Beispiel #1
 * --------------------------------------------
 * Copy next token to the token buffer.
 * Do not advance the token pointer.
 * Return:
 *	Token Length
 * Side effects:
 *	set eof to <> 0 for EOF condition.
 * -------------------------------------------------------
int cli_look_next_token(int *eof)
	int tok_len;
	char *old_tp;

	if (((char *) NULL == cli_lex_in_ptr->tp) || (!strlen(cli_lex_in_ptr->tp)))

	old_tp = cli_lex_in_ptr->tp;
	tok_len = cli_gettoken(eof);
	cli_lex_in_ptr->tp = old_tp;

Beispiel #2
int gtm_main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
#ifdef __osf__
# pragma pointer_size (restore)
	char			*ptr, *eq, **p;
	int             	eof, parse_ret;
	int			gtmcrypt_errno;
	int			status;
	char			tlsid_env_name[MAX_TLSID_LEN * 2];
#	endif

	gtmenvp = envp;
	gtm_dist_ok_to_use = TRUE;
	GTMTRIG_DBG_ONLY(ch_at_trigger_init = &mdb_condition_handler);
	UNICODE_ONLY(gtm_strToTitle_ptr = &gtm_strToTitle);
	GTM_ICU_INIT_IF_NEEDED;	/* Note: should be invoked after err_init (since it may error out) and before CLI parsing */
	cli_lex_setup(argc, argv);
	/* put the arguments into buffer, then clean up the token buffer
	 * cli_gettoken() copies all arguments except the first one argv[0]
	 * into the buffer (cli_lex_in_ptr->in_str).
	 * i.e. command line: "/usr/library/V990/mumps -run somefile"
	 * the buffer cli_lex_in_ptr->in_str == "-run somefile"
	if (1 < argc)
	/* cli_gettoken() extracts the first token into cli_token_buf (in tok_extract())
	 * which should be done in parse_cmd(), So, reset the token buffer here to make
	 * parse_cmd() starts from the first token
	cli_token_buf[0] = '\0';
	/* insert the "MUMPS " in the parsing buffer the buffer is now:
	 * cli_lex_in_ptr->in_str == "MUMPS -run somefile"
	 * we didnot change argv[0]
	ptr = cli_lex_in_ptr->in_str;
	memmove(strlen("MUMPS ") + ptr, ptr, strlen(ptr) + 1);	/* BYPASSOK */
	/* reset the argument buffer pointer, it's changed in cli_gettoken() call above
	 * do NOT reset to 0(NULL) to avoid fetching cmd line args into buffer again
	 * cli_lex_in_ptr->tp is the pointer to indicate current position in the buffer
	 * cli_lex_in_ptr->in_str
	cli_lex_in_ptr->tp = cli_lex_in_ptr->in_str;
	parse_ret = parse_cmd();
	if (parse_ret && (EOF != parse_ret))
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) parse_ret, 2, LEN_AND_STR(cli_err_str));
	if (cli_present("DIRECT_MODE"))
		invocation_mode = MUMPS_DIRECT;
	else if (cli_present("RUN"))
		invocation_mode = MUMPS_RUN;
	/* this should be after cli_lex_setup() due to S390 A/E conversion in cli_lex_setup   */
#	ifdef GTM_TLS
	if (MUMPS_COMPILE != invocation_mode)
		if ((NULL != (ptr = (char *)getenv(GTM_PASSWD_ENV))) && (0 == strlen(ptr)))
			INIT_PROC_ENCRYPTION(NULL, gtmcrypt_errno);
			if (0 != gtmcrypt_errno)
				assert((ERR_CRYPTDLNOOPEN == gtmcrypt_errno) || (ERR_CRYPTINIT == gtmcrypt_errno));
				if (ERR_CRYPTDLNOOPEN == gtmcrypt_errno)
					gtmcrypt_errno = ERR_CRYPTDLNOOPEN2;
				else if (ERR_CRYPTINIT == gtmcrypt_errno)
					gtmcrypt_errno = ERR_CRYPTINIT2;
				gtmcrypt_errno = SET_CRYPTERR_MASK(gtmcrypt_errno);
		/* The below logic is for prefetching the password for TLS identifiers that may have been set in the environment.
		 * But, since SSL support for Socket devices is not yet implemented, this logic need not be enabled as of this
		 * writing. When SSL support for socket devices is implemented, the surrounding #ifdef can be removed.
		if (NULL != getenv("gtmcrypt_config"))
		{	/* Environment is configured for SSL/TLS (and/or encryption). Check if any environment variable of the form
			 * `gtmtls_passwd_*' is set to NULL string. If so, nudge the SSL/TLS library to read password(s) from the
			 * user.
			for (p = envp; *p; p++)
				ptr = *p;
				{	/* At least one environment variable of $gtmtls_passwd_* is found. */
					eq = strchr(ptr, '=');
					if (0 != strlen(eq + 1))
						break; /* Set to non-empty string. No need to initialize the library now. */
					/* Set to empty string. */
					if (NULL == tls_ctx)
						if (SS_NORMAL != (status = gtm_tls_loadlibrary()))
							rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_TLSDLLNOOPEN, 0,
									ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_STR(dl_err));
						if (NULL == (tls_ctx = gtm_tls_init(GTM_TLS_API_VERSION,
							rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_TLSINIT, 0,
									ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_STR(gtm_tls_get_error()));
					assert(NULL != tls_ctx);
					assert((MAX_TLSID_LEN * 2) > (int)(eq - ptr));
					memcpy(tlsid_env_name, ptr, (int)(eq - ptr));
					tlsid_env_name[(int)(eq - ptr)] = '\0';
					gtm_tls_prefetch_passwd(tls_ctx, tlsid_env_name);
#		endif
#	endif
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
 * -----------------------------------------------------------
 * Parse one command.
 * Get tokens from the input stream.
 * See if the first token is a command name, as it should be,
 * and if it is, check if optional arguments that follow,
 * are legal, and if they are, get their values and
 * save them in a value table, corresponding to this
 * option.
 * If any of these conditions are not met, parse error occures.
 * Return:
 *	0 - command parsed OK
 *	EOF - end of file
 *	<> - failure to parse command
 * -----------------------------------------------------------
int parse_cmd(void)
	int 	res, cmd_ind;
	char 	*cmd_str;
	int 	opt_cnt;
	int 	eof, cmd_err;

	opt_cnt = 0;
	gpqual_root = NULL;
	func = 0;
	cmd_err = 0;
	TREF(parms_cnt) = 0;			/* Parameters count */
	*cli_err_str = 0;

	cmd_str = cli_token_buf;
	/* ------------------------
	 * If no more tokens exist
	 * ------------------------
	if (0 == cli_gettoken(&eof))
		if (eof)
			return (EOF);
		return (0);
	/* ------------------------------
	 * Find command in command table
	 * ------------------------------
	if (-1 != (cmd_ind = find_verb(cmd_str)))
		gpcmd_qual = cmd_ary[cmd_ind].parms;
		gpcmd_parm_vals = cmd_ary[cmd_ind].parm_values;
		gpcmd_verb = &cmd_ary[cmd_ind];
		if (gpcmd_qual)
			clear_parm_vals(gpcmd_qual, TRUE);
		func = cmd_ary[cmd_ind].func;
		/* ----------------------
		 * Parse command options
		 * ----------------------
			res = parse_arg(gpcmd_qual, &eof);
			if (1 == res)
		} while (1 == res);
	} else
		SNPRINTF(cli_err_str, MAX_CLI_ERR_STR, "Unrecognized command: %s", cmd_str);
		cli_lex_in_ptr->tp = 0;
		res = -1;
	if ((1 > opt_cnt) && (-1 != res) && (VAL_REQ == cmd_ary[cmd_ind].required))
		SNPRINTF(cli_err_str, MAX_CLI_ERR_STR, "Command argument expected, but not found");
		res = -1;
	 * Check that the disallow conditions are met (to allow)
	if ((-1 != res) && (FALSE == check_disallow(gpcmd_verb)))
		res = -1;
	/* -------------------------------------
	 * If parse error, display error string
	 * -------------------------------------
	if (-1 == res)
		func = 0;
		eof = 0;
		return (0);
	/* -------------------------
	 * If gettoken returned EOF
	 * -------------------------
	if (eof)
		return (EOF);
		return (ERR_CLIERR);
Beispiel #4
bool cli_get_parm(char *entry, char val_buf[])
	char		*sp;
	int		ind;
	int		match_ind, res;
	char		local_str[MAX_LINE];
	int		eof;
	char		*gets_res;
	int		parm_len;

	ind = 0;
	assert(0 != gpcmd_parm_vals);
	STRNCPY_STR(local_str, entry, SIZEOF(local_str) - 1);
	match_ind = -1;
	while (0 < strlen(sp = (gpcmd_parm_vals + ind)->name)) /* implicit assignment intended */
		if (0 == (res = STRNCMP_STR(sp, local_str, MAX_OPT_LEN))) /* implicit assignment intended */
			if (-1 != match_ind)
				return (FALSE);
				match_ind = ind;
		} else
			if (0 < res)
	if (-1 != match_ind)
		if (NULL == TAREF1(parm_ary, match_ind))
			if (!((gpcmd_parm_vals + match_ind)->parm_required)) /* Value not required */
				return FALSE;
			/* If no value and required, prompt for it */
			PRINTF("%s", (gpcmd_parm_vals + match_ind)->prompt);
			gets_res = cli_fgets(local_str, MAX_LINE, stdin, FALSE);
			if (gets_res)
				parm_len = STRLEN(gets_res);
				/* chop off newline */
				if (parm_len && (local_str[parm_len - 1] == '\n'))
					local_str[parm_len - 1] = '\0';
				TAREF1(parm_str_len, match_ind) = parm_len + 1;
				if (parm_len)
					memcpy(TAREF1(parm_ary, match_ind), &local_str[0], parm_len);
				*(TAREF1(parm_ary, match_ind) + parm_len) = '\0';
			} else
			{	/* No string was returned so create a real ghost to point to.
				   Note that this should be revisited since this is NOT what should
				   be happening. We should be returning FALSE here but need to instead
				   return a null parm since current behaviors have a dependency on it
				   SE 10/2003
				TAREF1(parm_str_len, match_ind) = 1;
				*TAREF1(parm_ary, match_ind) = '\0';
		} else if (-1 == *TAREF1(parm_ary, match_ind) && 1 == TAREF1(parm_str_len, match_ind))
			return (FALSE);
		strcpy(val_buf, TAREF1(parm_ary, match_ind));
		if (!cli_look_next_token(&eof) || (0 == cli_gettoken(&eof)))
			TAREF1(parm_str_len, match_ind) = 1;
			*TAREF1(parm_ary, match_ind) = -1;
		} else
			parm_len = STRLEN(cli_token_buf) + 1;
			if (MAX_LINE < parm_len)
				PRINTF("Parameter string too long\n");
				return (FALSE);
			TAREF1(parm_str_len, match_ind) = parm_len;
			memcpy(TAREF1(parm_ary, match_ind), cli_token_buf, parm_len);
	} else
		/* -----------------
		 * check qualifiers
		 * -----------------
		if (!cli_get_value(local_str, val_buf))
			return (FALSE);
	return (TRUE);
Beispiel #5
 * ---------------------------------------------------------
 * Parse one option.
 * Read tokens from the input.
 * Check if it is a valid qualifier or parameter.
 * If it is a parameter, get it, and save it in the
 * global parameter array.
 * If it is a qualifier, get its value and save it in a value table,
 * corresponding to this option.
 * Arguments:
 *	pcmd_parms	- pointer to command parameter table
 *	eof		- pointer to end of file flag
 * Return:
 *	1 - option parsed OK
 *	-1 - failure to parse option
 *	0 - no more tokens, in which case
 *		the eof flag is set on end of file.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------
int 	parse_arg(CLI_ENTRY *pcmd_parms, int *eof)
	CLI_ENTRY 	*pparm;
	char 		*opt_str, *val_str;
	int 		neg_flg;

	/* -----------------------------------------
	 * get qualifier marker, or parameter token
	 * -----------------------------------------
	if (VAL_LIST == gpcmd_verb->val_type && TREF(parms_cnt) == gpcmd_verb->max_parms)
		return (0);
	if (!cli_look_next_token(eof))
		return (0);
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * here cli_token_buf is set by the previous cli_look_next_token(eof)
	 * call itself since it in turn calls cli_gettoken()
	 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
	if (!cli_is_qualif(cli_token_buf) && !cli_is_assign(cli_token_buf))
	{	/* ----------------------------------------------------
		 * If token is not a qualifier, it must be a parameter
		 * No need to check for eof on cli_get_string_token(eof) since
		 * already checked that on the previous cli_look_next_token.
		 * now you have to skip initial white spaces before reading
		 * the string since cli_get_string_token considers a space
		 * as a blank token. hence the need for the skip_white_space()
		 * call.
		 * ------------------------------------------------------------
		if (TREF(parms_cnt) >= gpcmd_verb->max_parms)
			SNPRINTF(cli_err_str, MAX_CLI_ERR_STR, "Too many parameters ");
			return (-1);
		TAREF1(parm_str_len, TREF(parms_cnt)) = strlen(cli_token_buf) + 1;
		memcpy(TAREF1(parm_ary, TREF(parms_cnt)), cli_token_buf, TAREF1(parm_str_len, TREF(parms_cnt)));
		return (1);
	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * cli_gettoken(eof) need not be checked for return value since earlier
	 * itself we have checked for return value in cli_look_next_token(eof)
	 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	opt_str = cli_token_buf;
	if (!pcmd_parms)
		SNPRINTF(cli_err_str, MAX_CLI_ERR_STR, "No qualifiers allowed for this command");
		return (-1);
	/* ------------------------------------------
	 * Qualifiers must start with qualifier token
	 * ------------------------------------------
	if (!cli_is_qualif(cli_token_buf))
		SNPRINTF(cli_err_str, MAX_CLI_ERR_STR, "Qualifier expected instead of : %s ", opt_str);
		return (-1);
	/* -------------------------
	 * Get the qualifier string
	 * -------------------------
	if (!cli_look_next_token(eof) || 0 == cli_gettoken(eof))
		SNPRINTF(cli_err_str, MAX_CLI_ERR_STR, "Qualifier string missing %s ", opt_str);
		return (-1);
	/* ---------------------------------------
	 * Fold the qualifier string to upper case
	 * ---------------------------------------
	/* -------------------------
	 * See if option is negated and update
	 * -------------------------
	if (-1 == (neg_flg = cli_check_negated(&opt_str, pcmd_parms, &pparm)))
		return (-1);
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------
	 * If value is disallowed for this qualifier, and an assignment
	 * token is encounter, report error, values not allowed for
	 * negated qualifiers
	 * -------------------------------------------------------------
	if (neg_flg || VAL_DISALLOWED == pparm->required)
		if (cli_look_next_token(eof) && cli_is_assign(cli_token_buf))
			SNPRINTF(cli_err_str, MAX_CLI_ERR_STR,
			  "Assignment is not allowed for this option : %s",
			return (-1);
	} else
	{	/* --------------------------------------------------
		 * Get Value either optional, or required.
		 * In either case, there must be an assignment token
		 * --------------------------------------------------
		if (!cli_look_next_token(eof) || !cli_is_assign(cli_token_buf))
	    		if (VAL_REQ == pparm->required)
				SNPRINTF(cli_err_str, MAX_CLI_ERR_STR, "Option : %s needs value", pparm->name);
				return (-1);
			} else
				if (pparm->present)
					/* The option was specified before, so clean up that one,
					 * the last one overrides
					if (pparm->pval_str)
					if (pparm->qual_vals)
						clear_parm_vals(pparm->qual_vals, FALSE);

				/* -------------------------------
				 * Allocate memory and save value
				 * -------------------------------
				if (pparm->parm_values)
					MALLOC_CPY_STR(pparm->pval_str, pparm->parm_values->prompt);
					if (!cli_get_sub_quals(pparm))
						return (-1);
		} else
			/* ---------------------------------
			 * Get the assignment token + value
			 * ---------------------------------
			if (!cli_is_assign(cli_token_buf))
				SNPRINTF(cli_err_str, MAX_CLI_ERR_STR, "Assignment missing after option : %s", pparm->name);
				return (-1);
			/* --------------------------------------------------------
			 * get the value token, "=" is NOT a token terminator here
			 * --------------------------------------------------------
			if (!cli_look_next_string_token(eof) || 0 == cli_get_string_token(eof))
				SNPRINTF(cli_err_str, MAX_CLI_ERR_STR, "Unrecognized option : %s, value expected but not found",
				cli_lex_in_ptr->tp = 0;
				return (-1);
			val_str = cli_token_buf;
			if (!cli_numeric_check(pparm, val_str))
				cli_lex_in_ptr->tp = 0;
				return (-1);
			if (pparm->present)
			{	/* The option was specified before, so clean up that one,
				 * the last one overrides
				if (pparm->pval_str)
				if (pparm->qual_vals)
					clear_parm_vals(pparm->qual_vals, FALSE);
			/* -------------------------------
			 * Allocate memory and save value
			 * -------------------------------
			MALLOC_CPY_STR(pparm->pval_str, cli_token_buf);
			if (!cli_get_sub_quals(pparm))
				return (-1);
	if (pparm->present)
		pparm->negated = 0;
	pparm->negated = neg_flg;
	pparm->present = 1;
	if (NULL != pparm->func)
		func = pparm->func;
	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * If there is another level, update global pointers
	 * Notice that this global pointer updation should be done only at the end of this routine in order to ensure that the
	 * 	check_disallow() function invoked below sees the currently parsed argument as present (i.e. pparm->present = 1)
	 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	if (pparm->parms)
	{	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		 * Check that the disallow conditions for this level are met before switching to next level
		if (FALSE == check_disallow(gpcmd_verb))
			return (-1);
		gpqual_root = pparm;
		clear_parm_vals(pparm->parms, TRUE);
		gpcmd_qual = pparm->parms;
		gpcmd_verb = pparm;	/* this needs to be done in order for check_disallow() to do the proper disallow check.
					 * an example that will not work otherwise is cli_disallow_mupip_replic_receive() */
	return (1);