Beispiel #1
static void cc_InitData(CLAUSE clause)
  INPUT:  the clause to investigate
  EFFECT: pushes clause's atoms and their subterms on the
          pending stack, initializes each predecessor list with
          the list containing only a term's father, and unions
          the equivalence classes of the terms of the same
          antecedent equation
  int last, actno, i, ld;
  TERM atom;
  RAS cdr, size;

  cc_SetCars(ras_InitWithSize(cc_GetCars(), cc_RASSTDSIZE));
  cc_SetPending(ras_InitWithSize(cc_GetPending(), cc_RASSTDSIZE));
  ras_FastPush(cc_GetCars(), term_Null());  /* "true" has no predecessors */
  actno = 1;
  last  = clause_LastLitIndex(clause);
  for (i = clause_FirstLitIndex(); i <= last; i++) {
    atom = clause_GetLiteralAtom(clause, i);
    if (fol_IsEquality(atom)) {
      actno = cc_Number(actno, term_FirstArgument(atom), term_Null());
      actno = cc_Number(actno, term_SecondArgument(atom), term_Null());
      actno = cc_Number(actno, atom, term_Null());
  cc_SetPartition(part_Init(cc_GetPartition(), actno));
  cc_SetTable(table_Init(cc_GetTable(), symbol_ActIndex() - 1,
                         clause_MaxVar(clause), actno - 1));
  cdr  = ras_InitWithSize(cc_GetCdrs(), actno);
  size = ras_InitWithSize(cc_GetSizes(), actno);
  for (i = 0; i < actno; i++) {
    ras_FastPush(cdr, (POINTER) i);  /* form a cycle */
    ras_FastPush(size, (POINTER) (cc_GetCar(i) == term_Null()? 0 : 1));

  /* compute ceil(ld(actno)) avoiding mathbib-logarithm's rounding errors: */
  for (ld = 0, i = actno - 1; i > 0; i >>= 1)

  cc_SetCombine(ras_InitWithSize(cc_GetCombine(), actno * ld + 1));

  /* for every antecedent equation union equivalence classes of its terms  */
  /* (a non-equational atom is represented as the equation atom = "true"): */
  last = clause_LastAntecedentLitIndex(clause);
  for (i = clause_FirstLitIndex(); i <= last; i++) {
    atom = clause_GetLiteralAtom(clause, i);
    if (fol_IsEquality(atom))
      cc_Union(term_Size(term_FirstArgument(atom)),  /* clause not shared, therefore */
	       term_Size(term_SecondArgument(atom))); /* here no cc_Find needed */
      cc_Union(term_Size(atom), part_Find(cc_GetPartition(), cc_NOOFTRUE));

Beispiel #2
static LIST inf_NonUnitURResolution(CLAUSE Clause, int SpecialLitIndex,
				    LIST FoundMap, SUBST Subst,
				    SYMBOL GlobalMaxVar, SHARED_INDEX Index,
				    FLAGSTORE Flags, PRECEDENCE Precedence)
  INPUT:   A non-unit clause, a literal index from <Clause>.
           <FoundMap> is a list of pairs (l1,l2) of unifiable literals,
	   where l1 is from <Clause> and l2 is from a unit clause.
	   At this point the list has at most one element.
	   <Subst> is the substitution for <Clause>.
	   <GlobalMaxVar> is the maximal variable encountered so far.
	   <Index> is used to search unifiable literals.
	   The flag store and the precedence are needed to create
	   the new clauses.
  RETURNS: The list of UR resolution resolvents.
  EFFECT:  If inf_URResolution was called with a unit clause,
           <SpecialLitIndex> is the index of a literal from a non-unit
	   clause, that is unifiable with the unit clause's literal,
	   otherwise it is set to -1.
  LIST Result, RestLits;
  int  i, last;

  Result = list_Nil();
  RestLits = clause_GetLiteralListExcept(Clause, SpecialLitIndex);
  last = clause_LastLitIndex(Clause);
  for (i = clause_FirstLitIndex(); i <= last; i++) {
    /* <i> is the index of the literal that remains in the resolvent */
    if (i != SpecialLitIndex) {
      RestLits = list_PointerDeleteOneElement(RestLits,
      Result = list_Nconc(inf_SearchURResolvents(Clause, i, FoundMap, RestLits,
						 Subst, GlobalMaxVar, Index,
						 Flags, Precedence),
      RestLits = list_Cons(clause_GetLiteral(Clause, i), RestLits);
  return Result;
Beispiel #3
static LIST ana_CalculatePredicatePrecedence(LIST Predicates, LIST Clauses)
  INPUT:   A list of predicates and a list of clauses.
  RETURNS: A list of predicate symbols, which should be used
           for setting the symbol precedence. The list is sorted
           in descending order, that means predicates with highest
           precedence come first.
  EFFECT:  Analyze the clause list to build a directed graph G where
           the predicates are vertices. There's an edge (P,Q) in
           G iff a clause exists where P is a negative literal
           and Q is a positive literal and P != Q. Apply DFS to
           find the strongly connected components of this graph.
	   The <Predicates> list is deleted.
  CAUTION: The predicate list must contain ALL predicates
           occurring in the clause list!
  GRAPH  graph;
  LIST   result, scan;
  int    i, j;
  NAT    count;

  /* clause_ListPrint(Clauses); DBG */

  if (list_Empty(Predicates)) {
    return Predicates;

  graph = graph_Create();

  /* First create the nodes: one node for every predicate symbol. */
  for ( ; !list_Empty(Predicates); Predicates = list_Pop(Predicates))
    graph_AddNode(graph, symbol_Index((SYMBOL)list_Car(Predicates)));

  /* Now scan the clause clause list to create the edges */
  /* An edge (P,Q) means P is smaller than Q */
  for (scan = Clauses; !list_Empty(scan); scan = list_Cdr(scan)) {
    CLAUSE c = list_Car(scan);

    for (i = clause_FirstLitIndex(); i < clause_FirstSuccedentLitIndex(c); i++) {
      SYMBOL negPred = term_TopSymbol(clause_GetLiteralAtom(c, i));
      if (!symbol_Equal(negPred, fol_Equality())) { /* negative predicate */
	for (j = clause_FirstSuccedentLitIndex(c); j < clause_Length(c); j++) {
	  SYMBOL posPred = term_TopSymbol(clause_GetLiteralAtom(c, j));
	  if (!symbol_Equal(posPred, fol_Equality()) && /* positive predicate */
	      negPred != posPred) {  /* No self loops! */
	    graph_AddEdge(graph_GetNode(graph, symbol_Index(negPred)),
			  graph_GetNode(graph, symbol_Index(posPred)));

  /* graph_Print(graph); fflush(stdout); DBG */

  /* Calculate the strongly connected components of the graph */
  count = graph_StronglyConnectedComponents(graph);

  /* Now create the precedence list by scanning the nodes.        */
  /* If there's a link between two strongly connected components  */
  /* c1 and c2 then component_num(c1) > component_num(c2), so the */
  /* following code creates a valid precedence list in descending */
  /* order.                                                       */
  result = list_Nil();
  for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    for (scan = graph_Nodes(graph); !list_Empty(scan); scan = list_Cdr(scan)) {
      GRAPHNODE n = list_Car(scan);
      if (graph_NodeCompNum(n) == i) {
	/* The symbol represented by the node <<n> belongs to component <i> */
	s = symbol_GetSigSymbol(graph_NodeNumber(n));
	result = list_Cons((POINTER)s, result);

  /* putchar('\n');
     for (scan = result; !list_Empty(scan); scan = list_Cdr(scan)) {
     s = (SYMBOL) list_Car(scan);
     putchar(' ');
     putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); DBG */


  return result;
Beispiel #4
LIST inf_URResolution(CLAUSE Clause, SHARED_INDEX Index, FLAGSTORE Flags,
		      PRECEDENCE Precedence)
  INPUT:   A clause, a shared index, a flag store and a precedence.
  RETURNS: The list of UR resolution resolvents.
  EFFECT:  The flag store and the precedence are needed to create
           the resolvents.
  LIST Result;

  if (clause_Length(Clause) != 1) {
    /* Clause isn't unit clause */
    Result = inf_NonUnitURResolution(Clause, -1, list_Nil(), subst_Nil(),
				     clause_MaxVar(Clause), Index, Flags,
  else {
    /* Clause is unit clause, so search partner literals in non-unit clauses */
    LITERAL Lit, PLit;
    TERM    Atom;
    LIST    Partners, FoundMap;
    SYMBOL  MaxVar, PMaxVar;
    SUBST   LeftSubst, RightSubst;
    CLAUSE  PClause;
    int     PLitInd;
    BOOL    Swapped;

    Result   = list_Nil();
    Lit      = clause_GetLiteral(Clause, clause_FirstLitIndex());
    Atom     = term_Copy(clause_LiteralAtom(Lit));
    Swapped  = FALSE;

    /* The following 'endless' loop runs twice for equality literals */
    /* and only once for other literals.                             */
    while (TRUE) {
      /* Get complementary literals from non-unit clauses */
      Partners = inf_GetURPartnerLits(Atom, Lit, FALSE, Index);
      for ( ; !list_Empty(Partners); Partners = list_Pop(Partners)) {
	PLit     = list_Car(Partners);
	PLitInd  = clause_LiteralGetIndex(PLit);
	PClause  = clause_LiteralOwningClause(PLit); /* non-unit clause */
	PMaxVar   = clause_MaxVar(PClause);
	term_Rename(Atom);              /* Rename atom from unit clause */
	MaxVar = term_MaxVar(Atom); 
	if (symbol_GreaterVariable(PMaxVar, MaxVar))
	  MaxVar = PMaxVar;
	/* Get the substitution */
	unify_UnifyNoOC(cont_LeftContext(), clause_LiteralAtom(PLit),
			cont_RightContext(), Atom);
	subst_ExtractUnifier(cont_LeftContext(), &LeftSubst,
			     cont_RightContext(), &RightSubst);
	/* We don't need the substitution for the unit clause */
	FoundMap = list_List(list_PairCreate(PLit, Lit));
	Result = list_Nconc(inf_NonUnitURResolution(PClause, PLitInd, FoundMap,
						    LeftSubst, MaxVar, Index,
						    Flags, Precedence),
      /* loop control */
      if (!fol_IsEquality(Atom) || Swapped)
      else {
	Swapped = TRUE;
    }  /* end of endless loop */
  return Result;