Beispiel #1
static t_opt	*check(int *val, char **name_team)
  t_opt		*opt;
  int		i;

  i = 0;
  opt = xmalloc(sizeof(t_opt));
  opt->port = val[0];
  if (check_val(opt->port) == 0)
      printf("the port cannot be null\n");
  opt->nb_player = xmalloc((strlen_tab(name_team) + 1) * sizeof(int));
  while (i < strlen_tab(name_team))
      opt->nb_player[i] = (check_val(val[3]) == 1) ? val[3] : 4;
  opt->x_world = (check_val(val[1]) == 1) ? val[1] : 50;
  opt->y_world = (check_val(val[2]) == 1) ? val[2] : 50;
  opt->time_world = val[4];
  if (check_val(opt->time_world) == 0)
    opt->time_world = 100;
  opt->name_team = name_team;
  return (opt);
Beispiel #2
int dram_check()
    volatile uint32 *p;
    val_t val;

    puts("DRAM checking...\n");

    for (p = (uint32 *)DRAM_START; p < (uint32 *)DRAM_END; p++) {
        /*    putxval((unsigned long)p, 8);*/

        val.u.val32[0] = (uint32)p;
        if (check_val((val_t *)p, &val) < 0)
            goto err;

        val.u.val32[0] = 0;
        if (check_val((val_t *)p, &val) < 0)
            goto err;

        val.u.val32[0] = 0xffffffffUL;
        if (check_val((val_t *)p, &val) < 0)
            goto err;

    puts("\nall check OK.\n");
    return 0;

    puts("\nERROR: ");
    putxval((unsigned long)*p, 8);
    return -1;
void do_check(double i)
    std::cout << "Checking type double with value " << i << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Checking type float with value " << i << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Checking type long double with value " << i << std::endl;
    check_val(static_cast<long double>(i));
Beispiel #4
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	std::vector<unsigned int> vinput;

	size_t volume(0);
	if(vinput.empty() || vinput.size() == 1)
		// volume = 0
		return 0;

	size_t vis = vinput.size();
	size_t idxfwd(0), idxbwd(vis - 1);

	std::vector<unsigned int> output;
	output.resize(vis, UINT_MAX); // initial value for array

	unsigned int mvalfwd = vinput[idxfwd];
	unsigned int mvalbwd = vinput[idxbwd];

	unsigned s;

		// check forward iterators
		s = check_val(output[idxfwd], vinput[idxfwd], mvalfwd);
		if(UINT_MAX != output[idxfwd]) // check with initial value!
			volume += std::min(s, output[idxfwd]);
		output[idxfwd] = s;

		// check backward iterator
		s = check_val(output[idxbwd], vinput[idxbwd], mvalbwd);
		if(UINT_MAX != output[idxbwd]) // check with initial value!
			volume += std::min(s, output[idxbwd]);
		output[idxbwd] = s;

	// volume = sum of all elements in output
	// volume contain value already!
	return 0;
Beispiel #5
// set global configuration to defaults
u8 config_global_set_default(void) {
    u8 cc = 0;	// calibrate changed

    cg.magic_global	= CONFIG_GLOBAL_MAGIC;
    cg.magic_model	= CONFIG_MODEL_MAGIC;
    cg.model		= 0;
    cg.steering_dead_zone = 2;
    cg.throttle_dead_zone = 2;
    cg.backlight_time	= 30;
    cg.battery_calib	= 672;
    cg.battery_low	= 92;		// 9.2 V
    cg.endpoint_max	= 120;
    cg.long_press_delay	= 1000 / 5;	// 1sec
    cg.inactivity_alarm	= 0;
    cg.key_beep		= 1;

    // set calibrate values only when they are out of limits
    cc |= check_val(&cg.calib_steering_left, 0, CALIB_ST_LOW_MID, 0);
    cc |= check_val(&cg.calib_steering_mid, CALIB_ST_LOW_MID, CALIB_ST_MID_HIGH, 512);
    cc |= check_val(&cg.calib_steering_right, CALIB_ST_MID_HIGH, 1023, 1023);
    cc |= check_val(&cg.calib_throttle_fwd, 0, CALIB_TH_LOW_MID, 0);
    cc |= check_val(&cg.calib_throttle_mid, CALIB_TH_LOW_MID, CALIB_TH_MID_HIGH, 600);
    cc |= check_val(&cg.calib_throttle_bck, CALIB_TH_MID_HIGH, 1023, 1023);
    return cc;
Beispiel #6
unsigned int validate_fw(pState state){
	if (state == NULL){
		return 1;
	int MagicPageSize = 4096;
	unsigned char *magicpage = (unsigned char *)0x4347C000;
	unsigned int tempval = 0;
	for (unsigned short i=0;i<MagicPageSize;++i){
		tempval = (tempval + ( magicpage[i] * (i+1))) ;	
	return tempval;		
	return check_val(magicpage,MagicPageSize);
Beispiel #7
gboolean try_change_val(IMAGE *ima, gchar **newval){
	int type;
	GtkTreeIter cur_items;
	gboolean ret;
	GtkTreeModel *model;
	if(!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected(sel,&model, &cur_items)) return FALSE;
	gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(ima->store), &cur_items, L_TYPE, &type, -1);
	ret = check_val(newval, type);
	gtk_list_store_set(ima->store, &cur_items, L_VAL, *newval, -1);
	return ret;
Beispiel #8
// set global configuration to defaults
u8 config_global_set_default(void) {
    u8 cc = 0;	// calibrate changed

    cg.magic_global	= CONFIG_GLOBAL_MAGIC;
    cg.magic_model	= CONFIG_MODEL_MAGIC;
    cg.model		= 0;

    cg.steering_dead_zone = 2;
    cg.throttle_dead_zone = 2;
    cg.adc_ovs_last	= 0;		// use oversampled value in CALC

    cg.backlight_time	= 30;
    cg.battery_calib	= 672;
    cg.battery_low	= 92;		// 9.2 V
    cg.endpoint_max	= 120;
    cg.long_press_delay	= 1000 / 5;	// 1sec
    cg.inactivity_alarm	= 0;
    cg.key_beep		= 1;
    cg.reset_beep	= 1;
    cg.poweron_beep	= 1;
    cg.poweron_warn	= 0;
    cg.rotate_reverse	= 0;		// not-reversed

    cg.timer1_type	= 0;		// OFF
    cg.timer2_type	= 0;
    cg.timer1_alarm	= 0;		// OFF
    cg.timer2_alarm	= 0;

    cg.ppm_sync_frame	= 0;		// to constant SYNC length
    cg.ppm_length	= 1;		// 4ms constant SYNC length

    cg.unused1		= 0;
    cg.unused2		= 0;
    cg.unused3		= 0;
    cg.unused4		= 0;
    cg.unused5		= 0;

    // set calibrate values only when they are out of limits
    cc |= check_val(&cg.calib_steering_left, 0, CALIB_ST_LOW_MID, 0);
    cc |= check_val(&cg.calib_steering_mid, CALIB_ST_LOW_MID, CALIB_ST_MID_HIGH, 512);
    cc |= check_val(&cg.calib_steering_right, CALIB_ST_MID_HIGH, 1023, 1023);
    cc |= check_val(&cg.calib_throttle_fwd, 0, CALIB_TH_LOW_MID, 0);
    cc |= check_val(&cg.calib_throttle_mid, CALIB_TH_LOW_MID, CALIB_TH_MID_HIGH, 600);
    cc |= check_val(&cg.calib_throttle_bck, CALIB_TH_MID_HIGH, 1023, 1023);
    return cc;
int assign_val(){
	char card_name[3];
	int count = 0;
	while(card_name[0] != 'X'){
		puts("Enter the card_name: ");
		scanf("%2s", card_name);
		int val;

			case 'K':
			case 'Q':
			case 'J':
			case 'A':
				val =11;
			case 'X':

				val = atoi(card_name);
				if((val<1) || (val>10)){



do_time_val(const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t nloop,
            const bool check)
    typedef Kokkos::View<double**, ViewArgs...> ViewTypeA;
    typedef Kokkos::View<double*,  ViewArgs...> ViewTypeB;
    typedef Kokkos::View<double*,  ViewArgs...> ViewTypeC;
    typedef typename ViewTypeA::execution_space execution_space;

    ViewTypeA A("A",m,n);
    ViewTypeB b("B",n);
    ViewTypeC c("c",m);

    Kokkos::deep_copy(A, 1.0);
    Kokkos::deep_copy(b, 1.0);

    Kokkos::Impl::Timer wall_clock;
    Perf perf;

    // Execute the kernel once to warm up
    run_mat_vec( A, b, c );

    for (size_t l=0; l<nloop; l++) {
        run_mat_vec( A, b, c );

    perf.time = wall_clock.seconds() / nloop;
    perf.flops = m*n*2;
    perf.throughput = perf.flops / perf.time / 1.0e9;

    if (check)

    return perf;
Beispiel #11
// Training example as a ranker
void BBTreeTrain::push(BBNode *node) {
  //double importance = 10 * std::exp(-(node->depth() - 1) / (BBNode::numIntVars * 0.6) * 2.3);
  double importance = 5 * std::exp(-(node->depth() - 1) / (BBNode::numIntVars * 0.6) * 1.61);
  //double importance = 1;
  if (node->isInclOptSol()) {
    // Pushing an optimal node, it should be better than any suboptimal node on the queue
    assert(optNode_ == NULL && "Pushing an opt node and opt node is not null.");
    for (std::vector<BBNode *>::iterator it = nodes_.begin(); it != nodes_.end(); ++it) {
      check_val(!((*it)->isInclOptSol()), "ERROR: opt node is on the queue.");
      writeExample(node, *it, 1, importance);
    optNode_ = node;
  } else if (optNode_) {
    // Pushing a suboptimal node and there is an optimal node on the queue, should be worse than it 
    writeExample(optNode_, node, 1, importance);
    //debug("is not opt");


  log_info("Pushing node %d", node->id());
  push_heap(nodes_.begin(), nodes_.end(), compare_);
Beispiel #12
int get_command(pState state){
	//magic len command subcommand data checkval
	//message is len + 8 (2 magic, 2 len, 4 checkval)
	//magic = 0xa55a, short len, short command, var subcommand, var data, int checkval

	// unsigned char *buf = malloc(MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+8);
	unsigned char buf[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+8];	
	unsigned int checkval = 0;
	unsigned int calc_checkval = 0;
	unsigned short magic = 0;
	unsigned short len = 0;
	unsigned short command = 0xaa;
	unsigned short subcommand = 0xffff;
	unsigned short sensorID = 0xffff;
	unsigned int sensor_address = 0xffff;
	unsigned int coefficient = 0xffff;
	unsigned short temp = 0xffff;
	unsigned short numSteps = 0xffff;
	unsigned short *tempP = NULL;
	unsigned short seconds = 0;
	pStep steps = NULL;
	int ret = -1;
	unsigned int fw = 0;

	//get magic
	get_bytes(buf ,2);
	magic = get_short(buf);
	if (magic != MAGIC){
		return 1;

	//get len
	len = get_short(buf+2);
	//check len
	if (len > MAX_MESSAGE_LEN){
		return 1;

	//get the rest of message except checkval
	get_bytes(buf+4, len);
	//get checkval
	checkval = get_int(buf+len);
	//compare to calculated from message
	calc_checkval = check_val( buf, len);
	if (  checkval != calc_checkval  ){
		//bad check_val
		return 1;

	//get command
	command = get_short(buf+4);
	switch (command) {
		case 1:{ //set power state
			subcommand = get_short(buf+6);
			if (subcommand == 0x0000){
			if (subcommand == 0x0001){
			if (subcommand > 0x0001){
				//bad subcommand

			send(buf, 12);

		case 2:{//set temp
			temp = get_short(buf+6);
			if (set_temp(state,temp) == 2){
				buf[6] = 1;
			send(buf, 12);

		case 3:{ //add sensor
			sensorID = get_short(buf+6);
			sensor_address = get_int(buf+8);
			coefficient = get_int(buf+12);
			unsigned int sensorTemp = get_int(buf+16);
			//check count < 10 buf[6] = 0x08, sensor_ID is unique/not in use buf[6] = 0x07, 
			ret = add_sensor(state, sensorID, sensor_address, coefficient, sensorTemp);
			if (ret == 2){buf[6]=0x07;}
			if (ret == 3){buf[6]=0x08;}
			send(buf, 12);

		case 4:{ //remove sensor
			sensorID = get_short(buf+6);
			ret = remove_sensor(state,sensorID);
			if (ret == 1){buf[6]=0x06;}
			send(buf, 12);

		case 5:{ //set smoke sensor
			subcommand = get_short(buf+6);
			if (subcommand == 0x0000){
			if (subcommand == 0x0001){
			if (subcommand > 0x0001){
				//bad subcommand
				//no response
			send(buf, 12);

		case 6:{ //set program
			numSteps = get_short(buf+6);
			steps =  (pStep)(buf+8) ;
			ret = add_steps(state,numSteps,steps);
			if (ret == 3){buf[6]=3;}
			if (ret == 2){buf[6]=2;}
			if (ret == 1){buf[6]=1;}
			send(buf, 12);

		case 7:{//get program
			unsigned int lenz = 0;
			unsigned int program[30];
			get_program(state, &lenz, program);
			lenz = lenz*3*sizeof(int);
			send(buf,lenz + 12);

		case 8:{//get status
			unsigned int status[6];
			int len = 24;
			ret = get_status(state,status);

		case 9:{//simulate seconds
			seconds = get_short(buf+6);
			unsigned int bufsize = 12;
			unsigned int histSize = 0;
			ret = simulate_seconds(state, seconds);
			unsigned int currentTime = state->currentTime;
			unsigned int setTemp = state->setTemp;
			if (ret == 0 ){
				buf[6] = 9;
				cgc_memcpy(buf+8, &currentTime ,sizeof(int));
			if(ret == 2){
				buf[4] = 1;
				buf[6] = 0xc;
				histSize = state->historyPosition*sizeof(int);
				unsigned int *pHistoryList = state->history;
				unsigned int historyListSize = state->historyPosition;
				unsigned int ambientTemp = state->ambientTemp;
				if (historyListSize > 0){
					cgc_memcpy(buf+8, &historyListSize, sizeof(historyListSize));
					cgc_memcpy(buf+12, pHistoryList, histSize);
					bufsize = histSize + 12;
				cgc_memcpy(buf+bufsize, &ambientTemp, sizeof(unsigned int));
				cgc_memcpy(buf+bufsize, &setTemp, sizeof(unsigned int));
				send(buf, bufsize);


		case 0xa:{ //validate firmware
			unsigned int fw = validate_fw(state);
			cgc_memcpy(buf+12, &fw,sizeof(int) );
			send(buf, 16);
		case 0xb:{//cgc_read sensor list
			int len = 0;
			len = state->sensorCount * (sizeof(int)*4);
			//buff is filled with sensor bytes
			unsigned int sensorList[40*sizeof(int)];
			send(buf, len+12);
		case 0xc:{//set ambient temp
			int ambientTemp = get_signed_int(buf+6);
			if (set_ambient_temp(state,ambientTemp) == 2){
				buf[6] = 1;
			send(buf, 12);

		case 0xff:{


			//bad command

	// free(buf);
	return 0;
Beispiel #13
/* loads data from the db */
table_entry_t* load_info(db_func_t *dr_dbf, db_con_t* db_hdl, str *db_table)
	int int_vals[7];
	char *str_vals[2];
	int no_of_results;
	int i, n;
	int no_rows = 5;
	int db_cols = 10;
	unsigned long last_attempt;
	static db_key_t clusterer_machine_id_key = &machine_id_col;
	static db_val_t clusterer_machine_id_value = {
		.type = DB_INT,
		.nul = 0,

	VAL_INT(&clusterer_machine_id_value) = server_id;

	/* the columns from the db table */
	db_key_t columns[10];
	/* result from a db query */
	db_res_t* res;
	/* a row from the db table */
	db_row_t* row;
	/* the processed result */
	table_entry_t *data;

	res = 0;
	data = 0;

	columns[0] = &cluster_id_col;
	columns[1] = &machine_id_col;
	columns[2] = &state_col;
	columns[3] = &description_col;
	columns[4] = &url_col;
	columns[5] = &id_col;
	columns[6] = &last_attempt_col;
	columns[7] = &failed_attempts_col;
	columns[8] = &no_tries_col;
	columns[9] = &duration_col;


	/* checking if the table version is up to date*/
	if (db_check_table_version(dr_dbf, db_hdl, db_table, 1/*version*/) != 0)
		goto error;

	/* read data */
	if (dr_dbf->use_table(db_hdl, db_table) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("cannot select table \"%.*s\"\n", db_table->len, db_table->s);
		goto error;

	LM_DBG("DB query - retrieve the clusters list"
		"in which the specified server runs\n");

	/* first we see in which clusters the specified server runs*/
	if (dr_dbf->query(db_hdl, &clusterer_machine_id_key, &op_eq,
		&clusterer_machine_id_value, columns, 1, 1, 0, &res) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("DB query failed - cannot retrieve the clusters list in which"
			" the specified server runs\n");
		goto error;

	LM_DBG("%d rows found in %.*s\n",
		RES_ROW_N(res), db_table->len, db_table->s);

	if (RES_ROW_N(res) == 0) {
		LM_WARN("No machines found in cluster %d\n", server_id);
		return 0;

	clusterer_cluster_id_key = pkg_realloc(clusterer_cluster_id_key,
		RES_ROW_N(res) * sizeof(db_key_t));
	if (!clusterer_cluster_id_key) {
		LM_ERR("no more pkg memory\n");
		goto error;

	for (i = 0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++)
		clusterer_cluster_id_key[i] = &cluster_id_col;

	clusterer_cluster_id_value = pkg_realloc(clusterer_cluster_id_value,
		RES_ROW_N(res) * sizeof(db_val_t));

	if (!clusterer_cluster_id_value) {
		LM_ERR("no more pkg memory\n");
		goto error;

	for (i = 0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
		VAL_TYPE(clusterer_cluster_id_value + i) = DB_INT;
		VAL_NULL(clusterer_cluster_id_value + i) = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
		row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;

		check_val(cluster_id_col, ROW_VALUES(row), DB_INT, 1, 0);
		VAL_INT(clusterer_cluster_id_value + i) = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row));

	no_of_results = RES_ROW_N(res);
	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	res = 0;

	LM_DBG("DB query - retrieve valid connections\n");

	/* fetch is the best strategy */
	if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {

		if (dr_dbf->query(db_hdl, clusterer_cluster_id_key, 0,
			clusterer_cluster_id_value, columns, no_of_results, db_cols, 0, 0) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed - retrieve valid connections \n");
			goto error;
		no_rows = estimate_available_rows(4 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 4 + 45 + 4 + 8 + 4 + 4, db_cols);
		if (no_rows == 0) no_rows = 5;
		if (dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("Error fetching rows\n");
			goto error;
	} else {
		if (dr_dbf->query(db_hdl, clusterer_cluster_id_key, 0,
			clusterer_cluster_id_value, columns, no_of_results, db_cols, 0, &res) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed - retrieve valid connections\n");
			goto error;

	LM_DBG("%d rows found in %.*s\n",
		RES_ROW_N(res), db_table->len, db_table->s);

	n = 0;
	do {
		for (i = 0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
			row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;
			/* CLUSTER ID column */
			check_val(cluster_id_col, ROW_VALUES(row), DB_INT, 1, 0);
			/* MACHINE ID column */
			check_val(machine_id_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 1, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[INT_VALS_MACHINE_ID_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row) + 1);
			/* STATE column */
			check_val(state_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 2, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[INT_VALS_STATE_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row) + 2);
			/* DESCRIPTION column */
			check_val(description_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 3, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_DESCRIPTION_COL] = (char*) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 3);
			/* URL column */
			check_val(url_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 4, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_URL_COL] = (char*) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 4);
			/* CLUSTERER_ID column */
			check_val(id_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 5, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			/* LAST_ATTEMPT column */
			check_val(last_attempt_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 6, DB_BIGINT, 1, 0);
			last_attempt = VAL_BIGINT(ROW_VALUES(row) + 6);
			/* FAILED_ATTEMPTS column */
			check_val(failed_attempts_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 7, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			/* NO_TRIES column */
			check_val(no_tries_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 8, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[INT_VALS_NO_TRIES_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row) + 8);
			/* DURATION column */
			check_val(duration_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 9, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[INT_VALS_DURATION_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row) + 9);

			/* store data */
			if (add_info(&data, int_vals, last_attempt, str_vals) < 0) {
				LM_DBG("error while adding info to shm\n");
				goto error;

			LM_DBG("machine id %d\n", int_vals[0]);
			LM_DBG("cluster id %d\n", int_vals[1]);
			LM_DBG("state %d\n", int_vals[2]);
			LM_DBG("clusterer_id %d\n", int_vals[3]);
			LM_DBG("description %s\n", str_vals[0]);
			LM_DBG("url %s\n", str_vals[1]);

		if (n == 1)
			LM_WARN("The server is the only one in the cluster\n");

		if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
			if (dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows) < 0) {
				LM_ERR("fetching rows (1)\n");
				goto error;
		} else {
	} while (RES_ROW_N(res) > 0);

	LM_DBG("%d records found in %.*s\n",
		n, db_table->len, db_table->s);

	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	res = 0;

	return data;
	if (res)
		dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	if (data)
	data = NULL;
	return 0;

/* deallocates data */
void free_data(table_entry_t *data)
	table_entry_t *tmp_entry;
	table_entry_info_t *info;
	table_entry_info_t *tmp_info;
	table_entry_value_t *value;
	table_entry_value_t *tmp_value;

	struct module_timestamp *timestamp;
	struct module_timestamp *tmp_timestamp;

	while (data != NULL) {
		tmp_entry = data;
		data = data->next;
		info = tmp_entry->info;
		while (info != NULL) {
			value = info->value;
			while (value != NULL) {
				if (value->path.s)
				if (value->description.s)
				timestamp = value->in_timestamps;
				while (timestamp != NULL) {
					tmp_timestamp = timestamp;
					timestamp = timestamp->next;
				tmp_value = value;
				value = value->next;
			tmp_info = info;
			info = info->next;
Beispiel #14
rt_data_t* dr_load_routing_info( db_func_t *dr_dbf, db1_con_t* db_hdl,
							str *drd_table, str *drl_table, str* drr_table )
	int    int_vals[4];
	char * str_vals[5];
	str tmp;
	db_key_t columns[7];
	db1_res_t* res;
	db_row_t* row;
	rt_info_t *ri;
	rt_data_t *rdata;
	tmrec_t   *time_rec;
	unsigned int id;
	str s_id;
	int i,n;

	res = 0;
	ri = 0;
	rdata = 0;

	/* init new data structure */
	if ( (rdata=build_rt_data())==0 ) {
		LM_ERR("failed to build rdata\n");
		goto error;

	/* read the destinations */
	if (dr_dbf->use_table( db_hdl, drd_table) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("cannot select table \"%.*s\"\n", drd_table->len,drd_table->s);
		goto error;

	columns[0] = &dst_id_drd_col;
	columns[1] = &address_drd_col;
	columns[2] = &strip_drd_col;
	columns[3] = &prefix_drd_col;
	columns[4] = &type_drd_col;
	columns[5] = &attrs_drd_col;

	if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 6, 0, 0 ) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;
		if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, dr_fetch_rows)<0) {
			LM_ERR("Error fetching rows\n");
			goto error;
	} else {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 6, 0, &res) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;

	if (RES_ROW_N(res) == 0) {
		LM_WARN("table \"%.*s\" empty\n", drd_table->len,drd_table->s );
	LM_DBG("%d records found in %.*s\n",
		RES_ROW_N(res), drd_table->len,drd_table->s);
	n = 0;
	do {
		for(i=0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
			row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;
			/* DST_ID column */
			check_val( ROW_VALUES(row), DB1_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[0] = VAL_INT   (ROW_VALUES(row));
			/* ADDRESS column */
			check_val( ROW_VALUES(row)+1, DB1_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[0] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+1);
			/* STRIP column */
			check_val( ROW_VALUES(row)+2, DB1_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[1] = VAL_INT   (ROW_VALUES(row)+2);
			/* PREFIX column */
			check_val( ROW_VALUES(row)+3, DB1_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[1] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+3);
			/* TYPE column */
			check_val( ROW_VALUES(row)+4, DB1_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[2] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row)+4);
			/* ATTRS column */
			check_val( ROW_VALUES(row)+5, DB1_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[2] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+5);

			/* add the destinaton definition in */
			if ( add_dst( rdata, int_vals[0], str_vals[0], int_vals[1],
					str_vals[1], int_vals[2], str_vals[2])<0 ) {
				LM_ERR("failed to add destination id %d -> skipping\n",
		if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
			if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, dr_fetch_rows)<0) {
				LM_ERR( "fetching rows (1)\n");
				goto error;
		} else {
	} while(RES_ROW_N(res)>0);

	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	res = 0;

	if (n==0) {
		LM_WARN("no valid "
			"destinations set -> ignoring the routing rules\n");
		return rdata;

	/* read the gw lists, if any */
	if (dr_dbf->use_table( db_hdl, drl_table) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("cannot select table \"%.*s\"\n", drl_table->len,drl_table->s);
		goto error;

	columns[0] = &id_drl_col;
	columns[1] = &gwlist_drl_col;

	if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 2, 0, 0 ) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;
		if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, dr_fetch_rows)<0) {
			LM_ERR("Error fetching rows\n");
			goto error;
	} else {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 2, 0, &res) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;

	if (RES_ROW_N(res) == 0) {
		LM_DBG("table \"%.*s\" empty\n", drl_table->len,drl_table->s );
	} else {
		LM_DBG("%d records found in %.*s\n",
			RES_ROW_N(res), drl_table->len,drl_table->s);
		do {
			for(i=0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
				row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;
				/* ID column */
				check_val( ROW_VALUES(row), DB1_INT, 1, 0);
				int_vals[0] = VAL_INT   (ROW_VALUES(row));
				/* GWLIST column */
				check_val( ROW_VALUES(row)+1, DB1_STRING, 1, 1);
				str_vals[0] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+1);

				if (add_tmp_gw_list(int_vals[0], str_vals[0])!=0) {
					LM_ERR("failed to add temporary GW list\n");
					goto error;
			if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
				if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, dr_fetch_rows)<0) {
					LM_ERR( "fetching rows (1)\n");
					goto error;
			} else {
		} while(RES_ROW_N(res)>0);
	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	res = 0;

	/* read the routing rules */
	if (dr_dbf->use_table( db_hdl, drr_table) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("cannot select table \"%.*s\"\n", drr_table->len, drr_table->s);
		goto error;

	columns[0] = &rule_id_drr_col;
	columns[1] = &group_drr_col;
	columns[2] = &prefix_drr_col;
	columns[3] = &time_drr_col;
	columns[4] = &priority_drr_col;
	columns[5] = &routeid_drr_col;
	columns[6] = &dstlist_drr_col;

	if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 7, 0, 0) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;
		if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, dr_fetch_rows)<0) {
			LM_ERR("Error fetching rows\n");
			goto error;
	} else {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 7, 0, &res) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;

	if (RES_ROW_N(res) == 0) {
		LM_WARN("table \"%.*s\" is empty\n", drr_table->len, drr_table->s);

	LM_DBG("%d records found in %.*s\n", RES_ROW_N(res),
		drr_table->len, drr_table->s);

	n = 0;
	do {
		for(i=0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
			row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;
			/* RULE_ID column */
			check_val( ROW_VALUES(row), DB1_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[0] = VAL_INT (ROW_VALUES(row));
			/* GROUP column */
			check_val( ROW_VALUES(row)+1, DB1_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[0] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+1);
			/* PREFIX column - it may be null or empty */
			check_val( ROW_VALUES(row)+2, DB1_STRING, 0, 0);
			if ((ROW_VALUES(row)+2)->nul || VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+2)==0){
				tmp.s = NULL;
				tmp.len = 0;
			} else {
				str_vals[1] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+2);
				tmp.s = str_vals[1];
				tmp.len = strlen(str_vals[1]);
			/* TIME column */
			check_val( ROW_VALUES(row)+3, DB1_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[2] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+3);
			/* PRIORITY column */
			check_val( ROW_VALUES(row)+4, DB1_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[2] = VAL_INT   (ROW_VALUES(row)+4);
			/* ROUTE_ID column */
			check_val( ROW_VALUES(row)+5, DB1_STRING, 1, 0);
			str_vals[3] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+5);
			/* DSTLIST column */
			check_val( ROW_VALUES(row)+6, DB1_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[4] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+6);
			/* parse the time definition */
			if ((time_rec=parse_time_def(str_vals[2]))==0) {
				LM_ERR("bad time definition <%s> for rule id %d -> skipping\n",
					str_vals[2], int_vals[0]);
			/* lookup for the script route ID */
			if (str_vals[3][0] && str_vals[3][0]!='0') {
				int_vals[3] =  route_lookup(&main_rt, str_vals[3]);
				if (int_vals[3]==-1) {
					LM_WARN("route <%s> does not exist\n",str_vals[3]);
					int_vals[3] = 0;
			} else {
				int_vals[3] = 0;
			/* is gw_list a list or a list id? */
			if (str_vals[4][0]=='#') {
				s_id.s = str_vals[4]+1;
				s_id.len = strlen(s_id.s);
				if ( str2int( &s_id, &id)!=0 ||
				(str_vals[4]=get_tmp_gw_list(id))==NULL ) {
					LM_ERR("invalid reference to a GW list <%s> -> skipping\n",
			/* build the routing rule */
			if ((ri = build_rt_info( int_vals[2], time_rec, int_vals[3],
					str_vals[4], rdata->pgw_l))== 0 ) {
				LM_ERR("failed to add routing info for rule id %d -> "
					"skipping\n", int_vals[0]);
				tmrec_free( time_rec );
			/* add the rule */
			if (add_rule( rdata, str_vals[0], &tmp, ri)!=0) {
				LM_ERR("failed to add rule id %d -> skipping\n", int_vals[0]);
				free_rt_info( ri );
		if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
			if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, dr_fetch_rows)<0) {
				LM_ERR( "fetching rows (1)\n");
				goto error;
		} else {
	} while(RES_ROW_N(res)>0);

	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	res = 0;


	if (n==0) {
		LM_WARN("no valid routing rules -> discarding all destinations\n");
		free_rt_data( rdata, 0 );

	return rdata;
	if (res)
		dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	if (rdata)
		free_rt_data( rdata, 1 );
	rdata = NULL;
	return 0;
Beispiel #15
rt_data_t* dr_load_routing_info( db_func_t *dr_dbf, db_con_t* db_hdl,
		str *drd_table, str *drc_table, str* drr_table, int persistent_state)
	int    int_vals[5];
	char * str_vals[6];
	str tmp;
	db_key_t columns[10];
	db_res_t* res;
	db_row_t* row;
	rt_info_t *ri;
	rt_data_t *rdata;
	tmrec_t   *time_rec;
	int i,n;
	int no_rows = 10;
	int db_cols;
	struct socket_info *sock;
	str s_sock, host;
	int proto, port;

	res = 0;
	ri = 0;
	rdata = 0;

	/* init new data structure */
	if ( (rdata=build_rt_data())==0 ) {
		LM_ERR("failed to build rdata\n");
		goto error;

	if (db_check_table_version(dr_dbf, db_hdl, drd_table, 6/*version*/ )!= 0)
		goto error;

	/* read the destinations */
	if (dr_dbf->use_table( db_hdl, drd_table) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("cannot select table \"%.*s\"\n", drd_table->len,drd_table->s);
		goto error;

	columns[0] = &id_drd_col;
	columns[1] = &gwid_drd_col;
	columns[2] = &address_drd_col;
	columns[3] = &strip_drd_col;
	columns[4] = &prefix_drd_col;
	columns[5] = &type_drd_col;
	columns[6] = &attrs_drd_col;
	columns[7] = &probe_drd_col;
	columns[8] = &sock_drd_col;
	if (persistent_state) {
		columns[9] = &state_drd_col;
		db_cols = 10;
	} else {
		db_cols = 9;

	if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, db_cols, 0, 0 ) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;
		no_rows = estimate_available_rows( 4+32+15+4+32+4+128+4+32+4, db_cols);
		if (no_rows==0) no_rows = 10;
		if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows )<0) {
			LM_ERR("Error fetching rows\n");
			goto error;
	} else {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, db_cols, 0, &res) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;

	LM_DBG("%d records found in %.*s\n",
		RES_ROW_N(res), drd_table->len,drd_table->s);

	n = 0;
	do {
		for(i=0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
			row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;
			/* DB ID column */
			check_val( id_drd_col, ROW_VALUES(row), DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[INT_VALS_ID_DRD_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row));
			/* GW ID column */
			check_val( gwid_drd_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+1, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_GWID_DRD_COL] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+1);
			/* ADDRESS column */
			check_val( address_drd_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+2, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_ADDRESS_DRD_COL] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+2);
			/* STRIP column */
			check_val( strip_drd_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+3, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[INT_VALS_STRIP_DRD_COL] = VAL_INT   (ROW_VALUES(row)+3);
			/* PREFIX column */
			check_val( prefix_drd_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+4, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_PREFIX_DRD_COL] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+4);
			/* TYPE column */
			check_val( type_drd_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+5, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[INT_VALS_TYPE_DRD_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row)+5);
			/* ATTRS column */
			check_val( attrs_drd_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+6, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_ATTRS_DRD_COL] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+6);
			/*PROBE_MODE column */
			check_val( probe_drd_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+7, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			/*SOCKET column */
			check_val( sock_drd_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+8, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			if ( !VAL_NULL(ROW_VALUES(row)+8) &&
			(s_sock.s=(char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+8))[0]!=0 ) {
				s_sock.len = strlen(s_sock.s);
				if (parse_phostport( s_sock.s, s_sock.len, &host.s, &host.len,
				&port, &proto)!=0){
					LM_ERR("GW <%s>(%d): socket description <%.*s> "
						"is not valid -> ignoring socket\n",
						int_vals[INT_VALS_ID_DRD_COL], s_sock.len,s_sock.s);
					sock = NULL;
				} else {
					sock = grep_sock_info( &host, port, proto);
					if (sock == NULL) {
						LM_ERR("GW <%s>(%d): socket <%.*s> is not local to"
						" OpenSIPS (we must listen on it) -> ignoring socket\n",
						int_vals[INT_VALS_ID_DRD_COL], s_sock.len,s_sock.s);
			} else {
				sock = NULL;
			/*STATE column */
			if (persistent_state) {
				check_val( state_drd_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+9, DB_INT, 1, 0);
				int_vals[INT_VALS_STATE_DRD_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row)+9);
			} else {
				int_vals[INT_VALS_STATE_DRD_COL] = 0; /* by default enabled */

			/* add the destinaton definition in */
			if ( add_dst( rdata, str_vals[STR_VALS_GWID_DRD_COL],
						int_vals[INT_VALS_STATE_DRD_COL] )<0 ) {
				LM_ERR("failed to add destination <%s>(%d) -> skipping\n",
		if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
			if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows)<0) {
				LM_ERR( "fetching rows (1)\n");
				goto error;
		} else {
	} while(RES_ROW_N(res)>0);

	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	res = 0;

	/* read the carriers, if any */
	if (dr_dbf->use_table( db_hdl, drc_table) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("cannot select table \"%.*s\"\n", drc_table->len,drc_table->s);
		goto error;

	columns[0] = &id_drc_col;
	columns[1] = &cid_drc_col;
	columns[2] = &flags_drc_col;
	columns[3] = &gwlist_drc_col;
	columns[4] = &attrs_drc_col;
	if (persistent_state) {
		columns[5] = &state_drc_col;
		db_cols = 6;
	} else {
		db_cols = 5;

	if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, db_cols, 0, 0 ) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;
		no_rows = estimate_available_rows( 4+4+32+64+64, db_cols);
		if (no_rows==0) no_rows = 10;
		if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows)<0) {
			LM_ERR("Error fetching rows\n");
			goto error;
	} else {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, db_cols, 0, &res) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;

	if (RES_ROW_N(res) == 0) {
		LM_DBG("table \"%.*s\" empty\n", drc_table->len,drc_table->s );
	} else {
		LM_DBG("%d records found in %.*s\n",
			RES_ROW_N(res), drc_table->len,drc_table->s);
		do {
			for(i=0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
				row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;
				/* ID column */
				check_val( id_drc_col, ROW_VALUES(row), DB_INT, 1, 0);
				int_vals[INT_VALS_ID_DRC_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row));
				/* CARRIER_ID column */
				check_val( cid_drc_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+1, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
				str_vals[STR_VALS_CID_DRC_COL] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+1);
				/* flags column */
				check_val( flags_drc_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+2, DB_INT, 1, 0);
				int_vals[INT_VALS_FLAGS_DRC_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row)+2);
				/* GWLIST column */
				check_val( gwlist_drc_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+3, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
				str_vals[STR_VALS_GWLIST_DRC_COL] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+3);
				/* ATTRS column */
				check_val( attrs_drc_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+4, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
				str_vals[STR_VALS_ATTRS_DRC_COL] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+4);
				/* STATE column */
				if (persistent_state) {
					check_val( state_drc_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+5, DB_INT, 1, 0);
					int_vals[INT_VALS_STATE_DRC_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row)+5);
				} else {
					int_vals[INT_VALS_STATE_DRC_COL] = 0; /* by default enabled */

				/* add the new carrier */
				if ( add_carrier( str_vals[STR_VALS_CID_DRC_COL],
						int_vals[INT_VALS_STATE_DRC_COL], rdata) != 0 ) {
					LM_ERR("failed to add carrier db_id %d -> skipping\n",
			if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
				if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows)<0) {
					LM_ERR( "fetching rows (1)\n");
					goto error;
			} else {
		} while(RES_ROW_N(res)>0);
	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	res = 0;

	/* read the routing rules */
	if (dr_dbf->use_table( db_hdl, drr_table) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("cannot select table \"%.*s\"\n", drr_table->len, drr_table->s);
		goto error;

	columns[0] = &rule_id_drr_col;
	columns[1] = &group_drr_col;
	columns[2] = &prefix_drr_col;
	columns[3] = &time_drr_col;
	columns[4] = &priority_drr_col;
	columns[5] = &routeid_drr_col;
	columns[6] = &dstlist_drr_col;
	columns[7] = &attrs_drr_col;

	if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 8, 0, 0) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;
		no_rows = estimate_available_rows( 4+32+32+128+32+64+128, 8/*cols*/);
		if (no_rows==0) no_rows = 10;
		if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows)<0) {
			LM_ERR("Error fetching rows\n");
			goto error;
	} else {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 8, 0, &res) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;

	if (RES_ROW_N(res) == 0) {
		LM_WARN("table \"%.*s\" is empty\n", drr_table->len, drr_table->s);

	LM_DBG("initial %d records found in %.*s\n", RES_ROW_N(res),
		drr_table->len, drr_table->s);

	n = 0;
	do {
		for(i=0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
			row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;
			/* RULE_ID column */
			check_val( rule_id_drr_col, ROW_VALUES(row), DB_INT, 1, 0);
			/* GROUP column */
			check_val( group_drr_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+1, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_GROUP_DRR_COL] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+1);
			/* PREFIX column - it may be null or empty */
			check_val( prefix_drr_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+2, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			if ((ROW_VALUES(row)+2)->nul || VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+2)==0){
				tmp.s = NULL;
				tmp.len = 0;
			} else {
				str_vals[STR_VALS_PREFIX_DRR_COL] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+2);
				tmp.s = str_vals[STR_VALS_PREFIX_DRR_COL];
				tmp.len = strlen(str_vals[STR_VALS_PREFIX_DRR_COL]);
			/* TIME column */
			check_val( time_drr_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+3, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_TIME_DRR_COL] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+3);
			/* PRIORITY column */
			check_val( priority_drr_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+4, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			/* ROUTE_ID column */
			check_val( routeid_drr_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+5, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_ROUTEID_DRR_COL] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+5);
			/* DSTLIST column */
			check_val( dstlist_drr_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+6, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_DSTLIST_DRR_COL] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+6);
			/* ATTRS column */
			check_val( attrs_drr_col, ROW_VALUES(row)+7, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_ATTRS_DRR_COL] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+7);
			/* parse the time definition */
			if (str_vals[STR_VALS_TIME_DRR_COL] == NULL || *(str_vals[STR_VALS_TIME_DRR_COL]) == 0)
				time_rec = NULL;
			else if ((time_rec=parse_time_def(str_vals[STR_VALS_TIME_DRR_COL]))==0) {
				LM_ERR("bad time definition <%s> for rule id %d -> skipping\n",
					str_vals[STR_VALS_TIME_DRR_COL], int_vals[INT_VALS_RULE_ID_DRR_COL]);
			/* lookup for the script route ID */
			if (str_vals[STR_VALS_ROUTEID_DRR_COL] && str_vals[STR_VALS_ROUTEID_DRR_COL][0]) {
				int_vals[INT_VALS_SCRIPT_ROUTE_ID] =
					get_script_route_ID_by_name( str_vals[STR_VALS_ROUTEID_DRR_COL], rlist, RT_NO);
				if (int_vals[INT_VALS_SCRIPT_ROUTE_ID]==-1) {
					LM_WARN("route <%s> does not exist\n",
					int_vals[INT_VALS_SCRIPT_ROUTE_ID] = 0;
			} else {
				int_vals[INT_VALS_SCRIPT_ROUTE_ID] = 0;
			/* build the routing rule */
			if ((ri = build_rt_info( int_vals[INT_VALS_RULE_ID_DRR_COL],
					int_vals[INT_VALS_PRIORITY_DRR_COL], time_rec,
					str_vals[STR_VALS_ATTRS_DRR_COL], rdata))== 0 ) {
				LM_ERR("failed to add routing info for rule id %d -> "
					"skipping\n", int_vals[INT_VALS_RULE_ID_DRR_COL]);
				tmrec_free( time_rec );
			/* add the rule */
			if (add_rule( rdata, str_vals[STR_VALS_GROUP_DRR_COL], &tmp, ri)!=0) {
				LM_ERR("failed to add rule id %d -> skipping\n",
				free_rt_info( ri );
		if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
			if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows)<0) {
				LM_ERR( "fetching rows (1)\n");
				goto error;
			LM_DBG("additional %d records found in %.*s\n", RES_ROW_N(res),
				drr_table->len, drr_table->s);
		} else {
	} while(RES_ROW_N(res)>0);

	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	res = 0;

	LM_DBG("%d total records loaded from table %.*s\n", n,
		drr_table->len, drr_table->s);

	return rdata;
	if (res)
		dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	if (rdata)
		free_rt_data( rdata, 1 );
	rdata = NULL;
	return 0;
Beispiel #16
/* loads info from the db */
int load_db_info(db_func_t *dr_dbf, db_con_t* db_hdl, str *db_table,
					cluster_info_t **cl_list)
	int int_vals[NO_DB_INT_VALS];
	char *str_vals[NO_DB_STR_VALS];
	int no_clusters;
	int i;
	int rc;
	node_info_t *new_info = NULL;
	db_key_t columns[NO_DB_COLS];	/* the columns from the db table */
	db_res_t *res = NULL;
	db_row_t *row;
	static db_key_t clusterer_node_id_key = &node_id_col;
	static db_val_t clusterer_node_id_value = {
		.type = DB_INT,
		.nul = 0,

	*cl_list = NULL;

	columns[0] = &id_col;
	columns[1] = &cluster_id_col;
	columns[2] = &node_id_col;
	columns[3] = &url_col;
	columns[4] = &state_col;
	columns[5] = &no_ping_retries_col;
	columns[6] = &priority_col;
	columns[7] = &sip_addr_col;
	columns[8] = &flags_col;
	columns[9] = &description_col;


	if (db_check_table_version(dr_dbf, db_hdl, db_table, CLUSTERER_TABLE_VERSION))
		goto error;

	if (dr_dbf->use_table(db_hdl, db_table) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("cannot select table: \"%.*s\"\n", db_table->len, db_table->s);
		goto error;

	LM_DBG("DB query - retrieve the list of clusters"
		" in which the local node runs\n");

	VAL_INT(&clusterer_node_id_value) = current_id;

	/* first we see in which clusters the local node runs*/
	if (dr_dbf->query(db_hdl, &clusterer_node_id_key, &op_eq,
		&clusterer_node_id_value, columns+1, 1, 1, 0, &res) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("DB query failed - cannot retrieve the list of clusters in which"
			" the local node runs\n");
		goto error;

	LM_DBG("%d rows found in %.*s\n",
		RES_ROW_N(res), db_table->len, db_table->s);

	if (RES_ROW_N(res) > MAX_NO_CLUSTERS) {
		LM_ERR("Defined: %d clusters for local node, maximum number of clusters "
			"supported(%d) exceeded\n", RES_ROW_N(res), MAX_NO_CLUSTERS);
		goto error;

	if (RES_ROW_N(res) == 0) {
		LM_WARN("No nodes found in cluster\n");
		return 1;

	clusterer_cluster_id_key = pkg_realloc(clusterer_cluster_id_key,
		RES_ROW_N(res) * sizeof(db_key_t));
	if (!clusterer_cluster_id_key) {
		LM_ERR("no more pkg memory\n");
		goto error;

	for (i = 0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++)
		clusterer_cluster_id_key[i] = &cluster_id_col;

	clusterer_cluster_id_value = pkg_realloc(clusterer_cluster_id_value,
		RES_ROW_N(res) * sizeof(db_val_t));
	if (!clusterer_cluster_id_value) {
		LM_ERR("no more pkg memory\n");
		goto error;

	for (i = 0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
		VAL_TYPE(clusterer_cluster_id_value + i) = DB_INT;
		VAL_NULL(clusterer_cluster_id_value + i) = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
		row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;
		check_val(cluster_id_col, ROW_VALUES(row), DB_INT, 1, 0);
		VAL_INT(clusterer_cluster_id_value + i) = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row));

	no_clusters = RES_ROW_N(res);
	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	res = NULL;

	LM_DBG("DB query - retrieve nodes info\n");


	if (dr_dbf->query(db_hdl, clusterer_cluster_id_key, 0,
		clusterer_cluster_id_value, columns, no_clusters, NO_DB_COLS, 0, &res) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("DB query failed - retrieve valid connections\n");
		goto error;

	LM_DBG("%d rows found in %.*s\n",
		RES_ROW_N(res), db_table->len, db_table->s);

	if (RES_ROW_N(res) > MAX_NO_NODES) {
		LM_ERR("Defined: %d nodes in local node's clusters, maximum number of nodes "
			"supported(%d) exceeded\n", RES_ROW_N(res), MAX_NO_NODES);
		goto error;

	for (i = 0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
		row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;

		check_val(id_col, ROW_VALUES(row), DB_INT, 1, 0);
		int_vals[INT_VALS_ID_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row));

		check_val(cluster_id_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 1, DB_INT, 1, 0);

		check_val(node_id_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 2, DB_INT, 1, 0);
		int_vals[INT_VALS_NODE_ID_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row) + 2);

		check_val(url_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 3, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
		str_vals[STR_VALS_URL_COL] = (char*) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 3);

		check_val(state_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 4, DB_INT, 1, 0);
		int_vals[INT_VALS_STATE_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row) + 4);

		check_val(no_ping_retries_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 5, DB_INT, 1, 0);

		check_val(priority_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 6, DB_INT, 1, 0);

		check_val(sip_addr_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 7, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
		str_vals[STR_VALS_SIP_ADDR_COL] = (char*) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 7);

		check_val(flags_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 8, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
		str_vals[STR_VALS_FLAGS_COL] = (char*) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 8);

		check_val(description_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 9, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
		str_vals[STR_VALS_DESCRIPTION_COL] = (char*) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 9);

		/* add info to backing list */
		if ((rc = add_node_info(&new_info, cl_list, int_vals, str_vals)) != 0) {
			LM_ERR("Unable to add node info to backing list\n");
			if (rc < 0)
				return -1;
				return 2;

	/* warn if no seed node is defined in a cluster */

	if (RES_ROW_N(res) == 1)
		LM_INFO("The local node is the only one in the cluster\n");

	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);

	return 0;
	if (res)
		dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	if (*cl_list)
	*cl_list = NULL;
	return -1;

int provision_neighbor(modparam_t type, void *val)
	int int_vals[NO_DB_INT_VALS];
	char *str_vals[NO_DB_STR_VALS];
	str prov_str;
	node_info_t *new_info;

	if (db_mode) {
		LM_INFO("Running in db mode, provisioning from the script is ignored\n");
		return 0;

	prov_str.s = (char*)val;
	prov_str.len = strlen(prov_str.s);

	if (parse_param_node_info(&prov_str, int_vals, str_vals) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("Unable to define a neighbor node\n");
		return -1;

	if (int_vals[INT_VALS_CLUSTER_ID_COL] == -1 ||
		int_vals[INT_VALS_NODE_ID_COL] == -1 ||
		str_vals[STR_VALS_URL_COL] == NULL) {
		LM_ERR("At least the cluster id, node id and url are required for a neighbor node\n");
		return -1;
	int_vals[INT_VALS_STATE_COL] = 1;
	if (int_vals[INT_VALS_NO_PING_RETRIES_COL] == -1)
	if (int_vals[INT_VALS_PRIORITY_COL] == -1)

	int_vals[INT_VALS_ID_COL] = -1;

	if (cluster_list == NULL) {
		cluster_list = shm_malloc(sizeof *cluster_list);
		if (!cluster_list) {
			LM_CRIT("No more shm memory\n");
			return -1;
		*cluster_list = NULL;

	if (add_node_info(&new_info, cluster_list, int_vals, str_vals) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("Unable to add node info to backing list\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;
Beispiel #17
rt_data_t* dr_load_routing_info( db_func_t *dr_dbf, db_con_t* db_hdl,
							str *drd_table, str *drc_table, str* drr_table )
	int    int_vals[4];
	char * str_vals[6];
	str tmp;
	db_key_t columns[8];
	db_res_t* res;
	db_row_t* row;
	rt_info_t *ri;
	rt_data_t *rdata;
	tmrec_t   *time_rec;
	int i,n;
	int no_rows = 10;

	res = 0;
	ri = 0;
	rdata = 0;

	/* init new data structure */
	if ( (rdata=build_rt_data())==0 ) {
		LM_ERR("failed to build rdata\n");
		goto error;

	if (db_check_table_version(dr_dbf, db_hdl, drd_table, 5 )!= 0)
		goto error;

	/* read the destinations */
	if (dr_dbf->use_table( db_hdl, drd_table) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("cannot select table \"%.*s\"\n", drd_table->len,drd_table->s);
		goto error;

	columns[0] = &id_drd_col;
	columns[1] = &gwid_drd_col;
	columns[2] = &address_drd_col;
	columns[3] = &strip_drd_col;
	columns[4] = &prefix_drd_col;
	columns[5] = &type_drd_col;
	columns[6] = &attrs_drd_col;
	columns[7] = &probe_drd_col;

	if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 8, 0, 0 ) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;
		no_rows = estimate_available_rows( 4+32+15+4+32+4+128+4, 8);
		if (no_rows==0) no_rows = 10;
		if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows )<0) {
			LM_ERR("Error fetching rows\n");
			goto error;
	} else {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 8, 0, &res) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;

	LM_DBG("%d records found in %.*s\n",
		RES_ROW_N(res), drd_table->len,drd_table->s);

	n = 0;
	do {
		for(i=0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
			row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;
			/* DB ID column */
			check_val(ID_DRD_COL, ROW_VALUES(row), DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[0] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row));
			/* GW ID column */
			check_val(GWID_DRD_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+1, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[3] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+1);
			/* ADDRESS column */
			check_val(ADDRESS_DRD_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+2, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[0] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+2);
			/* STRIP column */
			check_val(STRIP_DRD_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+3, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[1] = VAL_INT   (ROW_VALUES(row)+3);
			/* PREFIX column */
			check_val(PREFIX_DRD_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+4, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[1] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+4);
			/* TYPE column */
			check_val(TYPE_DRD_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+5, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[2] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row)+5);
			/* ATTRS column */
			check_val(ATTRS_DRD_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+6, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[2] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+6);
			/*PROBE_MODE column */
			check_val(PROBE_DRD_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+7, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[3] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row)+7);

			/* add the destinaton definition in */
			if ( add_dst( rdata, str_vals[3], str_vals[0], int_vals[1],
			str_vals[1], int_vals[2], str_vals[2], int_vals[3])<0 ) {
				LM_ERR("failed to add destination id %d -> skipping\n",
		if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
			if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows)<0) {
				LM_ERR( "fetching rows (1)\n");
				goto error;
		} else {
	} while(RES_ROW_N(res)>0);

	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	res = 0;

	/* read the carriers, if any */
	if (dr_dbf->use_table( db_hdl, drc_table) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("cannot select table \"%.*s\"\n", drc_table->len,drc_table->s);
		goto error;

	columns[0] = &id_drc_col;
	columns[1] = &cid_drc_col;
	columns[2] = &flags_drc_col;
	columns[3] = &gwlist_drc_col;
	columns[4] = &attrs_drc_col;

	if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 5, 0, 0 ) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;
		no_rows = estimate_available_rows( 4+4+32+64+64, 5/*cols*/);
		if (no_rows==0) no_rows = 10;
		if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows)<0) {
			LM_ERR("Error fetching rows\n");
			goto error;
	} else {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 5, 0, &res) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;

	if (RES_ROW_N(res) == 0) {
		LM_DBG("table \"%.*s\" empty\n", drc_table->len,drc_table->s );
	} else {
		LM_DBG("%d records found in %.*s\n",
			RES_ROW_N(res), drc_table->len,drc_table->s);
		do {
			for(i=0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
				row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;
				/* ID column */
				check_val(ID_DRC_COL, ROW_VALUES(row), DB_INT, 1, 0);
				int_vals[0] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row));
				/* CARRIER_ID column */
				check_val(CID_DRC_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+1, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
				str_vals[0] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+1);
				/* ID column */
				check_val(ID_DRC_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+2, DB_INT, 1, 0);
				int_vals[1] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row)+2);
				/* GWLIST column */
				check_val(GWLIST_DRC_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+3, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
				str_vals[1] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+3);
				/* ATTRS column */
				check_val(ATTRS_DRC_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+4, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
				str_vals[2] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+4);

				/* add the new carrier */
				if ( add_carrier( int_vals[0], str_vals[0], int_vals[1],
				str_vals[1], str_vals[2], rdata) != 0 ) {
					LM_ERR("failed to add carrier db_id %d -> skipping\n",
			if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
				if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows)<0) {
					LM_ERR( "fetching rows (1)\n");
					goto error;
			} else {
		} while(RES_ROW_N(res)>0);
	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	res = 0;

	/* read the routing rules */
	if (dr_dbf->use_table( db_hdl, drr_table) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("cannot select table \"%.*s\"\n", drr_table->len, drr_table->s);
		goto error;

	columns[0] = &rule_id_drr_col;
	columns[1] = &group_drr_col;
	columns[2] = &prefix_drr_col;
	columns[3] = &time_drr_col;
	columns[4] = &priority_drr_col;
	columns[5] = &routeid_drr_col;
	columns[6] = &dstlist_drr_col;
	columns[7] = &attrs_drd_col;

	if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 8, 0, 0) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;
		no_rows = estimate_available_rows( 4+32+32+128+32+64+128, 8/*cols*/);
		if (no_rows==0) no_rows = 10;
		if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows)<0) {
			LM_ERR("Error fetching rows\n");
			goto error;
	} else {
		if ( dr_dbf->query( db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, 8, 0, &res) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed\n");
			goto error;

	if (RES_ROW_N(res) == 0) {
		LM_WARN("table \"%.*s\" is empty\n", drr_table->len, drr_table->s);

	LM_DBG("%d records found in %.*s\n", RES_ROW_N(res),
		drr_table->len, drr_table->s);

	n = 0;
	do {
		for(i=0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
			row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;
			/* RULE_ID column */
			check_val(RULE_ID_DRR_COL, ROW_VALUES(row), DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[0] = VAL_INT (ROW_VALUES(row));
			/* GROUP column */
			check_val(GROUP_DRR_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+1, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[0] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+1);
			/* PREFIX column - it may be null or empty */
			check_val(PREFIX_DRR_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+2, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			if ((ROW_VALUES(row)+2)->nul || VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+2)==0){
				tmp.s = NULL;
				tmp.len = 0;
			} else {
				str_vals[1] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+2);
				tmp.s = str_vals[1];
				tmp.len = strlen(str_vals[1]);
			/* TIME column */
			check_val(TIME_DRR_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+3, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[2] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+3);
			/* PRIORITY column */
			check_val(PRIORITY_DRR_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+4, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[2] = VAL_INT   (ROW_VALUES(row)+4);
			/* ROUTE_ID column */
			check_val(ROUTEID_DRR_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+5, DB_STRING, 1, 0);
			str_vals[3] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+5);
			/* DSTLIST column */
			check_val(DSTLIST_DRR_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+6, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[4] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+6);
			/* ATTRS column */
			check_val(ATTRS_DRD_COL, ROW_VALUES(row)+7, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[5] = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)+7);
			/* parse the time definition */
			if ((time_rec=parse_time_def(str_vals[2]))==0) {
				LM_ERR("bad time definition <%s> for rule id %d -> skipping\n",
					str_vals[2], int_vals[0]);
			/* lookup for the script route ID */
			if (str_vals[3][0]) {
				int_vals[3] =  get_script_route_ID_by_name( str_vals[3],
						rlist, RT_NO);
				if (int_vals[3]==-1) {
					LM_WARN("route <%s> does not exist\n",str_vals[3]);
					int_vals[3] = 0;
			} else {
				int_vals[3] = 0;
			/* build the routing rule */
			if ((ri = build_rt_info( int_vals[0], int_vals[2], time_rec,
			int_vals[3], str_vals[4], str_vals[5], rdata))== 0 ) {
				LM_ERR("failed to add routing info for rule id %d -> "
					"skipping\n", int_vals[0]);
				tmrec_free( time_rec );
			/* add the rule */
			if (add_rule( rdata, str_vals[0], &tmp, ri)!=0) {
				LM_ERR("failed to add rule id %d -> skipping\n", int_vals[0]);
				free_rt_info( ri );
		if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
			if(dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows)<0) {
				LM_ERR( "fetching rows (1)\n");
				goto error;
		} else {
	} while(RES_ROW_N(res)>0);

	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	res = 0;

	if (n==0) {
		LM_WARN("no valid routing rules -> discarding all destinations\n");
		free_rt_data( rdata, 0 );

	return rdata;
	if (res)
		dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	if (rdata)
		free_rt_data( rdata, 1 );
	rdata = NULL;
	return 0;
void do_check(int i)
    std::cout << "Checking type char with value " << i << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Checking type unsigned char with value " << i << std::endl;
    check_val(static_cast<unsigned char>(i));
    std::cout << "Checking type signed char with value " << i << std::endl;
    check_val(static_cast<signed char>(i));
    std::cout << "Checking type short with value " << i << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Checking type unsigned short with value " << i << std::endl;
    check_val(static_cast<unsigned short>(i));
    std::cout << "Checking type int with value " << i << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Checking type unsigned int with value " << i << std::endl;
    check_val(static_cast<unsigned int>(i));
    std::cout << "Checking type long with value " << i << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Checking type unsigned long with value " << i << std::endl;
    check_val(static_cast<unsigned long>(i));
    std::cout << "Checking type long long with value " << i << std::endl;
    check_val(static_cast<long long>(i));
    std::cout << "Checking type unsigned long long with value " << i << std::endl;
    check_val(static_cast<unsigned long long>(i));
#elif defined(BOOST_HAS_MS_INT64)
    std::cout << "Checking type __int64 with value " << i << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Checking type unsigned __int64 with value " << i << std::endl;
    check_val(static_cast<unsigned __int64>(i));
Beispiel #19
/* loads data from the db */
int load_info(db_func_t *dr_dbf, db_con_t* db_hdl, str *db_table,
	struct tls_domain **serv_dom, struct tls_domain **cli_dom)
	int int_vals[4];
	char *str_vals[11];
	int i, n;
	int no_rows = 5;
	int db_cols = 15;

	/* the columns from the db table */
	db_key_t columns[15];
	/* result from a db query */
	db_res_t* res;
	/* a row from the db table */
	db_row_t* row;

	res = 0;

	columns[0] = &id_col;
	columns[1] = &address_col;
	columns[2] = &type_col;
	columns[3] = &method_col;
	columns[4] = &verify_cert_col;
	columns[5] = &require_cert_col;
	columns[6] = &certificate_col;
	columns[7] = &pk_col;
	columns[8] = &crl_check_col;
	columns[9] = &crl_dir_col;
	columns[10] = &calist_col;
	columns[11] = &cadir_col;
	columns[12] = &cplist_col;
	columns[13] = &dhparams_col;
	columns[14] = &eccurve_col;

	/* checking if the table version is up to date*/
	if (db_check_table_version(dr_dbf, db_hdl, db_table, 1/*version*/) != 0)
		goto error;

	/* table to use*/
	if (dr_dbf->use_table(db_hdl, db_table) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("cannot select table \"%.*s\"\n", db_table->len, db_table->s);
		goto error;

	if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {

		if (dr_dbf->query(db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, db_cols, 0, 0) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed - retrieve valid connections \n");
			goto error;
		no_rows = estimate_available_rows(10 + 45 + 4 + 45 + 4 + 4 + 45 +
			45 + 4 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45, db_cols);
		if (no_rows == 0) no_rows = 5;
		if (dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("Error fetching rows\n");
			goto error;
	} else {
		if (dr_dbf->query(db_hdl, 0, 0, 0, columns, 0, db_cols, 0, &res) < 0) {
			LM_ERR("DB query failed - retrieve valid connections\n");
			goto error;

	LM_DBG("%d rows found in %.*s\n",
		RES_ROW_N(res), db_table->len, db_table->s);

	n = 0;
	do {
		for (i = 0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) {
			row = RES_ROWS(res) + i;

			check_val(id_col, ROW_VALUES(row), DB_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_ID_COL] = (char *) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row));

			check_val(address_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 1, DB_STRING, 1, 1);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_ADDRESS_COL] = (char *) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 1);

			check_val(type_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 2, DB_INT, 1, 0);
			int_vals[INT_VALS_TYPE_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row) + 2);

			check_val(method_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 3, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_METHOD_COL] = (char *) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 3);

			check_val(verify_cert_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 4, DB_INT, 0, 0);

			check_val(require_cert_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 5, DB_INT, 0, 0);

			check_val(certificate_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 6, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_CERTIFICATE_COL] = (char *) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 6);

			check_val(pk_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 7, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_PK_COL] = (char *) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 7);

			check_val(crl_check_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 8, DB_INT, 0, 0);
			int_vals[INT_VALS_CRL_CHECK_COL] = VAL_INT(ROW_VALUES(row) + 8);

			check_val(crl_dir_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 9, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_CRL_DIR_COL] = (char *) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 9);

			check_val(calist_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 10, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_CALIST_COL] = (char *) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 10);

			check_val(cadir_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 11, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_CADIR_COL] = (char *) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 11);

			check_val(cplist_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 12, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_CPLIST_COL] = (char *) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 12);

			check_val(dhparams_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 13, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_DHPARAMS_COL] = (char *) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 13);

			check_val(eccurve_col, ROW_VALUES(row) + 14, DB_STRING, 0, 0);
			str_vals[STR_VALS_ECCURVE_COL] = (char *) VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 14);

			tlsp_db_add_domain(str_vals, int_vals, serv_dom, cli_dom);

		if (DB_CAPABILITY(*dr_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) {
			if (dr_dbf->fetch_result(db_hdl, &res, no_rows) < 0) {
				LM_ERR("fetching rows\n");
				goto error;
		} else {

	} while (RES_ROW_N(res) > 0);

	LM_DBG("%d records found in %.*s\n",
		n, db_table->len, db_table->s);

	dr_dbf->free_result(db_hdl, res);
	res = 0;

	return 0;
	return -1;
Beispiel #20
static int set_option(const char *name, char *value)
    /* return 1 means error, return 0 means okay */
    int nerr = 0;
    if (strcmp(name, "port") == 0 || strcmp(name, "p") == 0) {
	info->uc->port = atoi(optarg);
    } else if (strcmp(name, "verbose") == 0 || strcmp(name, "v") == 0) {
	info->verbose = 1;
    } else if (strcmp(name, "no-color") == 0 || strcmp(name,"n") == 0)
    } else if (strcmp(name, "audio") == 0 || strcmp(name, "a") == 0) {
	info->audio = atoi(optarg);
    } else if ( strcmp(name, "A" ) == 0 || strcmp(name, "capture-device" ) == 0 ) {
	live = atoi(optarg);
    } else if ( strcmp(name, "Z" ) == 0 || strcmp(name, "load-generators" ) == 0 ) {
		if( sscanf( optarg, "%d",&ta ) != 1 ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "-Z/--load-generators requires an argument\n");
	} else if (strcmp(name, "bezerk") == 0 || strcmp(name, "b") == 0) {
	info->no_bezerk = 0;
	} else if (strcmp(name, "qrcode-connection-info" ) == 0 ) {
		info->qrcode = 1;
    } else if (strcmp(name, "timer") == 0 || strcmp(name, "t") == 0) {
	info->uc->use_timer = atoi(optarg);
	if (info->uc->use_timer < 0 || info->uc->use_timer > 2) {
	    printf("Valid timers:\n\t0=none\n\t2=normal\n\t1=rtc\n");
	} else if (strcmp(name, "multicast-vims") == 0 || strcmp(name,"T")==0)
		check_val(optarg, name);
		info->settings->use_vims_mcast = 1;
		info->settings->vims_group_name = strdup(optarg);
	else if (strcmp(name, "multicast-osc") == 0 || strcmp(name, "M") == 0 )
		info->settings->use_mcast = 1;
		info->settings->group_name = strdup( optarg );
	else if (strcmp(name, "max_cache" )== 0 || strcmp(name, "j" ) == 0 )
		n_slots_ = atoi( optarg );
		if(n_slots_ < 0 ) n_slots_ = 0; else if (n_slots_ > 100) n_slots_ = 100;
	else if (strcmp(name, "memory" ) == 0 || strcmp(name, "m" ) == 0)
		max_mem_ =  atoi(optarg);
		if(max_mem_ < 0 ) max_mem_ = 0; else if (max_mem_ > 100) max_mem_ = 100;
    } else if (strcmp(name, "synchronization") == 0
	       || strcmp(name, "c") == 0) {
	info->sync_correction = atoi(optarg);
	} else if (strcmp(name, "version") == 0 )
	{ printf("Veejay %s\n", VERSION); exit(0); 
    } else if (strcmp(name, "graphics-driver") == 0
	       || strcmp(name, "G") == 0
	       || strcmp(name, "output") == 0
	       || strcmp(name, "O") == 0) {
	    info->video_out = atoi(optarg);	/* use SDL */
/*#ifndef HAVE_GL
		fprintf(stderr, "OpenGL support not enabled at compile time\n");
	    if( info->video_out < 0 || info->video_out > 6 ) {
		    fprintf(stderr, "Select a valid output display driver\n");
    } else if (strcmp(name, "B") == 0 || strcmp(name, "features")==0) {
	} else if ( strcmp(name, "output-file" ) == 0 || strcmp(name, "o") == 0 ) {
		veejay_strncpy(info->y4m_file,(char*) optarg, strlen( (char*) optarg));
    } else if (strcmp(name, "preserve-pathnames") == 0 ) {
		info->preserve_pathnames = 1;
	} else if (strcmp(name, "benchmark" ) == 0 ) {
		int w=0,h=0;
		int n = 0;
		if( value != NULL )
			n = sscanf(value, "%dx%d", &w,&h );
		if( n != 2 || value == NULL ) {
			fprintf(stderr,"  --benchmark parameter requires NxN argument\n");
		if( n == 2 ) {
    } else if (strcmp(name, "deinterlace") == 0 || strcmp(name, "I" )==0) {
		info->auto_deinterlace = 1;
    } else if (strcmp(name, "size") == 0 || strcmp(name, "s") == 0) {
	if (sscanf(value, "%dx%d", &info->bes_width, &info->bes_height) !=
	    2) {
	    fprintf(stderr,"-s/--size parameter requires NxN argument\n");
     } else if (strcmp(name,"scene-detection" ) == 0 || strcmp( name,"S") == 0 ) {
	if ((sscanf(value, "%d", &info->uc->scene_detection )) != 1 ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "-S/--scene-detection requires threshold argument\n");
    else if (strcmp(name, "xinerama") == 0 || strcmp(name, "X") == 0 ) {
	x11_user_select( atoi(optarg) );
    else if (strcmp(name, "action-file")==0 || strcmp(name,"F")==0) {
	veejay_strncpy(info->action_file[0],(char*) optarg, strlen( (char*) optarg));
	info->load_action_file = 1;
	}else if (strcmp(name, "sample-file")==0 || strcmp(name,"l")==0) {
	veejay_strncpy(info->action_file[1],(char*) optarg, strlen( (char*) optarg));
	info->load_action_file = 1;
	else if (strcmp(name, "geometry-x") == 0 || strcmp(name, "x")==0) {
		default_geometry_x = atoi(optarg);
	else if (strcmp(name, "geometry-y") == 0 || strcmp(name,"y")==0) {
		default_geometry_y = atoi(optarg);
	else if (strcmp(name, "no-keyboard") == 0 ) {
		use_keyb = 0;
	else if (strcmp(name, "no-mouse") == 0 ) {
		use_mouse = 0;
	else if (strcmp(name, "show-cursor") == 0 ) {
		show_cursor = 1;
	else if(strcmp(name,"dump-events")==0 || strcmp(name,"u")==0) {
	info->dump = 1;
	else if(strcmp(name, "input-width") == 0 || strcmp(name, "W") == 0 ) {
		info->dummy->width = atoi(optarg);
	else if(strcmp(name, "input-height") == 0 || strcmp(name, "H") == 0 ) {
		info->dummy->height = atoi(optarg);
	else if(strcmp(name, "norm") == 0 || strcmp(name, "N") == 0 ) {
		int val = atoi(optarg);
		if(val == 1 )	
			override_norm = 'n';
		if(val == 0 )
			override_norm = 'p';
		if(val == 2 )
			override_norm = 's';
	else if(strcmp(name, "D") == 0 || strcmp(name, "composite") == 0)
		info->settings->composite = 0;
	else if(strcmp(name, "output-width") == 0 || strcmp(name, "w") == 0) {
		info->video_output_width = atoi(optarg);
	else if(strcmp(name, "output-height") == 0 || strcmp(name, "h") == 0) {
		info->video_output_height = atoi(optarg);
	else if(strcmp(name, "audiorate") == 0 || strcmp(name, "r") == 0 )
		info->dummy->arate = atoi(optarg);
    	else if (strcmp(name,"fps")==0 || strcmp(name, "f")==0) {
		override_fps = atof(optarg);
	else if(strcmp(name,"yuv")==0 || strcmp(name,"Y")==0)
		override_pix_fmt = atoi(optarg);
		if( override_pix_fmt < 0 || override_pix_fmt > 2 )
			override_pix_fmt = 0;
	else if(strcmp(name, "swap-range") == 0 || strcmp(name, "e") == 0 )
		switch_jpeg = 1;
	else if( strcmp(name,"auto-loop")==0 || strcmp(name,"L") == 0)
		auto_loop = 1;
	else if (strcmp(name, "quit") == 0 || strcmp(name, "q") == 0 )
		info->continuous = 0;
	else if (strcmp(name, "clip-as-sample") == 0 || strcmp(name, "g") == 0 )
		info->uc->file_as_sample = 1;
	else if (strcmp(name, "dummy") == 0 || strcmp(name, "d" ) == 0 )
		info->dummy->active = 1; // enable DUMMY MODE
		nerr++;			/* unknown option - error */

    return nerr;