Beispiel #1
//Used to clean up any pending events when restarting.
void DestroyAllLuaEvents(PLUA_INSTANCE instance)
    //Clean up for all events.
    li::References::iterator itr = instance->m_globalFRefs.begin();
    ptrdiff_t ref = LUA_REFNIL;
    for(; itr != instance->m_globalFRefs.end(); ++itr)
        if((*itr) != NULL && (*itr)->head_node != NULL && (*itr)->head_node->type == LUA_TFUNCTION)
            ref = (*itr)->head_node->val.obj_ref;
            sEventMgr.RemoveEvents(World::getSingletonPtr(), ref + LUA_EVENTS_END);
            cleanup_varparam((*itr), instance->lu);
Beispiel #2
void lua_engine::ExecuteLuaFunction(variadic_parameter* params)
    if(params != NULL)
        PLUA_INSTANCE li_ = lua_instance.get();
        if(li_->m_globalFRefs.find(params) != li_->m_globalFRefs.end())
            lua_State* lu = li_->lu;
            //place the function on the stack.
            ReferenceHandler::getReference(lu, params->head_node->val.obj_ref);
            int arg_cnt = params->count - 2;

            //retrieve the repeats.
            variadic_node* function_node = params->head_node;
            ptrdiff_t repeats = params->head_node->next->val.bewl;
            /*    Prepare to push arguments, 1st assign the head node to the actual arguments registered to this function */
            params->head_node = function_node->next->next;
            //subtract the function n repeat node from arg count.
            params->count -= 2;
            //Now we push all args.
            luabridge::tdstack<variadic_parameter*>::push(lu, params);
            params->head_node = function_node;
            params->count += 2;
            //call the function
            if(lua_pcall(lu, arg_cnt, 0, 0))
            //if it's not an infinite/one time call event.
            if(repeats > 1)
                //decrement repeats and put it back in the params.
                function_node->next->val.bewl = (int)--repeats;
            else if(repeats == 1)
                //remove this function from storage.
                //clean up the rest of the args
                cleanup_varparam(params, lu);
Beispiel #3
void LuaGameObject::Destroy()
    sEventMgr.RemoveEvents(_gameobject, EVENT_LUA_GAMEOBJ_EVENTS);
    PLUA_INSTANCE ref = lua_instance.get();
        li::GOInterfaceMap::iterator it;
        std::pair< li::GOInterfaceMap::iterator, li::GOInterfaceMap::iterator> interfaces = ref->m_goInterfaceMap.equal_range(_gameobject->GetEntry());
        for(; interfaces.first != interfaces.second;)
            it = interfaces.first++;
            if(it->second != NULL && it->second == this)
    //clean up any refs being used by this go.
        std::pair<li::ObjectFRefMap::iterator, li::ObjectFRefMap::iterator> frefs = ref->m_goFRefs.equal_range(_gameobject->GetLowGUID());
        for(; frefs.first != frefs.second; ++frefs.first)
            cleanup_varparam(frefs.first->second, ref->lu);
    delete this;
void LuaCreature::Destroy()
	sEventMgr.RemoveEvents(_unit, EVENT_LUA_CREATURE_EVENTS);
	PLUA_INSTANCE li_ = lua_instance.get();
		std::pair<li::CreatureInterfaceMap::iterator, li::CreatureInterfaceMap::iterator> interfaces = li_->m_creatureInterfaceMap.equal_range(_unit->GetEntry());
		li::CreatureInterfaceMap::iterator it;
		for(; interfaces.first != interfaces.second;)
			it = interfaces.first++;
			if(it->second != NULL && it->second == this)
		//Function Ref clean up
		std::pair<li::ObjectFRefMap::iterator, li::ObjectFRefMap::iterator> frefs = li_->m_creatureFRefs.equal_range(_unit->GetLowGUID());
		for(; frefs.first != frefs.second; ++frefs.first)
			cleanup_varparam(frefs.first->second, li_->lu);

	delete this;