int lset_config_test(char * keystr, char * ldt_bin) {
    static char * meth = "lset_config_test()";
    if( LSET_DEBUG ) {
        INFO("      [ENTER]:<%s:%s>:From %s", MOD, LDT, meth );

    int rc = 1;

    char * valstr;
    as_result * resultp;

    time_t cur_t;
    cur_t = time(NULL);

    cl_cluster * c     = lset_g_config->asc;
    cl_object  o_key;
    char       * ns    = lset_g_config->ns;
    char       * set   = lset_g_config->set;
    char       * bname = ldt_bin;

    citrusleaf_object_init_str( &o_key, keystr );

    //print config of lset
    rc = aerospike_lset_config( &resultp,
                c, ns, set, &o_key, bname, lset_g_config->timeout_ms);
    if ( rc == CITRUSLEAF_OK ) {
        valstr = as_val_tostring( resultp->value );
        printf("	Config parameters:\n	%s \n", valstr);

    citrusleaf_object_free( &o_key );
    return rc;
int lset_create_test (char * keystr, char * ldt_bin ){
    static char * meth = "lset_create_test()";
    if( LSET_DEBUG ) {
        INFO("      [ENTER]:<%s:%s>:From %s", MOD, LDT, meth );

    cl_cluster * c     = lset_g_config->asc;
    cl_object  o_key;
    char       * ns    = lset_g_config->ns;
    char       * set   = lset_g_config->set;
    char       * bname = ldt_bin;

    char * create_package = "StandardList";
    as_map *create_spec = as_hashmap_new(2);
    as_map_set(create_spec, (as_val *) as_string_new("Package", false),
    (as_val *) as_string_new( create_package, false));

    citrusleaf_object_init_str( &o_key, keystr );

    cl_rv rv = 0;
    rv = aerospike_lset_create( c, ns, set, &o_key, bname, create_spec, lset_g_config->timeout_ms);

    citrusleaf_object_free( &o_key );
    as_val_destroy( create_spec );
    return rv;

write_new_value(uint32_t key, cl_object *key_o, cf_digest *d)
	uint64_t new_value_int;
	do {
		new_value_int = rand_64();
	} while (new_value_int == VALUE_UNINIT || new_value_int == VALUE_DELETED);
	g_config.values[key] = new_value_int;
	char new_value_str[g_config.value_len+1];
	my_itoa(new_value_str, new_value_int, g_config.value_len); 
	cl_bin values[1];
	strcpy(values[0].bin_name, g_config.bin);
	citrusleaf_object_init_str(&values[0].object, new_value_str);

	cl_write_parameters cl_w_p;	
	cl_w_p.timeout_ms = g_config.timeout_ms;
	int rv;
	rv = citrusleaf_put(g_config.asc, g_config.ns, g_config.set, key_o, values, 1, &cl_w_p);
	if (rv != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "aerospike put returned error %d, fail digest %"PRIx64"\n",rv, *(uint64_t *)d);
		if (g_config.strict)
	rv = citrusleaf_verify(g_config.asc, g_config.ns, g_config.set, key_o, values, 1, g_config.timeout_ms, NULL);
	if (rv != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "aerospike get returned error %d digest %"PRIx64"\n",rv, *(uint64_t *)d);
		if (g_config.strict)

	// test!
	if (values[0].object.type != CL_STR) {
		fprintf(stderr, "read value has wrong type: expect string (3) got %d, fail digest %"PRIx64"\n",(int)values[0].object.type, *(uint64_t *)d);
		if (g_config.strict)
	if (strcmp(values[0].object.u.str, new_value_str) != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "read value does not match set value. digest %"PRIx64"\n", *(uint64_t *)d);
		fprintf(stderr, "  expecting: %s\n",new_value_str);
		fprintf(stderr, "  got: %s\n",values[0].object.u.str);
		if (g_config.strict)
			return( -1);
	atomic_int_add(g_config.read_counter, 1);
	atomic_int_add(g_config.write_counter, 1);

 *  For a single record, perform a series of SET Search.
 *  and do a server side transform of the byte-packed data
 *  Using the previously created record, repeatedly call stack search with
 *  varying numbers of search counts.
int lset_search_with_transform_test(char * keystr, char * ldt_bin,
                                 char * filter_function,
                                 as_list * fargs,
                                 int iterations ) {
    static char * meth = "lset_search_with_transform_test()";
    if( LSET_DEBUG ) {
        INFO("      [ENTER]:<%s:%s>:From %s", MOD, LDT, meth );

    cl_rv rc = 0;

    INFO("[ENTER]:<%s:%s>: Iterations(%d) Key(%s) LSOBin(%s)",
            MOD, meth, iterations, keystr, ldt_bin );

    cl_cluster * c     = lset_g_config->asc;
    cl_object  o_key;
    char       * ns    = lset_g_config->ns;
    char       * set   = lset_g_config->set;
    char       * bname = ldt_bin;
    int        vals_read;
    int        misses;
    int        errs;
    int        i;
    as_result * resultp;

    INFO("[DEBUG]:<%s:%s>: Run search() iterations(%d)", MOD, meth, iterations );

    // NOTE: Must FREE the result (resultp) for EACH ITERATION.
    int search_count = 2; // Soon -- set by Random Number
    citrusleaf_object_init_str( &o_key, keystr );
    for ( i = 0; i < iterations ; i ++ ){
        rc = aerospike_lset_search_then_filter(
                &resultp, c, ns, set, &o_key, bname, search_count,
                filter_function, fargs, lset_g_config->timeout_ms);

        //lset_process_read_results( meth, rc, resultp, i, &vals_read, &misses,
          //      &errs, search_count );

        // Count up the reads (total)
        lset_g_config->read_vals_counter += search_count;
        lset_g_config->read_ops_counter += 1;
    } // end for each search iteration
    citrusleaf_object_free( &o_key );

    INFO("[EXIT]:<%s:%s>: RC(%d)", MOD, meth, rc );
    return rc;
} // end lset_search_with_transform_test()
int lset_size_test(char * keystr, char * ldt_bin, uint32_t   * size) {
    static char * meth = "lset_size_test()";
    if( LSET_DEBUG ) {
        INFO("      [ENTER]:<%s:%s>:From %s", MOD, LDT, meth );

    int rc = 0;

    cl_cluster * c     = lset_g_config->asc;
    cl_object  o_key;
    char       * ns    = lset_g_config->ns;
    char       * set   = lset_g_config->set;
    char       * bname = ldt_bin;

    citrusleaf_object_init_str( &o_key, keystr );

    //check size of lset
    rc = aerospike_lset_size( size,
                c, ns, set, &o_key, bname, lset_g_config->timeout_ms);

    citrusleaf_object_free( &o_key );
    return rc;
Beispiel #6
int test_operate(cl_cluster *clc)
	cl_object key;
	cl_operation ops[3];
	cl_rv rv;
	citrusleaf_object_init_str(&key, myKey);
	citrusleaf_object_init_int(&ops[1].bin.object, 2);
	citrusleaf_object_init_blob(&ops[2].bin.object, blobData2, strlen(blobData2)+1);
	ops[0].op = CL_OP_READ;
	ops[1].op = CL_OP_INCR;
	ops[2].op = CL_OP_WRITE;

	rv = citrusleaf_operate(clc, ns, myset, &key, &ops[0], 3, NULL, false, NULL);
	if( rv != CITRUSLEAF_OK ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - go-right case of Operate is failing with %d\n", rv);
		return -1;
	// and look at the value we read...
	if( strcmp(ops[0].bin.object.u.str, strData) ){
		printf( "TEST FAILED - Operate did not read back correct data! %s, %s\n", ops[0].bin.object.u.str, strData);
		return -1;

	// and release that value...

	// now read the values back.
	ops[0].op = CL_OP_READ;
	ops[1].op = CL_OP_READ;
	ops[2].op = CL_OP_READ;

	rv = citrusleaf_operate(clc, ns, myset, &key, &ops[0], 3, NULL ,false, NULL);
	if( rv != CITRUSLEAF_OK ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - go-right case of Operate is failing with %d\n", rv);
		return -1;

	// check the values...
	if( strcmp(ops[0].bin.object.u.str, strData) ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - did not read back the same string\n");
		return -1;

	if( ops[1].bin.object.u.i64 != intData+2 ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - did not read back correct int %lu %lu\n", ops[1].bin.object.u.i64, intData+2);
		return -1;

	if( strcmp(ops[2].bin.object.u.blob, blobData2 ) ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - did not read back blob correctly %s, %s\n", (char *)ops[2].bin.object.u.blob, blobData2);
		return -1;

	// and free them all...
	// what happens if I request something that doesn't exist?  // XXX - should do this elsewhere...
/*	strcpy(&ops[0].bin.bin_name[0], "doesnt exist");
	rv = citrusleaf_operate(clc, mySet, myKey, &ops[3], 3, NULL );

	return 0;	
Beispiel #7
int main(int argc, char **argv){
	cl_cluster   *clc;
	cl_rv        return_value;
	cl_object key1;
	cl_object key2;

	printf(" STARTING TESTS\n");
	// initialize internal citrusleaf structures just once

	// Create a cluster with a particular starting host
	clc = citrusleaf_cluster_create();
	if (!clc){
		printf("TEST FAILED: Could not create cluster object");

	return_value = citrusleaf_cluster_add_host(clc, host, 3000, 1000);
	if( return_value != CITRUSLEAF_OK ){
		printf("TEST FAILED - cannot connect to host\n");
		return -1;

	// XXX - need to do some info calls with a bigger cluster!

	printf(" DONE\n");

	// set up the key. Create a stack object, set its value to a string
	cl_object    key_obj;
	citrusleaf_object_init_str(&key_obj, myKey);

	// set up a specific bins to fetch
	// the response will be in this value
	cl_bin       values[3];
	strcpy( &values[0].bin_name[0], bin1 );
	citrusleaf_object_init_str( &values[0].object, strData);
	strcpy( &values[1].bin_name[0], bin2);
	citrusleaf_object_init_int( &values[1].object, intData );
	strcpy( &values[2].bin_name[0], bin3);
	citrusleaf_object_init_blob( &values[2].object, blobData, strlen(blobData)+1);

	printf("params to put are clc %p, ns %s, set %s, key %p, values %p\n", clc, ns, myset, &key_obj, values);
	return_value = citrusleaf_put(clc, ns, myset, &key_obj, values, 3, NULL);
	if( return_value != CITRUSLEAF_OK ){
		printf(" TEST FAILS - INITIAL PUT FAILS, value is %d\n", return_value);


	return_value = citrusleaf_get(clc, ns, myset, &key_obj, 
		values, 3, 0, NULL); 

	switch (return_value) {
    	case CITRUSLEAF_OK:
       		if (values[0].object.type != CL_STR) {
			printf(" TEST FAILS - value has unexpected type %d\n",values[0].object.type);
			goto cleanup;
       		} else if( strcmp(values[0].object.u.str, strData) ){
			printf("TEST FAILS - WRITE DOES NOT RETURN WHAT WAS WRITTEN: %s, %s\n", values[0].object.u.str, strData);
			goto cleanup;
       		if (values[1].object.type != CL_INT) {     
			printf(" TEST FAILS - value has unexpected type %d\n",values[1].object.type);
			goto cleanup;
       		} else if( values[1].object.u.i64 != intData){
			printf("TEST FAILS - WRITE DOES NOT RETURN WHAT WAS WRITTEN, %lu, %lu\n", values[1].object.u.i64, intData);
			goto cleanup;
		if( values[2].object.type != CL_BLOB) {
			printf(" TEST FAILS - value has unexpected type %d\n",values[1].object.type);
			goto cleanup;
		}else if( strcmp(values[2].object.u.blob, blobData) ){
			goto cleanup;
    		printf(" TEST FAILS - citrusleaf says that key does not exist\n");
		goto cleanup;
    		printf(" TEST FAILS - citrusleaf client error: local error\n");
		goto cleanup;
    		printf(" TEST FAILS - citrusleaf - bad parameter passed in \n");
		goto cleanup;
		printf(" TEST FAILS - citrusleaf - timeout on get\n");
		goto cleanup;
		printf(" TEST _FAILS - citrusleaf - unknown server error\n");
		goto cleanup;
    	default :
		printf(" TEST_FAILS - error %d\n", return_value);
		goto cleanup;

	// clean up the retrieved objects

	if( test_getall(clc) )    goto cleanup;
	if( read_mod_write(clc) ) goto cleanup;
	if( test_unique(clc) )    goto cleanup;
	if( test_operate(clc) )   goto cleanup;
	if( test_batch(clc) )     goto cleanup;
	printf("TEST SUCCESSFUL!\n");


	citrusleaf_delete(clc, ns, myset, &key1, NULL);
	citrusleaf_delete(clc, ns, myset, &key2, NULL);
	// Clean up the cluster object
	// Clean up the unit
Beispiel #8
// This is a read-modify-write test. We read the data and the generation count, and 
// then write the data using varous wp parameters
int read_mod_write(cl_cluster *clc)
	cl_object key;
	cl_bin    bin;
	cl_rv     rv;
	uint32_t  gen_count;

	citrusleaf_object_init_str(&key, myKey);
	rv = citrusleaf_get(clc, ns, myset, &key, &bin, 1, 0, &gen_count);

	if( rv != CITRUSLEAF_OK ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - Get returns value %d\n", rv);
		return -1;

	// reuse old bin - must free memory allocated by system first
	citrusleaf_object_free(&bin.object); // check - does free reset the free pointer? XXX
	if( ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - free pointer not reset on object_free \n");
		return -1;
	cl_write_parameters cl_wp;
	cl_write_parameters_set_generation(&cl_wp, gen_count);

	// now attempt to write with the same gen count - should work just fine
	citrusleaf_object_init_str(&bin.object, strData2);
	rv = citrusleaf_put(clc, ns, myset, &key, &bin, 1, &cl_wp);

	if( rv != CITRUSLEAF_OK ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - put with gen count fails!\n");
		return -1;

	// now attempt to write again - gen count on server should have changed!
	citrusleaf_object_init_str(&bin.object, "badData");
	rv = citrusleaf_put(clc, ns, myset, &key, &bin, 1, &cl_wp);
		printf(" TEST FAILED - generation count should fail, actual return value is %d\n", rv);
		return -1;

	// check that value has not changed
	uint32_t new_gen;
	rv = citrusleaf_get(clc, ns, myset, &key, &bin, 1,0, &new_gen);
	if( rv != CITRUSLEAF_OK ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - get in rmw is failing\n");
		return -1;

	if( strcmp(bin.object.u.str, strData2) ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - data on server changes despite generation count!!\n");
		return -1;

	// one more time - use the generation gt thing...
	cl_write_parameters_set_generation_gt(&cl_wp, gen_count+2);

	citrusleaf_object_init_str(&bin.object, strData);
	rv = citrusleaf_put(clc, ns, myset, &key, &bin, 1, &cl_wp);

	if( rv != CITRUSLEAF_OK ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - put with gen count gt fails! err %d gen count %d\n", rv, gen_count);
		return -1;

	// check that value is correct - and get the new gen_count
	rv = citrusleaf_get(clc, ns, myset, &key, &bin, 1, 0, &gen_count);
	if( rv != CITRUSLEAF_OK ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - get in rmw is failing\n");
		return -1;

	if( strcmp(bin.object.u.str, strData) ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - data on server changes despite generation count!!\n");
		return -1;

	// now attempt to write again - gen count on server should have changed!
	citrusleaf_object_init_str(&bin.object, "badData");
	cl_write_parameters_set_generation_gt(&cl_wp, gen_count);
	rv = citrusleaf_put(clc, ns, myset, &key, &bin, 1, &cl_wp);
		printf(" TEST FAILED - generation count should fail, actual return value is %d\n", rv);
		return -1;

	// check that value has not changed
	rv = citrusleaf_get(clc, ns, myset, &key, &bin, 1, 0, NULL);
	if( rv != CITRUSLEAF_OK ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - get in rmw is failing\n");
		return -1;

	if( strcmp(bin.object.u.str, strData) ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - data on server changes despite generation count!!\n");
		return -1;

	// at the end of this function, bin1 is strdata
	return 0;
Beispiel #9
int test_getall(cl_cluster *clc){

	// set up the key.
	cl_object      key_obj;
	citrusleaf_object_init_str(&key_obj, myKey);

	// create variables to return all values
	cl_bin         *bins;
	int            n_bins;

	// do the get
	citrusleaf_get_all(clc, ns, myset, &key_obj, 
		&bins, &n_bins, 0, NULL);

	// check the contained values
	int haveStr = 0;
	int haveInt = 0;
	int haveBlob = 0;
	if( n_bins != 3 ){
		printf(" TEST FAILED - get_all returns wrong number of bins, %d\n", n_bins);
		return -1;

	for (int i=0;i<n_bins;i++) {
     		printf (" bin %d name %s\n",i,bins[i].bin_name);
     		if (bins[i].object.type == CL_STR){
			if( strcmp(bins[i].object.u.str, strData) ){
				printf(" TEST FAILED - str output of get_all does not match input\n"); 
				return -1;
			if( !bins[i] ){
				printf(" TEST FAILED - string allocated, but free pointer not set\n");
				return -1;
			haveStr = 1;
     		}else if (bins[i].object.type == CL_INT ){
			if( bins[i].object.u.i64 != intData ){
				printf(" TEST FAILED - int output of get_all does not match input\n");
				return -1;
			if( bins[i] ){
				printf(" TEST FAILED - int output indicated as allocated but is not\n");
				return -1;
			haveInt = 1;
		}else if( bins[i].object.type == CL_BLOB ){
			haveBlob = 1; 
			if( strcmp(bins[i].object.u.blob, blobData) ){
				printf(" TEST FAILED - blob output does not match input\n");
				return -1;
			// check - free pointer set?
			if( !bins[i] ){
				printf(" TEST FAILED - blob allocated, but free pointer not set\n");
				return -1;
       			printf("TEST FAILED - unexpected bin type %d\n",(int) bins[i].object.type);

	if( !(haveInt && haveStr && haveBlob ) ){
		printf("TEST FAILED - not all values have correct types\n");
		return -1;
	// free the allocated memory
	for( int i=0; i<n_bins;i++) {
	return 0;
 *  For a single record, perform a series of SET Insert of BYTE-PACKED data.
 *  Create a new record, then repeatedly call stack insert.
int lset_insert_with_transform_test(char * keystr, char * ldt_bin, int iterations) {
    static char * meth = "lset_insert_with_transform_test()";
    if( LSET_DEBUG ) {
        INFO("      [ENTER]:<%s:%s>:From %s", MOD, LDT, meth );

    int rc = 0;
    int i;

    INFO("[ENTER]:<%s:%s>: It(%d) Key(%s) LSOBin(%s)",
            MOD, meth, iterations, keystr, ldt_bin );

    // Abbreviate for simplicity.
    cl_cluster * c  = lset_g_config->asc;
    char       * ns = lset_g_config->ns;
    char       * set  = lset_g_config->set;
    char       * bname  = ldt_bin;
    cl_object o_key;

    // Set up the Creation Spec parameter -- mostly setting the Package
    // (which is the name for a canned set of settings).
    char * create_package = "ProdListValBinStore";
    as_map *create_spec = as_hashmap_new(2);
            (as_val *) as_string_new("Package", false),
            (as_val *) as_string_new( create_package, false));

    INFO("[DEBUG]:<%s:%s>: Run insert_with_transform() iterations(%d)",
          MOD, meth, iterations );
    citrusleaf_object_init_str( &o_key, keystr );
    for ( i = 0; i < iterations; i++ ) {
        int val         = i * 10;
        as_list * listp = as_arraylist_new( 5, 5 );
        int64_t urlid   = val + 1;
        as_list_add_integer( listp, urlid );
        int64_t created = val + 2;
        as_list_add_integer( listp, created );
        int64_t meth_a  = val + 3;
        as_list_add_integer( listp, meth_a );
        int64_t meth_b  = val + 4;
        as_list_add_integer( listp, meth_b );
        int64_t status  = val + 5;
        as_list_add_integer( listp, status );

        rc = aerospike_lset_create_and_insert( c, ns, set, &o_key, bname,
                (as_val *)listp, create_spec, lset_g_config->timeout_ms);
        if ( rc != CITRUSLEAF_OK ) {
            INFO("[ERROR]:<%s:%s>:LSO PUSH WITH TRANSFROM Error: i(%d) rc(%d)",
                  MOD, meth, i, rc );
            as_val_destroy ( listp );
            goto cleanup;
        // Count the write operation for stats gathering
        lset_g_config->write_ops_counter += 1;
        lset_g_config->write_vals_counter += 1;
        as_val_destroy( listp ); // must destroy every iteration.
        listp = NULL;
    } // end for

    citrusleaf_object_free( &o_key );
    as_val_destroy( create_spec );

    return rc;
} // end lset_insert_with_transform_test()
 *  For a single record, perform a series of SET READS.
 *  Using the previously created record, repeatedly call set read with
 *  varying keys (value type is passed in via "format").
 *  NOTE: We must EXPLICITLY FREE the result, as it is a malloc'd
 *  object that is handed to us.
 *  + keystr: String Key to find the record
 *  + ldt_bin: Bin Name of the LDT
 *  + iterations: Number of iterations to run this test
 *  + seed:  Seed value for the random number pattern
 *  + data_format: Type of value (number, string, list)
int lset_search_test(char * keystr, char * ldt_bin, int iterations,
        int seed, int data_format ) {
    static char * meth = "lset_search_test()";

    cl_rv rc = CITRUSLEAF_OK;
    as_result * resultp;

    char * valstr;

//    INFO("[ENTER]:<%s:%s>: Iterations(%d) Key(%s) LSOBin(%s) Sd(%d) DF(%d)",
//            MOD, meth, iterations, keystr, ldt_bin, seed, data_format);

    cl_cluster * c     = lset_g_config->asc;
    cl_object  o_key;
    char       * ns    = lset_g_config->ns;
    char       * set   = lset_g_config->set;
    char       * bname = ldt_bin;
    int        vals_read = 0;
    int        misses = 0;
    int        errs = 0;

//    INFO("[DEBUG]:<%s:%s>: Run search() iterations(%d)", MOD, meth, iterations );

    as_val * valp ;
    srand( seed );
    // NOTE: Must FREE the result for EACH ITERATION.
    citrusleaf_object_init_str( &o_key, keystr );

    int          iseed;
    if(iterations == 0) {
            rc = aerospike_lset_search( &resultp,
                c, ns, set, &o_key, bname, NULL, lset_g_config->timeout_ms);
            //printf("search result is %s\n", as_val_tostring(resultp->value));
            if( resultp != NULL ) as_result_destroy( resultp );
    } else { 
        for ( int i = 0; i < iterations ; i ++ ){
            iseed = i * 10;
            lset_generate_value( &valp, iseed, data_format );

            //     INFO("[DEBUG]:<%s:%s>: Peek(%d)", MOD, meth, iterations );
            rc = aerospike_lset_search( &resultp,
                c, ns, set, &o_key, bname, valp, lset_g_config->timeout_ms);
            if(rc == CITRUSLEAF_OK) {
                rc = lset_process_read_results( meth, rc, resultp, i, &vals_read, &misses,
                          &errs, valp);
	    //printf("compared result: exp-%s act-%s ",as_val_tostring(valp),as_val_tostring(resultp->value));
            // Clean up -- release the result object
            if( resultp != NULL ) as_result_destroy( resultp );

            // Count up the reads (total)
            if(rc == 0) {
                lset_g_config->read_vals_counter += 1;
            lset_g_config->read_ops_counter += 1;
        } // end for each search iteration
    citrusleaf_object_free( &o_key );

//    INFO("[EXIT]:<%s:%s>: RC(%d)", MOD, meth, rc );
    return rc;
} // end lset_search_test()
 *  For a single record, perform a series of SET insert.
 *  Create a new record, then repeatedly call lset insert.
 *  This should work for data that is a NUMBER, a STRING or a LIST.
 *  Parms:
 *  + keystr: String Key to find the record
 *  + ldt_bin: Bin Name of the LDT
 *  + iterations: Number of iterations to run this test
 *  + seed:  Seed value for the random number pattern
 *  + data_format: Type of value (number, string, list)
int lset_insert_test(char * keystr, char * ldt_bin, int iterations, int seed,
        int data_format ) {
    static char * meth = "lset_insert_test()";
    if( LSET_DEBUG ) {
        INFO("      [ENTER]:<%s:%s>:From %s", MOD, LDT, meth );

    int rc = CITRUSLEAF_OK;
    int i;
    as_val *valp;

    time_t cur_t;
    cur_t = time(NULL);

    //    INFO("[ENTER]:<%s:%s>: It(%d) Key(%s) LSOBin(%s) Seed(%d)",
    //            MOD, meth, iterations, keystr, ldt_bin, seed);

    // We have two choices:  We can create the LSO bin here, and then
    // do a bunch of inserts into it -- or we can just do the combined
    // "create_and_insert" insert, which upon reflection, is really the
    // most likely mode we'll be in. We'll choose the later.

    // Set up the Creation Spec parameter -- mostly setting the Package
    // (which is the name for a canned set of settings).
    char * create_package = "StandardList";
    as_map *create_spec = as_hashmap_new(2);
    as_map_set(create_spec, (as_val *) as_string_new("Package", false),
    (as_val *) as_string_new( create_package, false));

    cl_cluster * c     = lset_g_config->asc;
    cl_object  o_key;
    char       * ns    = lset_g_config->ns;
    char       * set   = lset_g_config->set;
    char       * bname = ldt_bin;
    int          iseed;

    //INFO("[DEBUG]:<%s:%s>: Run insert() iterations(%d)", MOD, meth, iterations );
    citrusleaf_object_init_str( &o_key, keystr );
    for ( i = 0; i < iterations; i++ ) {
        iseed = i * 10;
        lset_generate_value( &valp, iseed, data_format );

        rc = aerospike_lset_create_and_insert(
                c, ns, set, &o_key, bname, valp, create_spec,

        if ( rc != CITRUSLEAF_OK ) {
        //INFO("[ERROR]:<%s:%s>:H Error: i(%d) rc(%d)", MOD, meth,i,rc );
            as_val_destroy ( valp );
            goto cleanup;
        // Count the write operation for stats gathering
        lset_g_config->write_ops_counter += 1;
        lset_g_config->write_vals_counter += 1;
        as_val_destroy( valp ); // must destroy every iteration.
        valp = NULL; // unnecessary insurance
    } // end for
    citrusleaf_object_free( &o_key );
    as_val_destroy( create_spec );
    return rc;
} // end lset_insert_test()
void *
work_fn(void *gcc_is_ass)
	// Forever,
	do {
		// Pick a key to use. Look it up to see if anyone else is using it.
		uint32_t	key = rand_64() % g_config.n_keys;
		uint32_t    die = rand_64() & 0x03;
		if (SHASH_OK == shash_put_unique(g_config.in_progress_hash, &key, 0) ) 
			cl_rv rv;
			// Make the key into a string
			char key_s[g_config.key_len+1];
			my_itoa(key_s, key, g_config.key_len);
			// Make an cl_object that represents the key
			cl_object key_o;
			citrusleaf_object_init_str(&key_o, key_s);

			cf_digest d;
			citrusleaf_calculate_digest(g_config.set, &key_o, &d);

			if (VALUE_UNINIT == g_config.values[key]) {

				// simply set the value to something - can't really check anything because we don't know the state				
				if (0 != write_new_value(key, &key_o, &d)) {
					if (g_config.strict)   					goto Fail;
				atomic_int_add(g_config.key_counter, 1);
			else if (VALUE_DELETED == g_config.values[key]) {
				// Shouldn't exist
				cl_bin *cl_v = 0;
				int		cl_v_len;
				rv = citrusleaf_get_all(g_config.asc, g_config.ns, g_config.set, &key_o, &cl_v, &cl_v_len, g_config.timeout_ms, NULL);
					fprintf(stderr, "Get after delete returned improper value when should be deleted %d key %s digest %"PRIx64"\n",rv,key_s, *(uint64_t *)&d);
					if (g_config.strict)    goto Fail;
				if (cl_v)	free(cl_v);

				atomic_int_add(g_config.read_counter, 1);  // did two ops here						
				// write a new value
				if (die < 2) {
					if (0 != write_new_value(key, &key_o, &d)) {
						if (g_config.strict)   goto Fail;
					atomic_int_add(g_config.key_counter, 1);
			// Value is well known. Check to see that it's still right.
			else {			
				cl_bin values[1];
				strcpy(values[0].bin_name, g_config.bin);
				// Make string version of old value for checking
				char new_value_str[g_config.value_len+1];
				my_itoa(new_value_str, g_config.values[key], g_config.value_len); 
				citrusleaf_object_init_str(&values[0].object, new_value_str);
				rv = citrusleaf_verify(g_config.asc, g_config.ns, g_config.set, &key_o, values, 1, g_config.timeout_ms, NULL);
				if (rv != 0) {
					fprintf(stderr, "Get returned improper value %d when should be set : key %d digest %"PRIx64"\n",rv,key, *(uint64_t *)&d);
					if (g_config.strict)   goto Fail;
					goto V1;
				// test!
				if (values[0].object.type != CL_STR) {
					fprintf(stderr, "read value has wrong type: expect string (3) got %d\n",(int)values[0].object.type);  
					if (g_config.strict)   return((void *)-1);
				else if (strcmp(values[0].object.u.str, new_value_str) != 0) {
					fprintf(stderr, "read value does not match set value.\n");
					fprintf(stderr, "  expecting: %s\n",new_value_str);
					fprintf(stderr, "  got: %s\n",values[0].object.u.str);
					if (g_config.strict)   goto Fail;
				atomic_int_add(g_config.read_counter, 1);
				// Delete, write new value, what's your pleasure?
				if (die < 2) {
					if (0 != write_new_value(key, &key_o, &d)) {
						if (g_config.strict)   return((void *)-1);
				// Delete!
				else if (die == 2) {
					rv = citrusleaf_delete_verify(g_config.asc, g_config.ns, g_config.set, &key_o, 0);
					if (rv != 0) {
						fprintf(stderr, "Delete returned improper value %d, fail: key %d digest %"PRIx64"\n",rv, key, *(uint64_t *)&d);
						if (g_config.strict)   goto Fail;

					cl_bin values[1];
					strcpy(values[0].bin_name, g_config.bin);
					rv = citrusleaf_get(g_config.asc, g_config.ns, g_config.set, &key_o, values, 1, g_config.timeout_ms, NULL);
						fprintf(stderr, "Get after delete returned improper value %d digest %"PRIx64"\n",rv, *(uint64_t *)&d);
						if (g_config.strict)   goto Fail;
					g_config.values[key] = VALUE_DELETED;
					atomic_int_add(g_config.read_counter, 1);  // did two ops here
					atomic_int_add(g_config.delete_counter, 1);
					atomic_int_add(g_config.key_counter, -1);
			// remove my lock on this key
			shash_delete(g_config.in_progress_hash, &key);

	} while (1);
	return((void *)-1);
 *	Lookup a record by key, then perform specified operations.
 *	~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
 *		as_key key;
 *		as_key_init(&key, "ns", "set", "key");
 *		as_operations ops;
 *		as_operations_inita(&ops,2);
 *		as_operations_append_int64(&ops, AS_OPERATOR_INCR, "bin1", 456);
 *		as_operations_append_str(&ops, AS_OPERATOR_APPEND, "bin1", "def");
 *		if ( aerospike_key_remove(&as, &err, NULL, &key, &ops) != AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
 *			fprintf(stderr, "error(%d) %s at [%s:%d]", err.code, err.message, err.file, err.line);
 *		}
 *	~~~~~~~~~~
 *	@param as			The aerospike instance to use for this operation.
 *	@param err			The as_error to be populated if an error occurs.
 *	@param policy		The policy to use for this operation. If NULL, then the default policy will be used.
 *	@param key			The key of the record.
 *	@param ops			The operations to perform on the record.
 *	@param rec			The record to be populated with the data from AS_OPERATOR_READ operations.
 *	@return AEROSPIKE_OK if successful. Otherwise an error.
as_status aerospike_key_operate(
	aerospike * as, as_error * err, const as_policy_operate * policy, 
	const as_key * key, const as_operations * ops,
	as_record ** rec)
	// we want to reset the error so, we have a clean state
	// resolve policies
	as_policy_operate p;
	as_policy_operate_resolve(&p, &as->config.policies, policy);

	cl_write_parameters wp;
	aspolicyoperate_to_clwriteparameters(&p, ops, &wp);

	uint32_t 		gen = 0;
	uint32_t 		ttl = 0;
	int 			n_operations = ops->binops.size;
	cl_operation * 	operations = (cl_operation *) alloca(sizeof(cl_operation) * n_operations);
	int				n_read_ops = 0;
	as_bin_name *	read_op_bins = alloca(sizeof(as_bin_name) * n_operations);

	for(int i=0; i<n_operations; i++) {
		cl_operation * clop = &operations[i];
		as_binop * op = &ops->binops.entries[i];

		// Length check already done on as_bin name length. For performance we
		// we'll leave out this down-size check since this is a temporary shim
		// and we know the CL and AS limits are the same...
//		if ( strlen(op-> > CL_BINNAME_SIZE - 1 ) {
//			return as_error_update(err, AEROSPIKE_ERR_PARAM, "bin name too long: %s", op->;
//		}

		strcpy(clop->bin.bin_name, op->;
		clop->op = (cl_operator)op->op;

		// Collect bin names that are read.
		if (op->op == AS_OPERATOR_READ) {
			strcpy(read_op_bins[n_read_ops++], op->;

		asbinvalue_to_clobject(op->bin.valuep, &clop->bin.object);

	cl_rv rc = CITRUSLEAF_OK;

	switch ( p.key ) {
			as_digest * digest = as_key_digest((as_key *) key);
			rc = citrusleaf_operate_digest(as->cluster, key->ns, key->set, (cf_digest *) digest->value,
					operations, n_operations, &wp, &gen, &ttl);
			cl_object okey;
			asval_to_clobject((as_val *) key->valuep, &okey);
			as_digest * digest = as_key_digest((as_key *) key);
			rc = citrusleaf_operate(as->cluster, key->ns, key->set, &okey, (cf_digest*)digest->value,
					operations, n_operations, &wp, &gen, &ttl);
		default: {

	if ( n_read_ops != 0 && rc == CITRUSLEAF_OK && rec != NULL ) {
		as_record * r = *rec;
		if ( r == NULL ) {
			r = as_record_new(0);
		if ( r->bins.entries == NULL ) {
			r->bins.capacity = n_read_ops;
			r->bins.size = 0;
			r->bins.entries = malloc(sizeof(as_bin) * n_read_ops);
			r->bins._free = true;
		r->gen = (uint16_t) gen;
		r->ttl = ttl;

		// This works around an existing client bug where the data returned for
		// a read operation is stored in the first bin struct with that bin
		// name, not necessarily the bin struct corresponding to the read.
		for (int i = 0; i < n_read_ops; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < n_operations; j++) {
				if (strcmp(read_op_bins[i], operations[j].bin.bin_name) == 0) {
					clbin_to_asrecord(&operations[j].bin, r);

		*rec = r;

	return as_error_fromrc(err,rc);