Beispiel #1
/** Based on the parameters it receives, this function creates a new entry
 * in the connections list. All the memory allocation is done here.
 * Client is inserted at the head of the list.
 * @param ip IP address
 * @param mac MAC address
 * @param token Token
 * @return Pointer to the client we just created
t_client *
client_list_add(const char *ip, const char *mac, const char *token)
    t_client *curclient;

    curclient = client_get_new();

    curclient->ip = safe_strdup(ip);
    curclient->mac = safe_strdup(mac);
    curclient->token = safe_strdup(token);
    curclient->counters.incoming_delta = curclient->counters.outgoing_delta = 
            curclient->counters.incoming = curclient->counters.incoming_history = curclient->counters.outgoing =
        curclient->counters.outgoing_history = 0;
    curclient->counters.last_updated = time(NULL);


    debug(LOG_INFO, "Added a new client to linked list: IP: %s Token: %s", ip, token);

    return curclient;
/* @internal
 * @brief During gateway restart, connects to the parent process via the internal socket
 * Downloads from it the active client list
    int sock;
    struct sockaddr_un sa_un;
    s_config *config = NULL;
    char linebuffer[MAX_BUF];
    int len = 0;
    char *running1 = NULL;
    char *running2 = NULL;
    char *token1 = NULL;
    char *token2 = NULL;
    char onechar;
    char *command = NULL;
    char *key = NULL;
    char *value = NULL;
    t_client *client = NULL;

    config = config_get_config();

    debug(LOG_INFO, "Connecting to parent to download clients");

    /* Connect to socket */
    sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    /* XXX An attempt to quieten coverity warning about the subsequent connect call:
     * Coverity says: "sock is apssed to parameter that cannot be negative"
     * Although connect expects a signed int, coverity probably tells us that it shouldn't
     * be negative */
    if (sock < 0) {
        debug(LOG_ERR, "Could not open socket (%s) - client list not downloaded", strerror(errno));
    memset(&sa_un, 0, sizeof(sa_un));
    sa_un.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
    strncpy(sa_un.sun_path, config->internal_sock, (sizeof(sa_un.sun_path) - 1));

    if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa_un, strlen(sa_un.sun_path) + sizeof(sa_un.sun_family))) {
        debug(LOG_ERR, "Failed to connect to parent (%s) - client list not downloaded", strerror(errno));

    debug(LOG_INFO, "Connected to parent.  Downloading clients");


    command = NULL;
    memset(linebuffer, 0, sizeof(linebuffer));
    len = 0;
    client = NULL;
    /* Get line by line */
    while (read(sock, &onechar, 1) == 1) {
        if (onechar == '\n') {
            /* End of line */
            onechar = '\0';
        linebuffer[len++] = onechar;

        if (!onechar) {
            /* We have a complete entry in linebuffer - parse it */
            debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Received from parent: [%s]", linebuffer);
            running1 = linebuffer;
            while ((token1 = strsep(&running1, "|")) != NULL) {
                if (!command) {
                    /* The first token is the command */
                    command = token1;
                } else {
                    /* Token1 has something like "foo=bar" */
                    running2 = token1;
                    key = value = NULL;
                    while ((token2 = strsep(&running2, "=")) != NULL) {
                        if (!key) {
                            key = token2;
                        } else if (!value) {
                            value = token2;

                if (strcmp(command, "CLIENT") == 0) {
                    /* This line has info about a client in the client list */
                    if (NULL == client) {
                        /* Create a new client struct */
                        client = client_get_new();

                /* XXX client check to shut up clang... */
                if (key && value && client) {
                    if (strcmp(command, "CLIENT") == 0) {
                        /* Assign the key into the appropriate slot in the connection structure */
                        if (strcmp(key, "ip") == 0) {
                            client->ip = safe_strdup(value);
                        } else if (strcmp(key, "mac") == 0) {
                            client->mac = safe_strdup(value);
                        } else if (strcmp(key, "token") == 0) {
                            client->token = safe_strdup(value);
                        } else if (strcmp(key, "fw_connection_state") == 0) {
                            client->fw_connection_state = atoi(value);
                        } else if (strcmp(key, "fd") == 0) {
                            client->fd = atoi(value);
                        } else if (strcmp(key, "counters_incoming") == 0) {
                            client->counters.incoming_history = (unsigned long long)atoll(value);
                            client->counters.incoming = client->counters.incoming_history;
                        } else if (strcmp(key, "counters_outgoing") == 0) {
                            client->counters.outgoing_history = (unsigned long long)atoll(value);
                            client->counters.outgoing = client->counters.outgoing_history;
                        } else if (strcmp(key, "counters_last_updated") == 0) {
                            client->counters.last_updated = atol(value);
                        } else {
                            debug(LOG_NOTICE, "I don't know how to inherit key [%s] value [%s] from parent", key,

            /* End of parsing this command */
            if (client) {

            /* Clean up */
            command = NULL;
            memset(linebuffer, 0, sizeof(linebuffer));
            len = 0;
            client = NULL;

    debug(LOG_INFO, "Client list downloaded successfully from parent");
