void dirent_file_repair(int dir_fd, mdirents_cache_entry_t *root_entry_p,
        int bucket_idx, dirent_file_repair_cause_e cause) {
    mdirents_cache_entry_t *cache_entry_p;
    mdirents_cache_entry_t *cache_entry_p_next;
    mdirents_hash_entry_t *hash_entry_p = NULL;
    //int hash_entry_idx = 0;
    int cache_entry_tb_idx = 0;
    int coll_idx;
    int loop_cnt = 0;
    int next_coll_idx = 0;
    int first_index;
    int bit_idx;
    int chunk_u8_idx;
    uint8_t *coll_bitmap_p;
    mdirents_hash_ptr_t *hash_bucket_p;
    int i;
    mdirent_sector0_not_aligned_t *sect0_p;


    memset(dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab, 0,
                    * MDIRENTS_MAX_COLLS_IDX+1);

    info("dirent_file_repair bucket %d cause %s",bucket_idx,dirent_file_repair_cause_e2String(cause));

    ** set the different parameters
    cache_entry_tb_idx = 0;
    coll_idx = 0;
     ** get the pointer to the collision file bitmap
    sect0_p = DIRENT_VIRT_TO_PHY_OFF(root_entry_p,sect0_p);
    coll_bitmap_p = (uint8_t*) &sect0_p->coll_bitmap;
    ** First of all do the recovery for the root entry
    dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_for_bucket_idx(dir_fd, root_entry_p,
            root_entry_p, bucket_idx, &hash_entry_p, &first_index);
    ** insert the result in the rescue table: we always inserts the root even if there is
    ** no hash entry belonging to that least. This is needed it address the case where
    ** the pointer at the bucket level is the reference of the first collision file
    ** on which we have hash entries belonging to that list
    dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[cache_entry_tb_idx].coll_idx = -1; // indicate root
    dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[cache_entry_tb_idx].first_index       = first_index;
    dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[cache_entry_tb_idx].cache_entry_p     = root_entry_p;
    dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[cache_entry_tb_idx].hash_entry_last_p = hash_entry_p;

    ** case of the collision file, so need to go through the bitmap of the
    ** dirent root file
    cache_entry_p = NULL;
    while (coll_idx < MDIRENTS_MAX_COLLS_IDX) {
        chunk_u8_idx = coll_idx / 8;
        bit_idx = coll_idx % 8;
         ** there is no collision dirent entry or the collision dirent entry exist and is not full
        if ((coll_bitmap_p[chunk_u8_idx] & (1 << bit_idx)) != 0) {
             ** That entry is free, need to find out the next entry that is busy (0: busy, 1:free)
            if (coll_idx % 8 == 0) {
                next_coll_idx = check_bytes_val(coll_bitmap_p, coll_idx,
                        MDIRENTS_MAX_COLLS_IDX, &loop_cnt, 1);
                if (next_coll_idx < 0)
                 ** next  chunk
                if (next_coll_idx == coll_idx)
                    coll_idx = next_coll_idx;
             ** next chunk
         ** one collision idx has been found
         ** need to get the entry associated with the collision index
        cache_entry_p = dirent_cache_get_collision_ptr(root_entry_p, coll_idx);
        if (cache_entry_p == NULL ) {
            ** OK, do not break the analysis, skip that collision entry and try the next if any
        ** OK, let's try to repair that current dirent cache entry for that bucket idx
        dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_for_bucket_idx(dir_fd, root_entry_p,
                cache_entry_p, bucket_idx, &hash_entry_p, &first_index);
         ** insert the result in the rescue table if there is at least one valid entry for that bucket idx
        if (hash_entry_p != NULL ) 
          dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[cache_entry_tb_idx].coll_idx =  coll_idx;
          dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[cache_entry_tb_idx].first_index = first_index;
          dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[cache_entry_tb_idx].cache_entry_p = cache_entry_p;
          dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[cache_entry_tb_idx].hash_entry_last_p = hash_entry_p;
    ** OK now go through that table to find out the order of the cache entries to update each of the
    ** local end of hash entries
    for (i = 0; i < cache_entry_tb_idx; i++) 
        cache_entry_p = dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[i].cache_entry_p;
        hash_entry_p =  dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[i].hash_entry_last_p;
        if (hash_entry_p == NULL ) 
          if (i == 0) 
             ** case of the root cache entry :get the pointer to hash bucket table
            hash_bucket_p = DIRENT_CACHE_GET_BUCKET_PTR(cache_entry_p,bucket_idx) ;
            if (hash_bucket_p == NULL ) 
               ** That case Must not occur since we have elready scanned the entry
               ** One solution, if it happens is to skip that cache entry or to create one memory
               ** array for the range of bucket_idx.
              DIRENT_SEVERE("dirent_file_repair: hash_bucket_p is null for bucket_idx %d in root dirent file  ",bucket_idx);
              hash_bucket_p = DIRENT_CACHE_ALLOCATE_BUCKET_ARRAY(cache_entry_p,bucket_idx);
	      if (hash_bucket_p == NULL)
        	  fatal("dirent_file_repair: system error, out of memory!!");
             ** check the end of list case
            cache_entry_p_next = dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[i+ 1].cache_entry_p;
            if (cache_entry_p_next == NULL ) 
              ** end of list case
            hash_bucket_p->type = MDIRENTS_HASH_PTR_COLL;
            hash_bucket_p->idx = dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[i+ 1].coll_idx;
            dirent_cache_repair_printf_cache_entry_for_bucket_idx(cache_entry_p, bucket_idx, -1);
            ** ____________________________________________________________
            ** re-write on disk the corresponding image of the dirent file
            ** ____________________________________________________________
            write_mdirents_file(dir_fd, cache_entry_p);
          DIRENT_SEVERE("dirent_file_repair: hash_bucket_p is null for bucket_idx %d (line %d)\n",bucket_idx,__LINE__);
          severe("memory corruption!!");
        ** Check if there is a cache entry in the next entry of the rescue table: end of list check
        cache_entry_p_next = dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[i + 1].cache_entry_p;
        if (cache_entry_p_next == NULL ) 
            ** end of list case
        ** there is an entry so update our current last hash_entry and eventually our bucket entry
        ** index according to the value of first_index
        hash_entry_p->next.type = MDIRENTS_HASH_PTR_COLL;
        hash_entry_p->next.idx = dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[i + 1].coll_idx;
        ** ____________________________________________________________
        ** re-write on disk the corresponding image of the dirent file
        ** ____________________________________________________________
        write_mdirents_file(dir_fd, cache_entry_p);
     ** ____________________________________________________________
     ** All the last hash entries of the dirent files have been updated
     ** expected the last one so now, update the last one
     ** ____________________________________________________________
    if (cache_entry_p == NULL ) 
         ** We must have at least the root !!
        DIRENT_SEVERE("dirent_file_repair: empty list for bucket %d (line %d)\n",bucket_idx,__LINE__);
        severe("memory corruption!!");
    if (hash_entry_p == NULL ) {
         ** this is possible for the case of the root only
        if (cache_entry_p != root_entry_p) {
            DIRENT_SEVERE("dirent_file_repair: collision entry empty for bucket %d (line %d)\n",bucket_idx,__LINE__);
            severe("memory corruption!!");
        hash_bucket_p = DIRENT_CACHE_GET_BUCKET_PTR(cache_entry_p,bucket_idx)
        if (hash_bucket_p == NULL ) {
             ** That case Must not occur since we have elready scanned the entry
             ** One solution, if it happens is to skip that cache entry or to create one memory
             ** array for the range of bucket_idx.
            DIRENT_SEVERE("dirent_file_repair: hash_bucket_p is null for bucket_idx %d (line %d)\n",bucket_idx,__LINE__);
            severe("memory corruption!!");
        hash_bucket_p->type = MDIRENTS_HASH_PTR_EOF;
        hash_bucket_p->idx = 0;
        ** _______________________________________________________________________________
        ** re-write dirent root file on disk the corresponding image of the dirent file
        ** _______________________________________________________________________________
        write_mdirents_file(dir_fd, cache_entry_p);

    } else {
        ** re-write last file on disk
        hash_entry_p->next.type = MDIRENTS_HASH_PTR_EOF;
        hash_entry_p->next.idx = 0;
        write_mdirents_file(dir_fd, cache_entry_p);

    ** _______________________________________________________________________________
    ** re-write last dirent colision file on disk the corresponding image of the dirent file
    ** _______________________________________________________________________________
    write_mdirents_file(dir_fd, root_entry_p);

            bucket_idx, dirent_cache_repair_cache_entry_list_tab[i].coll_idx);

Beispiel #2
exp_invalidate_type_e exp_cache_build_invalidate_sections_msg(exp_cache_dirty_ctx_t * ctx_p,
				            int                     srv_rank)
  exp_cache_srv_front_end_t * front_end_p;
  exp_dirty_dirty_parent_t  * pParent;
  exp_dirty_dirty_child_t   * pChild;
  int                         inactive_idx;
  int                         idx;
  int                         loop_cnt;
  uint8_t                     chunk_u8_idx;
  int                         bit_idx;
  rozofs_section_header_u   * pSection;
  //int                         section_buffer_size;
  int                         section_size;
  ** Retrieve front end context of this server
  if (srv_rank >= EXP_MAX_CACHE_SRV) {
    severe("server rank out of range %d",srv_rank);
    return exp_invalidate_error;
  front_end_p = ctx_p->srv_rank[srv_rank];
  if (front_end_p == NULL) {
    severe("server %d do not exist",srv_rank);
    return exp_invalidate_error;

  ** Check whether there has been any modification in the non active bitmaps
  inactive_idx = 1 - front_end_p->active_idx;  
  pParent = front_end_p->parent[inactive_idx]; 
  if (pParent->parent_update_count == 0) {
    return exp_invalidate_nothing;
  ** Initialize the message header
  gw_invalidate_sections_msg.hdr.export_id       = exp_cache_cnf.export_id;
  gw_invalidate_sections_msg.hdr.gateway_rank    = srv_rank;  
  gw_invalidate_sections_msg.hdr.nb_gateways     = ctx_p->nb_cache_servers;   
  gw_invalidate_sections_msg.section.section_len = 0;    
  gw_invalidate_sections_msg.section.section_val = gw_dirty_section_buffer;            
  pSection = (rozofs_section_header_u *) gw_dirty_section_buffer;
  //section_buffer_size = 0;
  ** Loop on the parent bit map to find out the significant childs
  idx = 0;
  while ((idx < EXP_PARENT_BITMAP_BIT_SZ) && (pParent->parent_update_count != 0)) {
    if (idx % 8 == 0) {
      ** skip the entries that have not been modified
      idx = check_bytes_val(pParent->parent_bitmap, idx, EXP_PARENT_BITMAP_BIT_SZ, &loop_cnt, 0);
      if (idx < 0) break;
    chunk_u8_idx = idx / 8;
    bit_idx      = idx % 8;

    ** Current child is not dirty
    if ((pParent->parent_bitmap[chunk_u8_idx] & (1 << bit_idx)) == 0) {

    ** This child is dirty
    pChild = &(front_end_p->child[inactive_idx][idx]);
    /* Clear this child in the parent bitmap */	      
    pParent->parent_bitmap[chunk_u8_idx] &= ~(1 << bit_idx);	
    ** Let's add this section in the message
    pSection->u64 = 0;

    pSection->field.absolute_idx  = idx * EXP_CHILD_BITMAP_BYTE_SZ;
    pSection->field.byte_bitmap   = pChild->bitmap;

    ** Copy the valid bytes 
    int i;
    section_size = 0;
    char * pChar = (char *) (pSection+1);
    for (i=0; i < EXP_CHILD_BITMAP_BYTE_SZ; i++) {
      if (pChild->child_bitmap[i] !=0) {
        if ((pChar - gw_dirty_section_buffer) >= EXP_MAX_SECTION_BUFFER_SIZE) {
	  return exp_invalidate_too_big;
        *pChar++ = pChild->child_bitmap[i];
    pSection->field.section_size = section_size;

    gw_invalidate_sections_msg.section.section_len += (pChar-(char*)pSection);
    pSection = (rozofs_section_header_u *) pChar;
  ** Check that the message actualy contains some sections
  if ((char *)pSection == gw_dirty_section_buffer) {
    severe("srv %d parent_update_count %d inconsistent with parent_bitmap",srv_rank,pParent->parent_update_count);
    pParent->parent_update_count = 0;    
    return exp_invalidate_nothing;
  return exp_invalidate_ready;
void dirent_file_check(int dir_fd, mdirents_cache_entry_t *root_entry_p,
        int bucket_idx) {
    mdirents_cache_entry_t *cache_entry_p;
    //int hash_entry_idx = 0;
    //int cache_entry_tb_idx = 0;
    int coll_idx;
    int loop_cnt = 0;
    int next_coll_idx = 0;
    int bit_idx;
    int chunk_u8_idx;
    uint8_t *coll_bitmap_p;
    mdirent_sector0_not_aligned_t *sect0_p;

     ** set the different parameters
    //cache_entry_tb_idx = 0;
    //hash_entry_idx = 0;
    coll_idx = 0;
     ** get the pointer to the collision file bitmap
    sect0_p = DIRENT_VIRT_TO_PHY_OFF(root_entry_p,sect0_p)
    coll_bitmap_p = (uint8_t*) &sect0_p->coll_bitmap;
     ** case of the collision file, so need to go through the bitmap of the
     ** dirent root file

            bucket_idx, -1);
    cache_entry_p = NULL;
    while (coll_idx < MDIRENTS_MAX_COLLS_IDX) {
        chunk_u8_idx = coll_idx / 8;
        bit_idx = coll_idx % 8;
         ** there is no collision dirent entry or the collision dirent entry exist and is not full
        if ((coll_bitmap_p[chunk_u8_idx] & (1 << bit_idx)) != 0) {
             ** That entry is free, need to find out the next entry that is busy (0: busy, 1:free)
            if (coll_idx % 8 == 0) {
                next_coll_idx = check_bytes_val(coll_bitmap_p, coll_idx,
                        MDIRENTS_MAX_COLLS_IDX, &loop_cnt, 1);
                if (next_coll_idx < 0)
                 ** next  chunk
                if (next_coll_idx == coll_idx)
                    coll_idx = next_coll_idx;
             ** next chunk
            //hash_entry_idx = 0;
         ** one collision idx has been found
         ** need to get the entry associated with the collision index
        cache_entry_p = dirent_cache_get_collision_ptr(root_entry_p, coll_idx);
        if (cache_entry_p == NULL ) {
             ** something is rotten in the cache since the pointer to the collision dirent cache
             ** does not exist
//        DIRENT_SEVERE("dirent_file_repair no collision file for index %d error at %d\n",coll_idx,__LINE__);
             ** OK, do not break the analysis, skip that collision entry and try the next if any
                bucket_idx, coll_idx);


Beispiel #4
*  Insert a root dirent file reference in the cache
*  Note : the bitmap is aligned on a 8 byte boundary, so we can perform
  control by using a uint64_t

   @param cache : pointer to the main cache structure
   @param index : index of the root dirent file
   @param key   : pointer of the key of the write back buffer

   @retval !NULL -> success
   @retval NULL -> na available buffer .
mdirents_file_t *writebck_cache_bucket_get_entry(uint64_t *key_ext,uint16_t index)
   uint8_t *bitmap_p;
   writebck_cache_bucket_t *bucket_p;
   int coll_idx;
   int  next_coll_idx ;
   uint8_t  chunk_u8_idx ;
   int  bit_idx;
   int loop_cnt;

   if (writebck_cache_enable == 0) return NULL;

   uint16_t hash_bucket;
   writebck_cache_key_t *key = (writebck_cache_key_t*)key_ext;
   writebck_cache_main_t *cache =  &writebck_cache_level0;

   coll_idx = 0;
   next_coll_idx = 0 ;
   ** Get the index where application can get a write back buffer
   hash_bucket = (uint16_t)(index&WRITEBCK_BUCKET_DEPTH_MASK);
   bucket_p = &cache->htable[hash_bucket];

   ** set the pointer to the bucket and load up the pointer to the bitmap
   bitmap_p = bucket_p->bucket_free_bitmap;
   ** Check if the application request a free writeback buffer or need to get the one that
   ** has been previously returned
//   printf("root_idx %d timestamp %d local_id %d\n",index,key->timestamp,key->local_id);
   if (key->timestamp != 0)
     ** the application has to re-use the previously allocated writeback buffer
     ** Check if the application is still the owner
     if (bucket_p->entry[key->local_id].timestamp == key->timestamp)
       ** that's OK-> increment just the usage counter
       return &cache->mdirents_file_p[(hash_bucket*WRITEBCK_BUCKET_MAX_COLLISIONS) +key->local_id];
     ** unlucky, check if we can allocate another write back buffer

     if (coll_idx%8 == 0)
       ** skip the entries that are alreadt allocated
       next_coll_idx = check_bytes_val(bitmap_p,coll_idx,WRITEBCK_BUCKET_MAX_COLLISIONS,&loop_cnt,0);
       if (next_coll_idx < 0) break;
       coll_idx = next_coll_idx;
     ** check if the return bit is free
     chunk_u8_idx = coll_idx/8;
     bit_idx      = coll_idx%8;
     if ((bitmap_p[chunk_u8_idx] & (1<<bit_idx)) == 0)
       ** the entry is busy, check the next one
#if 1
     if (coll_idx > writebck_cache_max_level0_collisions)
       writebck_cache_max_level0_collisions = coll_idx;

     ** allocate the entry by clearing the associated bit
//     if (coll_idx > 32) printf("FDL_DEBUG coll_idx %d\n",coll_idx);
     **  OK we found one, check if the memory has been allocated to store the entry
     ** this will depend on the value of the coll_idx
//     printf("coll_idx %d\n",coll_idx);
     bucket_p->entry[coll_idx].timestamp += 1;
     if (bucket_p->entry[coll_idx].timestamp == 0) bucket_p->entry[coll_idx].timestamp = 1;
     key->timestamp = bucket_p->entry[coll_idx].timestamp;
     key->local_id  = coll_idx;
 //    printf("FDL_DEBUG allocated idx %d\n",coll_idx);
     ** OK, now insert the entry
     return &cache->mdirents_file_p[(hash_bucket*WRITEBCK_BUCKET_MAX_COLLISIONS) +key->local_id];   ;
   ** Out of entries-> need to go through LRU-> TODO
      int k;
      writebck_cache_bucket_entry_t *bucket_entry = bucket_p->entry;
      for(k = 0; k < WRITEBCK_BUCKET_MAX_COLLISIONS; k++,bucket_entry++)
        if (bucket_entry->counter!= 0) continue;
        printf("Free entry at idx %d\n",k);
        goto reloop;
   return NULL;