void PropagateUploadFileNG::doStartUpload()

    const SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo progressInfo = propagator()->_journal->getUploadInfo(_item->_file);
    if (progressInfo._valid && progressInfo._modtime == _item->_modtime) {
        _transferId = progressInfo._transferid;
        auto url = chunkUrl();
        auto job = new LsColJob(propagator()->account(), url, this);
        job->setProperties(QList<QByteArray>() << "resourcetype"
                                               << "getcontentlength");
        connect(job, &LsColJob::finishedWithoutError, this, &PropagateUploadFileNG::slotPropfindFinished);
        connect(job, &LsColJob::finishedWithError,
            this, &PropagateUploadFileNG::slotPropfindFinishedWithError);
        connect(job, &QObject::destroyed, this, &PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotJobDestroyed);
        connect(job, &LsColJob::directoryListingIterated,
            this, &PropagateUploadFileNG::slotPropfindIterate);
    } else if (progressInfo._valid) {
        // The upload info is stale. remove the stale chunks on the server
        _transferId = progressInfo._transferid;
        // Fire and forget. Any error will be ignored.
        (new DeleteJob(propagator()->account(), chunkUrl(), this))->start();
        // startNewUpload will reset the _transferId and the UploadInfo in the db.

void PropagateUploadFileNG::startNewUpload()
    ASSERT(propagator()->_activeJobList.count(this) == 1);
    _transferId = qrand() ^ _item->_modtime ^ (_item->_size << 16) ^ qHash(_item->_file);
    _sent = 0;
    _currentChunk = 0;

    propagator()->reportProgress(*_item, 0);

    SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo pi;
    pi._valid = true;
    pi._transferid = _transferId;
    pi._modtime = _item->_modtime;
    pi._contentChecksum = _item->_checksumHeader;
    propagator()->_journal->setUploadInfo(_item->_file, pi);
    propagator()->_journal->commit("Upload info");
    QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> headers;
    headers["OC-Total-Length"] = QByteArray::number(_item->_size);
    auto job = new MkColJob(propagator()->account(), chunkUrl(), headers, this);

    connect(job, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)),
        this, SLOT(slotMkColFinished(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
    connect(job, &QObject::destroyed, this, &PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotJobDestroyed);
void PropagateUploadFileNG::slotPropfindIterate(const QString &name, const QMap<QString, QString> &properties)
    if (name == chunkUrl().path()) {
        return; // skip the info about the path itself
    bool ok = false;
    QString chunkName = name.mid(name.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    auto chunkId = chunkName.toUInt(&ok);
    if (ok) {
        ServerChunkInfo chunkinfo = { properties["getcontentlength"].toULongLong(), chunkName };
        _serverChunks[chunkId] = chunkinfo;
void PropagateUploadFileNG::slotPropfindFinished()
    auto job = qobject_cast<LsColJob *>(sender());
    slotJobDestroyed(job); // remove it from the _jobs list

    _currentChunk = 0;
    _sent = 0;
    while (_serverChunks.contains(_currentChunk)) {
        _sent += _serverChunks[_currentChunk].size;

    if (_sent > _item->_size) {
        // Normally this can't happen because the size is xor'ed with the transfer id, and it is
        // therefore impossible that there is more data on the server than on the file.
        qCCritical(lcPropagateUpload) << "Inconsistency while resuming " << _item->_file
                                      << ": the size on the server (" << _sent << ") is bigger than the size of the file ("
                                      << _item->_size << ")";

    qCInfo(lcPropagateUpload) << "Resuming " << _item->_file << " from chunk " << _currentChunk << "; sent =" << _sent;

    if (!_serverChunks.isEmpty()) {
        qCInfo(lcPropagateUpload) << "To Delete" << _serverChunks.keys();
        _removeJobError = false;

        // Make sure that if there is a "hole" and then a few more chunks, on the server
        // we should remove the later chunks. Otherwise when we do dynamic chunk sizing, we may end up
        // with corruptions if there are too many chunks, or if we abort and there are still stale chunks.
        for (auto it = _serverChunks.begin(); it != _serverChunks.end(); ++it) {
            auto job = new DeleteJob(propagator()->account(), Utility::concatUrlPath(chunkUrl(), it->originalName), this);
            QObject::connect(job, &DeleteJob::finishedSignal, this, &PropagateUploadFileNG::slotDeleteJobFinished);

void PropagateUploadFileNG::doStartUpload()

    const SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo progressInfo = propagator()->_journal->getUploadInfo(_item->_file);
    if (progressInfo._valid && Utility::qDateTimeToTime_t(progressInfo._modtime) == _item->_modtime) {
        _transferId = progressInfo._transferid;
        auto url = chunkUrl();
        auto job = new LsColJob(propagator()->account(), url, this);
        job->setProperties(QList<QByteArray>() << "resourcetype"
                                               << "getcontentlength");
        connect(job, SIGNAL(finishedWithoutError()), this, SLOT(slotPropfindFinished()));
        connect(job, SIGNAL(finishedWithError(QNetworkReply *)),
            this, SLOT(slotPropfindFinishedWithError()));
        connect(job, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject *)), this, SLOT(slotJobDestroyed(QObject *)));
        connect(job, SIGNAL(directoryListingIterated(QString, QMap<QString, QString>)),
            this, SLOT(slotPropfindIterate(QString, QMap<QString, QString>)));
    } else if (progressInfo._valid) {
void PropagateUploadFileNG::startNextChunk()
    if (propagator()->_abortRequested.fetchAndAddRelaxed(0))

    quint64 fileSize = _item->_size;
    ENFORCE(fileSize >= _sent, "Sent data exceeds file size");

    // prevent situation that chunk size is bigger then required one to send
    _currentChunkSize = qMin(propagator()->_chunkSize, fileSize - _sent);

    if (_currentChunkSize == 0) {
        Q_ASSERT(_jobs.isEmpty()); // There should be no running job anymore
        _finished = true;
        // Finish with a MOVE
        QString destination = QDir::cleanPath(propagator()->account()->url().path() + QLatin1Char('/')
            + propagator()->account()->davPath() + propagator()->_remoteFolder + _item->_file);
        auto headers = PropagateUploadFileCommon::headers();

        // "If-Match applies to the source, but we are interested in comparing the etag of the destination
        auto ifMatch = headers.take("If-Match");
        if (!ifMatch.isEmpty()) {
            headers["If"] = "<" + destination.toUtf8() + "> ([" + ifMatch + "])";
        if (!_transmissionChecksumHeader.isEmpty()) {
            qCInfo(lcPropagateUpload) << destination << _transmissionChecksumHeader;
            headers[checkSumHeaderC] = _transmissionChecksumHeader;
        headers["OC-Total-Length"] = QByteArray::number(fileSize);

        auto job = new MoveJob(propagator()->account(), Utility::concatUrlPath(chunkUrl(), "/.file"),
            destination, headers, this);
        connect(job, &MoveJob::finishedSignal, this, &PropagateUploadFileNG::slotMoveJobFinished);
        connect(job, &QObject::destroyed, this, &PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotJobDestroyed);

    auto device = new UploadDevice(&propagator()->_bandwidthManager);
    const QString fileName = propagator()->getFilePath(_item->_file);

    if (!device->prepareAndOpen(fileName, _sent, _currentChunkSize)) {
        qCWarning(lcPropagateUpload) << "Could not prepare upload device: " << device->errorString();

        // If the file is currently locked, we want to retry the sync
        // when it becomes available again.
        if (FileSystem::isFileLocked(fileName)) {
            emit propagator()->seenLockedFile(fileName);
        // Soft error because this is likely caused by the user modifying his files while syncing
        abortWithError(SyncFileItem::SoftError, device->errorString());

    QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> headers;
    headers["OC-Chunk-Offset"] = QByteArray::number(_sent);

    _sent += _currentChunkSize;
    QUrl url = chunkUrl(_currentChunk);

    // job takes ownership of device via a QScopedPointer. Job deletes itself when finishing
    PUTFileJob *job = new PUTFileJob(propagator()->account(), url, device, headers, _currentChunk, this);
    connect(job, &PUTFileJob::finishedSignal, this, &PropagateUploadFileNG::slotPutFinished);
    connect(job, &PUTFileJob::uploadProgress,
        this, &PropagateUploadFileNG::slotUploadProgress);
    connect(job, &PUTFileJob::uploadProgress,
        device, &UploadDevice::slotJobUploadProgress);
    connect(job, &QObject::destroyed, this, &PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotJobDestroyed);