void ossimBandSelector::setOutputBandList( const vector<ossim_uint32>& outputBandList )
   if (outputBandList.size())
      theOutputBandList = outputBandList;  // Assign the new list.

      bool setBands = false;
      ossimRefPtr<ossimImageHandler> ih = getBandSelectableImageHandler();
      if ( ih.valid() )
         // Our input is a single image chain that can do band selection.
         if ( ih->setOutputBandList( outputBandList ) )
            thePassThroughFlag = true;
            setBands = true;
            theTile = 0; // Don't need.

      if ( setBands == false )
         if ( theTile.valid() && ( theTile->getNumberOfBands() != outputBandList.size() ) )
            theTile = 0;       // Force an allocate call next getTile.
         theWithinRangeFlag = ossimBandSelectorWithinRangeFlagState_NOT_SET;
         //theOrderedCorrectlyFlag = isOrderedCorrectly();
void ossimBandSelector::initialize()
   // Base class will recapture "theInputConnection".
   theWithinRangeFlag =  ossimBandSelectorWithinRangeFlagState_NOT_SET;

      if ( !theOutputBandList.size() ) 
         // First time through set the output band list to input.

      // See if we have a single image chain with band selectable image handler.
      ossimRefPtr<ossimImageHandler> ih = getBandSelectableImageHandler();
      if ( ih.valid() )
         if ( theOutputBandList.size() )
            ih->setOutputBandList( theOutputBandList );
         thePassThroughFlag = true;
      if ( isSourceEnabled() )
         // theOrderedCorrectlyFlag = isOrderedCorrectly();
         if ( theTile.valid() )
            // Check for:
            // - ordered correctly
            // - band change
            // - scalar change
            if( ( theTile->getNumberOfBands() != theOutputBandList.size() ) ||
                ( theTile->getScalarType() !=
                  theInputConnection->getOutputScalarType() ) )
               theTile = 0; // Don't need it.
   else // No input connection.
      thePassThroughFlag = true;

   if ( !isSourceEnabled() )
      theTile = 0;
 bool checkThisPassThrough() {
     return checkPassThrough(node);
 bool checkParentPassThrough() {
     return node->parent() && checkPassThrough(node->parent());