Beispiel #1
		void Frustum<NumericT>::build_frustrum_from_matrix (const Matrix<4, 4, NumericT> & m)
			// The constructor used for Plane will normalize its elements automatically

			// Left   (m3 + m0)
			_planes[LEFT] = convert_plane_from_matrix_eqn(, 0), 0),, 1), 1),, 2), 2), (, 3), 3)));

			// Right  (m3 - m0)
			_planes[RIGHT] = convert_plane_from_matrix_eqn(, 0), 0),, 1), 1),, 2), 2), (, 3), 3)));

			// Top    (m3 - m1)
			_planes[TOP] = convert_plane_from_matrix_eqn(, 0), 0),, 1), 1),, 2), 2), (, 3), 3)));

			// Bottom (m3 + m1)
			_planes[BOTTOM] = convert_plane_from_matrix_eqn(, 0), 0),, 1), 1),, 2), 2), (, 3), 3)));

			// Near
			_planes[NEAR] = convert_plane_from_matrix_eqn(, 0),, 1),, 2),, 3));

			// Far    (m3 - m2)
			_planes[FAR] = convert_plane_from_matrix_eqn(, 0), 0),, 1), 1),, 2), 2), (, 3), 3)));

			// Calculate object-space points for box coordinates:
			AlignedBox<3, NumericT> clip_box(-1, 1);
			Vec3u k(2);

			auto inverse_view_matrix = inverse(m);
			for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) {
				_corners[i] = inverse_view_matrix * clip_box.corner(k.distribute(i));

			_near_center = inverse_view_matrix * Vec3T(0, 0, 1);
			_far_center = inverse_view_matrix * Vec3T(0, 0, -1);
Beispiel #2
source_t *nearest_source(node_t *tree, double x, double y) {
    source_t *nearest = NULL;
    double dist;
    box_t interest;

    dist = dblmin(tree->box.xmax - tree->box.xmin, tree->box.ymax - tree->box.ymin) / 100.0;
    interest.xmin = x - dist;
    interest.ymin = y - dist;
    interest.xmax = x + dist;
    interest.ymax = y + dist;
    clip_box(&interest, &tree->box);
    dist = dist * dist;

    if (debug) {
        printf("nearest_source: \n");
        printf("  target (%0.2f, %0.2f)\n", x, y);
        printf("  interest (%0.4f, %0.4f) (%0.4f, %0.4f)\n", 
                interest.xmin, interest.ymin, interest.xmax, interest.ymax);

    nearer_source(tree, tree, x, y, &interest, &nearest, &dist);

    if (debug)

    return nearest;
Beispiel #3
bridge_canvas_rep::my_typeset (int desired_status) {
  canvas_properties props= get_canvas_properties (env, st);

  SI delta= 0;
  string type= props->type;
  if (type != "plain") {
    SI hpad= props->hpadding;
    SI w   = props->bar_width;
    SI pad = props->bar_padding;
    SI bor = props->border;
    if (ends (type, "w") || ends (type, "e"))
      delta= max (0, w + pad);
    delta += 2 * bor + 2 * hpad;
  SI l= env->get_length (PAR_LEFT);
  SI r= env->get_length (PAR_RIGHT) + delta;
  with= tuple (PAR_LEFT, tree (TMLEN, as_string (0))) *
        tuple (PAR_RIGHT, tree (TMLEN, as_string (l + r)));

  box b = typeset_ornament (desired_status);

  SI x1, y1, x2, y2, scx, scy;
  get_canvas_horizontal (props, b->x1, b->x2, x1, x2, scx);
  get_canvas_vertical (props, b->y1, b->y2, y1, y2, scy);
  path dip= (type == "plain"? ip: decorate (ip));
  box cb= clip_box (dip, b, x1, y1, x2, y2, props->xt, props->yt, scx, scy);
  if (type != "plain") cb= put_scroll_bars (props, cb, ip, b, scx, scy);
  insert_ornament (cb);
  //insert_ornament (remember_box (decorate (ip), cb));
Beispiel #4
/* Look for the nearest source to the target
node         -- Place that we're searching
target       -- source we're looking for
interest     -- the area of interest
nearest      -- the current nearest match
dist         -- distance to current nearest match */
static void nearer_source(node_t *tree, node_t *node, double tx, double ty, box_t *interest, source_t **nearest, double *dist) {
    source_t *s;
    double s_dist;

    if (debug) {
        printf("nearer_source: (%0.4f, %0.4f) (%0.4f, %0.4f)\n", 
               node->box.xmin, node->box.ymin, node->box.xmax, node->box.ymax);

    // Check if the node interesects with the area of interest
    if (intersecting(&node->box, interest)) {
        // If the node has no children run through the compares
        if (node->q1 == NULL) {
            if (debug)
                printf("  intersection with leaf\n");
            for (s = (source_t *)node->contents.first; s != NULL; s = (source_t *)s-> {
                s_dist = norm2(s->x, s->y, tx, ty);
                if (debug)
                    printf("  comparing (%0.2f, %0.2f) dist %0.4f", s->x, s->y, s_dist);
                if (s_dist < *dist) {
                    *nearest = s;
                    *dist = s_dist;

                    s_dist = sqrt(s_dist);  // actual distance
                    interest->xmin = tx - s_dist;
                    interest->ymin = ty - s_dist;
                    interest->xmax = tx + s_dist;
                    interest->ymax = ty + s_dist;
                    clip_box(interest, &tree->box);

                    if (debug) {
                        printf("  -- new nearest: dist %0.4f box (%0.4f, %0.4f) (%0.4f, %0.4f)",
                            s_dist, interest->xmin, interest->ymin, interest->xmax, interest->ymax);
                if (debug)
        } else {
            if (debug)
                printf("  intersection, checking children\n");
            // If the node has children, recurse through the
            // tree by calling nearer_source on each of the children
            nearer_source(tree, node->q1, tx, ty, interest, nearest, dist);
            nearer_source(tree, node->q2, tx, ty, interest, nearest, dist);
            nearer_source(tree, node->q3, tx, ty, interest, nearest, dist);
            nearer_source(tree, node->q4, tx, ty, interest, nearest, dist);
    } else {
        if (debug)
            printf("  no intersection\n");
Beispiel #5
void GrPatternFilledBox(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,GrPattern *p)
	int width,height;

	width  = x2 - x1 + 1;
	height = y2 - y1 + 1;
	x1 += CURC->gc_xoffset;
	y1 += CURC->gc_yoffset;
	    while(--height >= 0) _GrFillPattern(x1,y1++,width,p);
	else {
	    void (*bltfun)(GrFrame*,int,int,GrFrame*,int,int,int,int,GrColor);
	    int pwdt = p->gp_pxp_width;
	    int phgt = p->gp_pxp_height;
            int xoff = x1 % pwdt;
            int ypos = y1;
	    int yoff = ypos % phgt;
	    if (CURC->gc_onscreen) bltfun = CURC->gc_driver->bltr2v;
	    else                   bltfun = CURC->gc_driver->bitblt;
	    while(height > 0) {
		int fillh   = min(height,(phgt - yoff));
		int linewdt = width;
                int xpos    = x1;
		int xcuroff = xoff;
		while(linewdt > 0) {
		    int fillw = min(linewdt,(pwdt - xcuroff));
		    linewdt -= fillw;
		    xpos += fillw;
		    xcuroff = 0;
		height -= fillh;
		ypos += fillh;
		yoff = 0;