static void idle(ClientData client_data, struct timeval *nowP)
  int cnum;
  struct connect_s *conn;

  for (cnum = 0; cnum < AVAILABLE_FDS; ++cnum)
      conn = &connects[cnum];
      switch (conn->conn_state)
        case CNST_READING:
          if (nowP->tv_sec - conn->active_at >= CONFIG_THTTPD_IDLE_READ_LIMIT_SEC)
              ndbg("%s connection timed out reading\n", httpd_ntoa(&conn->hc->client_addr));
              httpd_send_err(conn->hc, 408, httpd_err408title, "",
                             httpd_err408form, "");
              finish_connection(conn, nowP);

        case CNST_SENDING:
          if (nowP->tv_sec - conn->active_at >= CONFIG_THTTPD_IDLE_SEND_LIMIT_SEC)
              ndbg("%s connection timed out sending\n", httpd_ntoa(&conn->hc->client_addr));
              clear_connection(conn, nowP);
Beispiel #2
static void
idle( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP )
    int cnum;
    connecttab* c;

    for ( cnum = 0; cnum < max_connects; ++cnum )
	c = &connects[cnum];
	switch ( c->conn_state )
	    case CNST_READING:
	    if ( nowP->tv_sec - c->active_at >= IDLE_READ_TIMELIMIT )
		    c->hc, 408, httpd_err408title, "", httpd_err408form, "" );
		finish_connection( c, nowP );
	    case CNST_SENDING:
	    case CNST_PAUSING:
	    if ( nowP->tv_sec - c->active_at >= IDLE_SEND_TIMELIMIT )
		clear_connection( c, nowP );
	    case CNST_SLEEPING:;
Beispiel #3
static void
reconnect( void *user_data ) {
  UNUSED( user_data );
  bool ret = try_connect();
  if ( ret == false ) {
    error( "Failed to reconnect." );
Beispiel #4
static void
finish_connection( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP )
    /* If we haven't actually sent the buffered response yet, do so now. */
    httpd_write_response( c->hc );

    /* And clear. */
    clear_connection( c, tvP );
Beispiel #5
static void
disconnected() {
  transit_state( DISCONNECTED );

  if ( connection.disconnected_callback != NULL ) {

static void finish_connection(struct connect_s *conn, struct timeval *tv)
  /* If we haven't actually sent the buffered response yet, do so now */


  /* And clear */

  clear_connection(conn, tv);
Beispiel #7
static void
idle_send_connection( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP )
    connecttab* c;

    c = (connecttab*) client_data.p;
    c->idle_send_timer = (Timer*) 0;
    if ( c->conn_state != CNST_FREE )
	syslog( LOG_INFO,
	    "%.80s connection timed out sending",
	    httpd_ntoa( &c->hc->client_addr ) );
	clear_connection( c, nowP );
Beispiel #8
static void
check_connected( void *user_data ) {
  UNUSED( user_data );

  debug( "Checking a connection ( fd = %d, ip = %#x, port = %u ).", connection.fd, connection.ip, connection.port );

  assert( secure_channel_initialized );
  assert( connection.fd >= 0 );

  set_writable( connection.fd, false );
  delete_fd_handler( connection.fd );

  int err = 0;
  socklen_t length = sizeof( error );
  int ret = getsockopt( connection.fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &length );
  if ( ret < 0 ) {
    error( "Failed to retrieve error code ( fd = %d, ret = %d, errno = %s [%d] ).",
           connection.fd, ret, strerror( errno ), errno );

  switch ( err ) {
    case 0:

    case EINTR:
    case EAGAIN:
    case ETIMEDOUT:
      warn( "Failed to connect ( fd = %d, errno = %s [%d] ).", connection.fd, strerror( err ), err );

      set_fd_handler( connection.fd, NULL, NULL, ( event_fd_callback ) check_connected, NULL );
      set_writable( connection.fd, true );

      error( "Failed to connect ( fd = %d, errno = %s [%d] ).", connection.fd, strerror( err ), err );
Beispiel #9
finalize_secure_channel() {
  assert( secure_channel_initialized );


  if ( send_queue != NULL ) {
    delete_message_queue( send_queue );
    send_queue = NULL;
  if ( recv_queue != NULL ) {
    delete_message_queue( recv_queue );
    recv_queue = NULL;

  secure_channel_initialized = false;

  return true;
Beispiel #10
init_secure_channel( uint32_t ip, uint16_t port, connected_handler connected_callback, disconnected_handler disconnected_callback ) {
  assert( !secure_channel_initialized );

  connection.ip = ip;
  connection.port = port;
  connection.fd = -1;
  connection.connected_callback = connected_callback;
  connection.disconnected_callback = disconnected_callback;

  bool ret = try_connect();
  if ( ret == false ) {
    return false;

  send_queue = create_message_queue();
  recv_queue = create_message_queue();

  secure_channel_initialized = true;

  return true;
Beispiel #11
static bool
try_connect() {
  assert( connection.state != CONNECTED );

  int fd = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
  if ( fd < 0 ) {
    error( "Failed to create a socket ( ret = %d, errno = %s [%d] ).",
           fd, strerror( errno ), errno );
    return false;

  int flag = 1;
  int ret = setsockopt( fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &flag, sizeof( flag ) );
  if ( ret < 0 ) {
    error( "Failed to set socket options ( fd = %d, ret = %d, errno = %s [%d] ).",
           fd, ret, strerror( errno ), errno );
    return false;

  ret = fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK );
  if ( ret < 0 ) {
    error( "Failed to enable non-blocking mode ( fd = %d, ret = %d, errno = %s [%d] ).",
           fd, ret, strerror( errno ), errno );

    close( fd );
    return false;

  connection.fd = fd;

  struct sockaddr_in addr;
  memset( &addr, 0, sizeof( struct sockaddr_in ) );
  addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  addr.sin_port = htons( connection.port );
  addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl( connection.ip );

  transit_state( CONNECTING );

  ret = connect( connection.fd, ( struct sockaddr * ) &addr, sizeof( struct sockaddr_in ) );
  if ( ret < 0 ) {
    switch ( errno ) {
      case EINTR:
      case EAGAIN:
      case ECONNREFUSED:
      case ENETUNREACH:
      case ETIMEDOUT:
        warn( "Failed to connect ( fd = %d, ret = %d, errno = %s [%d] ).",
              connection.fd, ret, strerror( errno ), errno );
        return true;

      case EINPROGRESS:

        error( "Failed to connect ( fd = %d, ret = %d, errno = %s [%d] ).",
               connection.fd, ret, strerror( errno ), errno );
        return false;

  set_fd_handler( connection.fd, NULL, NULL, ( event_fd_callback ) check_connected, NULL );
  set_writable( connection.fd, true );

  return true;
static void handle_send(struct connect_s *conn, struct timeval *tv)
  httpd_conn *hc = conn->hc;
  int nwritten;
  int nread;

  /* Read until the entire file is sent -- this could take awhile!! */

  while (conn->offset < conn->end_offset)
      nvdbg("offset: %d end_offset: %d bytes_sent: %d\n",
            conn->offset, conn->end_offset, conn->hc->bytes_sent);

      /* Fill the rest of the response buffer with file data */

      nread = read_buffer(conn);
      if (nread < 0)
          ndbg("File read error: %d\n", errno);
          goto errout_clear_connection;
      nvdbg("Read %d bytes, buflen %d\n", nread, hc->buflen);

      /* Send the buffer */

      if (hc->buflen > 0)
          /* httpd_write does not return until all bytes have been sent
           * (or an error occurs).

          nwritten = httpd_write(hc->conn_fd, hc->buffer, hc->buflen);
          if (nwritten < 0)
              ndbg("Error sending %s: %d\n", hc->encodedurl, errno);
              goto errout_clear_connection;

          /* We wrote one full buffer of data (httpd_write does not
           * return until the full buffer is written (or an error occurs).

          conn->active_at       = tv->tv_sec;
          hc->buflen            = 0;

          /* And update how much of the file we wrote */

          conn->offset         += nwritten;
          conn->hc->bytes_sent += nwritten;
          nvdbg("Wrote %d bytes\n", nwritten);

  /* The file transfer is complete -- finish the connection */

  nvdbg("Finish connection\n");
  finish_connection(conn, tv);

  ndbg("Clear connection\n");
  clear_connection(conn, tv);
Beispiel #13
static void
handle_send( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP )
    size_t max_bytes;
    int sz, coast;
    ClientData client_data;
    time_t elapsed;
    httpd_conn* hc = c->hc;
    int tind;

    max_bytes = 1000000000L;

    /* Do we need to write the headers first? */
    if ( hc->responselen == 0 )
	/* No, just write the file. */
	sz = write(
	    hc->conn_fd, &(hc->body_data[c->next_byte_index]),
	    MIN( c->end_byte_index - c->next_byte_index, max_bytes ) );
	/* Yes.  We'll combine headers and file into a single writev(),
	** hoping that this generates a single packet.
	struct iovec iv[2];

	iv[0].iov_base = hc->response;
	iv[0].iov_len = hc->responselen;
	iv[1].iov_base = &(hc->body_data[c->next_byte_index]);
	iv[1].iov_len = MIN( c->end_byte_index - c->next_byte_index, max_bytes );
	sz = writev( hc->conn_fd, iv, 2 );

    if ( sz < 0 && errno == EINTR )

    if ( sz == 0 ||
	 ( sz < 0 && ( errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN ) ) )
	/* This shouldn't happen, but some kernels, e.g.
	** SunOS 4.1.x, are broken and select() says that
	** O_NDELAY sockets are always writable even when
	** they're actually not.
	** Current workaround is to block sending on this
	** socket for a brief adaptively-tuned period.
	** Fortunately we already have all the necessary
	** blocking code, for use with throttling.
	c->wouldblock_delay += MIN_WOULDBLOCK_DELAY;
	c->conn_state = CNST_PAUSING;
	fdwatch_del_fd( hc->conn_fd );
	client_data.p = c;
	c->wakeup_timer = tmr_create(
	    tvP, wakeup_connection, client_data, c->wouldblock_delay, 0 );
	if ( c->wakeup_timer == (Timer*) 0 )

    if ( sz < 0 )
	/* Something went wrong, close this connection.
	clear_connection( c, tvP );

    /* Ok, we wrote something. */
    c->active_at = tvP->tv_sec;
    /* Was this a headers + file writev()? */
    if ( hc->responselen > 0 )
	/* Yes; did we write only part of the headers? */
	if ( sz < hc->responselen )
	    /* Yes; move the unwritten part to the front of the buffer. */
	    int newlen = hc->responselen - sz;
	    (void) memmove( hc->response, &(hc->response[sz]), newlen );
	    hc->responselen = newlen;
	    sz = 0;
	    /* Nope, we wrote the full headers, so adjust accordingly. */
	    sz -= hc->responselen;
	    hc->responselen = 0;
    /* And update how much of the file we wrote. */
    c->next_byte_index += sz;
    c->hc->bytes_sent += sz;

    /* Are we done? */
    if ( c->next_byte_index >= c->end_byte_index )
	/* This connection is finished! */
	finish_connection( c, tvP );

    /* Tune the (blockheaded) wouldblock delay. */
    if ( c->wouldblock_delay > MIN_WOULDBLOCK_DELAY )
	c->wouldblock_delay -= MIN_WOULDBLOCK_DELAY;

    /* (No check on min_limit here, that only controls connection startups.) */
Beispiel #14
    char* cp;
    struct passwd* pwd;
    uid_t uid = 32767;
    gid_t gid = 32767;
    int num_ready;
    int cnum;
    connecttab* c;
    httpd_conn* hc;
    httpd_sockaddr sa4;
    httpd_sockaddr sa6;
    int gotv4, gotv6;
    struct timeval tv;
    cp = getenv( "GHTTPPORT" );
    if ( cp )
	port = atoi( cp );
    if( port == 0 )
	port = 9999;

    /* Read zone info now, in case we chroot(). */

    /* Look up hostname now, in case we chroot(). */
    lookup_hostname( &sa4, sizeof(sa4), &gotv4, &sa6, sizeof(sa6), &gotv6 );
    if ( ! ( gotv4 || gotv6 ) )
	memset(&sa4, 0, sizeof sa4);
	gotv4 = 1;

    /* Initialize the fdwatch package.  Have to do this before chroot,
    ** if /dev/poll is used.
    max_connects = fdwatch_get_nfiles();
    if ( max_connects < 0 )
    max_connects -= SPARE_FDS;

    /* Set up to catch signals. */
    (void) sigset( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );          /* get EPIPE instead */
#else /* HAVE_SIGSET */
    (void) signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );          /* get EPIPE instead */
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */

    /* Initialize the timer package. */

    /* Initialize the HTTP layer.  Got to do this before giving up root,
    ** so that we can bind to a privileged port.
    hs = httpd_initialize(
	gotv4 ? &sa4 : (httpd_sockaddr*) 0, gotv6 ? &sa6 : (httpd_sockaddr*) 0,
	port, cgi_pattern, cgi_limit, charset, p3p, max_age, "/", no_log, 
	no_symlink_check, do_vhost, do_global_passwd, url_pattern,
	local_pattern, no_empty_referers );
    if ( hs == (httpd_server*) 0 )
	exit( 1 );

    /* Set up the occasional timer. */
    if ( tmr_create( (struct timeval*) 0, occasional, JunkClientData, OCCASIONAL_TIME * 1000L, 1 ) == (Timer*) 0 )
    /* Set up the idle timer. */
    if ( tmr_create( (struct timeval*) 0, idle, JunkClientData, 5 * 1000L, 1 ) == (Timer*) 0 )
    start_time = stats_time = time( (time_t*) 0 );
    stats_connections = 0;
    stats_bytes = 0;
    stats_simultaneous = 0;

    /* Initialize our connections table. */
    connects = NEW( connecttab, max_connects );
    if ( connects == (connecttab*) 0 )
    for ( cnum = 0; cnum < max_connects; ++cnum )
	connects[cnum].conn_state = CNST_FREE;
	connects[cnum].next_free_connect = cnum + 1;
	connects[cnum].hc = (httpd_conn*) 0;
    connects[max_connects - 1].next_free_connect = -1;	/* end of link list */
    first_free_connect = 0;
    num_connects = 0;
    httpd_conn_count = 0;

    if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 )
	if ( hs->listen4_fd != -1 )
	    fdwatch_add_fd( hs->listen4_fd, (void*) 0, FDW_READ );
	if ( hs->listen6_fd != -1 )
	    fdwatch_add_fd( hs->listen6_fd, (void*) 0, FDW_READ );

    /* Main loop. */
    (void) gettimeofday( &tv, (struct timezone*) 0 );
    while ( ( ! terminate ) || num_connects > 0 )

	/* Do the fd watch. */
	num_ready = fdwatch( tmr_mstimeout( &tv ) );
	if ( num_ready < 0 )
	    if ( errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN )
		continue;       /* try again */
	(void) gettimeofday( &tv, (struct timezone*) 0 );

	if ( num_ready == 0 )
	    /* No fd's are ready - run the timers. */
	    tmr_run( &tv );

	/* Is it a new connection? */
	if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 && hs->listen6_fd != -1 &&
	     fdwatch_check_fd( hs->listen6_fd ) )
	    if ( handle_newconnect( &tv, hs->listen6_fd ) )
		/* Go around the loop and do another fdwatch, rather than
		** dropping through and processing existing connections.
		** New connections always get priority.
	if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 && hs->listen4_fd != -1 &&
	     fdwatch_check_fd( hs->listen4_fd ) )
	    if ( handle_newconnect( &tv, hs->listen4_fd ) )
		/* Go around the loop and do another fdwatch, rather than
		** dropping through and processing existing connections.
		** New connections always get priority.

	/* Find the connections that need servicing. */
	while ( ( c = (connecttab*) fdwatch_get_next_client_data() ) != (connecttab*) -1 )
	    if ( c == (connecttab*) 0 )
	    hc = c->hc;
	    if ( ! fdwatch_check_fd( hc->conn_fd ) )
		/* Something went wrong. */
		clear_connection( c, &tv );
		switch ( c->conn_state )
		    case CNST_READING: handle_read( c, &tv ); break;
		    case CNST_SENDING: handle_send( c, &tv ); break;
		    case CNST_LINGERING: handle_linger( c, &tv ); break;
	tmr_run( &tv );

    /* The main loop terminated. */
    return 0;
Beispiel #15
static void
handle_send( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP )
    int sz, coast;
    ClientData client_data;
    time_t elapsed;
    httpd_conn* hc = c->hc;

    /* Do we need to write the headers first? */
    if ( hc->responselen == 0 )
	/* No, just write the file. */
	sz = write(
	    hc->conn_fd, &(hc->file_address[c->bytes_sent]),
	    MIN( c->bytes_to_send - c->bytes_sent, c->limit ) );
	/* Yes.  We'll combine headers and file into a single writev(),
	** hoping that this generates a single packet.
	struct iovec iv[2];

	iv[0].iov_base = hc->response;
	iv[0].iov_len = hc->responselen;
	iv[1].iov_base = &(hc->file_address[c->bytes_sent]);
	iv[1].iov_len = MIN( c->bytes_to_send - c->bytes_sent, c->limit );
	sz = writev( hc->conn_fd, iv, 2 );

    if ( sz == 0 ||
	 ( sz < 0 && ( errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN ) ) )
	/* This shouldn't happen, but some kernels, e.g.
	** SunOS 4.1.x, are broken and select() says that
	** O_NDELAY sockets are always writable even when
	** they're actually not.
	** Current workaround is to block sending on this
	** socket for a brief adaptively-tuned period.
	** Fortunately we already have all the necessary
	** blocking code, for use with throttling.
	c->wouldblock_delay += MIN_WOULDBLOCK_DELAY;
	c->conn_state = CNST_PAUSING;
	fdwatch_del_fd( hc->conn_fd );
	client_data.p = c;
	c->wakeup_timer = tmr_create(
	    tvP, wakeup_connection, client_data, c->wouldblock_delay, 0 );
	if ( c->wakeup_timer == (Timer*) 0 )
	    syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(wakeup_connection) failed" );
	    exit( 1 );
    if ( sz < 0 )
	/* Something went wrong, close this connection.
	** If it's just an EPIPE, don't bother logging, that
	** just means the client hung up on us.
	** On some systems, write() occasionally gives an EINVAL.
	** Dunno why, something to do with the socket going
	** bad.  Anyway, we don't log those either.
	** And ECONNRESET isn't interesting either.
	if ( errno != EPIPE && errno != EINVAL && errno != ECONNRESET )
	    syslog( LOG_ERR, "write - %m sending %.80s", hc->encodedurl );
	clear_connection( c, tvP );

    /* Ok, we wrote something. */
    tmr_reset( tvP, c->idle_send_timer );
    /* Was this a headers + file writev()? */
    if ( hc->responselen > 0 )
	/* Yes; did we write only part of the headers? */
	if ( sz < hc->responselen )
	    /* Yes; move the unwritten part to the front of the buffer. */
	    int newlen = hc->responselen - sz;
	    (void) memcpy( hc->response, &(hc->response[sz]), newlen );
	    hc->responselen = newlen;
	    sz = 0;
	    /* Nope, we wrote the full headers, so adjust accordingly. */
	    sz -= hc->responselen;
	    hc->responselen = 0;
    /* And update how much of the file we wrote. */
    c->bytes_sent += sz;
    c->hc->bytes_sent += sz;

    /* Are we done? */
    if ( c->bytes_sent >= c->bytes_to_send )
	/* This conection is finished! */
	clear_connection( c, tvP );

    /* Tune the (blockheaded) wouldblock delay. */
    if ( c->wouldblock_delay > MIN_WOULDBLOCK_DELAY )
	c->wouldblock_delay -= MIN_WOULDBLOCK_DELAY;

    /* If we're throttling, check if we're sending too fast. */
    if ( c->limit != THROTTLE_NOLIMIT )
	elapsed = tvP->tv_sec - c->started_at;
	if ( elapsed == 0 || c->hc->bytes_sent / elapsed > c->limit )
	    c->conn_state = CNST_PAUSING;
	    fdwatch_del_fd( hc->conn_fd );
	    /* When should we send the next c->limit bytes
	    ** to get back on schedule?  If less than a second
	    ** (integer math rounding), use 1/8 second.
	    coast = ( c->hc->bytes_sent + c->limit ) / c->limit - elapsed;
	    client_data.p = c;
	    c->wakeup_timer = tmr_create(
		tvP, wakeup_connection, client_data,
		coast ? ( coast * 1000L ) : 125L, 0 );
	    if ( c->wakeup_timer == (Timer*) 0 )
		syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(wakeup_connection) failed" );
		exit( 1 );
Beispiel #16
static void
handle_read( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP )
    int sz;
    ClientData client_data;
    httpd_conn* hc = c->hc;

    /* Is there room in our buffer to read more bytes? */
    if ( hc->read_idx >= hc->read_size )
	if ( hc->read_size > 5000 )
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	    clear_connection( c, tvP );
	    &hc->read_buf, &hc->read_size, hc->read_size + 1000 );

    /* Read some more bytes. */
    sz = read(
	hc->conn_fd, &(hc->read_buf[hc->read_idx]),
	hc->read_size - hc->read_idx );
    /* Ignore EWOULDBLOCK errors.  At first glance you would think that
    ** connections returned by fdwatch as readable should never give an
    ** EWOULDBLOCK; however, this apparently can happen if a packet gets
    ** garbled.
    if ( sz == 0 || ( sz < 0 && ( errno != EWOULDBLOCK ) ) )
	httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	clear_connection( c, tvP );
    hc->read_idx += sz;

    /* Do we have a complete request yet? */
    switch ( httpd_got_request( hc ) )
	httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
	clear_connection( c, tvP );

    /* Yes.  Try parsing and resolving it. */
    if ( httpd_parse_request( hc ) < 0 )
	clear_connection( c, tvP );

    /* Check the throttle table */
    if ( ! check_throttles( c ) )
	    hc, 503, httpd_err503title, "", httpd_err503form, hc->encodedurl );
	clear_connection( c, tvP );

    /* Start the connection going. */
    if ( httpd_start_request( hc, tvP ) < 0 )
	/* Something went wrong.  Close down the connection. */
	clear_connection( c, tvP );

    /* Fill in bytes_to_send. */
    if ( hc->got_range )
	c->bytes_sent = hc->init_byte_loc;
	c->bytes_to_send = hc->end_byte_loc + 1;
	c->bytes_to_send = hc->bytes_to_send;

    /* Check if it's already handled. */
    if ( hc->file_address == (char*) 0 )
	/* No file address means someone else is handling it. */
	c->bytes_sent = hc->bytes_sent;
	clear_connection( c, tvP );
    if ( c->bytes_sent >= c->bytes_to_send )
	/* There's nothing to send. */
	clear_connection( c, tvP );

    /* Cool, we have a valid connection and a file to send to it. */
    c->conn_state = CNST_SENDING;
    c->started_at = tvP->tv_sec;
    c->wouldblock_delay = 0;
    client_data.p = c;
    tmr_cancel( c->idle_read_timer );
    c->idle_read_timer = (Timer*) 0;
    c->idle_send_timer = tmr_create(
	tvP, idle_send_connection, client_data, IDLE_SEND_TIMELIMIT * 1000L,
	0 );
    if ( c->idle_send_timer == (Timer*) 0 )
	syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(idle_send_connection) failed" );
	exit( 1 );

    fdwatch_del_fd( hc->conn_fd );
    fdwatch_add_fd( hc->conn_fd, c, FDW_WRITE );