " of stack is not a table"; luaL_error(state, msg.c_str()); } std::map<K, V> newMap; // give lua_next nil to get the first key lua_pushnil(state); // "idx - 1" because the key is above the table while(lua_next(state, idx - 1)) // pushes key, then value { // copy the key so it doesn't get popped lua_pushvalue(state, -2); K key = checkGet(id<K>{}, state); V val = checkGet(id<V>{}, state, -2); newMap.emplace(key, val); lua_pop(state, 2); // pop key and value } lua_pop(state, 1); // pop the last key return newMap; }
void constDecl() /* 定数宣言のコンパイル */ { Token temp; while(1){ if (token.kind==Id){ setIdKind(constId); /* 印字のための情報のセット */ temp = token; /* 名前を入れておく */ token = checkGet(nextToken(), Equal); /* 名前の次は"="のはず */ if (token.kind==Num) enterTconst(, token.u.value); /* 定数名と値をテーブルに */ else errorType("number"); token = nextToken(); }else errorMissingId(); if (token.kind!=Comma){ /* 次がコンマなら定数宣言が続く */ if (token.kind==Id){ /* 次が名前ならコンマを忘れたことにする */ errorInsert(Comma); continue; }else break; } token = nextToken(); } token = checkGet(token, Semicolon); /* 最後は";"のはず */ }
void factor() /* 式の因子のコンパイル */ { int tIndex, i; KeyId k; if (token.kind==Id){ tIndex = searchT(, varId); setIdKind(k=kindT(tIndex)); /* 印字のための情報のセット */ switch (k) { case varId: case parId: /* 変数名かパラメタ名 */ genCodeT(lod, tIndex); token = nextToken(); break; case constId: /* 定数名 */ genCodeV(lit, val(tIndex)); token = nextToken(); break; case funcId: /* 関数呼び出し */ token = nextToken(); if (token.kind==Lparen){ i=0; /* iは実引数の個数 */ token = nextToken(); if (token.kind != Rparen) { for (; ; ) { expression(); i++; /* 実引数のコンパイル */ if (token.kind==Comma){ /* 次がコンマなら実引数が続く */ token = nextToken(); continue; } token = checkGet(token, Rparen); break; } } else token = nextToken(); if (pars(tIndex) != i) errorMessage("\\#par"); /* pars(tIndex)は仮引数の個数 */ }else{ errorInsert(Lparen); errorInsert(Rparen); } genCodeT(cal, tIndex); /* call命令 */ break; } }else if (token.kind==Num){ /* 定数 */ genCodeV(lit, token.u.value); token = nextToken(); }else if (token.kind==Lparen){ /* 「(」「因子」「)」 */ token = nextToken(); expression(); token = checkGet(token, Rparen); } switch (token.kind){ /* 因子の後がまた因子ならエラー */ case Id: case Num: case Lparen: errorMissingOp(); factor(); default: return; } }
std::vector<T> checkGet(id<std::vector<T>>, lua_State* state, int idx = -1) { if(!lua_istable(state, idx)) { std::string msg = "Value at " + std::to_string(idx) + " of stack is not a table"; luaL_error(state, msg.c_str()); } std::vector<T> newVec; #if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502 std::size_t tableLength = lua_rawlen(state, idx); #else std::size_t tableLength = lua_objlen(state, idx); #endif for(unsigned int i = 1; i <= tableLength; i++) { lua_rawgeti(state, idx, i); newVec.push_back(checkGet(id<T>{}, state)); lua_pop(state, 1); // pop the pushed value } return newVec; }
LRESULT ModelTreeDialog::doLineCheck(UINT checkId, LDLLineType lineType) { if (m_modelTree) { m_modelTree->setShowLineType(lineType, checkGet(checkId)); refreshTreeView(); } return 0; }
LRESULT ModelTreeDialog::doHighlightCheck(void) { m_highlight = checkGet(IDC_HIGHLIGHT); if (m_highlight) { highlightItem(TreeView_GetSelection(m_hTreeView)); } else { m_modelWindow->getModelViewer()->setHighlightPaths(""); } TCUserDefaults::setBoolForKey(m_highlight, MODEL_TREE_HIGHLIGHT_KEY, false); return 0; }
void funcDecl() /* 関数宣言のコンパイル */ { int fIndex; if (token.kind==Id){ setIdKind(funcId); /* 印字のための情報のセット */ fIndex = enterTfunc(, nextCode()); /* 関数名をテーブルに登録 */ /* その先頭番地は、まず、次のコードの番地nextCode()とする */ token = checkGet(nextToken(), Lparen); blockBegin(FIRSTADDR); /* パラメタ名のレベルは関数のブロックと同じ */ while(1){ if (token.kind==Id){ /* パラメタ名がある場合 */ setIdKind(parId); /* 印字のための情報のセット */ enterTpar(; /* パラメタ名をテーブルに登録 */ token = nextToken(); }else break; if (token.kind!=Comma){ /* 次がコンマならパラメタ名が続く */ if (token.kind==Id){ /* 次が名前ならコンマを忘れたことに */ errorInsert(Comma); continue; }else break; } token = nextToken(); } token = checkGet(token, Rparen); /* 最後は")"のはず */ endpar(); /* パラメタ部が終わったことをテーブルに連絡 */ if (token.kind==Semicolon){ errorDelete(); token = nextToken(); } block(fIndex); /* ブロックのコンパイル、その関数名のインデックスを渡す */ token = checkGet(token, Semicolon); /* 最後は";"のはず */ } else errorMissingId(); /* 関数名がない */ }
void varDecl() /* 変数宣言のコンパイル */ { while(1){ if (token.kind==Id){ setIdKind(varId); /* 印字のための情報のセット */ enterTvar(; /* 変数名をテーブルに、番地はtableが決める */ token = nextToken(); }else errorMissingId(); if (token.kind!=Comma){ /* 次がコンマなら変数宣言が続く */ if (token.kind==Id){ /* 次が名前ならコンマを忘れたことにする */ errorInsert(Comma); continue; }else break; } token = nextToken(); } token = checkGet(token, Semicolon); /* 最後は";"のはず */ }
void JpegOptionsDialog::doOK(void) { TCJpegOptions::SubSampling subSampling = TCJpegOptions::SS444; switch (comboGetCurSel(IDC_JPEG_SUBSAMPLING_COMBO)) { case 0: subSampling = TCJpegOptions::SS444; break; case 1: subSampling = TCJpegOptions::SS422; break; case 2: subSampling = TCJpegOptions::SS420; break; } options->setQuality(trackBarGetPos(IDC_JPEG_QUAL_SLIDER)); options->setSubSampling(subSampling); options->setProgressive(checkGet(IDC_JPEG_PROGRESSIVE_CHECK)); options->save(); CUIDialog::doOK(); }
FDBinary::time_type FDBinary::getTime64() { checkGet(8); uint8_t *p = &buffer[getIndex]; getIndex += 8; return FDBinary::unpackTime64(p); }
std::vector<uint8_t> FDBinary::getData(std::size_t length) { checkGet(length); std::vector<uint8_t> data = std::vector<uint8_t>(buffer.begin() + getIndex, buffer.begin() + getIndex + length); getIndex += length; return data; }
uint8_t FDBinary::getUInt8() { checkGet(1); uint8_t *p = &buffer[getIndex]; getIndex += 1; return FDBinary::unpackUInt8(p); }
void statement() /* 文のコンパイル */ { int tIndex; KindT k; int backP, backP2; /* バックパッチ用 */ while(1) { switch (token.kind) { case Id: /* 代入文のコンパイル */ tIndex = searchT(, varId); /* 左辺の変数のインデックス */ setIdKind(k=kindT(tIndex)); /* 印字のための情報のセット */ if (k != varId && k != parId) /* 変数名かパラメタ名のはず */ errorType("var/par"); token = checkGet(nextToken(), Assign); /* ":="のはず */ expression(); /* 式のコンパイル */ genCodeT(sto, tIndex); /* 左辺への代入命令 */ return; case If: /* if文のコンパイル */ token = nextToken(); condition(); /* 条件式のコンパイル */ token = checkGet(token, Then); /* "then"のはず */ backP = genCodeV(jpc, 0); /* jpc命令 */ statement(); /* 文のコンパイル */ backPatch(backP); /* 上のjpc命令にバックパッチ */ return; case Ret: /* return文のコンパイル */ token = nextToken(); expression(); /* 式のコンパイル */ genCodeR(); /* ret命令 */ return; case Begin: /* begin . . end文のコンパイル */ token = nextToken(); while(1){ statement(); /* 文のコンパイル */ while(1){ if (token.kind==Semicolon){ /* 次が";"なら文が続く */ token = nextToken(); break; } if (token.kind==End){ /* 次がendなら終り */ token = nextToken(); return; } if (isStBeginKey(token)){ /* 次が文の先頭記号なら */ errorInsert(Semicolon); /* ";"を忘れたことにする */ break; } errorDelete(); /* それ以外ならエラーとして読み捨てる */ token = nextToken(); } } case While: /* while文のコンパイル */ token = nextToken(); backP2 = nextCode(); /* while文の最後のjmp命令の飛び先 */ condition(); /* 条件式のコンパイル */ token = checkGet(token, Do); /* "do"のはず */ backP = genCodeV(jpc, 0); /* 条件式が偽のとき飛び出すjpc命令 */ statement(); /* 文のコンパイル */ genCodeV(jmp, backP2); /* while文の先頭へのジャンプ命令 */ backPatch(backP); /* 偽のとき飛び出すjpc命令へのバックパッチ */ return; case Write: /* write文のコンパイル */ token = nextToken(); expression(); /* 式のコンパイル */ genCodeO(wrt); /* その値を出力するwrt命令 */ return; case WriteLn: /* writeln文のコンパイル */ token = nextToken(); genCodeO(wrl); /* 改行を出力するwrl命令 */ return; case End: case Semicolon: /* 空文を読んだことにして終り */ return; default: /* 文の先頭のキーまで読み捨てる */ errorDelete(); /* 今読んだトークンを読み捨てる */ token = nextToken(); continue; } } }
uint16_t FDBinary::getUInt16() { checkGet(2); uint8_t *p = &buffer[getIndex]; getIndex += 2; return FDBinary::unpackUInt16(p); }
float FDBinary::getFloat32() { checkGet(4); uint8_t *p = &buffer[getIndex]; getIndex += 4; return FDBinary::unpackFloat32(p); }
float FDBinary::getFloat16() { checkGet(2); uint8_t *p = &buffer[getIndex]; getIndex += 2; return FDBinary::unpackFloat16(p); }
uint64_t FDBinary::getUInt64() { checkGet(8); uint8_t *p = &buffer[getIndex]; getIndex += 8; return FDBinary::unpackUInt64(p); }
uint32_t FDBinary::getUInt32() { checkGet(4); uint8_t *p = &buffer[getIndex]; getIndex += 4; return FDBinary::unpackUInt32(p); }
std::tuple<T...> getTuple(lua_State* state, indices<N...>) { constexpr int size = static_cast<int>(sizeof...(T)); (void)state; // friggin weird error about "state being unused" return std::make_tuple(checkGet(id<T>{}, state, N - size)...); }
void smurf::Robot::loadFromSmurf(const std::string& path) { configmaps::ConfigMap map; // parse joints from model boost::filesystem::path filepath(path); model = smurf_parser::parseFile(&map, filepath.parent_path().generic_string(), filepath.filename().generic_string(), true); //first we need to create all Frames for (configmaps::ConfigVector::iterator it = map["frames"].begin(); it != map["frames"].end(); ++it) { configmaps::ConfigMap &fr(it->children); Frame *frame = new Frame(fr["name"]); availableFrames.push_back(frame); //std::cout << "Adding additional frame " << frame->getName() << std::endl; } for(std::pair<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<urdf::Link>> link: model->links_) { Frame *frame = new Frame(link.first); for(boost::shared_ptr<urdf::Visual> visual : link.second->visual_array) { frame->addVisual(*visual); } availableFrames.push_back(frame); //std::cout << "Adding link frame " << frame->getName() << std::endl; } for(std::pair<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<urdf::Joint> > jointIt: model->joints_) { boost::shared_ptr<urdf::Joint> joint = jointIt.second; //std::cout << "Adding joint " << joint->name << std::endl; Frame *source = getFrameByName(joint->parent_link_name); Frame *target = getFrameByName(joint->child_link_name); //TODO this might not be set in some cases, perhaps force a check configmaps::ConfigMap annotations; for(configmaps::ConfigItem &cv : map["joints"]) { if(static_cast<std::string>(cv.children["name"]) == joint->name) { annotations = cv.children; } } switch(joint->type) { case urdf::Joint::FIXED: { const urdf::Pose &tr(joint->parent_to_joint_origin_transform); StaticTransformation *transform = new StaticTransformation(source, target, Eigen::Quaterniond(tr.rotation.w, tr.rotation.x, tr.rotation.y, tr.rotation.z), Eigen::Vector3d(tr.position.x, tr.position.y, tr.position.z)); staticTransforms.push_back(transform); } break; case urdf::Joint::FLOATING: { DynamicTransformation *transform = new DynamicTransformation(source, target, checkGet(annotations, "provider"), checkGet(annotations, "port")); dynamicTransforms.push_back(transform); Eigen::Vector3d axis(joint->axis.x, joint->axis.y, joint->axis.z); Eigen::Affine3d sourceToAxis(Eigen::Affine3d::Identity()); sourceToAxis.translation() = axis; base::JointLimitRange limits; const urdf::Pose parentToOrigin(joint->parent_to_joint_origin_transform); Eigen::Quaterniond rot(parentToOrigin.rotation.w, parentToOrigin.rotation.x, parentToOrigin.rotation.y, parentToOrigin.rotation.z); Eigen::Vector3d trans(parentToOrigin.position.x, parentToOrigin.position.y, parentToOrigin.position.z); Eigen::Affine3d parentToOriginAff; parentToOriginAff.setIdentity(); parentToOriginAff.rotate(rot); parentToOriginAff.translation() = trans; Joint *smurfJoint = new Joint (source, target, checkGet(annotations, "provider"), checkGet(annotations, "port"), checkGet(annotations, "driver"), limits, sourceToAxis, parentToOriginAff, joint); joints.push_back(smurfJoint); } break; case urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE: case urdf::Joint::CONTINUOUS: case urdf::Joint::PRISMATIC: { base::JointState minState; minState.position = joint->limits->lower; minState.effort = 0; minState.speed = 0; base::JointState maxState; maxState.position = joint->limits->upper; maxState.effort = joint->limits->effort; maxState.speed = joint->limits->velocity; base::JointLimitRange limits; limits.min = minState; limits.max = maxState; Eigen::Vector3d axis(joint->axis.x, joint->axis.y, joint->axis.z); Eigen::Affine3d sourceToAxis(Eigen::Affine3d::Identity()); sourceToAxis.translation() = axis; DynamicTransformation *transform = NULL; Joint *smurfJoint; // push the correspondent smurf::joint const urdf::Pose parentToOrigin(joint->parent_to_joint_origin_transform); Eigen::Quaterniond rot(parentToOrigin.rotation.w, parentToOrigin.rotation.x, parentToOrigin.rotation.y, parentToOrigin.rotation.z); Eigen::Vector3d trans(parentToOrigin.position.x, parentToOrigin.position.y, parentToOrigin.position.z); Eigen::Affine3d parentToOriginAff; parentToOriginAff.setIdentity(); parentToOriginAff.rotate(rot); parentToOriginAff.translation() = trans; if(joint->type == urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE || joint->type == urdf::Joint::CONTINUOUS) { transform = new RotationalJoint(source, target, checkGet(annotations, "provider"), checkGet(annotations, "port"), checkGet(annotations, "driver"), limits, sourceToAxis, axis, parentToOriginAff, joint); smurfJoint = (Joint *)transform; } else { transform = new TranslationalJoint(source, target, checkGet(annotations, "provider"), checkGet(annotations, "port"), checkGet(annotations, "driver"), limits, sourceToAxis, axis, parentToOriginAff, joint); smurfJoint = (Joint *)transform; } dynamicTransforms.push_back(transform); joints.push_back(smurfJoint); } break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Smurf: Error, got unhandles Joint type"); } } // parse sensors from map for (configmaps::ConfigVector::iterator it = map["sensors"].begin(); it != map["sensors"].end(); ++it) { configmaps::ConfigMap sensorMap = it->children; smurf::Sensor *sensor = new Sensor(sensorMap["name"], sensorMap["type"], sensorMap["taskInstanceName"], getFrameByName(sensorMap["link"])); sensors.push_back(sensor); } }