static void sig_segv_handler(int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *secret) { ucontext_t *uc = (ucontext_t *)secret; int fd, trace_size = 0; void *trace[100]; struct sigaction sa; NOT_USED(info); xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "\n\n=== XCUBE BUG REPORT START: Cut & paste starting from here ===\n" " xcb-dp2 crashed by signal: %d\n--- STACK TRACE", sig); close_logger(); if ((fd = open("/var/log/xcb/xcb-dp2.log", O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644)) == -1) return; trace_size = backtrace(trace, 100); #ifdef __x86_64__ trace[1] = (void *)uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[16]; #endif backtrace_symbols_fd(trace, trace_size, fd); write(fd, "\n=== XCUBE BUG REPORT END. Make sure to include from START to END. ===\n\n", 72); close(fd); sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER | SA_ONSTACK | SA_RESETHAND; sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sigaction(sig, &sa, NULL); kill(getpid(), sig); }
/* FIXME */ static int prepare_for_shutdown(void) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "User requested shutdown..."); if (udpsock != -1) close(udpsock); if (tcpsock != -1) close(tcpsock); xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "xcb-dp2 is now ready to exit, bye bye..."); close_logger(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; ret = init_logger("./logtest", 0); if (ret) { printf("log initialization failed\n"); return -1; } pthread_t tid; printf("creating child threads\n"); pthread_create(&tid, NULL, logmsg, (void *)0); pthread_create(&tid, NULL, logmsg, (void *)1); pthread_create(&tid, NULL, logmsg, (void *)2); sleep(10); close_logger(3); }
/** Cleanup and destroy the Server */ static inline void cleanup(wr_svr_t *server) { LOG_FUNCTION // Delete 'webroar.sock' file remove(WR_TMP_SOCK_FILE); // Stop event loop ev_unloop(server->ebb_svr.loop, EVUNLOOP_ALL); // Destroy the Server structure wr_svr_free(server); // Delete '' file remove(WR_PID_FILE); LOG_INFO("Shutting down network server. No more request can be served"); // Destroy logger object close_logger(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Logger* general_logger = malloc(sizeof(Logger)); init_logger(general_logger, LOG_TYPE_FILE, "test.log"); general_logger->warning(general_logger, "start", ""); close_logger(general_logger); int ret = -1; // read conf // todo /* read opt */ //todo init(); int myerrno = 0; char* errmsg = (char *)malloc(1024); memset(errmsg, 0, 1024); create_server("8989", &myerrno, errmsg); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void stagealign(int fcnum, int lane_num, int initialize) { short unsigned int *testimage; short unsigned int *baseimage; FILE *baseimgfp; FILE *offsetfp; /* used to dump score matrix to file when debugging */ FILE *score_matrixfp; /* Maestro declarations */ int m_sock; /* socket for the Maestro controller */ char config_value[255]; char logfilename[255]; char offsetfilename[255]; char stagealign_baseimgfilename[255]; char acqcfgpath[255]; /* Used to send commands and receive responses from Maestro */ char command[255]; char response[255]; int response_length; /* Image acquisition settings, populated from config file */ int stagealign_integration_inmsec; int stagealign_gain; int stagealign_well; int stagealign_wells_per_fc; /* Values used for conversion between pixels and stage units */ int stagealign_optical_mag; int ccd_pixel_size; double pixelsize_at_stage; /* size of a pixel at the stage in microns */ /* Hold offsets found by alignment in pixels and stageunits */ int pixel_offset_x, pixel_offset_y; double stageunit_offset_x, stageunit_offset_y; int lane_index; /* Holds previous offsets from controller in case the alignment doesn't work */ int curr_offset_x, curr_offset_y; /* Holds encoder resolutions from controller, used for calculating distance of move */ double encoder_res_X, encoder_res_Y; /* 'score' of best alignment */ int score; /* Largest pixel offset allowable _after_ the adjustment has been made */ /* if there is still a shift larger than this, conclude something is wrong */ /* and go back to the previous offset */ int successful_move_threshold = 150; /*RCT was = 12*/ int i; /* in debugging mode, dump internal data to files */ #ifdef DEBUG_STAGEALIGN FILE *imgfp; sprintf(command, "%s/stagealign-image%d_%d.raw", output_directory, fcnum, lane_num); imgfp = fopen(command, "w"); sprintf(command, "%s/stagealign-scorematrix%d_%d", output_directory, fcnum, lane_num); score_matrixfp = fopen(command, "w"); #endif p_log_simple("awesome2\n"); /* Open config file */ strcpy(acqcfgpath, getenv("POLONATOR_PATH")); strcat(acqcfgpath, "/config_files/polonator-acq.cfg"); config_open(acqcfgpath); p_log_simple("awesome1\n"); /* Initialize variables */ if(!config_getvalue("stagealign_logfilename", config_value)){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR:\tPolonator-stagealign: config_getval(key logfilename) returned no value\n"); exit(0); } p_log_simple("awesome0\n"); strcpy(logfilename, log_dir); strcat(logfilename, "/"); strcat(logfilename, config_value); sprintf(command, "%d", fcnum); strcat(logfilename, command); strcat(logfilename, ".log"); p_log_simple(logfilename); start_logger(logfilename, 1); strcpy(offsetfilename, log_dir); strcat(offsetfilename, "/"); strcat(offsetfilename, config_value); strcat(offsetfilename, command); strcat(offsetfilename, ".offsetlog"); fprintf(stdout, offsetfilename); fflush(stdout); /* if this is being run in 'initialize mode' -- the first scan of a run -- overwrite the offset logfile */ p_log_simple("awesome66\n"); if(initialize){ offsetfp = fopen(offsetfilename, "w"); } else{ offsetfp = fopen(offsetfilename, "a"); } p_log_simple("awesome00\n"); if(!config_getvalue("stagealign_baseimgfilename", config_value)){ p_log("ERROR:\tPolonator-stagealign: config_getval(key stagealign_baseimgfilename) returned no value"); exit(0); } sprintf(stagealign_baseimgfilename, "%s/%s%s_%d.raw", output_directory, config_value, command, lane_num); p_log_simple("awesome01\n"); if(!config_getvalue("stagealign_integration_inmsec", config_value)){ p_log("ERROR:\tPolonator-stagealign: config_getval(key stagealign_integration_inmsec) returned no value"); exit(0); } stagealign_integration_inmsec = atoi(config_value); p_log_simple("awesome02\n"); if(!config_getvalue("stagealign_gain", config_value)){ p_log("ERROR:\tPolonator-stagealign: config_getval(key stagealign_gain) returned no value"); exit(0); } stagealign_gain = atoi(config_value); p_log_simple("awesome03\n"); if(!config_getvalue("stagealign_optical_mag", config_value)){ p_log("ERROR:\tPolonator-stagealign: config_getval(key stagealign_optical_mag) returned no value"); exit(0); } stagealign_optical_mag = atoi(config_value); p_log_simple("awesome04\n"); if(!config_getvalue("stagealign_ccd_pixel_size", config_value)){ p_log("ERROR:\tPolonator-stagealign: config_getval(key stagealign_ccd_pixel_size) returned no value"); exit(0); } ccd_pixel_size = atoi(config_value); p_log_simple("awesome05\n"); if(!config_getvalue("stagealign_wells_per_fc", config_value)){ p_log("ERROR:\tPolonator-stagealign: config_getval(key stagealign_wells_per_fc) returned no value"); exit(0); } stagealign_wells_per_fc = atoi(config_value); config_close(); p_log_simple("awesome06\n"); stagealign_well = lane_num; lane_index = (fcnum * stagealign_wells_per_fc) + stagealign_well; baseimage = (short unsigned int*)malloc(1000000 * sizeof(short unsigned int)); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // MAESTRO SETUP /*/ p_log_simple("STATUS:\tPolonator-stagealign: Opening connection to Maestro..."); maestro_open(&m_sock); /* //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CAMERA SETUP /*/ p_log_simple("STATUS:\tPolonator-stagealign: Opening camera handle..."); py_cameraInit(0); /* use non-TDI config file */ py_set_gain(stagealign_gain); py_setupSnap(); /* setup capture software to wait for images from camera */ /* //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*p_log("STATUS:\tPolonator-stagealign: Darkfield illuminator on..."); rolony*/ /*maestro_darkfield_on(m_sock); p_log("STATUS:\tPolonator-stagealign: Select darkfield filter block..."); rolony*/ maestro_setcolor(m_sock, "cy5"); /* IF INITIALIZING, RESET OFFSETS */ if(initialize){ p_log_simple("INITIALIZING STAGEALIGN"); sprintf(command, "PolonatorScan.OFFSET_X[%d]=0\n\r", lane_index); p_log_simple(command); send(m_sock, command, strlen(command), 0); maestro_readresponse(m_sock, response, &response_length); p_log_simple(response); sprintf(command, "PolonatorScan.OFFSET_Y[%d]=0\n\r", lane_index); p_log_simple(command); send(m_sock, command, strlen(command), 0); maestro_readresponse(m_sock, response, &response_length); p_log_simple(response); } /* GET OFFSETS IN CASE ALIGNMENT FAILS */ else{ p_log_simple("Storing current offsets..."); sprintf(command, "PolonatorScan.OFFSET_X[%d]\n\r", lane_index); p_log_simple(command); send(m_sock, command, strlen(command), 0); maestro_readresponse(m_sock, response, &response_length); p_log_simple(response); curr_offset_x = atoi(response); sprintf(command, "PolonatorScan.OFFSET_Y[%d]\n\r", lane_index); p_log_simple(command); send(m_sock, command, strlen(command), 0); maestro_readresponse(m_sock, response, &response_length); p_log_simple(response); curr_offset_y = atoi(response); } /* MOVE STAGE TO ORIGIN */ maestro_gotostagealign_position(m_sock, fcnum, lane_num); p_log_simple("awesome fool00\n"); /* ACQUIRE IMAGE */ p_log("STATUS:\tPolonator-stagealign: Acquire image..."); maestro_snap(m_sock, stagealign_integration_inmsec, 1); /*rolony*/ while(!py_snapReceived()){;} testimage = py_getSnapImage(); /* IF INITIALIZING, RE-WRITE THE BASE IMAGE; THE OFFSET FOUND SHOULD BE ZERO */ p_log_simple(stagealign_baseimgfilename); if(initialize){ baseimgfp = fopen(stagealign_baseimgfilename, "w"); fwrite(testimage, 1000000, sizeof(short unsigned int), baseimgfp); fclose(baseimgfp); } p_log_simple("awesome fool01\n"); #ifdef DEBUG_STAGEALIGN fwrite(testimage, 1000000, sizeof(short unsigned int), imgfp); #endif /* LOAD BASE IMAGE */ p_log("STATUS:\tPolonator-stagealign: Load base image and determine offset..."); baseimgfp = fopen(stagealign_baseimgfilename, "r"); fread(baseimage, 1000000, sizeof(short unsigned int), baseimgfp); fclose(baseimgfp); p_log("STATUS:\tPolonator-stagealign: Load base image and determine offset2..."); /* DETERMINE OFFSETS */ register_image(baseimage, testimage, &pixel_offset_x, &pixel_offset_y, &score, score_matrixfp); sprintf(log_string, "STATUS:\tPolonator-stagealign: Found pixel offsets X:%d, Y:%d, score:%d", pixel_offset_x, pixel_offset_y, score); p_log(log_string); /* LOAD ENCODER RESOLUTIONS FOR CONVERSION BELOW; THESE ARE STORED ON */ /* THE CONTROLLER AS COUNTS PER MILLIMETER */ p_log("Retrieving encoder resolutions..."); sprintf(command, "PolonatorScan.cENCODER_X_RESOLUTION\n\r"); p_log(command); send(m_sock, command, strlen(command), 0); maestro_readresponse(m_sock, response, &response_length); p_log(response); encoder_res_X = atof(response); sprintf(command, "PolonatorScan.cENCODER_Y_RESOLUTION\n\r"); p_log(command); send(m_sock, command, strlen(command), 0); maestro_readresponse(m_sock, response, &response_length); p_log(response); encoder_res_Y = atof(response); /* CONVERT FROM PIXELS TO STAGE UNITS */ /* CALCULATE PIXEL SIZE IN MILLIMTERS AT THE STAGE BASED */ /* ON THE MAGNIFICATION AND THE CCD PIXEL SIZE */ pixelsize_at_stage = ((double)ccd_pixel_size / (double)stagealign_optical_mag) / 1000; stageunit_offset_x = (double)pixel_offset_x * pixelsize_at_stage * encoder_res_X * -1; stageunit_offset_y = (double)pixel_offset_y * pixelsize_at_stage * encoder_res_Y * -1; /* SET NEW OFFSETS ON CONTROLLER USING VALUES */ /* CALCULATED ABOVE */ sprintf(command, "PolonatorScan.OFFSET_X[%d]\n\r", lane_index); send(m_sock, command, strlen(command), 0); maestro_readresponse(m_sock, response, &response_length); fprintf(offsetfp, "%d\t%d\t", fcnum, stagealign_well); fprintf(offsetfp, "%d\t", atoi(response)); sprintf(command, "PolonatorScan.OFFSET_Y[%d]\n\r", lane_index); send(m_sock, command, strlen(command), 0); maestro_readresponse(m_sock, response, &response_length); fprintf(offsetfp, "%d\t", atoi(response)); fprintf(offsetfp, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t", (int)stageunit_offset_x, (int)stageunit_offset_y, pixel_offset_x, pixel_offset_y); /* ISSUE COMMANDS TO ADJUST STAGE COORDS */ p_log("STATUS:\tPolonator-stagealign: Set offset variables on Maestro..."); sprintf(command, "PolonatorScan.OFFSET_X[%d]=PolonatorScan.OFFSET_X[%d]+%d\n\r", lane_index, lane_index, (int)stageunit_offset_x); p_log(command); send(m_sock, command, strlen(command), 0); maestro_readresponse(m_sock, response, &response_length); p_log(response); sprintf(command, "PolonatorScan.OFFSET_Y[%d]=PolonatorScan.OFFSET_Y[%d]+%d\n\r", lane_index, lane_index, (int)stageunit_offset_y); p_log(command); send(m_sock, command, strlen(command), 0); maestro_readresponse(m_sock, response, &response_length); p_log(response); /* MOVE, THEN ACQUIRE ANOTHER IMAGE TO VERIFY OFFSET WORKED */ /* maestro_gotostagealign_position(m_sock, fcnum, lane_num); maestro_snap(m_sock, stagealign_integration_inmsec, 0); while(!py_snapReceived()){;} testimage = py_getSnapImage(); */ #ifdef DEBUG_STAGEALIGN fwrite(testimage, 1000000, sizeof(short unsigned int), imgfp); fclose(imgfp); #endif /* DETERMINE OFFSET TO CONFIRM */ /* p_log("STATUS:\tPolonator-stagealign: Re-compute alignment to verify move..."); register_image(baseimage, testimage, &pixel_offset_x, &pixel_offset_y, &score, score_matrixfp); sprintf(log_string, "STATUS:\tPolonator-stagealign: Found pixel offsets X:%d, Y:%d, score:%d", pixel_offset_x, pixel_offset_y, score); p_log(log_string); fprintf(offsetfp, "%d\t%d", pixel_offset_x, pixel_offset_y); */ /* DID THE MOVE WORK? */ if(((abs(pixel_offset_x)>successful_move_threshold) || (abs(pixel_offset_y)>successful_move_threshold)) && (!initialize)) { sprintf(log_string, "ERROR:\tPolonator-stagealign: one or more offsets are greater that the %d-pixel maximum; X:%d, Y:%d", successful_move_threshold, pixel_offset_x, pixel_offset_y); p_log(log_string); fprintf(offsetfp, "*"); /* mark current line in offsetlog, since offsets found will not be the offsets stored on the controller */ sprintf(log_string, "Restoring previous offsets X:%d, Y:%d", curr_offset_x, curr_offset_y); sprintf(command, "PolonatorScan.OFFSET_X[%d]=%d\n\r", lane_index, curr_offset_x); p_log(command); send(m_sock, command, strlen(command), 0); maestro_readresponse(m_sock, response, &response_length); p_log(response); sprintf(command, "PolonatorScan.OFFSET_Y[%d]=%d\n\r", lane_index, curr_offset_y); p_log(command); send(m_sock, command, strlen(command), 0); maestro_readresponse(m_sock, response, &response_length); p_log(response); } /* EXIT */ #ifdef DEBUG_STAGEALIGN fclose(score_matrixfp); #endif fprintf(offsetfp, "\n"); fclose(offsetfp); /*maestro_darkfield_off(m_sock); rolony*/ py_cameraClose(); free(baseimage); close_logger(); p_log_simple("awesome fool02\n"); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ncmds, i; const char *tmp; pgm_error_t *pgm_err = NULL; /* FIXME */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); setup_signal_handlers(); cmds = table_new(cmpstr, hashmurmur2, NULL, NULL); ncmds = sizeof commands / sizeof (struct cmd); for (i = 0; i < ncmds; ++i) { struct cmd *cmd = commands + i; table_insert(cmds, cmd->name, cmd); } if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) usage(); else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help")) usage(); else if (argc == 3 && strcmp(argv[1], "-f")) usage(); if (argc == 2 && daemon(1, 0) == -1) fprintf(stderr, "Error daemonizing: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* FIXME */ if (init_logger("/var/log/xcb/xcb-dp2.log", __LOG_DEBUG) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing logger\n"); exit(1); } cfg_path = argc == 2 ? argv[1] : argv[2]; if ((cfg = config_load(cfg_path)) == NULL) exit(1); if ((tmp = variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "log_level"))) { if (!strcasecmp(tmp, "info")) set_logger_level(__LOG_INFO); else if (!strcasecmp(tmp, "notice")) set_logger_level(__LOG_NOTICE); else if (!strcasecmp(tmp, "warning")) set_logger_level(__LOG_WARNING); } /* FIXME */ if (addms) times = table_new(cmpstr, hashmurmur2, kfree, vfree); clients_to_close = dlist_new(NULL, NULL); clients = dlist_new(NULL, NULL); monitors = dlist_new(NULL, NULL); tp = thrpool_new(16, 512, 200, NULL); if (!pgm_init(&pgm_err)) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_ERROR, "Error starting PGM engine: %s", pgm_err->message); pgm_error_free(pgm_err); goto err; } /* FIXME */ if (NEW(pgm_send_cfg) == NULL) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_ERROR, "Error allocating memory for PGM cfg"); goto err; } pgm_send_cfg->network = NULL; pgm_send_cfg->port = 0; init_pgm_send_cfg(pgm_send_cfg); if (pgm_send_cfg->network == NULL) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_ERROR, "PGM network can't be NULL"); goto err; } if (pgm_send_cfg->port == 0) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_ERROR, "PGM port can't be zero"); goto err; } if ((pgm_sender = pgmsock_create(pgm_send_cfg->network, pgm_send_cfg->port, PGMSOCK_SENDER)) == NULL) goto err; /* FIXME */ if ((el = create_event_loop(1024 + 1000)) == NULL) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_ERROR, "Error creating event loop"); goto err; } create_time_event(el, 1, server_cron, NULL, NULL); if ((tmp = variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "udp_port")) && strcmp(tmp, "")) { if ((udpsock = net_udp_server(NULL, atoi(tmp), neterr, sizeof neterr)) == -1) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_ERROR, "Opening port '%s': %s", tmp, neterr); goto err; } if (net_nonblock(udpsock, neterr, sizeof neterr) == -1) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_ERROR, "Setting port '%s' nonblocking: %s", tmp, neterr); goto err; } } if ((tmp = variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "tcp_port")) && strcmp(tmp, "")) if ((tcpsock = net_tcp_server(NULL, atoi(tmp), neterr, sizeof neterr)) == -1) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_ERROR, "Opening port '%s': %s", tmp, neterr); goto err; } if (udpsock > 0 && create_file_event(el, udpsock, EVENT_READABLE, read_quote, NULL) == -1) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_ERROR, "Unrecoverable error creating udpsock '%d' file event", udpsock); goto err; } if (tcpsock > 0 && create_file_event(el, tcpsock, EVENT_READABLE, tcp_accept_handler, NULL) == -1) { xcb_log(XCB_LOG_ERROR, "Unrecoverable error creating tcpsock '%d' file event", tcpsock); goto err; } xcb_log(XCB_LOG_NOTICE, "Server dispatcher started"); start_event_loop(el, ALL_EVENTS); delete_event_loop(el); pgm_shutdown(); return 0; err: close_logger(); exit(1); }
static int server_cron(event_loop el, unsigned long id, void *data) { dlist_iter_t iter; dlist_node_t node; NOT_USED(el); NOT_USED(id); NOT_USED(data); if (log_reload) { close_logger(); if (init_logger("/var/log/xcb/xcb-dp2.log", __LOG_DEBUG) == 0) { const char *tmp; pthread_mutex_lock(&cfg_lock); if ((tmp = variable_retrieve(cfg, "general", "log_level"))) { if (!strcasecmp(tmp, "debug")) set_logger_level(__LOG_DEBUG); else if (!strcasecmp(tmp, "info")) set_logger_level(__LOG_INFO); else if (!strcasecmp(tmp, "notice")) set_logger_level(__LOG_NOTICE); else if (!strcasecmp(tmp, "warning")) set_logger_level(__LOG_WARNING); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&cfg_lock); log_reload = 0; } /* FIXME */ if (addms) table_clear(times); } if (shut_down) { if (prepare_for_shutdown() == 0) exit(0); xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "SIGTERM received, but errors trying to shutdown the server"); } /* FIXME */ iter = dlist_iter_new(clients_to_close, DLIST_START_HEAD); while ((node = dlist_next(iter))) { client c = (client)dlist_node_value(node); if (c->refcount == 0) client_free(c); } dlist_iter_free(&iter); /* FIXME */ if (cronloops % 200 == 0) { char meme[] = "SU OT GNOLEB ERA ESAB RUOY LLA"; int status; /* heartbeat */ dlist_lock(clients); if (dlist_length(clients) > 0) { dstr res = dstr_new("HEARTBEAT|"); dstr ip = getipv4(); res = dstr_cat(res, ip); res = dstr_cat(res, "\r\n"); iter = dlist_iter_new(clients, DLIST_START_HEAD); while ((node = dlist_next(iter))) { client c = (client)dlist_node_value(node); pthread_spin_lock(&c->lock); if (net_try_write(c->fd, res, dstr_length(res), 100, NET_NONBLOCK) == -1) xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "Writing to client '%p': %s", c, strerror(errno)); pthread_spin_unlock(&c->lock); } dlist_iter_free(&iter); dstr_free(ip); dstr_free(res); } dlist_unlock(clients); /* FIXME: trying to lower the high CPU load while idle */ if ((status = pgm_send(pgm_sender, meme, sizeof meme, NULL)) != PGM_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "Communication test failed"); } ++cronloops; return 100; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int status, scene, next_scene; char errmsg[128]; long elapsed_msec, wait_msec; struct timespec wait_time, left_time; struct timeval frame_start_time, frame_end_time; WINDOW *window; struct invaders_game game; struct logger error_logger; UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(argv); /* Initialize for ncurses library */ reset_logger(&error_logger, ERRORLOG_FILEPATH); status = 1; window = initscr(); if (ERR == wresize(window, CANVAS_SIZE_X, CANVAS_SIZE_Y)) { emit_log(&error_logger, "Failed to change the ncurses setting for window size"); goto cleanup; } if (ERR == keypad(window, true)) { emit_log(&error_logger, "Failed to change the ncurses setting for key input receiving"); goto cleanup; } if (ERR == noecho()) { emit_log(&error_logger, "Failed to change the ncurses setting for echoing setting"); goto cleanup; } curs_set(0); timeout(0); if (has_colors() && can_change_color()) { if (ERR == start_color()) { emit_log(&error_logger, "Failed to change the ncurses setting to set up coloring"); goto cleanup; } if ((ERR == init_pair(PLAYER_JET_COLOR_PAIR, PLAYER_JET_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK)) || (ERR == init_pair(PLAYER_BULLET_COLOR_PAIR, PLAYER_BULLET_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK)) || (ERR == init_pair(TOCHCA_COLOR_PAIR, TOCHCA_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK)) || (ERR == init_pair(COMMANDER_INVADER_COLOR_PAIR, COMMANDER_INVADER_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK)) || (ERR == init_pair(SENIOR_INVADER_COLOR_PAIR, SENIOR_INVADER_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK)) || (ERR == init_pair(YOUNG_INVADER_COLOR_PAIR, YOUNG_INVADER_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK)) || (ERR == init_pair(LOOKIE_INVADER_COLOR_PAIR, LOOKIE_INVADER_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK)) || (ERR == init_pair(INVADER_BULLET_COLOR_PAIR, INVADER_BULLET_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK)) || (ERR == init_pair(TITLE_COLOR_PAIR, TITLE_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK)) || (ERR == init_pair(EVENT_CAPTION_COLOR_PAIR, EVENT_CAPTION_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK)) || (ERR == init_pair(SCORE_COLOR_PAIR, SCORE_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK)) || (ERR == init_pair(CREDIT_COLOR_PAIR, CREDIT_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK)) || (ERR == init_pair(CANVAS_FRAME_COLOR_PAIR, CANVAS_FRAME_COLOR, COLOR_BLACK))) { emit_log(&error_logger, "Failed to change the ncurses setting to define color pair"); goto cleanup; } } /* Execute game loop */ scene = -1; next_scene = TITLE_SCENE; while (1) { /* Record the frame starting time */ if (0 != gettimeofday(&frame_start_time, NULL)) { emit_log(&error_logger, "Failed to get time of frame starting"); goto cleanup; } /* Change the next scene if needed */ if (scene != next_scene) { scene = next_scene; if (INGAME_SCENE == scene) { reset_game(&game); } } /* Update the objects */ if (TITLE_SCENE == scene) { update_game_on_title_scene(&next_scene); } else if (INGAME_SCENE == scene) { update_game_on_ingame_scene(&game, IDEAL_FRAME_TIME, &next_scene); } /* Render the objects */ erase(); if (TITLE_SCENE == scene) { draw_title_scene(); } else if (INGAME_SCENE == scene) { draw_ingame_scene(&game); } draw_canvas_frame(); refresh(); /* Adjust the frame interval */ if (0 != gettimeofday(&frame_end_time, NULL)) { emit_log(&error_logger, "Failed to get time of frame finished"); goto cleanup; } elapsed_msec = (frame_end_time.tv_sec - frame_start_time.tv_sec) * 1000L + (frame_end_time.tv_usec - frame_start_time.tv_usec) / 1000000L; wait_msec = IDEAL_FRAME_TIME - elapsed_msec; if (0L < wait_msec) { wait_time.tv_sec = 0; wait_time.tv_nsec = wait_msec * 1000000L; while (-1 == nanosleep(&wait_time, &left_time)) { if (EINTR == errno) { memcpy(&wait_time, &left_time, sizeof(struct timespec)); } else { if (0 == strerror_r(errno, errmsg, sizeof(errmsg))) { emit_log( &error_logger, "Failed to sleep until the end of frame: errmsg=%s, sleeping_msec=%ld", errmsg, wait_msec); } else { emit_log(&error_logger, "Failed to get error message: errno=%d", errno); } goto cleanup; } } } } status = 0; cleanup: endwin(); close_logger(&error_logger); return status; }
void close_db(struct db *db) { close_logger(db->w); close_reader(db->r); free_bag(db->bag); }