Beispiel #1
extern int main (int __unused__ argc, char **argv)
	cookedArgs *args;
#ifdef VMS
	extern int getredirection (int *ac, char ***av);

	/* do wildcard expansion and I/O redirection */
	getredirection (&argc, &argv);

#ifdef AMIGA
	/* This program doesn't work when started from the Workbench */
	if (argc == 0)
		exit (1);

#ifdef __EMX__
	_wildcard (&argc, &argv);  /* expand wildcards in argument list */

#if defined (macintosh) && BUILD_MPW_TOOL == 0
	argc = ccommand (&argv);

	setCurrentDirectory ();
	setExecutableName (*argv++);
	sanitizeEnviron ();
	checkRegex ();

	args = cArgNewFromArgv (argv);
	previewFirstOption (args);
	testEtagsInvocation ();
	initializeParsing ();
	initOptions ();
	readOptionConfiguration ();
	verbose ("Reading initial options from command line\n");
	parseOptions (args);
	checkOptions ();
	unifyLanguageMaps ();
	makeTags (args);

	/*  Clean up.
	cArgDelete (args);
	freeKeywordTable ();
	freeRoutineResources ();
	freeSourceFileResources ();
	freeTagFileResources ();
	freeOptionResources ();
	freeParserResources ();
	freeRegexResources ();
	freeXcmdResources ();

	if (Option.guessParser)
		return (Option.guessParser == TRUE)? 0: 1;

	exit (0);
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
extern int main (int __unused__ argc, char **argv)
	cookedArgs *args;

	setCurrentDirectory ();
	setExecutableName (*argv++);
	sanitizeEnviron ();
	checkRegex ();

	args = cArgNewFromArgv (argv);
	previewFirstOption (args);
	testEtagsInvocation ();
	initializeParsing ();
	initOptions ();
	readOptionConfiguration ();
	verbose ("Reading initial options from command line\n");
	parseOptions (args);
	checkOptions ();
	unifyLanguageMaps ();
	makeTags (args);

	/*  Clean up.
	cArgDelete (args);
	freeKeywordTable ();
	freeRoutineResources ();
	freeSourceFileResources ();
	freeTagFileResources ();
	freeOptionResources ();
	freeParserResources ();
	freeRegexResources ();
	freeXcmdResources ();
	freeEncodingResources ();

	if (Option.printLanguage)
		return (Option.printLanguage == TRUE)? 0: 1;

	exit (0);
	return 0;