Beispiel #1
static void atomic (lua_State *L) {
  global_State *g = G(L);
  GCObject *origweak, *origall;
  markobject(g, L);  /* mark running thread */
  /* registry and global metatables may be changed by API */
  markvalue(g, &g->l_registry);
  markmt(g);  /* mark basic metatables */
  /* remark occasional upvalues of (maybe) dead threads */
  /* traverse objects caught by write barrier and by 'remarkupvals' */
  /* at this point, all strongly accessible objects are marked. */
  /* clear values from weak tables, before checking finalizers */
  clearvalues(g->weak, NULL);
  clearvalues(g->allweak, NULL);
  origweak = g->weak; origall = g->allweak;
  separatetobefnz(L, 0);  /* separate objects to be finalized */
  markbeingfnz(g);  /* mark userdata that will be finalized */
  propagateall(g);  /* remark, to propagate `preserveness' */
  /* at this point, all resurrected objects are marked. */
  /* remove dead objects from weak tables */
  clearkeys(g->ephemeron, NULL);  /* clear keys from all ephemeron tables */
  clearkeys(g->allweak, NULL);  /* clear keys from all allweak tables */
  /* clear values from resurrected weak tables */
  clearvalues(g->weak, origweak);
  clearvalues(g->allweak, origall);
  g->sweepstrgc = 0;  /* prepare to sweep strings */
  g->gcstate = GCSsweepstring;
  g->currentwhite = cast_byte(otherwhite(g));  /* flip current white */
Beispiel #2
void os_inputclose(usbdevice* kb){
        kb->event = 0;
Beispiel #3
int inputopen(usbdevice* kb){
    // Open master port (if not done yet)
    static mach_port_t master = 0;
    kern_return_t res;
    if(!master&& (res = IOMasterPort(bootstrap_port, &master)) != KERN_SUCCESS){
        master = 0;
        printf("Unable to open master port: 0x%08x\n", res);
        return 0;
    // Open an HID service
    io_iterator_t iter;
    if((res = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(master, IOServiceMatching(kIOHIDSystemClass), &iter)) != KERN_SUCCESS){
        printf("Unable to get input service iterator: 0x%08x\n", res);
        return 0;
    if((res = IOServiceOpen(IOIteratorNext(iter), mach_task_self(), kIOHIDParamConnectType, &kb->event)) != KERN_SUCCESS){
        printf("Unable to open IO service: 0x%08x\n", res);
        kb->event = 0;
        return 0;
    return 1;
**  PR_INTEGRITY -- print out integrity constraints on a relation
**	Finds all integrity tuples for this unique relation, and
**	calls pr_int() to print a query from them.
**	Parameters:
**		relid -- rel name
**		relowner -- 2 byte owner id
**	Returns:
**		none
**	Side Effects:
**		file activity, query printing
**	Trace Flags:
**		33, 9
pr_integrity(char *relid, char *relowner)
	extern desc_t		Intdes;
	tid_t			hitid, lotid;
	struct integrity	key, tuple;
	register int		i;

#ifdef xZTR1
	if (tTf(50, 9))
		printf("pr_integrity(relid =%s, relowner=%s)\n", 
			relid, relowner);

	printf("Integrity constraints on %s are:\n\n", relid);
	opencatalog("integrities", OR_READ);

	/* get integrities tuples for relid, relowner */
	ingres_setkey(&Intdes, &key, relid, INTRELID);
	ingres_setkey(&Intdes, &key, relowner, INTRELOWNER);
	if ((i = find(&Intdes, EXACTKEY, &lotid, &hitid, &key)) != 0)
		syserr("pr_integrity: find %d", i);
	for (;;) {
		if ((i = get(&Intdes, &lotid, &hitid, &tuple, TRUE)) != 0)
		if (kcompare(&Intdes, &tuple, &key) == 0)
			pr_int(&tuple, relid);
	if (i != 1)
		syserr("pr_integrity: get %d", i);
Beispiel #5
**	add to attribute stash any missing attributes in the
**	source relation and then build tree with all attribs
**	in the 'a_id' order.  This algorithm assumes that
**	the function 'attadd' insert attributes into the list
**	in 'a_id' order from 1 -> N.
qtree_t *
xdot(int slot)
	PARRNG				*rptr;
	attr_t		tuple;
	register attr_t	*ktuple;
	attr_t		ktup;
	tid_t				tid;
	tid_t				limtid;
	qtree_t		*tempt;
	register qtree_t	*vnode;
	int				ik;
	register att_ent_t		*aptr;

	extern PARRNG			Parrng[];
	extern char			*Trname;
	extern desc_t			Attdes;

	rptr = &Parrng[slot];

#ifdef	xPTR2
	tTfp(35, 0, "ALL being processed for %12s\n",

	if (rptr->vardesc.d_r.r_attrc <= 0)
		syserr("xdot: rptr->vardesc.d_r.r_attrc %d.\n", rptr->vardesc.d_r.r_attrc);
	/* if attstash is missing any attribs then fill in list */
	if (rptr->vardesc.d_r.r_attrc != attcount(slot)) {
		/* get all entries in attrib relation */
		ktuple = &ktup;
		ingres_setkey(&Attdes, ktuple, rptr->vardesc.d_r.r_id, ATTRELID);
		ingres_setkey(&Attdes, ktuple, rptr->vardesc.d_r.r_owner, ATTOWNER);
		if ((ik = find(&Attdes, EXACTKEY, &tid, &limtid, ktuple)) != 0)
			syserr("bad find in xdot '%d'", ik);
		while (!get(&Attdes, &tid, &limtid, &tuple, 1))
			if (!kcompare(&Attdes, &tuple, ktuple))
				/* add any that are not in the stash */
				if (!attfind(slot, tuple.a_name))
					attadd(slot, &tuple);

	/* build tree for ALL */
	tempt = NULL;
	aptr = rptr->attlist;
	while (aptr != 0) {
		vnode = par_tree(NULL, NULL, VAR, sizeof(varnode_t), slot, aptr);
		Trname = aptr->atbname;
		tempt = addresdom(tempt, vnode);
		aptr = aptr->atbnext;

#ifdef	xPTR3
	tTfp(35, 0, "end of xdot %12s\n", rptr->vardesc.d_rangevar);

Beispiel #6
static l_mem atomic (lua_State *L) {
    global_State *g = G(L);
    l_mem work;
    GCObject *origweak, *origall;
    GCObject *grayagain = g->grayagain;  /* save original list */
    lua_assert(g->ephemeron == NULL && g->weak == NULL);
    g->gcstate = GCSinsideatomic;
    g->GCmemtrav = 0;  /* start counting work */
    markobject(g, L);  /* mark running thread */
    /* registry and global metatables may be changed by API */
    markvalue(g, &g->l_registry);
    markmt(g);  /* mark global metatables */
    /* remark occasional upvalues of (maybe) dead threads */
    propagateall(g);  /* propagate changes */
    work = g->GCmemtrav;  /* stop counting (do not recount 'grayagain') */
    g->gray = grayagain;
    propagateall(g);  /* traverse 'grayagain' list */
    g->GCmemtrav = 0;  /* restart counting */
    /* at this point, all strongly accessible objects are marked. */
    /* Clear values from weak tables, before checking finalizers */
    clearvalues(g, g->weak, NULL);
    clearvalues(g, g->allweak, NULL);
    origweak = g->weak;
    origall = g->allweak;
    work += g->GCmemtrav;  /* stop counting (objects being finalized) */
    separatetobefnz(g, 0);  /* separate objects to be finalized */
    g->gcfinnum = 1;  /* there may be objects to be finalized */
    markbeingfnz(g);  /* mark objects that will be finalized */
    propagateall(g);  /* remark, to propagate 'resurrection' */
    g->GCmemtrav = 0;  /* restart counting */
    /* at this point, all resurrected objects are marked. */
    /* remove dead objects from weak tables */
    clearkeys(g, g->ephemeron, NULL);  /* clear keys from all ephemeron tables */
    clearkeys(g, g->allweak, NULL);  /* clear keys from all 'allweak' tables */
    /* clear values from resurrected weak tables */
    clearvalues(g, g->weak, origweak);
    clearvalues(g, g->allweak, origall);
    g->currentwhite = cast_byte(otherwhite(g));  /* flip current white */
    work += g->GCmemtrav;  /* complete counting */
    return work;  /* estimate of memory marked by 'atomic' */
Beispiel #7
static l_mem atomic (lua_State *L) {
	global_State *g = G(L);
	l_mem work = -cast(l_mem, g->GCmemtrav);  /* start counting work */
	GCObject *origweak, *origall;
	markobject(g, L);  /* mark running thread */
	/* registry and global metatables may be changed by API */
	markvalue(g, &g->l_registry);
	markmt(g);  /* mark basic metatables */
	/* remark occasional upvalues of (maybe) dead threads */
	propagateall(g);  /* propagate changes */
	work += g->GCmemtrav;  /* stop counting (do not (re)count grays) */
	/* traverse objects caught by write barrier and by 'remarkupvals' */
	work -= g->GCmemtrav;  /* restart counting */
	/* at this point, all strongly accessible objects are marked. */
	/* clear values from weak tables, before checking finalizers */
	clearvalues(g, g->weak, NULL);
	clearvalues(g, g->allweak, NULL);
	origweak = g->weak; origall = g->allweak;
	work += g->GCmemtrav;  /* stop counting (objects being finalized) */
	separatetobefnz(L, 0);  /* separate objects to be finalized */
	markbeingfnz(g);  /* mark objects that will be finalized */
	propagateall(g);  /* remark, to propagate `preserveness' */
	work -= g->GCmemtrav;  /* restart counting */
	/* at this point, all resurrected objects are marked. */
	/* remove dead objects from weak tables */
	clearkeys(g, g->ephemeron, NULL);  /* clear keys from all ephemeron tables */
	clearkeys(g, g->allweak, NULL);  /* clear keys from all allweak tables */
	/* clear values from resurrected weak tables */
	clearvalues(g, g->weak, origweak);
	clearvalues(g, g->allweak, origall);
	g->currentwhite = cast_byte(otherwhite(g));  /* flip current white */
	work += g->GCmemtrav;  /* complete counting */
	return work;  /* estimate of memory marked by 'atomic' */
Beispiel #8
int os_inputopen(usbdevice* kb){
    // The IO service isn't always ready at startup, so if it's not, wait until it is
    IOReturn res;
    while((res = open_iohid(&kb->event)) != kIOReturnSuccess){
        if(res != kIOReturnNotOpen){
            // If this is a more serious error, at least print a warning
            ckb_err("Unable to open HID system: 0x%08x\n", res);
    return 0;