static void clear_bmarks(bookmark_t bmarks[], int count) { int i; for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) { clear_mark(&bmarks[i]); } }
void showing_propsheet_update_search_for(HWND hWnd) { if (canCreateFindWindow) return; if (hWnd) { search_for(hWnd); clear_mark(hWnd); my_mark_all_matches_for_text(hWnd); } }
void clear_all_bookmarks(void) { bookmark_t *bmark = &bookmarks[0]; const bookmark_t *const end = &bookmarks[ARRAY_LEN(bookmarks)]; while(bmark != end) { clear_mark(bmark); bmark++; } }
void splay(int u) { for(clear_mark(u); not_root(u); rotate(u)) { int f = fa[u]; if(not_root(f)) rotate(((son[f][0] == u) ^ (son[fa[f]][0] == f)) ? u : f); } pushup(u); }
size_t run_gc(const int force) { size_t old_mem = mem_allocated; if((force == GC_FORCE) || (mem_allocated > mem_lim_soft)) { clear_mark(); mark(the_global_env); sweep(0); } return old_mem - mem_allocated; }
size_t lisp_gc(const int force, lisp_ctx_t *context) { size_t old_mem = context->mem_allocated; if((force == LISP_GC_FORCE) || (context->mem_allocated > context->mem_lim_soft)) { clear_mark(context); mark(context->the_global_environment, context); sweep(0, context); } return old_mem - context->mem_allocated; }
static void text_string_notif_proc(HWND hWnd, int id, int nc, DWORD add_data) { if (nc == EN_CHANGE) { get_search_string(hWnd); HWND mdolphin_chwnd = get_current_mdolphin_hwnd(); if (!mdolphin_chwnd) return; search_for(mdolphin_chwnd); clear_mark(mdolphin_chwnd); my_mark_all_matches_for_text(mdolphin_chwnd); } }
/* Sets values of the mark. The force parameter controls whether bookmark is * updated even when it already points to the specified directory-file pair. */ static void set_mark(const char mark, const char directory[], const char file[], time_t timestamp, int force) { bookmark_t *const bmark = get_bookmark(mark); if(bmark != NULL && (force || !is_bmark_points_to(bmark, directory, file))) { clear_mark(bmark); bmark->directory = strdup(directory); bmark->file = strdup(file); bmark->timestamp = timestamp; } }
static void mark_all_notif_proc(HWND hWnd, int id, int nc, DWORD add_data) { if (nc == BN_CLICKED) { if (SendMessage(hWnd, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED ) highlight = TRUE; else highlight = FALSE; HWND mdolphin_chwnd = get_current_mdolphin_hwnd(); if (!mdolphin_chwnd) return; clear_mark(mdolphin_chwnd); my_mark_all_matches_for_text(mdolphin_chwnd); } }
void clear_bookmark(const int mark) { bookmark_t *const bmark = get_bookmark(mark); clear_mark(bmark); }
void clear_mark(int u) { if(not_root(u)) clear_mark(fa[u]); pushdown(u); }
void free_data_rec(data_t *in) { clear_mark(); mark(in); sweep(1); }
void lisp_free_data_rec(lisp_data_t *in, lisp_ctx_t *context) { clear_mark(context); mark(in, context); sweep(1, context); }