Beispiel #1
static int win_CompareString(lua_State *L)
	DWORD dwFlags = 0;
	size_t len1, len2;
	int result;
	const wchar_t *ws1  = check_utf8_string(L, 1, &len1);
	const wchar_t *ws2  = check_utf8_string(L, 2, &len2);
	const char *sLocale = luaL_optstring(L, 3, "");
	const char *sFlags  = luaL_optstring(L, 4, "");

	if(!strcmp(sLocale, "s")) Locale = LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT;
	else if(!strcmp(sLocale, "n")) Locale = LOCALE_NEUTRAL;

	if(strchr(sFlags, 'c')) dwFlags |= NORM_IGNORECASE;

	if(strchr(sFlags, 'k')) dwFlags |= NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE;

	if(strchr(sFlags, 'n')) dwFlags |= NORM_IGNORENONSPACE;

	if(strchr(sFlags, 's')) dwFlags |= NORM_IGNORESYMBOLS;

	if(strchr(sFlags, 'w')) dwFlags |= NORM_IGNOREWIDTH;

	if(strchr(sFlags, 'S')) dwFlags |= SORT_STRINGSORT;

	result = CompareStringW(Locale, dwFlags, ws1, (int)len1, ws2, (int)len2) - 2;
	(result == -2) ? lua_pushnil(L) : lua_pushinteger(L, result);
	return 1;
Beispiel #2
static int win_wcscmp(lua_State *L)
	const wchar_t *ws1  = check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL);
	const wchar_t *ws2  = check_utf8_string(L, 2, NULL);
	int insens = lua_toboolean(L, 3);
	lua_pushinteger(L, (insens ? _wcsicmp : wcscmp)(ws1, ws2));
	return 1;
Beispiel #3
int rx_find_match(lua_State *L, int op_find, int is_function, int is_wide)
  size_t len;
  FARAPIREGEXPCONTROL RegExpControl = GetRegExpControl(L);
  TFarRegex* fr;
  struct RegExpSearch data;
  memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));

  if (is_function) {
    if (is_wide)
      data.Text = check_utf16_string(L, 1, &len);
      data.Text = check_utf8_string(L, 1, &len);
    fr = push_far_regex(L, RegExpControl, check_regex_pattern(L, 2, 4));
    lua_replace(L, 2);
  else {
    fr = CheckFarRegex(L, 1);
    if (is_wide)
      data.Text = check_utf16_string(L, 2, &len);
      data.Text = check_utf8_string(L, 2, &len);

  data.Length = len;
  data.Position = luaL_optinteger(L, 3, 1);
  if (data.Position > 0 && --data.Position > data.Length)
    data.Position = data.Length;
  if (data.Position < 0 && (data.Position += data.Length) < 0)
    data.Position = 0;

  data.Count = RegExpControl(fr->hnd, RECTL_BRACKETSCOUNT, 0, 0);
  data.Match = (struct RegExpMatch*)lua_newuserdata(L, data.Count*sizeof(struct RegExpMatch));
  if (RegExpControl(fr->hnd, RECTL_SEARCHEX, 0, &data)) {
    int i, skip;
    if (op_find) {
      lua_pushinteger(L, data.Match[0].start+1);
      lua_pushinteger(L, data.Match[0].end);
    skip = (op_find || data.Count>1) ? 1 : 0;
    for(i=skip; i<data.Count; i++) {
      if (data.Match[i].start >= 0) {
        if (is_wide)
          push_utf16_string(L, data.Text+data.Match[i].start, data.Match[i].end-data.Match[i].start);
          push_utf8_string(L, data.Text+data.Match[i].start, data.Match[i].end-data.Match[i].start);
        lua_pushboolean(L, 0);
    return (op_find ? 2:0) + (int)data.Count - skip;
  return lua_pushnil(L), 1;
Beispiel #4
// SetRegKey (Root, Key, ValueName, DataType, ValueData [, samDesired])
//   Root:       root, [string], one of "HKLM", "HKCC", "HKCR", "HKCU", "HKU"
//   Key:        registry key, [string]
//   ValueName:  registry value name, [string]
//   DataType:   "string","expandstring","multistring","dword" or "binary", [string]
//   ValueData:  registry value data, [string | number | lstring]
//   samDesired: access mask, [flag] ("KEY_WOW64_32KEY" or "KEY_WOW64_64KEY"; the default is 0)
// Returns:
//   nothing.
static int win_SetRegKey(lua_State *L)
	HKEY hRoot           = CheckHKey(L, 1);
	wchar_t* Key         = (wchar_t*)check_utf8_string(L, 2, NULL);
	wchar_t* ValueName   = (wchar_t*)check_utf8_string(L, 3, NULL);
	const char* DataType = luaL_checkstring(L, 4);
	REGSAM samDesired    = (REGSAM) OptFlags(L, 6, 0);
	size_t len;
	BOOL result = FALSE;

	if(!strcmp("string", DataType))
		result=SetRegKeyStr(hRoot, Key, ValueName, (wchar_t*)check_utf8_string(L, 5, NULL), samDesired);
	else if(!strcmp("dword", DataType))
		result=SetRegKeyDword(hRoot, Key, ValueName, (DWORD)luaL_checkinteger(L, 5), samDesired);
	else if(!strcmp("binary", DataType))
		BYTE *data = (BYTE*)luaL_checklstring(L, 5, &len);
		result=SetRegKeyArr(hRoot, Key, ValueName, data, (DWORD)len, samDesired);
	else if(!strcmp("expandstring", DataType))
		const wchar_t* data = check_utf8_string(L, 5, &len);
		HKEY hKey = CreateRegKey(hRoot, Key, samDesired);
		if (hKey)
			result = (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegSetValueExW(hKey, ValueName, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (BYTE*)data,
	else if(!strcmp("multistring", DataType))
		const wchar_t* data = check_utf8_string(L, 5, &len);
		HKEY hKey = CreateRegKey(hRoot, Key, samDesired);
		if (hKey)
			result = (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegSetValueExW(hKey, ValueName, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, (BYTE*)data,
		luaL_argerror(L, 5, "unsupported value type");

	lua_pushboolean(L, result==FALSE ? 0:1);
	return 1;
Beispiel #5
static int win_CopyFile(lua_State *L)
	const wchar_t* src = check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL);
	const wchar_t* trg = check_utf8_string(L, 2, NULL);
	BOOL fail_if_exists = FALSE; // default = overwrite the target

	if(lua_gettop(L) > 2)
		fail_if_exists = lua_toboolean(L,3);

	if(CopyFileW(src, trg, fail_if_exists))
		return lua_pushboolean(L, 1), 1;

	return SysErrorReturn(L);
Beispiel #6
static int g_iofile(lua_State *L, int f, const wchar_t *mode)
    if(!lua_isnoneornil(L, 1))
        const wchar_t *filename = lua_tostring(L, 1) ?
                                  check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL) : NULL;

            FILE **pf = newfile(L);
            *pf = _wfopen(filename, mode);

            if(*pf == NULL)
                fileerror(L, 1, filename);
            tofile(L);  /* check that it's a valid file handle */
            lua_pushvalue(L, 1);

        lua_rawseti(L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX, f);

    /* return current value */
    lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX, f);
    return 1;
Beispiel #7
static int win_RemoveDir(lua_State *L)
	if(RemoveDirectoryW(check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL)))
		return lua_pushboolean(L, 1), 1;

	return SysErrorReturn(L);
Beispiel #8
static int win_CreateDir(lua_State *L)
	BOOL result, opt_tolerant, opt_original;
	const wchar_t* path = check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL);
	const char* flags = "";

	if (lua_type(L,2) == LUA_TSTRING)
		flags = lua_tostring(L,2);
	else if (lua_toboolean(L,2))
		flags = "t";

	opt_tolerant = strchr(flags,'t') != NULL;
	opt_original = strchr(flags,'o') != NULL;

		if (opt_tolerant) return lua_pushboolean(L,1), 1;

		return lua_pushnil(L), lua_pushliteral(L, "directory already exists"), 2;

	result = opt_original ? CreateDirectoryW(path,NULL) : mkdir(path);
		return lua_pushboolean(L, 1), 1;

	return SysErrorReturn(L);
Beispiel #9
static int win_DeleteFile(lua_State *L)
	if(DeleteFileW(check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL)))
		return lua_pushboolean(L, 1), 1;

	return SysErrorReturn(L);
Beispiel #10
int ustring_Utf8ToOem(lua_State *L)
	size_t len;
	const wchar_t* buf = check_utf8_string(L, 1, &len);
	push_oem_string(L, buf, len);
	return 1;
Beispiel #11
static int win_SetEnv(lua_State *L)
	const wchar_t* name = check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL);
	const wchar_t* value = opt_utf8_string(L, 2, NULL);
	BOOL res = SetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value);
	return lua_pushboolean(L, res), 1;
Beispiel #12
int ustring_Utf8ToUtf16(lua_State *L)
	size_t len;
	const wchar_t *ws = check_utf8_string(L, 1, &len);
	lua_pushlstring(L, (const char*) ws, len*sizeof(wchar_t));
	return 1;
Beispiel #13
int ustring_SearchPath(lua_State *L)
	const wchar_t* lpPath = opt_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL);
	const wchar_t* lpFileName = check_utf8_string(L, 2, NULL);
	const wchar_t* lpExtension = opt_utf8_string(L, 3, NULL);
	wchar_t buf[2048];
	wchar_t* lpFilePart;
	DWORD result = SearchPathW(
	                   lpPath,         // address of search path
	                   lpFileName,	    // address of filename
	                   lpExtension,	  // address of extension
	                   sizeof(buf)/sizeof(wchar_t),	  // size, in characters, of buffer
	                   buf,	          // address of buffer for found filename
	                   &lpFilePart 	  // address of pointer to file component

	if(result > 0)
		push_utf8_string(L, buf, -1);
		push_utf8_string(L, lpFilePart, -1);
		return 2;

	return 0;
Beispiel #14
** this function has a separated environment, which defines the
** correct __close for 'popen' files
static int io_popen(lua_State *L)
    const wchar_t *filename = check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL);
    const wchar_t *mode = opt_utf8_string(L, 2, L"r");
    FILE **pf = newfile(L);
    *pf = lua_popen(L, filename, mode);
    return (*pf == NULL) ? pushresult(L, 0, filename) : 1;
Beispiel #15
static int ustring_OutputDebugString(lua_State *L)
	if (lua_isstring(L, 1))
		OutputDebugStringW(check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL));
		lua_settop(L, 1);
		lua_getglobal(L, "tostring");
		if (lua_isfunction(L, -1))
			lua_pushvalue(L,  1);
			if (0==lua_pcall(L, 1, 1, 0) && lua_isstring(L, -1))
				OutputDebugStringW(check_utf8_string(L, -1, NULL));
	return 0;
Beispiel #16
int ustring_GetFileAttr(lua_State *L)
	DWORD attr = GetFileAttributesW(check_utf8_string(L,1,NULL));

	if(attr == 0xFFFFFFFF) lua_pushnil(L);
	else PushAttrString(L, attr);

	return 1;
Beispiel #17
int ustring_GetFileAttr(lua_State *L)
	DWORD attr = GetFileAttributesW(check_utf8_string(L,1,NULL));

	if(attr == 0xFFFFFFFF) return SysErrorReturn(L);

	PushAttrString(L, attr);
	return 1;
Beispiel #18
static int win_MoveFile(lua_State *L)
	const wchar_t* src = check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL);
	const wchar_t* trg = check_utf8_string(L, 2, NULL);
	const char* sFlags = luaL_optstring(L, 3, NULL);
	int flags = 0;

		if(strchr(sFlags, 'c')) flags |= MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED;
		else if(strchr(sFlags, 'd')) flags |= MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT;
		else if(strchr(sFlags, 'r')) flags |= MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING;
		else if(strchr(sFlags, 'w')) flags |= MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH;

	if(MoveFileExW(src, trg, flags))
		return lua_pushboolean(L, 1), 1;

	return SysErrorReturn(L);
Beispiel #19
static int ll_searchpath (lua_State *L) {
  const wchar_t *f = searchpath(L, luaL_checkstring(L, 1),
                                   check_utf8_string(L, 2, NULL),
                                   opt_utf8_string(L, 3, L"."),
                                   opt_utf8_string(L, 4, LUA_DIRSEP));
  if (f != NULL) return 1;
  else {  /* error message is on top of the stack */
    lua_insert(L, -2);
    return 2;  /* return nil + error message */
Beispiel #20
static int ll_loadlib (lua_State *L) {
  const wchar_t *path = check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL);
  const char *init = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
  int stat = ll_loadfunc(L, path, init);
  if (stat == 0)  /* no errors? */
    return 1;  /* return the loaded function */
  else {  /* error; error message is on stack top */
    lua_insert(L, -2);
    lua_pushstring(L, (stat == ERRLIB) ?  LIB_FAIL : "init");
    return 3;  /* return nil, error message, and where */
Beispiel #21
const wchar_t* check_regex_pattern (lua_State *L, int pos_pat, int pos_cflags)
  const char* pat = luaL_checkstring(L, pos_pat);
  if (*pat != '/') {
    const char* cflags = pos_cflags ? luaL_optstring(L, pos_cflags, NULL) : NULL;
    lua_pushliteral(L, "/");
    lua_pushvalue(L, pos_pat);
    lua_pushliteral(L, "/");
    if (cflags) lua_pushvalue(L, pos_cflags);
    lua_concat(L, 3 + (cflags?1:0));
    lua_replace(L, pos_pat);
  return check_utf8_string(L, pos_pat, NULL);
Beispiel #22
// Result = DeleteRegValue (Root, Key, ValueName [, samDesired])
//   Root:      [string], one of "HKLM", "HKCC", "HKCR", "HKCU", "HKU"
//   Key:       registry key, [string]
//   ValueName: value name, [optional string]
//   samDesired: access mask, [flag] ("KEY_WOW64_32KEY" or "KEY_WOW64_64KEY"; the default is 0)
// Returns:
//   Result:    TRUE if success, FALSE if failure, [boolean]
static int win_DeleteRegValue(lua_State *L)
	HKEY hKey;
	HKEY hRoot = CheckHKey(L, 1);
	const wchar_t* Key = check_utf8_string(L, 2, NULL);
	const wchar_t* Name = opt_utf8_string(L, 3, NULL);
	REGSAM samDesired = (REGSAM) OptFlags(L, 4, 0) | KEY_SET_VALUE;
	int res = 0;
	if (RegOpenKeyExW(hRoot, Key, 0, samDesired, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
		res = (RegDeleteValueW(hKey, Name) == ERROR_SUCCESS);
	lua_pushboolean(L, res);
	return 1;
Beispiel #23
static int win_GetFileInfo(lua_State *L)
	const wchar_t *fname = check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL);
	HANDLE h = FindFirstFileW(fname, &fd);

		return SysErrorReturn(L);
		PushWinFindData(L, &fd);

	return 1;
Beispiel #24
static int win_ShellExecute(lua_State *L)
	HWND hwnd = lua_isuserdata(L, 1) ? lua_touserdata(L, 1) : NULL;
	const wchar_t* lpOperation = opt_utf8_string(L, 2, NULL);
	const wchar_t* lpFile = check_utf8_string(L, 3, NULL);
	const wchar_t* lpParameters = opt_utf8_string(L, 4, NULL);
	const wchar_t* lpDirectory = opt_utf8_string(L, 5, NULL);
	INT nShowCmd = (INT)luaL_optinteger(L, 6, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
	HINSTANCE hinst = ShellExecuteW(
	                      hwnd,           // handle to parent window
	                      lpOperation,    // pointer to string that specifies operation to perform
	                      lpFile,         // pointer to filename or folder name string
	                      lpParameters,   // pointer to string that specifies executable-file parameters
	                      lpDirectory,    // pointer to string that specifies default directory
	                      nShowCmd        // whether file is shown when opened
	lua_pushinteger(L, (INT_PTR)hinst);
	return 1;
Beispiel #25
int _Gmatch(lua_State *L, int is_wide)
  size_t len;
  const wchar_t* Text = is_wide ? check_utf16_string(L, 1, &len) : check_utf8_string(L, 1, &len);
  const wchar_t* pat = check_regex_pattern(L, 2, 3);
  FARAPIREGEXPCONTROL RegExpControl = GetRegExpControl(L);
  TFarRegex* fr = push_far_regex(L, RegExpControl, pat); // upvalue 1
  struct RegExpSearch* pData = (struct RegExpSearch*)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct RegExpSearch)); // upvalue 2
  memset(pData, 0, sizeof(struct RegExpSearch));
  pData->Text = Text;
  pData->Position = 0;
  pData->Length = len;
  pData->Count = RegExpControl(fr->hnd, RECTL_BRACKETSCOUNT, 0, 0);
  /* upvalues 3 and 4 must be kept to prevent values from being garbage-collected */
  pData->Match = (struct RegExpMatch*)lua_newuserdata(L, pData->Count*sizeof(struct RegExpMatch)); // upvalue 3
  pData->Match[0].end = -1;
  lua_pushvalue(L, 1); // upvalue 4
  lua_pushcclosure(L, is_wide ? regex_gmatch_closureW : regex_gmatch_closure, 4);
  return 1;
Beispiel #26
// Result = DeleteRegKey (Root, Key [, samDesired])
//   Root:       [string], one of "HKLM", "HKCC", "HKCR", "HKCU", "HKU"
//   Key:        registry key, [string]
//   samDesired: access mask, [flag] ("KEY_WOW64_32KEY" or "KEY_WOW64_64KEY"; the default is 0)
// Returns:
//   Result:     TRUE if success, FALSE if failure, [boolean]
static int win_DeleteRegKey(lua_State *L)
	long res;
	HKEY hRoot = CheckHKey(L, 1);
	const wchar_t* Key = check_utf8_string(L, 2, NULL);
	REGSAM samDesired = (REGSAM) OptFlags(L, 3, 0);

	FARPROC ProcAddr;
	HMODULE module = GetModuleHandleW(L"Advapi32.dll");
	if (module && (ProcAddr = GetProcAddress(module, "RegDeleteKeyExW")) != NULL)
		res = ((pRegDeleteKeyEx)ProcAddr)(hRoot, Key, samDesired, 0);
		res = RegDeleteKeyW(hRoot, Key);
	return lua_pushboolean(L, res==ERROR_SUCCESS), 1;
Beispiel #27
// os.getenv does not always work correctly, hence the following.
static int win_GetEnv(lua_State *L)
	const wchar_t* name = check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL);
	wchar_t buf[256];
	DWORD res = GetEnvironmentVariableW(name, buf, ARRSIZE(buf));
		if(res < ARRSIZE(buf))
			push_utf8_string(L, buf, -1);
			DWORD size = res + 1;
			wchar_t *p = (wchar_t*)lua_newuserdata(L, size * sizeof(wchar_t));
			res = GetEnvironmentVariableW(name, p, size);
			if(res > 0 && res < size)
				push_utf8_string(L, p, -1);
	return 1;
Beispiel #28
static int io_lines(lua_State *L)
    if(lua_isnoneornil(L, 1))     /* no arguments? */
        /* will iterate over default input */
        lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX, IO_INPUT);
        return f_lines(L);
        const wchar_t *filename = check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL);
        FILE **pf = newfile(L);
        *pf = _wfopen(filename, L"r");

        if(*pf == NULL)
            fileerror(L, 1, filename);

        aux_lines(L, lua_gettop(L), 1);
        return 1;
Beispiel #29
static int io_open(lua_State *L)
    const wchar_t *filename = check_utf8_string(L, 1, NULL);
    const wchar_t *mode = opt_utf8_string(L, 2, L"r");
    FILE **pf = newfile(L);
    int i = 0;

    /* check whether 'mode' matches '[rwa]%+?b?' */
    if(!(mode[i] != L'\0' && wcschr(L"rwa", mode[i++]) != NULL &&
            (mode[i] != L'+' || ++i) &&  /* skip if char is '+' */
            (mode[i] != L'b' || ++i) &&  /* skip if char is 'b' */
            (mode[i] == L'\0')))
        push_utf8_string(L, mode, -1);
        return luaL_error(L, "invalid mode " LUA_QS
                          " (should match " LUA_QL("[rwa]%%+?b?") ")", lua_tostring(L, -1));

    *pf = _wfopen(filename, mode);
    return (*pf == NULL) ? pushresult(L, 0, filename) : 1;
Beispiel #30
// Result = EnumRegValue (Root, Key, Index [, samDesired])
//   Root:      [string], one of "HKLM", "HKCC", "HKCR", "HKCU", "HKU"
//   Key:       registry key, [string]
//   Index:     integer
//   samDesired: access mask, [flag] ("KEY_WOW64_32KEY" or "KEY_WOW64_64KEY"; the default is 0)
// Returns:
//   Result:    string or nil
static int win_EnumRegValue(lua_State *L)
	HKEY hKey;
	LONG ret;
	HKEY hRoot = CheckHKey(L, 1);
	wchar_t* Key = (wchar_t*)check_utf8_string(L, 2, NULL);
	DWORD dwIndex = (DWORD)luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
	REGSAM samDesired = (REGSAM) OptFlags(L, 4, 0) | KEY_QUERY_VALUE;
	wchar_t Name[512];
	DWORD NameSize = ARRSIZE(Name);
	DWORD Type;

	if(RegOpenKeyExW(hRoot, Key, 0, samDesired, &hKey)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)
		lua_pushstring(L, "RegOpenKeyExW failed.");
		return 2;

	ret = RegEnumValue(
    hKey,             // handle of key to query
    dwIndex,          // index of value to query
    Name,             // address of buffer for value string
    &NameSize,        // address for size of value buffer
    NULL,             // reserved
    &Type,            // address of buffer for type code
    NULL,             // address of buffer for value data
    NULL              // address for size of data buffer


	if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS)
		push_utf8_string(L, Name, NameSize);

	return 1;