Beispiel #1
void close_all_windows(void)
Beispiel #2
// Called from the editor... does one instance of the trigger dialog box
int do_trigger_dialog()
	int i;
	trigger_dialog *t;

	if (!Markedsegp) {
		editor_status("Trigger requires Marked Segment & Side.");
		return 0;

	// Only open 1 instance of this window...
	if ( MainWindow != NULL ) return 0;
	MALLOC(t, trigger_dialog, 1);
	if (!t)
		return 0;

	// Close other windows.	

	// Open a window with a quit button
	MainWindow = ui_create_dialog( TMAPBOX_X+20, TMAPBOX_Y+20, 765-TMAPBOX_X, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, DF_DIALOG, (int (*)(UI_DIALOG *, d_event *, void *))trigger_dialog_handler, t );

	// These are the checkboxes for each door flag.
	i = 44;
	t->triggerFlag[0] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Door Control" );  	i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[1] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Shield damage" ); 	i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[2] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Energy drain" );		i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[3] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Exit" );					i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[4] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "One-shot" );			i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[5] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Illusion ON" );		i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[6] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Illusion OFF" );		i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[7] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Trigger ON" );			i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[8] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Matcen Trigger" ); 	i+=22;
	t->triggerFlag[9] = ui_add_gadget_checkbox( MainWindow, 22, i, 16, 16, 0, "Secret Exit" ); 		i+=22;

	t->quitButton = ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, 20, i, 48, 40, "Done", NULL );
	// The little box the wall will appear in.
	t->wallViewBox = ui_add_gadget_userbox( MainWindow, 155, 5, 64, 64 );

	// A bunch of buttons...
	i = 80;
//	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Add Door Control", add_trigger_control ); i += 29;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Remove Trigger", trigger_remove ); i += 29;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Bind Wall", bind_wall_to_trigger ); i += 29;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Bind Matcen", bind_matcen_to_trigger ); i += 29;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "All Triggers ON", trigger_turn_all_ON ); i += 29;

	t->old_trigger_num = -2;		// Set to some dummy value so everything works ok on the first frame.

	return 1;
Beispiel #3
void do_centers_window()
	int i;
//	int robot_flags;
	int redraw_window;

	if ( MainWindow == NULL ) return;

	// Call the ui code..
	ui_button_any_drawn = 0;

	// If we change walls, we need to reset the ui code for all
	// of the checkboxes that control the wall flags.  
	if (old_seg_num != Cursegp-Segments) {
		for (	i=0; i < MAX_CENTER_TYPES; i++ ) {
			CenterFlag[i]->flag = 0;		// Tells ui that this button isn't checked
			CenterFlag[i]->status = 1;		// Tells ui to redraw button

		Assert(Cursegp->special < MAX_CENTER_TYPES);
		CenterFlag[Cursegp->special]->flag = 1;

		mprintf((0, "Cursegp->matcen_num = %i\n", Cursegp->matcen_num));

		//	Read materialization center robot bit flags
		for (	i=0; i < N_robot_types; i++ ) {
			RobotMatFlag[i]->status = 1;		// Tells ui to redraw button
			if (RobotCenters[Cursegp->matcen_num].robot_flags & (1 << i))
				RobotMatFlag[i]->flag = 1;		// Tells ui that this button is checked
				RobotMatFlag[i]->flag = 0;		// Tells ui that this button is not checked


	// If any of the radio buttons that control the mode are set, then
	// update the corresponding center.

	for (	i=0; i < MAX_CENTER_TYPES; i++ )	{
		if ( CenterFlag[i]->flag == 1 )
			if ( i == 0)
			else if ( Cursegp->special != i ) {
				redraw_window = 1;
				fuelcen_activate( Cursegp, i );

	for (	i=0; i < N_robot_types; i++ )	{
		if ( RobotMatFlag[i]->flag == 1 ) {
			if (!(RobotCenters[Cursegp->matcen_num].robot_flags & (1<<i) )) {
				RobotCenters[Cursegp->matcen_num].robot_flags |= (1<<i);
				mprintf((0,"Segment %i, matcen = %i, Robot_flags %d\n", Cursegp-Segments, Cursegp->matcen_num, RobotCenters[Cursegp->matcen_num].robot_flags));
		} else if (RobotCenters[Cursegp->matcen_num].robot_flags & 1<<i) {
			RobotCenters[Cursegp->matcen_num].robot_flags &= ~(1<<i);
			mprintf((0,"Segment %i, matcen = %i, Robot_flags %d\n", Cursegp-Segments, Cursegp->matcen_num, RobotCenters[Cursegp->matcen_num].robot_flags));
	// If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that
	// identifies this wall.
	if (redraw_window || (old_seg_num != Cursegp-Segments ) ) {
//		int	i;
//		char	temp_text[CENTER_STRING_LENGTH];
		ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 6, "Seg: %3d", Cursegp-Segments );

//		for (i=0; i<CENTER_STRING_LENGTH; i++)
//			temp_text[i] = ' ';
//		temp_text[i] = 0;

//		Assert(Cursegp->special < MAX_CENTER_TYPES);
//		strncpy(temp_text, Center_names[Cursegp->special], strlen(Center_names[Cursegp->special]));
//		ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: %s", temp_text );
		Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED;

	if ( QuitButton->pressed || (last_keypress==KEY_ESC) )	{

	old_seg_num = Cursegp-Segments;