Beispiel #1
// Dump the contents of profile sequence in both tags (if v4 available)
cmsBool _cmsWriteProfileSequence(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, const cmsSEQ* seq)
    if (!cmsWriteTag(hProfile, cmsSigProfileSequenceDescTag, seq)) return FALSE;

    if (cmsGetProfileVersion(hProfile) >= 4.0) {

            if (!cmsWriteTag(hProfile, cmsSigProfileSequenceIdTag, seq)) return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
// Chain several profiles into a single LUT. It just checks the parameters and then calls the handler
// for the first intent in chain. The handler may be user-defined. Is up to the handler to deal with the
// rest of intents in chain. A maximum of 255 profiles at time are supported, which is pretty reasonable.
cmsPipeline* _cmsLinkProfiles(cmsContext     ContextID,
                              cmsUInt32Number nProfiles,
                              cmsUInt32Number TheIntents[],
                              cmsHPROFILE     hProfiles[],
                              cmsBool         BPC[],
                              cmsFloat64Number AdaptationStates[],
                              cmsUInt32Number dwFlags)
    cmsUInt32Number i;
    cmsIntentsList* Intent;

    // Make sure a reasonable number of profiles is provided
    if (nProfiles <= 0 || nProfiles > 255) {
         cmsSignalError(ContextID, cmsERROR_RANGE, "Couldn't link '%d' profiles", nProfiles);
        return NULL;

    for (i=0; i < nProfiles; i++) {

        // Check if black point is really needed or allowed. Note that
        // following Adobe's document:
        // BPC does not apply to devicelink profiles, nor to abs colorimetric,
        // and applies always on V4 perceptual and saturation.

        if (TheIntents[i] == INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC)
            BPC[i] = FALSE;

        if (TheIntents[i] == INTENT_PERCEPTUAL || TheIntents[i] == INTENT_SATURATION) {

            // Force BPC for V4 profiles in perceptual and saturation
            if (cmsGetProfileVersion(hProfiles[i]) >= 4.0)
                BPC[i] = TRUE;

    // Search for a handler. The first intent in the chain defines the handler. That would
    // prevent using multiple custom intents in a multiintent chain, but the behaviour of
    // this case would present some issues if the custom intent tries to do things like
    // preserve primaries. This solution is not perfect, but works well on most cases.

    Intent = SearchIntent(TheIntents[0]);
    if (Intent == NULL) {
        cmsSignalError(ContextID, cmsERROR_UNKNOWN_EXTENSION, "Unsupported intent '%d'", TheIntents[0]);
        return NULL;

    // Call the handler
    return Intent ->Link(ContextID, nProfiles, TheIntents, hProfiles, BPC, AdaptationStates, dwFlags);
bool LcmsColorProfileContainer::init()
    if (d->profile) {

    d->profile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem((void *)d->data->rawData().constData(), d->data->rawData().size());

#ifndef NDEBUG
    if (d->data->rawData().size() == 4096) {
        qWarning() << "Profile has a size of 4096, which is suspicious and indicates a possible misuse of QIODevice::read(int), check your code.";

    if (d->profile) {
        wchar_t buffer[_BUFFER_SIZE_];
        d->colorSpaceSignature = cmsGetColorSpace(d->profile);
        d->deviceClass = cmsGetDeviceClass(d->profile);
        cmsGetProfileInfo(d->profile, cmsInfoDescription, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, buffer, _BUFFER_SIZE_);
        d->name = QString::fromWCharArray(buffer);

        //apparantly this should give us a localised string??? Not sure about this.
        cmsGetProfileInfo(d->profile, cmsInfoModel, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, buffer, _BUFFER_SIZE_);
        d->productDescription = QString::fromWCharArray(buffer);

        cmsGetProfileInfo(d->profile, cmsInfoManufacturer, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, buffer, _BUFFER_SIZE_);
        d->manufacturer = QString::fromWCharArray(buffer);

        cmsGetProfileInfo(d->profile, cmsInfoCopyright, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, buffer, _BUFFER_SIZE_);
        d->copyright = QString::fromWCharArray(buffer);

        cmsProfileClassSignature profile_class;
        profile_class = cmsGetDeviceClass(d->profile);
        d->valid = (profile_class != cmsSigNamedColorClass);

        //This is where obtain the whitepoint, and convert it to the actual white point of the profile in the case a Chromatic adaption tag is
        //present. This is necessary for profiles following the v4 spec.
        cmsCIEXYZ baseMediaWhitePoint;//dummy to hold copy of mediawhitepoint if this is modified by chromatic adaption.
        if (cmsIsTag(d->profile, cmsSigMediaWhitePointTag)) {
            d->mediaWhitePoint = *((cmsCIEXYZ *)cmsReadTag(d->profile, cmsSigMediaWhitePointTag));
            baseMediaWhitePoint = d->mediaWhitePoint;
            cmsXYZ2xyY(&d->whitePoint, &d->mediaWhitePoint);

            if (cmsIsTag(d->profile, cmsSigChromaticAdaptationTag)) {
                //the chromatic adaption tag represent a matrix from the actual white point of the profile to D50.
                cmsCIEXYZ *CAM1 = (cmsCIEXYZ *)cmsReadTag(d->profile, cmsSigChromaticAdaptationTag);
                //We first put all our data into structures we can manipulate.
                double d3dummy [3] = {d->mediaWhitePoint.X, d->mediaWhitePoint.Y, d->mediaWhitePoint.Z};
                QGenericMatrix<1, 3, double> whitePointMatrix(d3dummy);
                QTransform invertDummy(CAM1[0].X, CAM1[0].Y, CAM1[0].Z, CAM1[1].X, CAM1[1].Y, CAM1[1].Z, CAM1[2].X, CAM1[2].Y, CAM1[2].Z);
                //we then abuse QTransform's invert function because it probably does matrix invertion 20 times better than I can program.
                //if the matrix is uninvertable, invertedDummy will be an identity matrix, which for us means that it won't give any noticeble
                //effect when we start multiplying.
                QTransform invertedDummy = invertDummy.inverted();
                //we then put the QTransform into a generic 3x3 matrix.
                double d9dummy [9] = {invertedDummy.m11(), invertedDummy.m12(), invertedDummy.m13(),
                                      invertedDummy.m21(), invertedDummy.m22(), invertedDummy.m23(),
                                      invertedDummy.m31(), invertedDummy.m32(), invertedDummy.m33()
                QGenericMatrix<3, 3, double> chromaticAdaptionMatrix(d9dummy);
                //multiplying our inverted adaption matrix with the whitepoint gives us the right whitepoint.
                QGenericMatrix<1, 3, double> result = chromaticAdaptionMatrix * whitePointMatrix;
                //and then we pour the matrix into the whitepoint variable. Generic matrix does row/column for indices even though it
                //uses column/row for initialising.
                d->mediaWhitePoint.X = result(0, 0);
                d->mediaWhitePoint.Y = result(1, 0);
                d->mediaWhitePoint.Z = result(2, 0);
                cmsXYZ2xyY(&d->whitePoint, &d->mediaWhitePoint);
        //This is for RGB profiles, but it only works for matrix profiles. Need to design it to work with non-matrix profiles.
        if (cmsIsTag(d->profile, cmsSigRedColorantTag)) {
            cmsCIEXYZTRIPLE tempColorants;
            tempColorants.Red = *((cmsCIEXYZ *)cmsReadTag(d->profile, cmsSigRedColorantTag));
            tempColorants.Green = *((cmsCIEXYZ *)cmsReadTag(d->profile, cmsSigGreenColorantTag));
            tempColorants.Blue = *((cmsCIEXYZ *)cmsReadTag(d->profile, cmsSigBlueColorantTag));
            //convert to d65, this is useless.
            cmsAdaptToIlluminant(&d->colorants.Red, &baseMediaWhitePoint, &d->mediaWhitePoint, &tempColorants.Red);
            cmsAdaptToIlluminant(&d->colorants.Green, &baseMediaWhitePoint, &d->mediaWhitePoint, &tempColorants.Green);
            cmsAdaptToIlluminant(&d->colorants.Blue, &baseMediaWhitePoint, &d->mediaWhitePoint, &tempColorants.Blue);
            //d->colorants = tempColorants;
            d->hasColorants = true;
        } else {
            //qDebug()<<d->name<<": has no colorants";
            d->hasColorants = false;
        //retrieve TRC.
        if (cmsIsTag(d->profile, cmsSigRedTRCTag) && cmsIsTag(d->profile, cmsSigBlueTRCTag) && cmsIsTag(d->profile, cmsSigGreenTRCTag)) {

            d->redTRC = ((cmsToneCurve *)cmsReadTag (d->profile, cmsSigRedTRCTag));
            d->greenTRC = ((cmsToneCurve *)cmsReadTag (d->profile, cmsSigGreenTRCTag));
            d->blueTRC = ((cmsToneCurve *)cmsReadTag (d->profile, cmsSigBlueTRCTag));
            d->redTRCReverse = cmsReverseToneCurve(d->redTRC);
            d->greenTRCReverse = cmsReverseToneCurve(d->greenTRC);
            d->blueTRCReverse = cmsReverseToneCurve(d->blueTRC);
            d->hasTRC = true;

        } else if (cmsIsTag(d->profile, cmsSigGrayTRCTag)) {
            d->grayTRC = ((cmsToneCurve *)cmsReadTag (d->profile, cmsSigGrayTRCTag));
            d->grayTRCReverse = cmsReverseToneCurve(d->grayTRC);
            d->hasTRC = true;
        } else {
            d->hasTRC = false;

        // Check if the profile can convert (something->this)
        d->suitableForOutput = cmsIsMatrixShaper(d->profile)
                               || (cmsIsCLUT(d->profile, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, LCMS_USED_AS_INPUT) &&
                                   cmsIsCLUT(d->profile, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, LCMS_USED_AS_OUTPUT));

        d->version = cmsGetProfileVersion(d->profile);
        d->defaultIntent = cmsGetHeaderRenderingIntent(d->profile);
        d->isMatrixShaper = cmsIsMatrixShaper(d->profile);
        d->isPerceptualCLUT = cmsIsCLUT(d->profile, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, LCMS_USED_AS_INPUT);
        d->isSaturationCLUT = cmsIsCLUT(d->profile, INTENT_SATURATION, LCMS_USED_AS_INPUT);
        d->isAbsoluteCLUT = cmsIsCLUT(d->profile, INTENT_SATURATION, LCMS_USED_AS_INPUT);

        return true;

    return false;