static void conf0Dialog() { bool dirty = false; AsnLMsg msg = AsnLMsg(CONF0_BUFFER_SIZE); AsnLParser p = AsnLParser(msg); AsnLWriter w = AsnLWriter(msg); while (1) { msg.readFromSerial(); p.init(); if (!checkToken(p, ASNL_STRUCT)) { // invalid message (not a structure) result(p, w, 0); continue; } if (!checkToken(p, ASNL_INT)) { // invalid message (not and integer) result(p, w, 0); continue; } int command; p.readInt(&command); switch (command) { case 'd': dumpVars(p, w); break; case 'p': setPinCode(p, w); dirty = true; break; case 'i': app.DI = extractInt16(p, w); dirty = true; break; case 'f': app.DF = extractInt16(p, w); dirty = true; break; case 'l': app.idleColorOn = extractInt32(p, w); dirty = true; break; case 'm': app.idleColorOff = extractInt32(p, w); dirty = true; break; case '1': app.idleTicksOn = extractInt16(p, w); dirty = true; break; case '0': app.idleTicksOff = extractInt16(p, w); dirty = true; break; case 's': save(p, w, dirty); dirty = false; break; case 'x': result(p, w, 1); return; // exit default: result(p, w, 0); break; // invalid command } } }
void dumpVars(AsnLParser& p, AsnLWriter& w) { if (!checkToken(p, ASNL_END_STRUCT)) { result(p, w, 0); return; } if (!checkToken(p, ASNL_NIL)) { result(p, w, 0); return; } w.init(); w.structure(); w.integer(1, 1); // Status OK w.structure(); w.string(app.pinCode); w.integer(2, app.DI); w.integer(2, app.DF); w.integer(4, app.idleColorOn); w.integer(4, app.idleColorOff); w.integer(2, app.idleTicksOn); w.integer(2, app.idleTicksOff); w.endStructure(); w.endStructure(); w.msg().writeToSerial(); digitalWrite(13, LOW); }
Obj_ptr Quote(const ParseTree_ptr &root) { if (root == nullptr) return nullptr; std::string token = root->getToken(); bool numberFlag = true, rationalFlag = false, realFlag = false, idenFlag = true; checkToken(token, numberFlag, rationalFlag, realFlag, idenFlag); if ( numberFlag==true ) // numerical constant { //----integer----- if (!rationalFlag && !realFlag) return Obj_ptr( new IntegerObj( bigInteger(token) ) ); //----rational---- else if (rationalFlag) return Obj_ptr( new RationalObj( bigRational(token) ) ); //----real-------- else return Obj_ptr( new RealObj( bigReal(token) ) ); } else if (token[0]=='\"') // string constant return Obj_ptr( new StringObj(token.substr(1, token.size()-2)) ); else if (token[0]=='#') { // character constant if (token[1]=='\\') { if (token=="#\\newline") return Obj_ptr( new CharObj('\n') ); else if (token=="#\\space") return Obj_ptr( new CharObj(' ') ); else if (token=="#\\tab") return Obj_ptr( new CharObj('\t') ); else return Obj_ptr( new CharObj(token[2]) ); } // boolean constant else { if (token[1]=='t') return Obj_ptr( new BoolObj(true) ); else return Obj_ptr( new BoolObj(false) ); } } else if (token=="\'") return Quote(root->getSon()); else if (token=="`") throw syntaxError("unexpected \'`\' here"); else if (token=="()") return quoteMakeList(root->getSon()); else if (token[0]==',') throw syntaxError("unexpected comma here"); else return Obj_ptr( new SymbolObj( token ) ); }
static int32_t extractInt32(AsnLParser& p, AsnLWriter& w) { int32_t value; if (checkToken(p, ASNL_INT)) { if (p.readInt(&value) != 0) { result(p, w, 0); return -1; // failed to read int } } else { result(p, w, 0); return -1; // not an int } if (!checkToken(p, ASNL_END_STRUCT)) { result(p, w, 0); return -1; } if (!checkToken(p, ASNL_NIL)) { result(p, w, 0); return -1; } result(p, w, 1); return value; }
static void setPinCode(AsnLParser& p, AsnLWriter& w) { char pinCode[8]; if (checkToken(p, ASNL_STRING)) { if (!p.readString(pinCode, 8)) { result(p, w, 0); return; // failed to read string } } else { result(p, w, 0); return; // not a string } if (!checkToken(p, ASNL_END_STRUCT)) { result(p, w, 0); return; } if (!checkToken(p, ASNL_NIL)) { result(p, w, 0); return; } app.pinCode = String(pinCode); result(p, w, 1); }
QVariant QJson::parseBool(const QString &json, int &index, bool &success, QString *errorMessage) { if (checkToken(json, index, success, errorMessage, "true")) { index += 4; return QVariant(true); } else if (checkToken(json, index, success, errorMessage, "false")) { index += 5; return QVariant(false); } else { success = false; if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = QString("Can't parse value at position %1").arg(index); return QVariant(); } }
int parseArguments(LPSTR szCmdLine) { BOOL inToken = false, result; int i = 0, j=0; char token[MAX_TOKEN_SIZE]; if (openDevice(FALSE)) { getDriverData(&cmiTopologyDev); currentChannelCount = -1; } while (szCmdLine[i]) { if (inToken) { if (szCmdLine[i] == ' ') { inToken = false; token[j] = 0; if (checkToken(token)) { return TRUE; } } else { token[j] = (char)toupper(szCmdLine[i]); if (j < MAX_TOKEN_SIZE-1) { j++; } } } else { if ((szCmdLine[i] == '-') || (szCmdLine[i] == '/')) { j = 0; inToken = true; } } i++; } token[j] = 0; checkToken(token); result = setDriverData(&cmiTopologyDev); if (currentChannelCount != -1) result |= setCurrentChannelConfig(); return result; }
KQOAuthRequest* FoursquareApi::getUserInfo() { KQOAuth2Request *req = new KQOAuth2Request(this); if(!checkToken()) { req->initRequest(KQOAuthRequest::AuthorizedRequest, QUrl(API_BASE + "users/self")); req->setToken(oauthSettings.value("oauth_token").toString()); KQOAuthParameters params; params.insert("v","20120501"); req->setAdditionalParameters(params); req->setHttpMethod(KQOAuthRequest::GET); } return req; }
int ParallelAlgorithm::communicationLoop(void) { for(int processId = 0; processId < countOfProcesses; processId++) { // if(processId == myRank) // continue; int flag = 0; MPI_Iprobe(processId, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &flag, &status); if (flag) { //v promenne status je tag (status.MPI_TAG), cislo odesilatele (status.MPI_SOURCE) //a pripadne cislo chyby (status.MPI_ERROR) switch (status.MPI_TAG) { case MSG_WORK_REQUEST : // zadost o praci, prijmout a dopovedet checkWorkRequest(); break; case MSG_WORK_TRANSMIT : // prisel rozdeleny zasobnik, prijmout checkIncommingWork(); break; case MSG_WORK_NOWORK : // odmitnuti zadosti o praci std::cout << "Process #" << myRank << " recieved MSG_NO_WORK from #" << status.MPI_SOURCE << std::endl; // zkusit jiny proces // requestMoreWork(); break; case MSG_TOKEN : //ukoncovaci token, prijmout a nasledne preposlat checkToken(); break; case MSG_SOLUTION_TRANSMIT: //prijmeme reseni od jineho procesu checkSolution(); break; case MSG_END_WORK : //konec vypoctu - proces 0 pomoci tokenu zjistil, ze j*z nikdo nema praci std::cout << "Process #" << myRank << " recieved MSG_END_WORK from " << status.MPI_SOURCE << std::endl; checkWorkEnd(); return 2; break; default : throw new Exception("ERROR: Unknown message."); } } } return 0; }
bool KAbstractObjParserPrivate::parseFaceIndices() { // If there is no starting integer, there is no index if (!parseIndex(m_index_array[0])) { return false; } // Check for subequent indices (texture) if (checkToken(PT_SEPARATOR)) { if (!parseIndex(m_index_array[1])) { m_index_array[1] = 0; } } else { m_index_array[1] = 0; } // Check for subequent indices (normal) if (checkToken(PT_SEPARATOR)) { if (!parseIndex(m_index_array[2])) { m_index_array[2] = 0; } } else { m_index_array[2] = 0; } return true; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { pinMode(LED_R, OUTPUT); // Set PWM LED as PWM output pinMode(LED_G, OUTPUT); // Set regular LED as output pinMode(LED_B, OUTPUT); pinMode(DOOR, OUTPUT); //tür öffner // nfc initiiere nfc_init(&context); if (context == NULL) { printf("ERROR: fehler beim dev init\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (true) { doorCode = 0; // öffnet verbindung zum token pnd = nfc_open(context, NULL); led(1,1,0); //Gelb an if (pnd == NULL) { printf("ERROR: fehler beim öffnen.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (nfc_initiator_init(pnd) < 0) { nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_initiator_init"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } const nfc_modulation nmMifare = { .nmt = NMT_ISO14443A, .nbr = NBR_106, }; if (nfc_initiator_select_passive_target(pnd, nmMifare, NULL, 0, &nt) > 0) { toTokenKey(nt.nti.nai.abtUid); printf("%s\n",tokenKey); checkToken(); } // TODO checken ob offen ist oder nicht um dann blau oder black zu zeigen nfc_close(pnd); } nfc_exit(context); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
KaqazDropBox::KaqazDropBox(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { p = new KaqazDropBoxPrivate; p->dbox = 0; p->loop = 0; p->smartio = 0; p->refresh_timer = 0; p->connected = false; p->rsvn_fetched = false; p->reupdate_flag = false; p->token = false; p->fileSyncing = true; p->password_setted = false; p->settings = new QSettings(CONFIG_PATH,QSettings::IniFormat); checkToken(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { //checking //int argc = 5; //char* argv[] = {"logread", "-K", "secret", "-R", "/root/Desktop/.hidden/bibifi/log1"}; //char* argv[] = {"logread", "-B", "/root/Documents/NetBeansProjects/bibifi-final/dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/hello"}; if (argc < 5) normalExit(); // parameter number if too low //normal mode int sflag = 0, rflag = 0, tflag = 0, iflag = 0; char* token = NULL, * employeename = NULL, *guestname = NULL, *logfilename = NULL; int switchflag = -1; //reading options while ((switchflag = getopt(argc, argv, "K:SRTIE:G:")) != -1) { switch (switchflag) { case 'K': if (!checkToken(optarg)) normalExit(); token = optarg; break; case 'S': sflag = true; break; case 'R': rflag = true; break; case 'T': tflag = true; break; case 'I': iflag = true; break; case 'E': if (!checkName(optarg)) normalExit(); employeename = optarg; break; case 'G': if (!checkName(optarg)) normalExit(); guestname = optarg; break; default: normalExit(); } } if (argc - optind != 1) normalExit(); else { if (!checkLogName(argv[optind])) normalExit(); logfilename = argv[optind]; } //here to check program syntax sanity int count_true = 0; if (sflag) count_true++; if (iflag) count_true++; if (rflag) count_true++; if (tflag) count_true++; if (token == NULL) normalExit(); if (count_true != 1) normalExit(); if (employeename != NULL && guestname != NULL && rflag) normalExit(); if (employeename == NULL && guestname == NULL && rflag) normalExit(); if (sflag && (employeename != NULL || guestname != NULL)) normalExit(); if (tflag || iflag) { printf("unimplemented"); exit(0); } //checking if file exists //getting the resolved path execution_argv[0] = logfilename; if (executeCommand("", 1, execution_argv) == 0) // file found { //decrypt file execution_argv[0] = logfilename; execution_argv[1] = token; if (executeCommand("", 2, execution_argv) != 0) securityExit(); //reading from the file time, type, where, name FILE* input = fopen(logfilename, "r"); if (input == NULL) normalExitWithEncryption(logfilename, token); int log_count = fill_log_array(input); fclose(input); if (sflag) { char ** emplist = (char **) malloc(sizeof (char*) * 1000); char ** guestlist = (char **) malloc(sizeof (char*) * 1000); int i, emp_count = 0, guest_count = 0; for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { emplist[i] = (char*) malloc(sizeof (char) * 100); guestlist[i] = (char*) malloc(sizeof (char) * 100); } emp_count = get_employee_names_list(emplist, log_count); guest_count = get_guest_names_list(guestlist, log_count); if (emp_count == 0) printf("\n"); else { for (i = 0; i < emp_count; i++) { if (i == emp_count - 1) printf("%s\n", emplist[i]); else printf("%s,", emplist[i]); } } if (guest_count == 0) printf("\n"); else { for (i = 0; i < guest_count; i++) { if (i == guest_count - 1) printf("%s\n", guestlist[i]); else printf("%s,", guestlist[i]); } } int* room_ids = (int*) malloc(sizeof (int) * 100); int room_count = get_room_list(room_ids, log_count); int j; for (i = 0; i < room_count; i++) { int who_count = who_is_in_room(guestlist, room_ids[i], log_count); if (who_count != 0) printf("%d: ", room_ids[i]); for (j = 0; j < who_count; j++) { if (j == who_count - 1) printf("%s\n", guestlist[j]); else printf("%s,", guestlist[j]); } } } if (rflag) { char *some_name; int some_type; some_type = EMPLOYEETYPE, some_name = employeename; if (employeename == NULL) some_type = GUESTTYPE, some_name = guestname; int* room_ids = (int*) malloc(sizeof (int) * 100); int room_count = get_r_request(room_ids, some_name, some_type, log_count); int index; for (index = 0; index < room_count; index++) { if (index == room_count - 1) printf("%d", room_ids[index]); else printf("%d,", room_ids[index]); } printf("\n"); } //encrypt file execution_argv[0] = logfilename; execution_argv[1] = token; if (executeCommand("", 2, execution_argv) != 0) normalExitWithEncryption(logfilename, token); } else normalExit(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
bool File::ReadDataBlock(std::string block, DataBlock* datablock) { blockSize = block.size(); int currentPos = 0; bool optionalToken = 0; int elementIndex = 0; int propertyIndex = 0; for(int i = 0; i <= 4; i++)//Why this is in a for loop I will never know { if(i == 0) { datablock->elements.push_back(new DataElement()); //element token int extractPos1 = block.find_first_of('{', currentPos)-currentPos; int extractPos2 = block.find_first_of('"', currentPos)-currentPos; checkExtractPos(&extractPos1); checkExtractPos(&extractPos2); if(extractPos1<extractPos2) { std::string elementToken = block.substr(currentPos, extractPos1); if(!checkToken(elementToken)) { Logger()<<"Element contains incorrect syntax: \n"<<elementToken<<"\n"<<std::endl; //syntax error return false; } datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementName = elementToken; currentPos += extractPos1+1; optionalToken = false; } else if(extractPos2<extractPos1) { std::string elementToken = block.substr(currentPos, extractPos2); if(!checkToken(elementToken)) { Logger()<<"Element contains incorrect syntax: \n"<<elementToken<<"\n"<<std::endl; //syntax error return false; } datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementName = elementToken; currentPos += extractPos2+1; optionalToken = true; } else { Logger()<<"Element doesn't contain properties OR no terminating comment: \n" <<datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementName<<" '" <<datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementIdentifier<<"'\n"<<std::endl; //error return false; } } if(i == 1) { //check for optional if(optionalToken) { int extractPos1 = block.find_first_of('"', currentPos)-currentPos; //int extractPos2 = block.find_first_of('{', currentPos)-currentPos; //first do the " std::string optionalTokenStr = block.substr(currentPos, extractPos1); if(!checkToken(optionalTokenStr)) { Logger()<<"Optional Identifier contains incorrect syntax: \n" <<datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementName<<" "<<optionalTokenStr<<"\n"<<std::endl; //syntax error return false; } datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementIdentifier = optionalTokenStr; currentPos += extractPos1+1; //then check if { is next, if not we have an issue if(block[currentPos] == '{') currentPos++; else { Logger()<<"Element doesn't contain properties (are you missing an '{' ?): \n" <<datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementName<<" '" <<datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementIdentifier<<"'\n"<<std::endl; return false; } } } if(i == 2) { //break the properties section //int first = currentPos; int last = block.find_first_of('}', currentPos); while(currentPos < last)//loop through all the properties { //create a new property datablock->elements[elementIndex]->properties.push_back(new DataProperty()); int extractPos1 = block.find_first_of(':', currentPos)-currentPos; //do the propertyToken: std::string propertyToken = block.substr(currentPos, extractPos1); if(!checkToken(propertyToken)) { Logger()<<"Property contains incorrect syntax: \n" <<datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementName<<" '" <<datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementIdentifier<<"': \n"<<propertyToken<<"\n"<<std::endl; //syntax error return false; } datablock->elements[elementIndex]->properties[propertyIndex]->propertyName = propertyToken; currentPos += extractPos1+1; //do the valueToken int innerLast = block.find_first_of(';', currentPos); while(currentPos < innerLast) //loop through all the values for a specific property { //create a new value for a property extractPos1 = block.find_first_of(',', currentPos)-currentPos; int extractPos2 = block.find_first_of(';', currentPos)-currentPos; checkExtractPos(&extractPos1); if(extractPos1<extractPos2) { std::string valueToken = block.substr(currentPos, extractPos1); if(!checkToken(valueToken)) { Logger()<<"Value contains incorrect syntax: \n" <<datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementName<<" '" <<datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementIdentifier<<"': \n" <<datablock->elements[elementIndex]->properties[propertyIndex]->propertyName<<": "<<valueToken<<"\n"<<std::endl; //syntax error; return false; } datablock->elements[elementIndex]->properties[propertyIndex]->values.push_back(valueToken); currentPos += extractPos1+1; } else if(extractPos2<extractPos1) { std::string valueToken = block.substr(currentPos, extractPos2); if(!checkToken(valueToken)) { Logger()<<"Value contains incorrect syntax: \n" <<datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementName<<" '" <<datablock->elements[elementIndex]->elementIdentifier<<"': \n" <<datablock->elements[elementIndex]->properties[propertyIndex]->propertyName<<": "<<valueToken<<"\n"<<std::endl; //syntax error; return false; } datablock->elements[elementIndex]->properties[propertyIndex]->values.push_back(valueToken); currentPos += extractPos2+1; } else return false; } propertyIndex++; } currentPos+=1; elementIndex++; } if(i == 3) { if(currentPos >= (int) block.size()) continue; else { propertyIndex = 0; i = -1; } } } return true; }
Obj_ptr Quasiquote(const ParseTree_ptr &root, env_ptr & env) { if (root == nullptr) return nullptr; std::string token = root->getToken(); bool numberFlag = true, rationalFlag = false, realFlag = false, idenFlag = true; checkToken(token, numberFlag, rationalFlag, realFlag, idenFlag); if ( numberFlag==true ) // numerical constant { //----integer----- if (!rationalFlag && !realFlag) return Obj_ptr( new IntegerObj( bigInteger(token) ) ); //----rational---- else if (rationalFlag) return Obj_ptr( new RationalObj( bigRational(token) ) ); //----real-------- else return Obj_ptr( new RealObj( bigReal(token) ) ); } else if (token[0]=='\"') // string constant return Obj_ptr( new StringObj(token.substr(1, token.size()-2)) ); else if (token[0]=='#') { // character constant if (token[1]=='\\') { if (token=="#\\newline") return Obj_ptr( new CharObj('\n') ); else if (token=="#\\space") return Obj_ptr( new CharObj(' ') ); else if (token=="#\\tab") return Obj_ptr( new CharObj('\t') ); else return Obj_ptr( new CharObj(token[2]) ); } // boolean constant else { if (token[1]=='t') return Obj_ptr( new BoolObj(true) ); else return Obj_ptr( new BoolObj(false) ); } } else if (token=="\'") return Quote(root->getSon()); else if (token=="`") return Quasiquote(root->getSon(), env); else if (token=="()") return quasiquoteMakeList(root->getSon(), env); else if (token==",") return evaluate(root->getSon(), env); else if (token==",@") { Obj_ptr obj(evaluate(root->getSon(), env)); if (!isList(obj)) throw syntaxError("there must be a list after \',@\'"); //W.T.F. throw syntaxError("sorry for no support of \',@\' now"); } else return Obj_ptr( new SymbolObj( token ) ); }
//***** void DtmfDataLinkLayer::encode( boost::circular_buffer< Packet > *downIn, boost::circular_buffer< Frame > *downOut, boost::circular_buffer< Frame > *upIn, boost::circular_buffer< unsigned int > *upOut) { #ifdef DEBUG DEBUG_OUT << std::endl << "---------- ### ENCODE ### ----------" << std::endl; #endif //update pointers datagramDown = downIn; frameDown = downOut; frameUp = upIn; datagramUp = upOut; //do I have token? if(hasToken == 1) { //is the token expired? if(checkToken() == 1) return; } else { #ifdef DEBUG DEBUG_OUT << "has no token" << std::endl; #endif return; } //check if ready to process if(awaitsReply == 1) { //check current time time_t nowClock; time ( &nowClock ); //compare with saved timestamp from when transmission ended if((nowClock-timestampAwaitsReply)>MAX_TIME_TO_REPLY) { //if time expired #ifdef DEBUG DEBUG_OUT << "Time for receiver to reply is up" << std::endl; #endif //resend all resendData(0); } else { //if there is time left to reply #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "Time left for receiver to reply: " << (MAX_TIME_TO_REPLY-(nowClock-timestampAwaitsReply)) << " seconds" << std::endl; #endif } } //start processing if there is data in the buffer if(!(datagramDown->empty())) { while(true) { //check if list is full if(nextInSendSequence >= 8) { #ifdef DEBUG DEBUG_OUT << "List is full...ending transmission" << std::endl; #endif endTransmission(); break; } //check if end of datagram is reached if(datagramIterator >= datagramLength) { //previous datagram has ended and all data has been sent and confirmed if(dataInSendList == 0 && receiverNeedsUpdate == 0) { datagramDown->pop_front(); datagramIterator = 0; receiverNeedsUpdate = 1; if(datagramDown->empty()) { #ifdef DEBUG DEBUG_OUT << "Last element popped" << std::endl; #endif return; } } if(receiverNeedsUpdate == 1) { //get address of receiver currentReceiver = datagramDown->front().recvAddr(); datagramLength = datagramDown->front().totalLength(); receiverNeedsUpdate = 0; #ifdef DEBUG DEBUG_OUT << "Setting receiver address to " << currentReceiver << std::endl; #endif } else { //datagram has ended but sent data has not yet been confirmed #ifdef DEBUG DEBUG_OUT << "Buffer is empty...ending transmission" << std::endl; #endif //Set EOT bit in last frame endTransmission(); break; } } else { //still data to process in this datagram #ifdef DEBUG DEBUG_OUT << "Popping from datagrambuffer..." << (int)datagramDown->front()[datagramIterator] << std::endl; #endif processDatagram((unsigned int)datagramDown->front()[datagramIterator]); datagramIterator++; } } } else { //buffer is empty #ifdef DEBUG DEBUG_OUT << "Buffer is empty...nothing to process" << std::endl; #endif if(hasToken == 1 && tokenAlreadyOffered == 0 && dataInSendList == 0) { // nothing to process. Might as well pass token #ifdef DEBUG DEBUG_OUT << "No need for token...passing" << std::endl; #endif offerToken(); } } }
Obj_ptr evaluate(const ParseTree_ptr &root, env_ptr & env) { if (root == nullptr) return nullptr; std::string token = root->getToken(); Obj_ptr obj; bool numberFlag = true, rationalFlag = false, realFlag = false, idenFlag = true; checkToken(token, numberFlag, rationalFlag, realFlag, idenFlag); //----number----- if (numberFlag) { //----integer----- if (!rationalFlag && !realFlag) obj = Obj_ptr( new IntegerObj( bigInteger(token) ) ); //----rational---- else if (rationalFlag) obj = Obj_ptr( new RationalObj( bigRational(token) ) ); //----real-------- else obj = Obj_ptr( new RealObj( bigReal(token) ) ); return descend(obj); } //----comma-------- else if (token[0]==',') throw syntaxError("unexpected comma here"); //----identifier---- else if (idenFlag) { obj = findIden(env, token); if (obj.get() == nullptr) { if (builtInProcedure.find(token) == builtInProcedure.end()) throw syntaxError("Undefined identifier: " + token); Arg_ptr nullArg(nullptr); ParseTree_ptr nullTree(nullptr); env_ptr nullEnv(nullptr); obj = Obj_ptr(new ProcedureObj(nullArg, nullTree, nullEnv, true, token)); } return descend(obj); } //----char&bool----- else if (token[0]=='#') { //----char----- if (token[1]=='\\') { if (token=="#\\newline") obj = Obj_ptr( new CharObj('\n') ); else if (token=="#\\space") obj = Obj_ptr( new CharObj(' ') ); else if (token=="#\\tab") obj = Obj_ptr( new CharObj('\t') ); else obj = Obj_ptr( new CharObj(token[2]) ); return descend(obj); } //----bool----- else { if (token[1]=='t') obj = Obj_ptr( new BoolObj(true) ); else obj = Obj_ptr( new BoolObj(false) ); return descend(obj); } } //----string------- else if (token[0]=='\"') { obj = Obj_ptr( new StringObj(token.substr(1, token.size()-2)) ); return descend(obj); } //----quote------- else if (token=="\'") { obj = Quote(root); return descend(obj); } else if (token=="`") { obj = Quasiquote(root, env); return descend(obj); } //----syntax&procedure---- else if (token=="()") { ParseTree_ptr name = root->getSon(); if (name == nullptr) throw syntaxError("missing expression"); std::string iden = name->getToken(); //--------syntax------------ if (builtInSyntax.find(iden) != builtInSyntax.end()) { return descend(evaluateSyntax(iden, name->getBrother(), env)); } //--------procedure--------- Obj_ptr obj = findIden(env, iden); //--------procedure object---- if (iden == "()") { obj = evaluate(name, env); if (obj->Type != Procedure) throw syntaxError("not a procedure"); } if (obj==nullptr) { if (builtInProcedure.find(iden) == builtInProcedure.end()) throw syntaxError("Undefined identifier: " + iden); } else if (obj->Type != Procedure) throw syntaxError("\'" + iden + "\' is not a procedure"); ParseTree_ptr para = name->getBrother(); Para_ptr head=nullptr, tail=nullptr; while (para!=nullptr) { if (head==nullptr) { head = Para_ptr( new Parameters(evaluate(para, env)) ); tail = head; } else { tail->next = Para_ptr( new Parameters(evaluate(para, env)) ); tail = tail->next; } para = para->getBrother(); } if (obj) //define by user { return descend(evaluateUserDefined(obj, head, env)); } else // built-in { return descend(evaluateBuiltInProcedure(iden, head, env)); } } //----else---------- else { throw syntaxError("Illegal expression or the function you use is not available now."); } }
int scan(){ memset(string_attr,'\0',strlen(string_attr)); num_attr=-1; int trigger[6]={0}; //trigger of {string,number,sign,',/**/,{}} int wordsCount=0; //counter of words in token int resultToken=0; //temp token int check=0; //get "check~"function returns int isSep,isDef,isCom; //get "is~"function returns if (lineCountTrigger==SET){ //when check some word, it feedback new line count lastLineNumber++; lineCountTrigger=RESET; } if(word==EOF){ //EOF return -1; }else if((isSep=isSeparater(word))!=0){ //line, tab or space word=fgetc(fp); return 0; //skip }else if(isprint(word)==0){ //leave out not printable words error("cannot print the word"); }else if(islower(word)!=0||isupper(word)!=0){ //NAME resultToken=TNAME; string_attr[wordsCount++]=word; word=fgetc(fp); trigger[0]=SET; }else if(isdigit(word)!=0){ //Natural Number resultToken=TNUMBER; string_attr[wordsCount++]=word; num_attr=atoi(string_attr); word=fgetc(fp); trigger[1]=SET; }else if((resultToken=isSign(word))!=0){ //Sign string_attr[wordsCount++]=word; word=fgetc(fp); trigger[2]=SET; }else if((isDef=isDefString(word))!=0){ //'___' start resultToken=TSTRING; word=fgetc(fp); //next word is first count trigger[3]=SET; }else if((isCom=isComment(word))=='/'){ //comment out start /*___*/ word=fgetc(fp); //next word is first count trigger[4]=SET; }else if((isCom=isComment(word))=='{'){ //comment out start {___} word=fgetc(fp); //next word is first count trigger[5]=SET; }else{ //except?? fprintf(stderr,"Something Bug words or not define\n"); return -2; } while(1){ if(word==EOF){ //EOF if((check=checkToken(string_attr))<0){ return resultToken; } return check; }else if(trigger[0]==SET){ //NAME or TOKEN if(wordsCount>MAXSTRSIZE-1){ error("syntax err: too long string\n"); }else if(islower(word)!=0||isupper(word)!=0||isdigit(word)!=0){ string_attr[wordsCount++]=word; word=fgetc(fp); }else{ if((check=checkToken(string_attr))<0){ return resultToken; } return check; } }else if(trigger[1]==SET){ //NUMBER if(isdigit(word)!=0){ string_attr[wordsCount++]=word; if((num_attr=atoi(string_attr))>32767){ error("syntax err: number<=32767"); } word=fgetc(fp); }else{ return resultToken; } }else if(trigger[2]==SET){ //sign by two words if(isSign(word)!=0){ string_attr[1]=word; check=checkWSign(string_attr); if(check<0){ string_attr[1]='\0'; return resultToken; }else{ word=fgetc(fp); return check; } }else{ return resultToken; } }else if(trigger[3]==SET){ //string '__' if(isprint(word)==0&&(isSep=isSeparater(word))==0){ error("syntax err: about STRING start"); }else if(isDefString(word)!=0){ if((word=fgetc(fp))!='\''){ return resultToken; }else{ string_attr[wordsCount++]=word; //this is one before "\'" } }else if(isSep<0){ error("not permission new line in STRING"); } string_attr[wordsCount++]=word; word=fgetc(fp); }else if(trigger[4]==SET){ //comment out /**/ if(wordsCount==0){ if(word!='*'){ error("syntax err: about comment out start"); } word=fgetc(fp); } if(word=='*'){ if((word=fgetc(fp))=='/'){ word=fgetc(fp); return 0; //coment out end } string_attr[wordsCount++]='*'; } if(isprint(word)!=0||isSeparater(word)!=0){ string_attr[wordsCount++]=word; word=fgetc(fp); }else if(word==EOF){ fprintf(stdout,"syntax err: comment out not END\n"); return 0; }else{ error("cannot print"); } }else if(trigger[5] == SET){ //comment out {} if(word=='{'){ error("comment out in comment"); }else if(word=='}'){ word=fgetc(fp); return 0; //coment out end } if(isprint(word)!=0||isSeparater(word)!=0){ string_attr[wordsCount++]=word; word=fgetc(fp); }else if(word==EOF){ fprintf(stdout,"syntax err: comment out not END\n"); return 0; }else{ error("cannot print"); } }else{ //except?? error("Something Bug words or not define"); return -2; } } return -2; }
pskeleton md5meshfile_loadSkeleton (pmd5meshfile meshfile) { FILE *fp = meshfile->fp; char token[25]; char tmpLine[255]; char *line = NULL; size_t length = 0; /* to the begining of the file */ rewind (fp); pskeleton newSkeleton = getNewSkeleton (0); newSkeleton->name = md5basename (meshfile->filename); /* * Parse joints */ do { if (line != NULL) { free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; } if (parseline (fp, &line, &length) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "Error parsing beginig of joints section. Check file format.\n"); free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; return NULL; } } while (sscanf (line, "joints %s", &token, &tmpLine) != 1); free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; /* * Assuming the number of joints is correct parse accordingly */ int jointsParsed = 0; char jN[50]; /* Joint Name */ int jP; /* Joint Parent */ float px; /* Position X */ float py; /* Position Y */ float pz; /* Position Z */ float qx; /* Orientation X */ float qy; /* Orientation Y */ float qz; /* Orientation Z */ float qw; /* W component im told to calculate */ int ret; do { parseline (fp, &line, &length); #ifdef DEBUG_FILE printf ("Parsing line: %s\n", line); #endif memset (jN, '\n', 50); ret = sscanf (line, "%s %d ( %f %f %f ) ( %f %f %f )", &jN, &jP, &px, &py, &pz, &qx, &qy, &qz); if (ret == 8) { skeletonAddJoint (newSkeleton, jN, jP, px, py, pz, qz, qy, qz); } else if ( sscanf (line, "%s", &token) == 1) { if (checkToken (token, "}", 1) == -1) { free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; return NULL; } else { free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; break; } } else { fprintf (stderr, "Error Parsing joint #%d\n sscanf ret: %d\n",jointsParsed, ret); free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; return NULL; } #ifdef DEBUG_FILE printf ("DGB-MD5MESH_LOADFILE: line: %s", line); printf ("DGB-MD5MESH_LOADFILE: Joint: %s %d ( %.10f %.10f %.10f ) ( %.10f %.10f %.10f )\n", jN, jP, px, py, pz, qx, qy, qz); #endif free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; } while (1); return newSkeleton; }
pmesh md5meshfile_loadMesh (pmd5meshfile meshfile, int meshnumber) { FILE * fp = meshfile->fp; char token[25]; char tmpLine[2555]; char *line = NULL; size_t length = 0; int cur_mesh = -1; /* To begining of file */ rewind (fp); /* * Parse for mesh number */ while (cur_mesh++ != meshnumber) { do { if (line != NULL) { free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; } if (parseline (fp, &line, &length) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "Error Finding mesh number %d\n", meshnumber); free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; return NULL; } } while (sscanf (line, "mesh %s", &token, &tmpLine) != 1); } free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; /* We should have hit the correct mesh number */ pmesh newmesh; int numverts = 0, numtris = 0, numweights = 0; int verti = 0, vertstartweight, vertcountweight; float verts = 0, vertt = 0; int trii = 0, triidx0 = 0, triidx1 = 0, triidx2 = 0; int weighti = 0, weightjoint = 0; float weightbias = 0, weightposx = 0, weightposy = 0, weightposz = 0; newmesh = (pmesh) malloc (sizeof (mesh)); /* Parse for the associated shader */ do { parseline (fp, &line, &length); if (sscanf (line, "shader %s", &tmpLine) == 1) { int shader_name_len = strlen(tmpLine); newmesh->shadername = (char *)malloc ( shader_name_len+1); strncpy (newmesh->shadername, tmpLine, shader_name_len); newmesh->shadername[shader_name_len] = '\0'; } else if (sscanf (line, "numverts %d", &numverts) == 1) { newmesh->numverts = numverts; newmesh->verts = (ppvert) malloc (sizeof (pvert)*numverts); } else if (sscanf (line, "numtris %d", &numtris) == 1) { newmesh->numtris = numtris; newmesh->tris = (pptri) malloc (sizeof (ptri)*numtris); } else if (sscanf (line, "numweights %d", &numweights) == 1) { newmesh->numweights = numweights; newmesh->weights = (ppweight) malloc (sizeof (pweight)*numweights); } else if (sscanf (line, "vert %d ( %f %f ) %d %d", &verti, &verts, &vertt, &vertstartweight, &vertcountweight) == 5) { if (verti < 0 || verti >= numverts) return NULL; newmesh->verts[verti] = (pvert) malloc (sizeof (vert)); newmesh->verts[verti]->s = verts; newmesh->verts[verti]->t = vertt; newmesh->verts[verti]->startweight = vertstartweight; newmesh->verts[verti]->countweight = vertcountweight; } else if (sscanf (line, "tri %d %d %d %d", &trii, &triidx0, &triidx1, &triidx2) == 4 ) { if (trii < 0 || trii >= numtris) return NULL; newmesh->tris[trii] = (ptri) malloc (sizeof (tri)); newmesh->tris[trii]->vert0 = triidx0; newmesh->tris[trii]->vert1 = triidx1; newmesh->tris[trii]->vert2 = triidx2; } else if (sscanf (line, "weight %d %d %f ( %f %f %f )", &weighti, &weightjoint, &weightbias, &weightposx, &weightposy, &weightposz) == 6) { if (weighti < 0 || weighti >= numweights) return NULL; newmesh->weights[weighti] = (pweight) malloc (sizeof (weight)); newmesh->weights[weighti]->joint = weightjoint; newmesh->weights[weighti]->bias = weightbias; newmesh->weights[weighti]->posx = weightposx; newmesh->weights[weighti]->posy = weightposy; newmesh->weights[weighti]->posz = weightposz; } else if ( sscanf (line, "%s", &token) == 1) { if (checkToken (token, "}", 1) == -1) { free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; return NULL; } else { free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; break; } } else { fprintf (stderr, "Error Parsing mesh #%d\n sscanf ret: %s\n", cur_mesh-1, line); free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; return NULL; } #ifdef DEBUG_FILE printf ("DGB-MD5MESH_LOADFILE: line: %s", line); #endif free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; } while (1); return newmesh; }
/* This is for reference only Transitioning to functions above*/ void md5mesh_loadfile (char * fn, ppskeleton retSkeleton, ppmesh retMeshes ) { /* * Parse Mesh sections */ int mdx; for (mdx = 0; mdx < numMeshes; mdx++) { /* * Parse Decleration Mesh token "mesh {" */ parseline (fp, &line, &length); if (sscanf (line, "%s %s", &token, &tmpLine) == 2) { checkToken (token, "mesh", 4); checkToken (tmpLine, "{", 1); } else { fprintf (stderr, "Error parsing Opening mesh decleration.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } #ifdef DEBUG_FILE printf ("DGB-MD5MESH_LOADFILE: line: %s", line); #endif free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; /* * Parse shader name */ parseline (fp, &line, &length); if (sscanf (line, "%s %s", &token, &tmpLine) == 2) { checkToken (token, "shader", 6); } else { fprintf (stderr, "Error parsing Opening mesh decleration.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } #ifdef DEBUG_FILE printf ("DGB-MD5MESH_LOADFILE: line: %s", line); #endif free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; /* * Done Parsing Mesh decleration */ parseline (fp, &line, &length); if (sscanf (line, "%s", &token) == 1) { checkToken (token, "}", 1); } else { fprintf (stderr, "Error parsing Closing mesh decleration.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } #ifdef DEBUG_FILE printf ("DGB-MD5MESH_LOADFILE: line: %s", line); #endif free (line); line = NULL; length = 0; } newSkeleton->name = md5basename (fn); }