int uwvmstatstest(int nargs, char **args) { int i, result; char name[NAME_LEN]; (void)nargs; (void)args; inititems(); kprintf("Starting uwvmstatstest...\n"); kprintf("Initializing vmstats\n"); vmstats_init(); for (i=0; i<NTESTTHREADS; i++) { snprintf(name, NAME_LEN, "vmstatsthread %d", i); result = thread_fork(name, NULL, vmstats_thread, NULL, i); if (result) { panic("uwvmstatstest: thread_fork failed: %s\n", strerror(result)); } } for (i=0; i<NTESTTHREADS; i++) { P(donesem); } vmstats_print(); cleanitems(); kprintf("uwvmstatstest done.\n"); return 0; }
int uwlocktest1(int nargs, char **args) { int i, result; char name[NAME_LEN]; (void)nargs; (void)args; inititems(); kprintf("Starting uwlocktest1...\n"); for (i=0; i<NTESTTHREADS; i++) { snprintf(name, NAME_LEN, "add_thread %d", i); result = thread_fork(name, NULL, add_thread, NULL, i); if (result) { panic("uwlocktest1: thread_fork failed: %s\n", strerror(result)); } } for (i=0; i<NTESTTHREADS; i++) { snprintf(name, NAME_LEN, "sub_thread %d", i); result = thread_fork(name, NULL, sub_thread, NULL, i); if (result) { panic("uwlocktest1: thread_fork failed: %s\n", strerror(result)); } } for (i=0; i<NTESTTHREADS*2; i++) { P(donesem); } kprintf("value of test_value = %d should be %d\n", test_value, START_VALUE); if (test_value == START_VALUE) { kprintf("TEST SUCCEEDED\n"); } else { kprintf("TEST FAILED\n"); } KASSERT(test_value == START_VALUE); cleanitems(); kprintf("uwlocktest1 done.\n"); return 0; }