Beispiel #1
void openLCD(void) {
    LCD_DIR = 0xFF;              // configure LCD_DAT port for output
    cmd2LCD(0x28);               // set 4-bit data, 2-line display, 5x7 font
    cmd2LCD(0x0E);               // turn on display, cursor, not blinking
    cmd2LCD(0x06);               // move cursor right
    cmd2LCD(0x01);               // clear screen, move cursor to home
    delayms(2);                  // wait until "clear display" command is complete
void openLCD(void)
     LCD_DIR = 0xFF;       /* configure LCD_DAT port for output */
     cmd2LCD(0x28);        /* set 4-bit data, 2-line display, 5x7 font */
     cmd2LCD(0x0C);        /* turn on display, cursor, blinking */
     cmd2LCD(0x06);        /* move cursor right */
Beispiel #3
void main(void) {

    unsigned int i,b;
    unsigned long int n, q, k[3];
    char j=0;

    char *msg1,*msg2,*msg3,*msg4;   //messages to display

    msg1 = "Enter decimal:";
    msg2 = "Hex conversion:";
    msg3 = "Not valid input";
    msg4 = "Max range 65535";


    n = 0;                          //initialize to 0
    q = 5;                          //initialize to not 0

    openLCD();                      //turn LCD on
    cmd2LCD(0x01);                  //clear LCD
    delayms(10);                    //wait of LCD to clear
    putsLCD(msg1);                  //display first message
    cmd2LCD(0xC0);                  //go to second line

    while (1)

        i= getkey1();               //get key from keypad
        delayms(10);                //wait to ensure debounce

        if(i == 0x0A) {             //if i=A (enter key)
            goto dec2hex;             //convert decimal to hex
        else if (i > 0x0A) {        //if i not a valid input

            cmd2LCD(0x01);            //clear LCD
            delayms(10);              //wait for LCD to be cleared
            putsLCD(msg3);            //display third message
            exit();                   //exit program

        if((n*10+i) > 0xFFFF) {    //if n exceeds limit
            cmd2LCD(0x01);            //clear LCD
            delayms(10);              //wait for LCD to be cleared
            putsLCD(msg4);            //display message 4

        j= (char)i;                //turn i into char
        j=j+0x30;                  //convert hex to ASCII
        putcLCD(j);                //display ASCII to LCD

        n = n*10 +i;               //keep track of decimal value
        goto keyin;                //get another key


        cmd2LCD(0x01);              //clear LCD
        delayms(10);                //wait for LCD to clear
        putsLCD(msg2);              //display message 2
        cmd2LCD(0xC0);              //go to second line

        b = 0;                      //set b to 0
        while(q != 0) {             //while quotient is not 0
            q = n/16;               //quotient is equal to number/16
            k[b] = n%16;            //store remainder in array
            n /= 16;                //new number value
            b ++;

        while(b !=0) {             //display array values to LCD
            b --;                     //decrease b
            if(k[b] < 10) {           //if number add 0x30 for ASCII
                k[b] = k[b] + 0x30;
            } else {                  //if letter add 0x37 for ASCII
                k[b] = k[b] + 0x37;
            putcLCD((char)k[b]);      //display ASCII to LCD
