Beispiel #1
QString ATCommand::cmd()
    if (mParameters.count() > 0) {
        QString cmd = cmdString().left(cmdString().find("=") + 1);
//    kdDebug() << "--1-cmd: " << cmd << endl;
        for(uint i=0; i<mParameters.count(); ++i) {
            cmd +=>value();
            if (i < mParameters.count() - 1) cmd += ",";
//    kdDebug() << "--2-cmd: " << cmd << endl;
        return cmd;
    } else {
        return cmdString();
void CommandBuilder::BuildCommand(const wxString &cmdStringArg)
   wxString cmdString(cmdStringArg);

   // Find the command name terminator...  If there is more than one word and
   // no terminator, the command is badly formed
   cmdString.Trim(true); cmdString.Trim(false);
   int splitAt = cmdString.Find(wxT(':'));
   if (splitAt < 0 && cmdString.Find(wxT(' ')) >= 0) {
      mError = wxT("Command is missing ':'");
      mValid = false;

   wxString cmdName = cmdString.Left(splitAt);
   wxString cmdParams = cmdString.Mid(splitAt+1);
   if( splitAt < 0 )
      cmdParams = "";


   BuildCommand(cmdName, cmdParams);
Beispiel #3
void ATCommand::extractParameters()
//  kdDebug() << "Arg String: " << cmdString() << endl;

    int pos = cmdString().find("=");
    if (pos < 0) return;

    QString paraString = cmdString().mid(pos+1);
//  kdDebug() << "Para String: " << paraString << endl;
    QStringList paraList = QStringList::split(",",paraString);

    QStringList::ConstIterator it = paraList.begin();
    QStringList::ConstIterator end = paraList.end();
    int argNum = 1;
    while(it != end) {
        addParameter(new ATParameter(*it,i18n("Arg %1").arg(QString::number(argNum++)),
Beispiel #4
int console_blit_completion(ContextPtr env, char *cmd) {
    if(!cmd) return 0;

    ViewPortPtr screen = getSelectedScreen();
    if(!screen) {
        ::error("no screen currently selected");
        return 0;

    // Find completions
    BlitPtr exactBlit;
    LinkList<Blit> retList;
    LinkList<Blit> &list = screen->getBlitter()->getBlits();
    std::string cmdString(cmd);
    std::transform(cmdString.begin(), cmdString.end(), cmdString.begin(), ::tolower);
    std::copy_if(list.begin(), list.end(), retList.begin(), [&] (BlitPtr blit) {
                     std::string name = blit->getName();
                     std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::tolower);
                     if(name == cmdString) {
                         exactBlit = blit;
                     return == 0;

    if(retList.empty()) return 0;

    if(exactBlit != NULL) {
        snprintf(cmd, MAX_CMDLINE, "%s = ", exactBlit->getName().c_str());
        return 1;

    if(cmdString.empty()) {
        notice("List available blits");
    } else {
        notice("List available blits starting with \"%s\"", cmd);

    int c = 0;
    char tmp[256];
    std::for_each(retList.begin(), retList.end(), [&] (BlitPtr b) {
                      if(c % 4 == 0) {
                          if(c != 0) {
                              ::act("%s", tmp);
                          tmp[0] = '\0';
                      strncat(tmp, "\t", sizeof(tmp) - 1);
                      strncat(tmp, b->getName().c_str(), sizeof(tmp) - 1);
    return c;
Beispiel #5
int console_filter_completion(ContextPtr env, char *cmd) {
    if(!cmd) return 0;

    // Find completions
    FilterPtr exactFilter;
    LinkList<Filter> retList;
    LinkList<Filter> &list = env->getFilters();
    std::string cmdString(cmd);
    std::transform(cmdString.begin(), cmdString.end(), cmdString.begin(), ::tolower);
    std::copy_if(list.begin(), list.end(), retList.begin(), [&] (FilterPtr filter) {
                     std::string name = filter->getName();
                     std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::tolower);
                     if(name == cmdString) {
                         exactFilter = filter;
                     return == 0;

    if(retList.empty()) return 0;

    if(exactFilter != NULL) {
        ::notice("%s :: %s", exactFilter->getName().c_str(), exactFilter->getDescription().c_str());
        snprintf(cmd, MAX_CMDLINE, "%s", exactFilter->getName().c_str());
        return 1;

    if(cmdString.empty()) {
        notice("List available filters");
    } else {
        notice("List available filters with \"%s\"", cmd);

    int c = 0;
    char tmp[256];
    std::for_each(retList.begin(), retList.end(), [&] (FilterPtr f) {
                      if(c % 4 == 0) {
                          if(c != 0) {
                              ::act("%s", tmp);
                          tmp[0] = '\0';
                      strncat(tmp, "\t", sizeof(tmp) - 1);
                      strncat(tmp, f->getName().c_str(), sizeof(tmp) - 1);
    return c;
//-----  OnBnClickedBtNscopeColl()  -------------------------------------------
void CFormChunkMergeView::OnBnClickedBtNscopeColl()
	string	cmdString(Configuration::getInstance()->_pathNifSkope);

	if (!cmdString.empty())
		STARTUPINFO			startupInfo = {0};
		PROCESS_INFORMATION	processInfo = {0};
		stringstream		sStream;

		startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo);


		sStream << "\"" << cmdString << "\" \"" << CStringA(_fileNameColl).GetString() << "\"";
		CreateProcess(CString(cmdString.c_str()).GetString(), (LPWSTR) CString(sStream.str().c_str()).GetString(), NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, NULL, NULL, &startupInfo, &processInfo);
		AfxMessageBox(_T("You didn't specify the NifSkope\r\nexecuteable in options."), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
Beispiel #7
int console_filebrowse_completion(ContextPtr env, char *cmd) {
    LinkList<Entry> files;

    struct stat filestatus;
#if defined (HAVE_DARWIN) || defined (HAVE_FREEBSD)
    struct dirent **filelist;
    struct dirent **filelist;
    char path[MAX_CMDLINE];
    char needle[MAX_CMDLINE];
    bool incomplete = false;

    if(cmd[0] != '/') // path is relative: prefix our location
        snprintf(path, MAX_CMDLINE, "%s/%s", getenv("PWD"), cmd);
    else // path is absolute
        strncpy(path, cmd, MAX_CMDLINE);

    if(stat(path, &filestatus) < 0) {  // no file there?
        int c = 0;
        // parse backwards to the first '/' and zero it,
        // store the word of the right part in needle
        for(c = strlen(path); path[c] != '/' && c > 0; c--) ;
        strncpy(needle, &path[c + 1], MAX_CMDLINE);
        path[c + 1] = '\0';
        incomplete = true;

        if(stat(path, &filestatus) < 0) { // yet no valid file?
            error("error on file completion path %s: %s", path, strerror(errno));
            return 0;

    } else { // we have a file!

            return 1;  // is a regular file!

        // is it a directory? then append the trailing slash
        if(S_ISDIR(filestatus.st_mode)) {
            int c = strlen(path);
            if(path[c - 1] != '/') {
                path[c] = '/';
                path[c + 1] = '\0';

        strncpy(cmd, path, MAX_CMDLINE);

    func("file completion: %s", cmd);
    // at this point in path there should be something valid
    int found = scandir
                    (path, &filelist,
                    filebrowse_completion_selector, alphasort);

    if(found < 0) {
        error("filebrowse_completion: scandir: %s", strerror(errno));
        return 0;

    for(int c = found - 1; c > 0; c--) { // insert each entry found in a linklist
        EntryPtr e = MakeShared<Entry>(filelist[c]->d_name);

    int c = 0; // counter for entries found

    if(incomplete) {
        // list all files in directory *path starting with *needle
        // Find completions
        EntryPtr exactEntry;
        LinkList<Entry> retList;
        std::string cmdString(needle);
        std::transform(cmdString.begin(), cmdString.end(), cmdString.begin(), ::tolower);
        std::copy_if(files.begin(), files.end(), retList.begin(), [&] (EntryPtr entry) {
                         std::string name = entry->getName();
                         std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::tolower);
                         if(name == cmdString) {
                             exactEntry = entry;
                         return == 0;

        c = retList.size();
        if(exactEntry != NULL) {
            snprintf(cmd, MAX_CMDLINE, "%s%s", path, exactEntry->getName().c_str());
        } else {
            notice("list of %s* files in %s:", needle, path);
            std::for_each(retList.begin(), retList.end(), [&] (EntryPtr entry) {
                              ::act(" %s", entry->getName().c_str());
    } else {
        // list all entries
        notice("list of all files in %s:", path);
        std::for_each(files.begin(), files.end(), [&] (EntryPtr e) {
                          ::act("%s", e->getName().c_str());

Beispiel #8
int console_blit_param_completion(ContextPtr env, char *cmd) {
    ViewPortPtr screen = getSelectedScreen();
    if(!screen) {
        ::error("no screen currently selected");
        return 0;
    LayerPtr lay = getSelectedLayer();
    if(!lay) {
        ::error("no layer currently selected");
        return 0;

    BlitInstancePtr b = lay->getCurrentBlit();
    if(!b) {
        ::error("no blit selected on layer %s", lay->getName().c_str());
        return 0;

    // Find completions
    // Find completions
    ParameterInstancePtr exactParam;
    LinkList<ParameterInstance> retList;
    LinkList<ParameterInstance> &list = b->getParameters();
    std::string cmdString(cmd);
    std::transform(cmdString.begin(), cmdString.end(), cmdString.begin(), ::tolower);
    std::copy_if(list.begin(), list.end(), retList.begin(), [&] (ParameterInstancePtr param) {
                     std::string name = param->getName();
                     std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::tolower);
                     if(name == cmdString) {
                         exactParam = param;
                     return == 0;

    if(retList.empty()) return 0;

    if(exactParam != NULL) {
        snprintf(cmd, MAX_CMDLINE, "%s = ", exactParam->getName().c_str());
        return 1;

    if(cmdString.empty()) {
        notice("List available blit parameters");
    } else {
        notice("List available blit parameters starting with \"%s\"", cmd);

    int c = 0;
    std::for_each(retList.begin(), retList.end(), [&] (ParameterInstancePtr p) {
                      switch(p->getType()) {
                      case Parameter::BOOL:
                          ::act("(bool) %s = %s ::  %s", p->getName().c_str(),
                                (*(bool*)p->get() == true) ? "true" : "false",
                      case Parameter::NUMBER:
                          ::act("(number) %s = %.2f :: %s", p->getName().c_str(),
                      case Parameter::STRING:
                          ::act("(string) %s = %s :: %s", p->getName().c_str(), (char*)p->get(), p->getDescription().c_str());
                      case Parameter::POSITION: {
                          float *val = (float*)p->get();
                          ::act("(position) %s = %.2f x %.2f :: %s", p->getName().c_str(),
                                val[0], val[1],
                      case Parameter::COLOR:
                          ::act("%s (color) %s", p->getName().c_str(), p->getDescription().c_str());
                          ::error("%s (unknown) %s", p->getName().c_str(), p->getDescription().c_str());
    return c;