Beispiel #1
// Allocates a new block and updates core id => block mapping. 'old_block'
// points to the block that the caller thinks is attached to
// 'core_id'. 'old_block' may be NULL. Returns true if:
// - allocated a new block OR
// - 'core_id' => 'old_block' mapping changed (another thread allocated a
//   block before lock was acquired).
static bool cl_allocate_core_local_block(uint32_t core_id,
                                         cl_block* old_block) {
  // Now that we have the lock, check if core-local mapping has changed.
  cl_core_local_block* core_local_block = &g_log.core_local_blocks[core_id];
  cl_block* block = cl_core_local_block_get_block(core_local_block);
  if ((block != NULL) && (block != old_block)) {
    return true;
  if (block != NULL) {
    cl_core_local_block_set_block(core_local_block, NULL);
    cl_block_list_insert_at_tail(&g_log.dirty_block_list, block);
  block = cl_allocate_block();
  if (block == NULL) {
    return false;
  cl_core_local_block_set_block(core_local_block, block);
  return true;
Beispiel #2
/* Allocates a new block and updates core id => block mapping. 'old_block'
   points to the block that the caller thinks is attached to
   'core_id'. 'old_block' may be NULL. Returns non-zero if:
   - allocated a new block OR
   - 'core_id' => 'old_block' mapping changed (another thread allocated a
     block before lock was acquired). */
static int cl_allocate_core_local_block(gpr_int32 core_id,
                                        cl_block *old_block) {
  /* Now that we have the lock, check if core-local mapping has changed. */
  cl_core_local_block *core_local_block = &g_log.core_local_blocks[core_id];
  cl_block *block = cl_core_local_block_get_block(core_local_block);
  if ((block != NULL) && (block != old_block)) {
    return 1;
  if (block != NULL) {
    cl_core_local_block_set_block(core_local_block, NULL);
    cl_block_list_insert_at_tail(&g_log.dirty_block_list, block);
  block = cl_allocate_block();
  if (block == NULL) {
    gpr_atm_rel_store(&g_log.is_full, 1);
    return 0;
  cl_core_local_block_set_block(core_local_block, block);
  return 1;
Beispiel #3
void *census_log_start_write(size_t size) {
  /* Used to bound number of times block allocation is attempted. */
  gpr_int32 attempts_remaining = g_log.num_blocks;
  /* TODO(aveitch): move this inside the do loop when current_cpu is fixed */
  gpr_int32 core_id = gpr_cpu_current_cpu();
    return NULL;
  do {
    int allocated;
    void *record = NULL;
    cl_block *block =
    if (block && (record = cl_block_start_write(block, size))) {
      return record;
    /* Need to allocate a new block. We are here if:
       - No block associated with the core OR
       - Write in-progress on the block OR
       - block is out of space */
    if (gpr_atm_acq_load(&g_log.is_full)) {
      gpr_atm_no_barrier_fetch_add(&g_log.out_of_space_count, 1);
      return NULL;
    allocated = cl_allocate_core_local_block(core_id, block);
    if (!allocated) {
      gpr_atm_no_barrier_fetch_add(&g_log.out_of_space_count, 1);
      return NULL;
  } while (attempts_remaining--);
  /* Give up. */
  gpr_atm_no_barrier_fetch_add(&g_log.out_of_space_count, 1);
  return NULL;