Beispiel #1
static pwr_tStatus AnteAdopt (
  ldh_tSesContext Session,
  pwr_tObjid Card,	      /* current card object */
  pwr_tClassId Class	      /* class of child to adopt */
) {
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  pwr_sClass_Do_HVDO32 RCard;
  pwr_sdClass_Do_HVDO32 DCard;
  pwr_tUInt32 MaxChan;
  pwr_tUInt32 Chan;
  int i;
  if (Class != pwr_cClass_ChanDo)
    return PWRB__CHANCLASS;

  sts = ldh_ReadObjectBody(Session, Card, "RtBody", &RCard, sizeof(RCard));
  if (EVEN(sts)) return sts;

  sts = ldh_ReadObjectBody(Session, Card, "DevBody", &DCard, sizeof(DCard));
  if (EVEN(sts)) return sts;

  MaxChan = co_min(32, RCard.MaxNoOfChannels);
  for (i = 0, Chan = 1; i < (int)MaxChan; i++, Chan <<= 1) {
    if ((DCard.ChannelAllocation & Chan) == 0)

  if (i >= (int)MaxChan)
    return PWRB__ALOCHAN;
    return LDH__ADOPTRENAME;
Beispiel #2
static pwr_tStatus PostUnadopt (
  ldh_tSesContext Session,
  pwr_tObjid Card,	      /* current card object */
  pwr_tObjid Channel,
  pwr_tClassId Class	      /* class of child to adopt */
) {
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  pwr_sClass_Do_HVDO32 RCard;
  pwr_sClass_ChanDo ChanDo;
  pwr_sdClass_Do_HVDO32 DCard;
  pwr_tUInt32 MaxChan;
  pwr_tUInt32 Chan;
  pwr_tString80 NewName;
  if (Class != pwr_cClass_ChanDo)
    return PWRB__SUCCESS;

  sts = ldh_ReadObjectBody(Session, Card, "RtBody", &RCard, sizeof(RCard));
  if (EVEN(sts)) return PWRB__SUCCESS;

  sts = ldh_ReadObjectBody(Session, Card, "DevBody", &DCard, sizeof(DCard));
  if (EVEN(sts)) return PWRB__SUCCESS;

  MaxChan = co_min(32, RCard.MaxNoOfChannels);

    get attributes of channel

    NOTE !
    this should be done by a method of the channel object,
    but is not implemented in this version of PROVIEW/R.

  switch (Class) {
  case pwr_cClass_ChanDo:
    sts = ldh_ReadObjectBody(Session, Channel, "RtBody", &ChanDo,
    if (EVEN(sts)) return PWRB__SUCCESS;

    Chan = ChanDo.Number;

  /* deallocate channel */
  if (Chan > MaxChan)
    return PWRB__SUCCESS;

  DCard.ChannelAllocation &= ~(1 << Chan);
  sts = ldh_SetObjectBody(Session, Card, "DevBody", (char *)&DCard, sizeof(DCard));
  if (EVEN(sts)) return PWRB__SUCCESS;

  sts = ldh_GetUniqueObjectName(Session, Channel, NewName);
  if (EVEN(sts)) return PWRB__SUCCESS;

  sts = ldh_SetObjectName(Session, Channel, NewName);
  if (EVEN(sts)) return PWRB__SUCCESS;

  return PWRB__SUCCESS;
 * @brief app_api function. Project advertising function. Setup advertise string.
 * @return void.
void app_adv_func(struct gapm_start_advertise_cmd *cmd)

//  Start advertising. Fill GAPM_START_ADVERTISE_CMD message

     //  Device Name Length
    uint8_t device_name_length;
    int8_t device_name_avail_space;
    uint8_t device_name_temp_buf[64];
    cmd->op.addr_src = GAPM_PUBLIC_ADDR;
    cmd->intv_min    = APP_ADV_INT_MIN;
    cmd->intv_max    = APP_ADV_INT_MAX;
    cmd->channel_map = APP_ADV_CHMAP;


     * Set the Advertising Data and the Scan Response Data
    cmd->       = APP_ADV_DATA_MAX_SIZE;
    // Advertising Data
    #if (NVDS_SUPPORT)
    if(nvds_get(NVDS_TAG_APP_BLE_ADV_DATA, &cmd->,
                &cmd->[0]) != NVDS_OK)
    #endif //(NVDS_SUPPORT)
        cmd-> = APP_ADV_DATA_LEN;
        memcpy(&cmd->[0], APP_ADV_DATA, cmd->;

    // Scan Response Data
    #if (NVDS_SUPPORT)
    if(nvds_get(NVDS_TAG_APP_BLE_SCAN_RESP_DATA, &cmd->,
                &cmd->[0]) != NVDS_OK)
    #endif //(NVDS_SUPPORT)
        cmd-> = APP_SCNRSP_DATA_LENGTH;
        memcpy(&cmd->[0], APP_SCNRSP_DATA, cmd->;

    // Get remaining space in the Advertising Data - 2 bytes are used for name length/flag
    device_name_avail_space = APP_ADV_DATA_MAX_SIZE - cmd-> - 2;

    // Check if data can be added to the Advertising data
    if (device_name_avail_space > 0)
        // Get the Device Name to add in the Advertising Data (Default one or NVDS one)
        #if (NVDS_SUPPORT)
        device_name_length = NVDS_LEN_DEVICE_NAME;
        if (nvds_get(NVDS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME, &device_name_length, &device_name_temp_buf[0]) != NVDS_OK)
        #endif //(NVDS_SUPPORT)
            // Get default Device Name (No name if not enough space)
            device_name_length = strlen(APP_DEVICE_NAME);
            memcpy(&device_name_temp_buf[0], APP_DEVICE_NAME, device_name_length);

        if(device_name_length > 0)
            // Check available space
            device_name_length = co_min(device_name_length, device_name_avail_space);

            // Fill Length
            cmd->[cmd->]     = device_name_length + 1;
            // Fill Device Name Flag
            cmd->[cmd-> + 1] = '\x09';
            // Copy device name
            memcpy(&cmd->[cmd-> + 2], device_name_temp_buf, device_name_length);

            // Update Advertising Data Length
            cmd-> += (device_name_length + 2);

#ifdef __DA14581__    
    if (cmd->op.code  == GAPM_ADV_UNDIRECT)
        arch_adv_int = calculate_arch_adv_time(cmd->,cmd->;
    else if (cmd->op.code  == GAPM_ADV_NON_CONN)
        arch_adv_int = 500;

Beispiel #4
static pwr_tStatus PostAdopt (
  ldh_tSesContext Session,
  pwr_tObjid Card,	      /* current card object */
  pwr_tObjid Channel,
  pwr_tClassId Class	      /* class of child to adopt */
) {
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  pwr_sClass_Do_HVDO32 RCard;
  pwr_sdClass_Do_HVDO32 DCard;
  pwr_sClass_ChanDo ChanDo;
  pwr_tUInt32 MaxChan;
  pwr_tUInt32 Chan;
  pwr_tString80 NewName;
  pwr_tString80 Description;
  pwr_tString80 Identity;
  pwr_tString80	DefName;
  pwr_sObject DefBody;
  pwr_tObjid DefObject;
  int i;
  if (Class != pwr_cClass_ChanDo)
    return PWRB__CHANCLASS;

  sts = ldh_ReadObjectBody(Session, Card, "RtBody", &RCard, sizeof(RCard));
  if (EVEN(sts)) return sts;

  sts = ldh_ReadObjectBody(Session, Card, "DevBody", &DCard, sizeof(DCard));
  if (EVEN(sts)) return sts;

  MaxChan = co_min(32, RCard.MaxNoOfChannels);
  for (i = 0, Chan = 1; i < (int)MaxChan; i++, Chan <<= 1) {
    if ((DCard.ChannelAllocation & Chan) == 0)

  if (i >= (int)MaxChan)
    return PWRB__ALOCHAN;

  /* allocate new channel */
  DCard.ChannelAllocation |= Chan;
  sts = ldh_SetObjectBody(Session, Card, "DevBody", (char *)&DCard, sizeof(DCard));
  if (EVEN(sts)) return sts;

    change attributes of channel

    NOTE !
    this should be done by a method of the channel object,
    but is not implemented in this version of PROVIEW/R.

  switch (Class) {
  case pwr_cClass_ChanDo:
    sts = ldh_ReadObjectBody(Session, Channel, "RtBody", &ChanDo,
    if (EVEN(sts)) return sts;
    if (ChanDo.Description[0] != '\0') {
      sprintf(Description, ChanDo.Description, i);
      if (strlen(Description) <= sizeof(ChanDo.Description) - 1) {
	strcpy(ChanDo.Description, Description);
    if (ChanDo.Identity[0] != '\0') {
      sprintf(Identity, ChanDo.Identity, i);
      if (strlen(Identity) <= sizeof(ChanDo.Identity) - 1) {
	strcpy(ChanDo.Identity, Identity);

    ChanDo.Number = i;
    sts = ldh_SetObjectBody(Session, Channel, "RtBody", (char *)&ChanDo, sizeof(ChanDo));
    strcpy(DefName, "pwrb:Class-ChanDo-Defaults");

  /* change name of channel */
  sts = ldh_NameToObjid(Session, &DefObject, DefName);
  if (EVEN(sts)) return PWRB__SUCCESS;
  sts = ldh_ReadObjectBody(Session, DefObject, "SysBody", &DefBody,
  if (DefBody.Name[0] != '\0') {
    sprintf(NewName, DefBody.Name, i+1);
    NewName[31] = '\0';
    sts = ldh_SetObjectName(Session, Channel, NewName);

  return PWRB__SUCCESS;