int MultiDisplayComposer::setModePolicy_l(int policy) { ALOGV("IMDS-Native: MultiDisplayComposer.cpp: setModePolicy_l"); int ret = 0; unsigned int index = 0; ALOGI("%s: policy %d, mHdmiPolicy 0x%x, mMipiPolicy 0x%x, mMode: 0x%x", __func__, policy, mHdmiPolicy, mMipiPolicy, mMode); switch (policy) { case MDS_HDMI_ON_NOT_ALLOWED: case MDS_HDMI_ON_ALLOWED: mHdmiPolicy = policy; return setHdmiMode_l(); case MDS_MIPI_OFF_NOT_ALLOWED: mMipiPolicy = policy; if (!checkMode(mMode, MDS_MIPI_ON)) { drm_mipi_setMode(DRM_MIPI_ON); } mMode |= MDS_MIPI_ON; mMipiOn = true; break; case MDS_MIPI_OFF_ALLOWED: mMipiPolicy = policy; if (checkMode(mMode, MDS_MIPI_ON)) { drm_mipi_setMode(DRM_MIPI_OFF); } mMode &= ~MDS_MIPI_ON; mMipiOn = false; break; default: return MDS_ERROR; } broadcastMessage_l(MDS_MODE_CHANGE, &mMode, sizeof(mMode)); return MDS_NO_ERROR; }
int psbMultiDisplayListener::getMode() { int mode = MDS_MODE_NONE; #ifndef USE_MDS_LEGACY if (mListener.get() == NULL) return MDS_INIT_VALUE; #if 0 mode = mListener->getMode(); #else mode = mListener->getDisplayMode(false); #endif if (checkMode(mode, (MDS_VIDEO_ON | MDS_HDMI_CONNECTED))) mode = MDS_HDMI_VIDEO_ISPLAYING; else if (checkMode(mode, (MDS_VIDEO_ON | MDS_WIDI_ON))) mode = MDS_WIDI_VIDEO_ISPLAYING; else mode = MDS_INIT_VALUE; #else if (mListener == NULL) return MDS_MODE_NONE; mode = mListener->getDisplayMode(false); if (checkMode(mode, MDS_HDMI_VIDEO_EXT)) mode = MDS_HDMI_VIDEO_ISPLAYING; else if (checkMode(mode,MDS_WIDI_ON)) mode = MDS_WIDI_VIDEO_ISPLAYING; else mode = MDS_INIT_VALUE; #endif //ALOGV("mds mode is %d", mode); return mode; }
int MultiDisplayComposer::setMipiMode_l(bool on) { ALOGV("IMDS-Native: MultiDisplayComposer.cpp: setMipiMode_l"); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); if (mMipiOn == on) return MDS_NO_ERROR; if (on) { drm_mipi_setMode(DRM_MIPI_ON); mMode |= MDS_MIPI_ON; } else { if(!mWidiVideoExt) { if (!checkMode(mMode, MDS_HDMI_VIDEO_EXT)) { ALOGW("%s: Attempt to turn off Mipi while not in extended video mode.", __func__); broadcastMessage_l(MDS_MODE_CHANGE, &mMode, sizeof(mMode)); return MDS_ERROR; } if (mMipiPolicy == MDS_MIPI_OFF_ALLOWED) { drm_mipi_setMode(DRM_MIPI_OFF); mMode &= ~MDS_MIPI_ON; } } else { drm_mipi_setMode(DRM_MIPI_OFF); mMode &= ~MDS_MIPI_ON; } } mMipiOn = on; ALOGI("Turn on/off mipi, %d", on); return MDS_NO_ERROR; }
void Image::setMetadata(const Image& image) { if (checkMode(mdExif) & amWrite) { setExifData(image.exifData()); } if (checkMode(mdIptc) & amWrite) { setIptcData(image.iptcData()); } if (checkMode(mdXmp) & amWrite) { setXmpPacket(image.xmpPacket()); setXmpData(image.xmpData()); } if (checkMode(mdComment) & amWrite) { setComment(image.comment()); } }
/** check if a received message should be parsed */ bool BaseCommon_c::checkParseReceived(const IsoName_c& acrc_currentSender) const { return ( checkMode(IsoAgLib::IdentModeImplement) // I'm not the sender && ( // one of the following conditions must be true (mc_selectedDataSourceISOName == acrc_currentSender ) // actual sender equivalent to last || (mc_selectedDataSourceISOName.isUnspecified() ) // last sender has not correctly claimed address member ) ); }
task main() { while(true){ checkMode(); drive(); tread(); wheel(); } }
void TracLight_c::close_specialized() { if (checkMode (IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor)) { // Tractor to OFF getUnregisterPgn()(LIGHTING_COMMAND_PGN); } else { // Implement to OFF getUnregisterPgn()(LIGHTING_DATA_PGN); } }
/** functions with actions, which must be performed periodically -> called periodically by Scheduler_c ==> sends base data msg if configured in the needed rates possible errors: * dependant error in CanIo_c on CAN send problems <!--@param ai32_demandedExecEnd optional timestamp, where timeEvent shall return execution to calling function--> @see CanPkg_c::getData @see CanPkgExt_c::getData @see CanIo_c::operator<< */ void BaseCommon_c::timeEvent() { checkCreateReceiveFilter(); // check for different base data types whether the previously // sending node stopped sending -> other nodes can now step in if ( checkMode(IsoAgLib::IdentModeImplement) &&(lastedTimeSinceUpdate() >= getTimeOut( ) ) && (mc_selectedDataSourceISOName.isSpecified()) ) { // the previously sending node didn't send the information for 3 seconds -> give other items a chance mc_selectedDataSourceISOName.setUnspecified(); } if ( mpc_ident && ( ! mpc_ident->isClaimedAddress() ) ) { // local isoname for sending is registrated, but it is not yet fully claimed // --> nothing to do return; } // check if we are in tractor mode and have a pointer to the sending isoname if ( checkMode(IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor) ) { // all tractor mode timeEvent() functions have the only target to send messages, // now: // 1) getISOName() != NULL // 2) getSystemMgmtInstance4Comm().existLocalMemberISOName(*getISOName(), true) indicates, that a corresponding // item has already performed its address claim // ==> we can directly call sending time event in this case timeEventTracMode(); return; } else { // we are in implement mode // call this function also if isoName == NULL, because some functions do settings which are independent from isoName timeEventImplMode(); return; } }
HomeWindowPrivate::HomeWindowPrivate() : isVisible(false), window(0), compositorWindow(0), context(0), root(0) { checkMode(); if (0 == HomeApplication::instance()) qFatal("HomeWindow: Must create HomeApplication before HomeWindow"); context = new QQmlContext(HomeApplication::instance()->engine()); if (isWindow()) { window = new QQuickWindow; // XXX // window->setResizeMode(QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView); } else { window = LipstickCompositor::instance(); } }
bool Esp8266::connectAP(String ssid, String password) { unsigned long timeout = 20000; unsigned long t_start = 0; int buf[10]; char index=0; if (checkMode()!=WIFI_MODE_AP){ this->wifiMode = WIFI_MODE_STATION; } else { if (setMode(WIFI_MODE_STATION)) this->wifiMode = WIFI_MODE_STATION; else { if (this->isDebug) { debugPrintln("set mode to station false!"); } return false; } } clearBuf(); this->serial->println("AT+CWJAP=\""+ssid+"\",\""+password+"\""); t_start = millis(); while ((millis()-t_start) < timeout) { while (available()>0) { buf[index] = read(); if (buf[index]=='K' && buf[(index+9)%10]=='O') { return true; } if (buf[index]=='L' && buf[(index+9)%10]=='I' && buf[(index+8)%10]=='A' && buf[(index+7)%10]=='F') { return false; } index++; if (index==10) index = 0; } } if (this->isDebug) { debugPrintln("connect AP timeout"); } return false; }
bool psbMultiDisplayListener::getDecoderOutputResolution( int32_t* width, int32_t* height, int32_t* offX, int32_t* offY, int32_t* bufW, int32_t* bufH) { #ifndef USE_MDS_LEGACY if (mListener.get() == NULL || width == NULL || height == NULL || offX == NULL || offY == NULL || bufW == NULL || bufH == NULL) return false; // only for WIDI video playback, // TODO: HWC doesn't set the bit "MDS_WIDI_ON" rightly now int mode = mListener->getDisplayMode(false); if (!checkMode(mode, (MDS_VIDEO_ON | MDS_WIDI_ON))) return false; status_t ret = mListener->getDecoderOutputResolution(0, width, height, offX, offY, bufW, bufH); return (ret == NO_ERROR); #else return false; #endif }
bool TracLight_c::config_base ( IdentItem_c* apc_ident, IsoAgLib::IdentMode_t at_identMode, uint16_t aui16_suppressMask ) { //store old mode to decide to register or unregister to request for pgn IsoAgLib::IdentMode_t t_oldMode = getMode(); //call config for handling which is base data independent //if something went wrong leave function before something is configured if ( ! BaseCommon_c::config_base ( apc_ident, at_identMode, aui16_suppressMask) ) return false; if ( checkMode(IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor)) { // set Time Period in ms for Scheduler_c mt_task.setPeriod( 1000, false ); } // un-/register to PGN if (t_oldMode == at_identMode) ; // no change, still the same mode else if (at_identMode == IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor) { // a change from Implement mode to Tractor mode occured getUnregisterPgn()(LIGHTING_DATA_PGN); getRegisterPgn()(LIGHTING_COMMAND_PGN); } else { // a change from Tractor mode to Implement mode occured getUnregisterPgn()(LIGHTING_COMMAND_PGN); getRegisterPgn()(LIGHTING_DATA_PGN); } // set configure values mb_cmdWait4Response = false; mb_changeNeedBeSend = false; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) marr_timeStamp[i] = 0; m_index = 0; return true; };
bool psbMultiDisplayListener::getDecoderOutputResolution(int32_t* width, int32_t* height) { #ifndef USE_MDS_LEGACY if (mListener.get() == NULL || width == NULL || height == NULL) return false; // only for WIDI video playback, // TODO: HWC doesn't set the bit "MDS_WIDI_ON" rightly now #if 0 int mode = mListener->getMode(); #else int mode = mListener->getDisplayMode(false); #endif if (!checkMode(mode, (MDS_VIDEO_ON | MDS_WIDI_ON))) return false; #if 0 return mListener->getDecoderOutputResolution(width, height); #else return mListener->getDecoderOutputResolution(-1, width, height); #endif #else return false; #endif }
bool HomeWindowPrivate::isCompositor() { if (mode == Unknown) checkMode(); return mode == Compositor; }
//#pragma code highPriorityInterruptAddress=0x0008 //void high_interrupt(void) //{ // _asm GOTO highPriorityIsr _endasm //} // //#pragma code void main(void){ //Default TRISD = 0x00; //set port D signals to output menu_ref_1=1; menu_ref_2=0; /*zone of disgust*/ values[MAXSPEED]=100; //Max speed values[PIDGAINS]=100; //PID Gains values[MAXYAW]=100; //Max Yaw values[IRSAMPE]=10; //ir_samp_e; values[IRSAMPR]=20; //ir_samp_r; values[IRRAW]=60; //ir_raw values[IRAVG]=10; //ir_avg; /*****************/ setupSerial(); Lcd_Init(); ADC_setup(); Button_Setup(); welcome(); LCD_disp(menu_ref_1, menu_ref_2); RUN=0; while(1){ //NORMAL OPERATION while(RUN==0){ if(PORTDbits.RD0 == 0) { mode_button = 1; } if(PORTDbits.RD1 == 0) { motor_button = 1; } if (mode_button==1){ //Mode change sequence checkMode(menu); menu_ref_2=0; //Default menu ref, should only be SPEED delayms(200); mode_button=0; LCD_disp(menu_ref_1, menu_ref_2); } delayms(200); //Used to prevent double tapping //possibly new function switchChannels(0); joy_x = doADC(); switchChannels(1); joy_y = doADC(); if(menu_ref_1==MANUAL) //IF IN MANUAL { if(joy_x<=LEFT){ //User pushes right joystick left if(values[menu_ref_2]>0){ values[menu_ref_2]=values[menu_ref_2]-5; //decrement value by 5% GLOBAL_MAX_SPEED = values[menu_ref_2]; sendMaxSpeed(); } LCD_disp(menu_ref_1, menu_ref_2); delayms(200); //Delay to prevent flickering, and also to prevent 100-0 increments } else if (joy_x>=RIGHT){ //User pushes right joystick right if(values[menu_ref_2]<100){ values[menu_ref_2]=values[menu_ref_2]+5; //increment value by 5% GLOBAL_MAX_SPEED = values[menu_ref_2]; sendMaxSpeed(); } LCD_disp(menu_ref_1, menu_ref_2); delayms(200); } } else if(menu_ref_1==FACTORY){ //IF IN FACTORY MODE if (joy_y>=UP){ //User pushes left joystick UP //Circular selection if(menu_ref_2==0){ menu_ref_2=4; } else{ menu_ref_2--; //switched the order of this to prevent overflow } LCD_disp(menu_ref_1, menu_ref_2); delayms(250); //Arbitrary delay of 250 milliseconds } else if (joy_y<=DOWN){ //User pushes left joystick DOWN menu_ref_2++; //Circular selection if(menu_ref_2>=7){ menu_ref_2=1; } LCD_disp(menu_ref_1, menu_ref_2); delayms(250); } else if (joy_x<=LEFT){ //User pushes right joystick left if(values[menu_ref_2]>0){ values[menu_ref_2]=values[menu_ref_2]-5; //decrement value by 5% } LCD_disp(menu_ref_1, menu_ref_2); delayms(255); delayms(200); } else if (joy_x>=RIGHT){ //User pushes right joystick right if(values[menu_ref_2]<100){ values[menu_ref_2]=values[menu_ref_2]+5; //decrement value by 5% } LCD_disp(menu_ref_1, menu_ref_2); delayms(255); delayms(200); } } //All other menu_ref_1's do not have values displayed if (motor_button==1){ motor_button=0; RUN=1; } //send here } /*Menu on setup*/ if (RUN==1){ on_setup(); GLOBAL_RUN = RUN; sendRun(); //MOTOR ON GOES AFTER motor_button=0; } /*MOTOR ON BEHAVIOUR*/ while(RUN==1){ if(PORTDbits.RD1 == 0) { motor_button = 1; } if (motor_button==1){ //At interrupt, stop motor and return to menu motor_button=0; RUN=0; GLOBAL_RUN = RUN; sendRun(); } switchChannels(0); //GLOBAL_VELOCITY = doADC(); GLOBAL_VELOCITY = doADC() //Get joystick values joy_y = doADC(); GLOBAL_VELOCITY = joy_y; switchChannels(1); joy_x = doADC(); GLOBAL_OMEGA = joy_x; sendVelocity(); sendOmega(); //send command here } /*MOTOR OFF MESSAGE*/ RUN=0; //MOTOR OFF FUNCTION GOES BEFORE MESSAGE LCD_title(t5); //"Whoa!" delays(2); //safety delay LCD_disp(menu_ref_1, menu_ref_2); //Return to normal display } }
bool HomeWindowPrivate::isWindow() { if (mode == Unknown) checkMode(); return mode == Window; }
int MultiDisplayComposer::setHdmiMode_l() { ALOGV("IMDS-Native: MultiDisplayComposer.cpp: setHdmiMode_l"); ALOGV("Entering %s, current mode = %#x", __func__, mMode); MDSHDMITiming timing; memset(&timing, 0, sizeof(MDSHDMITiming)); // Common case, update video status if (mVideo.isPlaying) { mMode |= MDS_VIDEO_PLAYING; } else { mMode &= ~MDS_VIDEO_PLAYING; } // Common case, check HDMI connect status int connectStatus = getHdmiPlug_l(); #if !defined(DVI_SUPPORTED) if (connectStatus == DRM_DVI_CONNECTED) { ALOGE("%s: DVI is connected but is not supported for now.", __func__); broadcastMessage_l(MDS_MODE_CHANGE, &mMode, sizeof(mMode)); mConnectStatus = connectStatus; return MDS_ERROR; } #endif // Common case, turn on MIPI if necessary if (connectStatus == DRM_HDMI_DISCONNECTED || mHdmiPolicy == MDS_HDMI_ON_NOT_ALLOWED || mVideo.isPlaying == false) { mMipiPolicy = MDS_MIPI_OFF_NOT_ALLOWED; if (!checkMode(mMode, MDS_MIPI_ON)) { ALOGI("Turn on MIPI."); drm_mipi_setMode(DRM_MIPI_ON); mMode |= MDS_MIPI_ON; mMipiOn = true; } } // Common case, HDMI is disconnected if (connectStatus == DRM_HDMI_DISCONNECTED) { ALOGI("HDMI is disconnected."); if (!checkMode(mMode, MDS_HDMI_CONNECTED)) { ALOGW("HDMI is already in disconnected state."); broadcastMessage_l(MDS_MODE_CHANGE, &mMode, sizeof(mMode)); mConnectStatus = connectStatus; return MDS_NO_ERROR; } ALOGV("Notify HDMI audio driver hot unplug event."); drm_hdmi_notify_audio_hotplug(false); drm_hdcp_disable_hdcp(false); mMode &= ~MDS_HDMI_CONNECTED; mMode &= ~MDS_HDMI_ON; mMode &= ~MDS_HDCP_ON; mMode &= ~MDS_HDMI_CLONE; mMode &= ~MDS_HDMI_VIDEO_EXT; mMode &= ~MDS_OVERLAY_OFF; broadcastMessage_l(MDS_MODE_CHANGE, &mMode, sizeof(mMode)); drm_hdmi_onHdmiDisconnected(); mConnectStatus = connectStatus; return MDS_NO_ERROR; } ALOGI("HDMI is connected."); bool notify_audio_hotplug = (mMode & MDS_HDMI_CONNECTED) == 0; mMode |= MDS_HDMI_CONNECTED; // Common case, check HDMI policy if (mHdmiPolicy == MDS_HDMI_ON_NOT_ALLOWED) { ALOGI("HDMI on is not allowed. Turning off HDMI..."); if (mConnectStatus != connectStatus && notify_audio_hotplug && mDrmInit) { // Do not need to notify HDMI audio driver about hotplug during startup. ALOGV("Notify HDMI audio drvier hot plug event."); drm_hdmi_notify_audio_hotplug(true); mConnectStatus = connectStatus; } if (!checkMode(mMode, MDS_HDMI_ON)) { ALOGW("HDMI is already in off state."); broadcastMessage_l(MDS_MODE_CHANGE, &mMode, sizeof(mMode)); return MDS_NO_ERROR; } if (checkMode(mMode, MDS_HDCP_ON)) { drm_hdcp_disable_hdcp(true); } mMode &= ~MDS_HDCP_ON; mMode &= ~MDS_HDMI_ON; mMode &= ~MDS_HDMI_CLONE; mMode &= ~MDS_HDMI_VIDEO_EXT; broadcastMessage_l(MDS_MODE_CHANGE, &mMode, sizeof(mMode)); drm_hdmi_setHdmiVideoOff(); return MDS_NO_ERROR; } mConnectStatus = connectStatus; if (mVideo.isPlaying && checkMode(mMode, MDS_HDMI_VIDEO_EXT)) { ALOGW("HDMI is already in Video Extended mode."); broadcastMessage_l(MDS_MODE_CHANGE, &mMode, sizeof(mMode)); return MDS_NO_ERROR; } else if (!mVideo.isPlaying && checkMode(mMode, MDS_HDMI_CLONE)) { ALOGW("HDMI is already in cloned state."); broadcastMessage_l(MDS_MODE_CHANGE, &mMode, sizeof(mMode)); return MDS_NO_ERROR; } // Common case, turn off overlay temporarily during mode transition. // Make sure overlay is turned on when this function exits. // Transition mode starts with standalone local mipi mode (no cloned, no video extended). int transitionalMode = mMode; transitionalMode &= ~MDS_HDMI_CLONE; transitionalMode &= ~MDS_HDMI_VIDEO_EXT; transitionalMode |= MDS_OVERLAY_OFF; broadcastMessage_l(MDS_MODE_CHANGE, &transitionalMode, sizeof(transitionalMode)); //Before HDMI mode change, disalbe HDCP if (checkMode(mMode, MDS_HDCP_ON)) { ALOGV("Turning off HDCP before mode change"); drm_hdcp_disable_hdcp(true); mMode &= ~MDS_HDCP_ON; } // Common case, notify HWC to set HDMI timing if need if (mVideo.isPlaying) { // disable dynamic mode setting for presentation mode if (isHdmiTimingDynamicSettingEnable_l()) { ALOGI("Video is in playing state. Mode = %#x", mMode); timing.width = mVideo.displayW; timing.height = mVideo.displayH; timing.refresh = mVideo.frameRate; timing.interlace = 0; timing.ratio = 0; drm_hdmi_getTiming(DRM_HDMI_VIDEO_EXT, &timing); setHdmiTiming_l((void*)&timing, sizeof(MDSHDMITiming)); } } else { ALOGV("Video is not in playing state. Mode = %#x", mMode); drm_hdmi_getTiming(DRM_HDMI_CLONE, &timing); setHdmiTiming_l((void*)&timing, sizeof(MDSHDMITiming)); } // Common case, turn on HDCP if (drm_hdcp_enable_hdcp() == false) { ALOGE("Fail to enable HDCP."); // Continue mode setting as it may be recovered, unless HDCP is not supported. // If HDCP is not supported, user will have to unplug the cable to restore video to phone. } else { ALOGV("Turning on HDCP..."); mMode |= MDS_HDCP_ON; } // Common case, prolong overlay off time mMode |= MDS_OVERLAY_OFF; if (mVideo.isPlaying) { mMode |= MDS_HDMI_VIDEO_EXT; mMode &= ~MDS_HDMI_CLONE; mMipiPolicy = MDS_MIPI_OFF_ALLOWED; } else { mMode &= ~MDS_HDMI_VIDEO_EXT; mMode |= MDS_HDMI_CLONE; } broadcastMessage_l(MDS_MODE_CHANGE, &mMode, sizeof(mMode)); // Common case, turn on HDMI if need if (!checkMode(mMode, MDS_HDMI_ON)) { ALOGI("Turn on HDMI..."); if (!drm_hdmi_setHdmiVideoOn()) { ALOGI("Fail to turn on HDMI."); } mMode |= MDS_HDMI_ON; broadcastMessage_l(MDS_MODE_CHANGE, &mMode, sizeof(mMode)); } // Common case, notify HWC to turn on Overlay if need if (checkMode(mMode, MDS_HDMI_VIDEO_EXT)) { //Enable overlay lastly mMode &= ~MDS_OVERLAY_OFF; } broadcastMessage_l(MDS_MODE_CHANGE, &mMode, sizeof(mMode)); // Common case, notify audio driver if need if (notify_audio_hotplug && mDrmInit) { // Do not need to notify HDMI audio driver about hotplug during startup. ALOGV("Notify HDMI audio drvier hot plug event."); drm_hdmi_notify_audio_hotplug(true); } ALOGV("Leaving %s, new mode is %#x", __func__, mMode); return MDS_NO_ERROR; }
/** send light update; there is a difference between implement and tractor mode @see TracLight_c::processMsgRequestPGN @see CanIo_c::operator<< */ void TracLight_c::sendMessage() { bool const b_isTractor = checkMode(IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor); return (void)(b_isTractor ? sendLightingCommand() : sendLightingData()); }
static struct ir_remote * read_config_recursive(FILE *f, const char *name, int depth) { char buf[LINE_LEN+1], *key, *val, *val2; int len,argc; struct ir_remote *top_rem=NULL,*rem=NULL; struct void_array codes_list,raw_codes,signals; struct ir_ncode raw_code={NULL,0,0,NULL}; struct ir_ncode name_code={NULL,0,0,NULL}; struct ir_ncode *code; int mode=ID_none; line=0; parse_error=0; LOGPRINTF(2, "parsing '%s'", name); while(fgets(buf,LINE_LEN,f)!=NULL) { line++; len=strlen(buf); if(len==LINE_LEN && buf[len-1]!='\n') { logprintf(LOG_ERR,"line %d too long in config file", line); parse_error=1; break; } if(len>0) { len--; if(buf[len]=='\n') buf[len]=0; } if(len>0) { len--; if(buf[len]=='\r') buf[len]=0; } /* ignore comments */ if(buf[0]=='#'){ continue; } key=strtok(buf, whitespace); /* ignore empty lines */ if(key==NULL) continue; val=strtok(NULL, whitespace); if(val!=NULL){ val2=strtok(NULL, whitespace); LOGPRINTF(3,"\"%s\" \"%s\"",key,val); if (strcasecmp("include",key)==0){ FILE* childFile; const char *childName; const char *fullPath; char result[FILENAME_MAX+1]; if (depth > MAX_INCLUDES) { logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error opening child file defined at %s:%d",name,line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"too many files included"); parse_error=-1; break; } childName = lirc_parse_include(val); if (!childName){ logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error parsing child file value defined at line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"invalid quoting"); parse_error=-1; break; } fullPath = lirc_parse_relative(result, sizeof(result), childName, name); if (!fullPath) { logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error composing relative file path defined at line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"resulting path too long"); parse_error=-1; break; } childFile = fopen(fullPath, "r"); if (childFile == NULL){ logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error opening child file '%s' defined at line %d:",fullPath, line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"ignoring this child file for now."); } else{ int save_line = line; if (!top_rem){ /* create first remote */ LOGPRINTF(2,"creating first remote"); rem = read_config_recursive(childFile, fullPath, depth + 1); if(rem != (void *) -1 && rem != NULL) { top_rem = rem; } else { rem = NULL; } }else{ /* create new remote */ LOGPRINTF(2,"creating next remote"); rem->next=read_config_recursive(childFile, fullPath, depth + 1); if(rem->next != (void *) -1 && rem->next != NULL) { rem=rem->next; } else { rem->next = NULL; } } fclose(childFile); line = save_line; } }else if (strcasecmp("begin",key)==0){ if (strcasecmp("codes", val)==0){ /* init codes mode */ LOGPRINTF(2," begin codes"); if (!checkMode(mode, ID_remote, "begin codes")) break; if (rem->codes){ logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"codes are already defined"); parse_error=1; break; } init_void_array(&codes_list,30, sizeof(struct ir_ncode)); mode=ID_codes; }else if(strcasecmp("raw_codes",val)==0){ /* init raw_codes mode */ LOGPRINTF(2," begin raw_codes"); if(!checkMode(mode, ID_remote, "begin raw_codes")) break; if (rem->codes){ logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"codes are already defined"); parse_error=1; break; } set_protocol(rem, RAW_CODES); raw_code.code=0; init_void_array(&raw_codes,30, sizeof(struct ir_ncode)); mode=ID_raw_codes; }else if(strcasecmp("remote",val)==0){ /* create new remote */ LOGPRINTF(1,"parsing remote"); if(!checkMode(mode, ID_none, "begin remote")) break; mode=ID_remote; if (!top_rem){ /* create first remote */ LOGPRINTF(2,"creating first remote"); rem=top_rem=s_malloc(sizeof(struct ir_remote)); }else{ /* create new remote */ LOGPRINTF(2,"creating next remote"); rem->next=s_malloc(sizeof(struct ir_remote));; rem=rem->next; } }else if(mode==ID_codes){ code=defineCode(key, val, &name_code); while(!parse_error && val2!=NULL) { struct ir_code_node *node; if(val2[0]=='#') break; /* comment */ node=defineNode(code, val2); val2=strtok(NULL, whitespace); } code->current=NULL; add_void_array(&codes_list, code); }else{ logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"unknown section \"%s\"",val); parse_error=1; } if(!parse_error && val2!=NULL) { logprintf(LOG_WARNING,"garbage after " "'%s' token in line %d ignored", val,line); } }else if (strcasecmp("end",key)==0){ if (strcasecmp("codes", val)==0){ /* end Codes mode */ LOGPRINTF(2," end codes"); if (!checkMode(mode, ID_codes, "end codes")) break; rem->codes=get_void_array(&codes_list); mode=ID_remote; /* switch back */ }else if(strcasecmp("raw_codes",val)==0){ /* end raw codes mode */ LOGPRINTF(2," end raw_codes"); if(mode==ID_raw_name){ raw_code.signals=get_void_array(&signals); raw_code.length=signals.nr_items; if(raw_code.length%2==0) { logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"bad signal length"); parse_error=1; } if(!add_void_array(&raw_codes, &raw_code)) break; mode=ID_raw_codes; } if(!checkMode(mode,ID_raw_codes, "end raw_codes")) break; rem->codes=get_void_array(&raw_codes); mode=ID_remote; /* switch back */ }else if(strcasecmp("remote",val)==0){ /* end remote mode */ LOGPRINTF(2,"end remote"); /* print_remote(rem); */ if (!checkMode(mode,ID_remote, "end remote")) break; if(!sanityChecks(rem)) { parse_error=1; break; } # ifdef DYNCODES if(rem->dyncodes_name==NULL) { rem->dyncodes_name=s_strdup("unknown"); } rem->dyncodes[0].name=rem->dyncodes_name; rem->dyncodes[1].name=rem->dyncodes_name; # endif /* not really necessary because we clear the alloced memory */ rem->next=NULL; rem->last_code=NULL; mode=ID_none; /* switch back */ }else if(mode==ID_codes){ code=defineCode(key, val, &name_code); while(!parse_error && val2!=NULL) { struct ir_code_node *node; if(val2[0]=='#') break; /* comment */ node=defineNode(code, val2); val2=strtok(NULL, whitespace); } code->current=NULL; add_void_array(&codes_list, code); }else{ logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"unknown section %s",val); parse_error=1; } if(!parse_error && val2!=NULL) { logprintf(LOG_WARNING,"garbage after '%s'" " token in line %d ignored", val,line); } } else { switch (mode){ case ID_remote: argc=defineRemote(key, val, val2, rem); if(!parse_error && ((argc==1 && val2!=NULL) || (argc==2 && val2!=NULL && strtok(NULL, whitespace)!=NULL))) { logprintf(LOG_WARNING,"garbage after '%s'" " token in line %d ignored", key,line); } break; case ID_codes: code=defineCode(key, val, &name_code); while(!parse_error && val2!=NULL) { struct ir_code_node *node; if(val2[0]=='#') break; /* comment */ node=defineNode(code, val2); val2=strtok(NULL, whitespace); } code->current=NULL; add_void_array(&codes_list, code); break; case ID_raw_codes: case ID_raw_name: if(strcasecmp("name",key)==0){ LOGPRINTF(3,"Button: \"%s\"",val); if(mode==ID_raw_name) { raw_code.signals=get_void_array(&signals); raw_code.length=signals.nr_items; if(raw_code.length%2==0) { logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"bad signal length"); parse_error=1; } if(!add_void_array(&raw_codes, &raw_code)) break; } if(!({ break; } raw_code.code++; init_void_array(&signals,50,sizeof(lirc_t)); mode=ID_raw_name; if(!parse_error && val2!=NULL) { logprintf(LOG_WARNING,"garbage after '%s'" " token in line %d ignored", key,line); } }else{ if(mode==ID_raw_codes) { logprintf(LOG_ERR,"no name for signal defined at line %d",line); parse_error=1; break; } if(!addSignal(&signals, key)) break; if(!addSignal(&signals, val)) break; if (val2){ if (!addSignal(&signals, val2)){ break; } } while ((val=strtok(NULL, whitespace))){ if (!addSignal(&signals, val)) break; } } break; } } }else if(mode==ID_raw_name){ if(!addSignal(&signals, key)){ break; } }else{ logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d", line); parse_error=1; break; } if (parse_error){ break; } } if(mode!=ID_none) { switch(mode) { case ID_raw_name: if(!=NULL) { free(; if(get_void_array(&signals)!=NULL) free(get_void_array(&signals)); } case ID_raw_codes: rem->codes=get_void_array(&raw_codes); break; case ID_codes: rem->codes=get_void_array(&codes_list); break; } if(!parse_error) { logprintf(LOG_ERR,"unexpected end of file"); parse_error=1; } } if (parse_error){ static int print_error = 1; if(print_error) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "reading of file '%s' failed", name); print_error = 0; } free_config(top_rem); if(depth == 0) print_error = 1; return((void *) -1); } /* kick reverse flag */ /* handle RC6 flag to be backwards compatible: previous RC-6 config files did not set rc6_mask */ rem=top_rem; while(rem!=NULL) { if((!is_raw(rem)) && rem->flags&REVERSE) { struct ir_ncode *codes; if(has_pre(rem)) { rem->pre_data=reverse(rem->pre_data, rem->pre_data_bits); } if(has_post(rem)) { rem->post_data=reverse(rem->post_data, rem->post_data_bits); } codes=rem->codes; while(codes->name!=NULL) { codes->code=reverse(codes->code,rem->bits); codes++; } rem->flags=rem->flags&(~REVERSE); rem->flags=rem->flags|COMPAT_REVERSE; /* don't delete the flag because we still need it to remain compatible with older versions */ } if(rem->flags&RC6 && rem->rc6_mask==0 && rem->toggle_bit>0) { int all_bits=bit_count(rem); rem->rc6_mask=((ir_code) 1)<<(all_bits-rem->toggle_bit); } if(rem->toggle_bit > 0) { int all_bits=bit_count(rem); if(has_toggle_bit_mask(rem)) { logprintf(LOG_WARNING, "%s uses both toggle_bit and " "toggle_bit_mask", rem->name); } else { rem->toggle_bit_mask=((ir_code) 1)<<(all_bits-rem->toggle_bit); } rem->toggle_bit = 0; } if(has_toggle_bit_mask(rem)) { if(!is_raw(rem) && rem->codes) { rem->toggle_bit_mask_state = (rem->codes->code & rem->toggle_bit_mask); if(rem->toggle_bit_mask_state) { /* start with state set to 0 for backwards compatibility */ rem->toggle_bit_mask_state ^= rem->toggle_bit_mask; } } } if(is_serial(rem)) { lirc_t base; if(rem->baud>0) { base=1000000/rem->baud; if(rem->pzero==0 && rem->szero==0) { rem->pzero=base; } if(rem->pone==0 && rem->sone==0) { rem->sone=base; } } if(rem->bits_in_byte==0) { rem->bits_in_byte=8; } } if(rem->min_code_repeat>0) { if(!has_repeat(rem) || rem->min_code_repeat>rem->min_repeat) { logprintf(LOG_WARNING, "invalid min_code_repeat value"); rem->min_code_repeat = 0; } } calculate_signal_lengths(rem); rem=rem->next; } top_rem = sort_by_bit_count(top_rem); # if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(DAEMONIZE) /*fprint_remotes(stderr, top_rem);*/ # endif return (top_rem); }
struct ir_remote * read_config(FILE *f) { char buf[LINE_LEN+1], *key, *val, *val2; int len,argc; struct ir_remote *top_rem=NULL,*rem=NULL; struct void_array codes_list,raw_codes,signals; struct ir_ncode raw_code={NULL,0,0,NULL}; struct ir_ncode name_code={NULL,0,0,NULL}; int mode=ID_none; line=0; parse_error=0; while(fgets(buf,LINE_LEN,f)!=NULL) { line++; len=strlen(buf); if(len==LINE_LEN && buf[len-1]!='\n') { logprintf(LOG_ERR,"line %d too long in config file", line); parse_error=1; break; } /* ignore comments */ len--; if(buf[len]=='\n') buf[len]=0; if(buf[0]=='#'){ continue; } key=strtok(buf," \t"); /* ignore empty lines */ if(key==NULL) continue; val=strtok(NULL, " \t"); if(val!=NULL){ val2=strtok(NULL, " \t"); LOGPRINTF(3,"\"%s\" \"%s\"",key,val); if (strcasecmp("begin",key)==0){ if (strcasecmp("codes", val)==0){ /* init codes mode */ LOGPRINTF(2," begin codes"); if (!checkMode(mode, ID_remote, "begin codes")) break; if (rem->codes){ logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"codes are already defined"); parse_error=1; break; } init_void_array(&codes_list,30, sizeof(struct ir_ncode)); mode=ID_codes; }else if(strcasecmp("raw_codes",val)==0){ /* init raw_codes mode */ LOGPRINTF(2," begin raw_codes"); if(!checkMode(mode, ID_remote, "begin raw_codes")) break; if (rem->codes){ logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"codes are already defined"); parse_error=1; break; } rem->flags|=RAW_CODES; raw_code.code=0; init_void_array(&raw_codes,30, sizeof(struct ir_ncode)); mode=ID_raw_codes; }else if(strcasecmp("remote",val)==0){ /* create new remote */ LOGPRINTF(1,"parsing remote"); if(!checkMode(mode, ID_none, "begin remote")) break; mode=ID_remote; if (!top_rem){ /* create first remote */ LOGPRINTF(2,"creating first remote"); rem=top_rem=s_malloc(sizeof(struct ir_remote)); }else{ /* create new remote */ LOGPRINTF(2,"creating next remote"); rem->next=s_malloc(sizeof(struct ir_remote));; rem=rem->next; } }else{ logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"unknown section \"%s\"",val); parse_error=1; } if(!parse_error && val2!=NULL) { logprintf(LOG_WARNING,"garbage after " "'%s' token in line %d ignored", val,line); } }else if (strcasecmp("end",key)==0){ if (strcasecmp("codes", val)==0){ /* end Codes mode */ LOGPRINTF(2," end codes"); if (!checkMode(mode, ID_codes, "end codes")) break; rem->codes=get_void_array(&codes_list); mode=ID_remote; /* switch back */ }else if(strcasecmp("raw_codes",val)==0){ /* end raw codes mode */ LOGPRINTF(2," end raw_codes"); if(mode==ID_raw_name){ raw_code.signals=get_void_array(&signals); raw_code.length=signals.nr_items; if(raw_code.length%2==0) { logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"bad signal length",val); parse_error=1; } if(!add_void_array(&raw_codes, &raw_code)) break; mode=ID_raw_codes; } if(!checkMode(mode,ID_raw_codes, "end raw_codes")) break; rem->codes=get_void_array(&raw_codes); mode=ID_remote; /* switch back */ }else if(strcasecmp("remote",val)==0){ /* end remote mode */ LOGPRINTF(2,"end remote"); /* print_remote(rem); */ if (!checkMode(mode,ID_remote, "end remote")) break; if (!rem->name){ logprintf(LOG_ERR,"you must specify a remote name"); parse_error=1; break; } /* not really necessary because we clear the alloced memory */ rem->next=NULL; rem->last_code=NULL; mode=ID_none; /* switch back */ if(has_repeat_gap(rem) && is_const(rem)) { logprintf(LOG_WARNING,"repeat_gap will be ignored if CONST_LENGTH flag is set"); } }else{ logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"unknown section %s",val); parse_error=1; } if(!parse_error && val2!=NULL) { logprintf(LOG_WARNING,"garbage after '%s'" " token in line %d ignored", val,line); } } else { switch (mode){ case ID_remote: argc=defineRemote(key, val, val2, rem); if(!parse_error && ((argc==1 && val2!=NULL) || (argc==2 && val2!=NULL && strtok(NULL," \t")!=NULL))) { logprintf(LOG_WARNING,"garbage after '%s'" " token in line %d ignored", key,line); } break; case ID_codes: add_void_array(&codes_list, defineCode(key, val, &name_code)); if(!parse_error && val2!=NULL) { logprintf(LOG_WARNING,"garbage after '%s'" " code in line %d ignored", key,line); } break; case ID_raw_codes: case ID_raw_name: if(strcasecmp("name",key)==0){ LOGPRINTF(3,"Button: \"%s\"",val); if(mode==ID_raw_name) { raw_code.signals=get_void_array(&signals); raw_code.length=signals.nr_items; if(raw_code.length%2==0) { logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d:",line); logprintf(LOG_ERR,"bad signal length",val); parse_error=1; } if(!add_void_array(&raw_codes, &raw_code)) break; } if(!({ break; } raw_code.code++; init_void_array(&signals,50,sizeof(lirc_t)); mode=ID_raw_name; if(!parse_error && val2!=NULL) { logprintf(LOG_WARNING,"garbage after '%s'" " token in line %d ignored", key,line); } }else{ if(mode==ID_raw_codes) { logprintf(LOG_ERR,"no name for signal defined at line %d",line); parse_error=1; break; } if(!addSignal(&signals, key)) break; if(!addSignal(&signals, val)) break; if (val2){ if (!addSignal(&signals, val2)){ break; } } while ((val=strtok(NULL," \t"))){ if (!addSignal(&signals, val)) break; } } break; } } }else if(mode==ID_raw_name){ if(!addSignal(&signals, key)){ break; } }else{ logprintf(LOG_ERR,"error in configfile line %d", line); parse_error=1; break; } if (parse_error){ break; } } if(mode!=ID_none) { switch(mode) { case ID_raw_name: if(!=NULL) { free(; if(get_void_array(&signals)!=NULL) free(get_void_array(&signals)); } case ID_raw_codes: rem->codes=get_void_array(&raw_codes); break; case ID_codes: rem->codes=get_void_array(&codes_list); break; } if(!parse_error) { logprintf(LOG_ERR,"unexpected end of file"); parse_error=1; } } if (parse_error){ free_config(top_rem); return((void *) -1); } /* kick reverse flag */ rem=top_rem; while(rem!=NULL) { if((!is_raw(rem)) && rem->flags&REVERSE) { struct ir_ncode *codes; if(has_pre(rem)) { rem->pre_data=reverse(rem->pre_data, rem->pre_data_bits); } if(has_post(rem)) { rem->post_data=reverse(rem->post_data, rem->post_data_bits); } codes=rem->codes; while(codes->name!=NULL) { codes->code=reverse(codes->code,rem->bits); codes++; } /* rem->flags=rem->flags&(~REVERSE); */ /* don't delete the flag because we still need it to remain compatible with older versions */ } rem=rem->next; } # if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(DAEMONIZE) /*fprint_remotes(stderr, top_rem);*/ # endif return (top_rem); }